: r I PAGE FOUR. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX, PE.VDLETOS. OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER . fM. i V ', r I AS INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. l"ssllehed every afternoon (except Sunday) at Pendleton, Oregon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. nilly, one year, by mail $5.00 Mmuj, .is uiuuin., Dy mall lUy, turee montha, by mall 1.25 fiatly.one month, by mall 60 Weekly, one year, by mall i.iio Weekly, alx mouths, by mall 7fi Weekly, four montha, by mall 50 ttemi-Weekly, one year, by mall 2H eml-Weekly, all month, by mall... 1.00 MvaUr Weekly, three, montha, by mail.. .50 atatber Scrlppa McRae News Aaaoclatton. The East Oreaonlan Is on aale at II. 11 aktr. s Htunua at Hotel Portland and Betel Perkins, Portland, Oregon. aim FrancUro Itureau, 408 Fourth St. t'uiruffn llurenii, 100 Heruritv HuiltilUK. Washington, 1). C, Uureau, 501 14th St, Telephone Main 11. Catered at Pemlletou I'natnfflce as second class matter. Ef you l'arn to love the path you go by, to take each step the very best you know how, to think how Rightly the little bushes and grass by the way elde Is, never to fergit that the blue sky Is over your head, w'y, you've walked your path the way God meant you to. Grace McGowan Cooke, In Overland. other conditions for Irrigating large tracts of valuable land are favorable. In hopes of securing consideration of this feasible system of Irrigation, re liable statistics of the most vital na ture are to be collected. Farmers re ceiving one of the lists of questions are urged to answer fully and return promptly tothe secretary of the Coen merclal Association In this city. The government is anxious for such in formation, and It can only come from actual Irrigators. AX ESTIMATE OP NICHOLAS. Clyde Pennington, a former Uma tilla county boy, now sheriff of Union eamnty, Is doing something In the way T enforcing the laws, that all the aamblned city councils, mayors, con stables and prosecuting attorneys of Vaton county failed to do before. He aaas- quietly, but firmly closed gam Ming and enforced Sunday closing of saloons, and Is not making any cam paign bluster about it, either. He ttotnid the law on the statutes of Ore ajon and decided that It meant what tt said and began its enforcement. The malt is that there is not very much prohibition talk in Union county. An aged tramp, not able to walk any further and unfit for work, hanged himself near Halsey, Ore., the ther day, as a speedy and certain way out of a bad mess. Such a hap pening no longer stirs even a tem porary ruffle In the money-getting program of today. If anybody stop ped long enough to bury him decent ly ar Inquire Into his condition and Me, it was the coroner, who was paid tor the task, and even he dispatched the Job with the greatest possible aste. Selfishness, supreme, domln aung, maa ana unmindful of every thing else, rules the world today. The lliier sensibilities are deadened. In a saajority of minds, and only the mer cenary and debasing sentiments are rtrve. The great world lay all strand this man. He was one of the Weat family, one of the wheels of "man activity; yet the selfishness at his brothers and the Injustice of Utilized laws, denied a spot of earth an which he could lie down to rest In fence and honor. Active work of collecting the Uma tilla county exhibit for the Lewis and dirk fair Is now in progress. The ammendable public spirit of the aunty court in this matter, and the active co-operation of the Commer cial association, has assured a first eases exhibit of the various products aT this county. Space should be lo aded early, In order that a desirable ration may be secured, and prepa natlons made for a tastily arranged. typical Umatilla county exhibit. It win be worth while. Everybody Is rgently requested to co-operate with Mr. Forshaw, who is now in the field eaUectlng the exhibit. The 'perfec pan or the exhibit will depend, after all. on the Individual Interest of the attsens, for It will be Impossible for aa agent to see every man In the eaanty who has produced something Bailable tor exhibit The people of usaatllla county are Invited to send a to 8. H. Forshaw, at Pendleton, anything In the way of fruit, grain, or products that would be sulta ' tor exhibit, or drop'a card to him I he will call tor It This is one for Umatilla county to "spread elf." Pendleton Commercial Association aa sending out circulars to the practl and irrigator of Umatilla and Mor mm counties, asking tor reliable sta- on winter Irrigation. The rtlona Included In the list to be answered by the Irrigators are made a correspond to the wishes of the acclamation service on the subject, and the Information so gathered will ae compiled Into a report on winter Irrigation, to be submitted by the Co "nfcla River Basin Irrigation Asso natton to the reclamation service, narcugh John T. Whistler, in hopes fcUerestlng that service In the of winter Irrigation or the canal system. In many Biases rvolrs are Impossible, yet the In an article contributed to the November number of the Century Magazine, Andrew D. White, minister plenipotentiary of this country to St. Petersburg from 1892 to 1894, de livers himself of a scathing arraign ment of Russian bureaucratic gov ernment -and the weak and vacillat ing Czar at its head. After pnssing in review the several features of reactionary policy that characterize the despotism of the Czar's ministers, Mr. White fixes upon the oppression o( Finland as the most terrible example of the power of autocratic rule, and charges Nicholas himself with the responsi bility for the outrage. The policy of the ruling nobles In the realm, so forcefully exemplified by the ruthless treading down of the liberties of Russia's most progressive people, is due to an absolute lndl Ter ence to, even antagonism agaiast, all Influence of enlightened government, us White shows; but in the case of Nicholas this medievalism, set with equal stubbornness In his character, Is strengthened by an utter Indiffer ence to the needs of his people, a stolid ignorance of all conditions af fected by his rule. "He knows noth ing of his empire or of his people," writes White. "He never goes out of his house If he can help It." In the light of this intimate esti mate of Nicholas' character, It is now easier to understand why Gen. Stoes- sel is ordered to throw away every life In Port Arthur before surrender ing; why General Kutopatkln receives Imperative orders to advance against a superior foe at the beginning of a hard Manchurlnn winter; why the pitiably Inadequate Baltic fleet Is sent blundering to the east. Can Russia achieve any measure of her destiny under the hand of this big oted Incompetent? On March 3, 1897, when there was no steel trust, American steel rails were selling in this market for $18 to 20 a ton. Foreigners can still get them for that, but Americans have to pay 128 an increase of from 40 to 65 per cent. The trust has main tained the J28 rate for home cus tomers without variation since it was organized, representing a net in crease of profits of over 70,q00,0O0 above a normal amount for that time. Iron miners and steel mill operators are working for less wages today thin in 1897, the cost of manufactur ing rails has decreased because of Improved machinery, yet the trust has raised the price one-half. The companies using steel rails must charge more for freight rates and passenger fares In order to. pay the exactions of the steel trust, so the ul timate burden falls on the common people who pay all bills at the last. NIGHT. Come, Night, upon thy raven wings Plumed with their rich Imaginings, To fill my dreams and charm away The din and clamor of the day. Fling thy deep shadow over me Till by thy weird necromancy Thou hast dissolved this solid care And made it shapeless with the air. Come like some Bteallng shadow, flung From leafy branches overhung lu this oasis of the day Where for a little while I stray. Come with thy cup of dreams and be An angel ministering to me, As one who, weak from battling lies, Unconquered, but too worn to rise. The warrior. Dny, has harried me, A foeman pitiless Is he, Vet vanquished when, with pitying eye And palm of peace thou contest nigh. Come with thy velvet darkness. Night. Thy cloak of mall so soft and light Yet turning every missile sent From Care, us falls an arrow spent. Come with thy wealth of twinkling gems Of dreams, and on diadems Like jewels set In my bended knee Let me full down and worship thee. Come, Night, upon thy raven wings, Plumed with their rich Imaginings, And through the gathered darkness, keep The vigil of thy sister, Sleep. J. W. Foley in New York Times. IT BUILDS YOU UP, and KEEPS YOU UP. Liver Preparation Not a Patent Medicine. THK GAIT HHOW8 THE TEMPER. The woman who Jerks her head as she walks is not uncommon. nrt on close acquaintance you will find that she Is given to fickleness. She trifles a little too much with love, and Is Just the woman to miss a good hus band and be sorry afterward. The quiet man will never be happy with the woman who digs her heels Into the pavement and scurries along as If she were running a race. She Is business-like and most likely the woman to succeed in trade affairs, but her manner Is one of those simple things that worry the quiet man to death. The girl who cannot walk without "kipping is a very cheerful girl, and enjoys life with much the same gusto as the girl with an elastic step, who tips onto her toes at every stride. But perhaps the girl we like most Is the girl with the brisk, musical walk, who loves to peep for a moment Into shop window and then walk briskly on, and who goes through life with the fixed resolve of getting the most pleasure out of everything Chicago American. ROOT NOW OWNS HIS TREE. Ellhu Root was born in Cabinet Hall, one of the buildings of Hamil ton college, New York, where his father. Oren Root, was a professor. In his boyhood years, says the No vember 8uccess, the two used to take long walks together, and time and again on their homeward way it was under a splendid hemlock on Klrk land farm that they would rest The hilltop commanded a magnificent view of the Oriskany valley, across to the Adirondack to the north, and often the elder of the pedestrians would say, as they started on again: 1 wish I owned that tree." In the years since there have been many changes at Hamilton and in the country about, but the old hem lock has remained untouched and the other day Ellhu Root bought Kirkland farm and the tree which, he declares, has long been a land mark In his Ufa. ANALYSIS OF AVAIL No code of morals pretends that any military army, battlefield, or campaign, has ever shifted the needle In the balance between the right cause and the wrong, between Justice and fraud, between truth and the He by the shadow of a hair. No political economy has under taken to Justify a custom which costs a warring nation millions of treasure it month, which tears the flesh of Its citizens to pieces and makes twice as many mourners in homes as there are corpses on the field, bringing no fruit or grain out of the ground. And further: "For the actual testimony of what war Is we might very well look to the great soldiers themselves; not alone to preachers, or poets, or moralists, or political partisans, or orators, or story tellers, or even historians but to generals and commanders of ar mies, men Of calm and guarded speech, who have been scarred and crippled, and have fought with cour age to the last and have won the highest earthly titles. "No witnesses to the horrors of warfare have been plainer or more positive than these. Decorate the monster, they tell you, as you will, go from the shouts and banners, the triumphs and processions of the Jubi lee to the battlefield; lift the veil and look underneath. There are miseries and cruelties, agonies and outrages, rapine and lust, mourning and desolation. These are warfare, not as It is painted, but as It Is." Bishop Huntington In The Craftsman ' fff The Best Cod II I Delicious to the Taste. J llllnW.. 1 Hie Great Bodybuilder Vim Contains Au.lrir- lT I V VT f Medicinal Elements ActiwulyN ffi WyI1"" From fresh cods ,JVERS VZ J Vinol contains ALL the medicinal elements of genuine, fresh cod's livers and their oil ; with or ganic iron, and other body building ingredients, in a deliciously palatable and easily digested form. It is everywhere recognized as the greatest BODY BUILDER AND STRENGTH CREATOR known to medicine Vinol is the only cod liver preparation which contains no oil, grease, or any dis agreeable feature, and sold on a positive guarantee of " money back if it fails to give satisfaction." For Old People- Punv Child 'on- Weak Women Debili tated, All Tired Out People Hurting and Weak Mother To Gain Flesh To Got Strong All Weak People Ohronlo Cold Hacking Dough Bronohltl Lung Trouble Nothing equals Vinol. Try it if you don't like it, we return your money. O AAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAasAaaaaaAaAAAaaaaaAafr THK TWO ANDREW CARNEGIES. There are two Andrew Camegles, It appears, as well as two Theodore Roosevelts. One Andrew Carnegie hates war, deplores mllltarism.endows educa tional Institutions, builds libraries, erects halls of peace, believes in a wise revision of the tariff, loves Gra ver Cleveland and respects Judge Parker. The other Andrew Carnegie Is a hardened protectionist and an Incor rigible republican who believes the tariff should be revised only by its "friends," is supporting Theodore Roosevelt for president and praying that John Hay will continue to sit on the safety-valve. The first Andrew Carnegie would be a good democrat if the second Andrew Carnegie would let him; but the second Andrew Carnegie owns all the . common stock and does all the voting New York World. I am compelled by a tens of ftatitudi to tell yon the great rood your rented has done me in acaaeot Contagious Blooc Poison. Among other symptoms I warns verely afflicted with Rheumatism, and ol almost past going. The disease got a firm hold upon my system; my bloodwas thor oughly poisoned with the virus. I lost ia weight, was run down, had sore throat, eruptions, splotches and other evidence! of the disease. I was truly in a bad shape when I began the use of S. 8. 8., but the persistent use of it brought me out of mi trouble safe and sound, and I have the courage to publicly testify to the virtues ol your great blood remedy, S. S. S., and tc recommend it to all blood-poison suffer era, sincerely believing if it is taken ac cording to directions, and given a fait trial, it will thoroughly eliminate every particle of the virus. Jambs Cuaaaa. Stark Hotel, Greensburg, Pa, PainfulawelHngs in the groins, red erup tions upon the skin, sores in the mouth and loss of hair and eyebrows, are some of the symptoms of this vile disease. S. 8. 8. Is an antidote for the awful virus thai attacks and destroys even the bone. 5. S. 8. contains no Meratrv Pn..h other mineral ingredient We offer Ji.ooc for proof that it is not absolutely veget- aoie. Home treat ment book giving the symptoms and other interesting and valuable infor mation about this disease, mailed free. Our phvai cians advise free those who write na. Th Swift Sptolflo Coapaay, Atluta, fia. .ca rZZt FRAZER THEATRE K. J. Taylor, Lessee and Mgr. ONE NltiHT Saturday, November 5th Mr. Wilfred Roger presents FRANK BACON In the Rural Classic, IFe Hills of CaKfornia Seats on sale at Tallmun's Friday at 10 a. m. 25c, 60c, TSc and ft. 00. MTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTvtwtti Prices: RINGS A "Wealth of Beauty" Will ha n- J7T T" f"" wucn you inspect OUT Ring Stock. Rings of Almost Every Description and Every one Solid Cold jCrk IHKure to show rings tLmmW Come and See Them Winslow Bros. NEAR. POSTOFF1CE AAAAAa.k W Iff A pua P lNION JvIADE. HAND MADE: Clear Havana A STANDARD FOP QUALITY CLEANLINESS AND WORKMANSHIP Ucnyou call for a TRIUMPH." ri VUN GET IT. Cart accept a substitute. nn. StaAnthon' Hosaita? Private nlahed P tng room. pariment in.. i-j v e ry I ...enca H sy.su.isj nam v PENDLETON, 0RE( 0 I Gunther's gcnaln, loned Horehorc Drops for coughs and coldi candles and bon bona Brock & McCo! Company See window dlipajv Fortunes Mas in Real Est There Is no Inveitmf offers as good security i creases In value as rtpi real etate. If you ti rich, put your money In ty In this growing city tlon. We have choice ml all descriptions In all di i localities, both city ui property, and ranches, Consult us If you hivi erty to sell; list It wltn you wish to buy proper us. Unexcelled factlUei to' ling real estate. W. E. Davidson k, (Successor to E. at H ml fettl Insurance, Real S Mortgage Loans. HI 3 The Coltfin( Lodging Hoc Well ventilated, neat fortable rooms, good H In connection, where t goods are served. Main street, center of H tween Alta and WW F. X. SCHEK PROnUETOB. I - ,..e H 1 M. SIA BLACKS!'" oraeshoeing, P""" wagon making mv.. ..v I ha" business UW" but good wors. Cor. Cottonwood ln, Inc. my Ina sonable. alM 13 quantity d1 with 044 wood fun.W . deU"- fron'l" - Office at Co. (Dau1 Main 1L ' w In any supply solid Anil J Storage Henry a -rnona MAKERS.