AIH EAST ORK(.OMAM, PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 4, l04. PAGE THREF so ,jen "1 rs Bargain Week w .-.mWfnl baraiins to offer yon. nlESS C0"UJ Weenie P 1 -wlrWra: KotfW . ... The help pay . '" are f0"8 is""" i.oo i-a pro w ,,,.e. mannish ef- 8 m Iflyi Vfl 75c 7l k4rs" I ,,iai 4re goods ! J good. ! 1" . good- 2 , goods S M " SILK AT REDUCED PRICES 60c China silk all color . . 88c yd 76c tafeta silk. all color . . 60c yd 85c taffeta sHk. all colore . . 63c yd tioo crepe do chlneb, all col ors 80c yd $'l.25 fancy ntt Kk .... 8c yd Money Saving Prices on La dies' and Children's Shoes A trial "Will convince you. We dont try to -see how much we can get for our -shoes. Our idea ! to see how good a shoe we can give you for the least money. All tl.nO Bhoes In thl sale $1.15 All $2.00 -shoes In this lale $1.40 All $2.60 shoes In this sale $1.85 All 3.0 shoes In this sale $J).85 Sorosls shoes for ladles .... $8.50 ""reduction on all children's and misses' shoes. Alexander Dept. Store THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES LECTION j-STHE BEST SMOKE ON THE MARKET Hanactred by A. ROHDE Monarch Ranges Malleable Iron and the. kind yon cannot break. I have a fnll line of Ranges, Heaters, both wood and coal, and In vite you to call and examine the same before uylng. T. C. TAYLOR The Hardware Man GOVERNMENT IS FOUGHT BY T1IK DISCONTENTED. Administration Stands fur Monarchy, Aittl-Snclullxin and Tlik-k-and-Thln lrfiynlty to the Church Ijibor Or ganizations Are Growing Powerful and Are Feared by the rowers Tliut Bo Believed the Government Will Win Out. Rome, Nov. 4. According to the predictions which are being made In political circles here, a substantial majority for the existing cabinet will be returned at the parliamentary elec tions day after tomorrow, which, of course, would be the success of Pre mier Glollttl. The situation growing oot of the preparations for the elec tion, which at one time looked seri ous, has become calmer, and there Is now no expectation of serious trou ble. Trie government has not failed, however, to take precautionary meas ures and Is prepared to Immediately repress every provocation to disor der. A substantial' government victory will be greeted with Intense satisfac tion and also with a feeling of relief by all supporters of the monarchy and of existing Institutions. 'The cam paign of the republicans, -socialists and other radical elements opposed to the ministry has been the fiercest in the political history of the united kingdom. The radicals "have been gaining In strength Tor several years past. Of late they have become con scious of their power and recently they seised an opportunity to display It In the great strikes In "Milan, Genoa and other cities of the kingdom, when they succeeded In paralyzing all in dustry for the time being. The supporters of the government declare that the conflicts between the military and the mobs during these recent strikes were seized upon as mere pretextB for spreading and strengthening the flames of discon tent which bave been sedulously fan ned by the socialists and all radical for years, and that now the real ob ject of their propaganda Is not the mere overthrow of Glollttl and his cabinet, but that a serious movement to overthrow monarchical govern ment, to attack existing Italian insti tutions, and to turn the country up side down has come to a head. It Is tbe terror which this move ment has aroused and the uncertain ty of tbe outcome that has led to the government leaving no stone un turned to Insure victory at the elec tions next Sunday. Remember Joe Basler Is nti out bis entire Furniture business and roust reduce tils k before January 1st, 1905. HITltG STOVES, COOK STOVES, STEEL RANGES, AT COST. Blnlaeie Maple Dresners, Chiffoniers, and Waahstands are 01 it math- reduced prices. festal. Machines warranted to be In perfect order, of all BJS lid llMMlntl.,-.' ... .... - . I "i'wwiis, 101111 9D.uu up. new jnacmnee at acniau JOE BASLER HM.I.....ttt,ttt , lip una Wliers Will Go to Oyster Bay "Novemlier 8. Washington, D. C, Nov. 4. The -exodus uf government employes who are going home to vote reached the flood tide today. The feeling In re gard to 'the political situation In In diana is reflected by the anxiety of the idcpartment clerks and others from that state to get home and cast their ballots. The same desire It manifest on the part of New Yorkers, but the majority of them will not leave the capital until the eve of elec tion. The president, as has been his cus- torn heretofore, will go to his home at 'Clyster may lor tne purpose oi depositing his ballot for the republi can candidates. Secretary Loeb and two -of the -executive clerks who will accompany ithe president are also le gal residents of Oyster Bay. Tne jmrtr will '.leave here on Monday and expect to return the following day. RUNNING VP A BILL' tor your laundry work Is not neces sary to Insure proper care If your washing Is entrusted to us. We take pains with the smallest orders, and our prices are so moderate that the weekly charge need not be burden- some. We invite a fair trial of our service. Pleased to call on short no tice. 'Phone Main 601. DOMESTIC STEAM LAUNDRY. sfssea PLUMBING .- 'lwB'8 u" cheapest, it has tfsaaailf. - pwm taw. II gap iiidijiis. mm - a ial Cwnni(.Ptt,r h1"8' A'ayg entrust sour work to thorough, J r"' P'xn'bers. Our force Is made up of tbe best 8trlct attention paid to sanitary features of ' J ' ' t 18 G,VE YOD "GURU I . Quote right prices and do only the best work. ', w "-Thompson Co. 1 648 Main Street. "'.. . Itl r If l: 9 e BEST FLOUR A, W BJrr"1 wheat grows. Good bread Is " hand, ued" Bntn' borta Means tolled ROLLER WILLS BIE8, loprtetor. ltOOSKVELT WUJi VOTE. TOtTKIJYtH"S KKPLY. Scf'ivuut' Will' Speak ftr the AdiulniN- tratioii. . ... i. XT.... Q T, m.i.r trillh. Iew join, m. 1, ...... fully be said that no event of the present ifi'uuiiwn i.auijHiiBii ...... cited a livelier Interest among the I Mrs. Fairbanks tells how neglect of 1 Building Material OF AIJj DESCRIPTIONS. SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to Order Building Pa per, Mine, Cement, Brick and Sand, Wood Gutters for Barns mid Dwellings a Specialty. ivv a Vjraa 1 itTtiiSpr "Vnrd Alta Street, Opp. Court Bouse. Mrs. Fairbanks tells how neglect of warning symptoms will soon prostrate a woman. She thinks woman's safeguard is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Dear Mrs. J?iN-KnAii: Ignorance and neglect are the cause of untold female Buffering, not only with the laws of health but with the chance of a cure. I did not heed the warnings of headaches, organio pains, and general weariness until I was well nigh prostrated. I knew I had to do something. Happily I did the right thing. I took I.ydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound faithfully, according to directions, and was rewarded in a lew weeks to Una tnat my aches ana pains ais appeared, and I again felt the glow of health through my body. Sinoe I have been well I have been more careful, I have also advised a number of my sick friends .to take Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and they have never had reason to be sorry. Yours very truly, Mrs. May Fairbanks, 216 South 7th St, Minneapolis, Minn." (Mrs. Fair banks is one of the most successful and highest salaried travelling sales women in the West) When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menstrua atlon, weakness, leueorrhaea, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, Irri tability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, " all-gone " and " want-to-be-left-alone " feelings, blues, and hopelessness, tbey should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you seed the best. Dear Mrs. Ptnkham : For over two years I suffered more than tongue can express with kidnev and bladder trouble. My physician pro nounced my trouble catarrh of the bladder, , a J , l. ,1 . l. , 1 causea rjy displacement oi uie womu. i nau a irequeni aesire u urinate, ana it was very pain ful, and lumps of blood would pass with the urine. Also had backache very often. 44 After writing to you, and receiving your reply to my letter, I followed your advice, and feel that you and Lydia 13. Pinkham's Vege table Compound nave cured me. Hie medicine drew my womb into its proper place, and then I 'was well. I never feel any pain now. and can do my housework witn -ease." jurs. alicb .lamon, runt-am, Miss. No other modlrine for female His in the world has received uch widespread and (mqtialilied endorsement. Mrs. Pinkltam invites all sick women to write her for advice She hag guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. , srQftfrEIT w curat fortfawltii prodnM th original lAtttra and ignatorwaf AUOVS faaiimir"-'H. nil pim, tueir mhii. icniiuiiinnv... Iftiia at. flskhsan sUdldiia Co., Lynn, Mi HOT DRINKS VIgoral, Clam Bullion, Aaparsx, Chlckerr Broth, Tomato Bullloa. Chocolnte, Cocoa. THE CABINET Candles, Hot Drinks, Cigars sal Fruits In season. 209 Court Street 11. J. WILKINSON. Prop. It Y VK MOTHERS. DO YOU KNOW the many so-called birth medicines, and most remedies for women in the treatment of her delicate organs, contain more oi less opium, morphine and strychnine r Do You Know that in most countne; druggists are not permitted to sell narcot ics without labelinir them Doisnns ? Do You Know that you should not take Internally any medicine lor the pain accompanying pregnancy. Do You Know that Mother' Friend Is applied externally only? Do You Know that Mother's Friend is a celebrated prescription, and that it has been in use over forty years, and that each bottle of the genuine bears the nsmt of The Bradfield Regulator Co. f Do you know that when you use thu remedy during the period of gestation that you will be free of pain sun bsai beslthr, hearty ,and clever children 1 Well, these tnmgs are worm nm- iuj Tbey are facta. Of druggiaU st f i.eo Don't be persuaded to try a substitute jr...- i i. ,Mntt,trhood" tree. VU1.UIIIC WWVM. ..... IHt BRADFIILS USUUTOi. CO, Atlanta, to $5000 manifested in the meeting to be held at Duiland's Hiding Academy tonight under the auspices of the West Side Republican club. The extraordinary interest is due to the anuouiK-emeut that the speaker of the evening will be Chairman Cortelyou oY the nutiou- al republican committee. It Is understood that Mr. Cortelyou's purpose In taking the plutform at a public meeting Is to answer the charges that have been made against him in connection with collections for. the republican campaign fund. Mr. Cortelyou, It Is said, decided to make iv public1 defense of bis conduct as national chairman at the earnest solicitation of President Roosevelt. who is understood to have been con siderably, annoyed by the talk about Mr. Cortelyou's purt In the collection of campaign funds from trusts and corporations. - Disastrous Wrecks. Carelessness is responsible for many a railway wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks o sufferers from throat and lung trou blea. But since the advent of IJr King's New Discovery for ennsump tion, coughs and colds, even the worst cases can be cured, and hopeless res ignation Is no longer necesxury. Mrs. Lola Cragg of Dorchester, Mass., one of many whose life was saved by Dr. King's New Discovery. Thl great remedy Is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases by Tullman & Co., druggists. Price SOc and $1 Trial bottles free. ; The French 1 i Restaurant: ... . . , . a isest so jem jiieai in uiu iuy. Private Dining Parlors. Elegant Furnished Rooms In Connection. GUS LaFONTAlNE, Prop. ; CSS Main Street. e j Osteopaths e Pendleton, Ore., Despaln build- X Ing, suite 10. 'Phone red 118L Drs. G. 6. and Eva IL J Ilolslugton. 2 Graduates of the American e School of Osteopathy, Klrkvllle. J Mo. ' J CONSULTATION FREE AND ; invited. :r Iowa College to Debate. Cedar Falls, Iowa, Nov. 4. The de bate between representatives of Iowa College and Iowa State Normal school, which was to have taken plaoe at Ames tWo weeks ago, but'po8toned. will be pulled off here tonight and It promises to be the event of tHe year at the normal school. The normal debaters have the affirmative and Ames the nega tive side of the question: "Resolved, That a system of national bank note currency bused upon commercial as sets, similar to the Canadian system. Is preferable to. the United (States government bond 'system." . Fairbanks Nrarlng End of Tour. ' Sullivan, Ind., Nov. 4. Senator Fairbanks Is making a whirlwind fin ish of his campaign tour. The spe cial train of the vice-presidential candidate Is scheduled to cover t large section of the Hoosler state to day, following his first speech here before 9 o'clock, this morning. The day's itinerary Includes addresses at Linton, Odon, Elnora. , Washington Vlncennes, Princeton, Poseyvllle and Mount Vernon, and a nijfht meeting at uvansvute. Notice to Debtors. All persons knowing themselves In debted to the 'Irrq of Bones Walk er, Helix, Oregon, will please calle and settle at once. As ws havs sold out our entire Interest All bills payable to P. H. Bones, Helix, Ore gon. ' A republican flambeau club rid ing on a street car at Andover, Mass.. had 12 members badly hurt by a col lision at a crossing. ' All Over the World you will find Beech am 's Pills D Positively Uie Ilest Ueer made. Any quantity yon desire. Delivered lo your home Alwuys call for OI.YMPIA. A. N0LTE Telephone Main SSI. works. People of all classes r- . Tr TLlL and nations have for over fifty L JillrV rilS years kept their Livers right iQflt-J .HJbT and Digestion good by using jTolTV 1 b?H IXl fc?l Beechams " PHIS spiers n Bold Everywhere. In boxes 10c. and Sc. U "zZm mmm a ' - COFFEE.TEA, n . r lf . DAtfinO POWDER, Expert Collectors fcs-ootMCTS We have located a branch office In AsWuTf PlsiTV,- FlniSfFIaVOT, Pendleton, and will make collecting ..hMOrali DSittankbLirrtfM defunct bills a specialty. No ac OrtBiWSrrWyn.WoDieiT , count too old for us to handle. CLOSlSET A DEVERS Our plan Is: "No collections, nc VaWV8S sra. . charges. Suits Instituted, judgment! I RORTLANO, ORCOON.' advertised. P The Van Alstine-Gordon A Co, Mer- , candle Agency, H. V. Mpe t its E. Court St. Telephone Main 111. J L. VAUGHN t ELECTRICIAN. an i, arl w M:il. Prompt attend n given and aa Walters Flouring Mills work .xecuud properu. Capacity, ICS barreU a day. Electrical Supplies of aU kinds. Flour sxchanged for wheat OFF1CE-121 West Court St. Flour, Mill Feed. Chopped Feed (Tribune BuUdlnf .) to., always on baud. , ,,, ,