East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 04, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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. DAUr xasi OKBOOKUir, peniiusiuhi
Made from purest, wholesome
materials, according to the
most successful and highly
recommended formula known.
Is a fine success. Guaranteed
as good as any 40c Baking
Powder or money back.
25c lb.
F. W. Schmidt,
Reliable Druggist.
O. Mock. 'Phone Main 88.
Otto Burtshardt and Anna Koen.
sweethearts, quarreled at Olendale,
N. T. The girl took carbolic acid
and the young man promptly
drowned himself.
Henry A. Tullen, formerly on the
supreme bench of New York, has
been admitted as a pauper to the
charities of the Outdoor Poor depart
ment of New York City.
Two unknown men quarreled with
a third at Masontown, Pa., and
threw him headlong into a coke oven
where he was completely incinerated
In a few moments. The murderers
V. C. Place, of Sliver City, N. M.,
and Chas. AI. Shannon, of the same
place, have put up property and cash
to the value of $40,000 each on the
presidential election. Place bets
that Roosevelt will be elected.
A recent competitive examination
for mail carriers at Paris, Ky., re
sulted in the appointment of four ne
groes and two white men as carriers
in that place, and the people refuse
to recognize the former on any
After a long separation Henry E.
Eaton and wife met at Lowell. Mass..
and apparently became reconciled at
the home of his sister. As they were
leaving the premises together he
drew a pistol, killed his wife and
then himself.
It Is very nearly proven that the
Russian battleships In the North
Sea fired upon two of their own tor
pedo boats, which came unexpectedly
within range of the searchlights, out
of the fog. The fishing boats hap
pened to be within range.
Pendleton Uses Two Brands of Coal
Almost Exclusively Not Believed
That Heppner Coal Will lie a Coin
lelltor of Other Fuels Here While
it Must llo Hauled In Wagons to
the Railroad for Shipment.
Fuel wood is cheaper in Pendleton
this fall than It has been for several
seasons. This statement Is based on
the authority of Henry Laatz, of the
firm of Laatz Uros., one of the larg
est coal and wood dealers In this
city. The reason assigned Is that
great quantities of fuel have been
cut during the past year, and an
overabundance of fuel is stacked In
the mountains awaiting shipment and
a market.
Ordinary fire wood is retailing at
the present time from $6 to $6. 50 per
ton. ltock Springs coul sells at
(8.50, and Hoslyn ut IT. These two
brands of coal are about the only
ones used In eudleton. ,
Laatz declares that Eastern Ore
gon coal deposits are not affecting
the coal market. "There Is a great
deal of talk about the Heppner coal
flelds."he suld, "but 1 think It is
mostly hot air. 1 do not think with
the present transportation facilities
that coal mining in this section of the
state will prove profitable.
"I understand that coal Is being
hauled into Heppner from the mines
In wagons, but that is rather a cum
bersome and expensive mode of
transporting fuel. There is too much
wood nowadays close at hand for
people to care about using coal that
has to be hauled in wagons for a
score of miles. Hoslyn and Rock
Springs are nearer to hand when we
take into consideration that the fuel
from these mines can be loaded into
cars where it Is taken out of the
.Roseberg Is to have a new postof
iiee building.
Chehalls, Wash., has a total In
debtedness of $40,876.
Lewlston is to have a gas plant
"work upon which has been begun.
James Jeffries, the pugilist. Is
"touring Oregon as the star In "Davy
The Washington State Hardware
-Association will meet at Tacoma on
November 16.
There Is a promise of more busi
ness in sight for the new Lewlston
creamery than the dimensions of the
original plans can handle.
There were three holdups In Port
land the night of November 2, 1H6
being secured. In every case the
robber, who is believed to be one In
dividual, escaped.
President A. D. Remington, of the
North Pacific Dental college, at
Portland, backed by a clan of se
niors, Is demanding the removal of
Dr. H. E. Lane from the faculty.
After a five months' strike, the
-miners have been taken back in the
Kenton. Wash., coal mines, as indl
-vlduals, and the mine will be "open
:hop." There was never uny serious
.disagreement over wages.
Near Vancouver, B. C...L. B. Rich
ardson, while out hunting November
2, accidentally (hot his son in the
face with a load of blrdshot. The
tad's features were horribly mangled
but the Injuries were not fatal.
John Banholtxer, an oiler, was
Ikllled November 3, by being caught
i In the belts in the Seattle Lumber
company's mills at Seattle. Every
bone in his body was broken. He
had been in the employ of the com
pany 15 years.
If you are looking for wheat land
or stock ranches, come and see us.
We have some of the best proposi
tions ever offered for sale in Eastern
-Oregon. We have just listed some
very desirable city property at low
Offloe E. O. Building.
Arlington Demands CIOIIO of the O.
It. & N. lUilwuy Co.
The city of Arlington stands In a
peculiar position, according to the
Oregon Railway & Navigation Com
pany, because of Its demand that the
railway pay $3,000 for the privilege
of running Its tracks through the
town, building a subway or ' flying
over the village, to connect Its
branch with the main line.
The railway people declare they
will build over the bluff near Arling
ton before they will pay $3000, and
those who are familiar with the coun
try say there is no place for the con
struction of the trucks other than
through the town.
Dan P. Smythe, a local attorney,
returned this morning for a trip to
Arlington. "The Arlington council
men are evidently acting for the wel
fare of their town, for there Is but lit
tle doubt but that the Condon branch
will be the death of the place, and
they might us well get all they can
out of the deal. The railroad de
clares that Arlington is the first town
in the history of the O. R. & N. that
has demanded remuneration from the
company because of the construction
of a road through it."
November 14 Annual meeting Or
egon Miners' Association, Portland.
November 16-16 State Bar Asso
ciation, Portland.
November 16-26 National Orange
meeting, Portland.
November 16-18 National Irriga
tion Association, El Paso, Texas.
November 26-26 State convention
county clerks and recorders, Port
December 13-15 Oregon Good
Roads Association, Salem.
January 30 Inland Empire Sun
day School Institute, Pendleton.
Doesn't Respect Old Age.
It's shameful when youth fails to
show proper respect for old age, but
Just the contrary in the case of Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They cut off
maladies no matter how severe and
irrespective of old age. Dyspepsia.
Jaundice, fever, constipation all yield
to this perfect pill. 25c at Tallman
& Co.'s drug store.
Southern Wisconsin Teachers.
Baraboo, Wis., Nov. 4. Several
hundred teachers are here for the
annual meeting of the Southern Wis
consin Teachers' Association, which
began a two days' session today. The
principal topics to be considered by
the general association are the Im
portance of manual training In the
modern school, teachers' wages, the
betterment of the rural school and
the Batavla plan of Individual instruc
tion. The prominent educators tak
ing part include Superintendent E. G.
Cooley of Chicago, A. H. Sage of Osh
kosh, and Superintendent C. a. Pearse
of Milwaukee.
Hotel St. George.
James E. Lewis, Denver.
William Glasson.. Echo.
J. E. Cloughly. Sun Francisco.
C. D. Johnson, San Francisco.
J. H. Turner, St. Louis.
C. T. Gladwin. St. Lools.
J. A. Wood. Walla Walla.
James G. Kldwell, Enterprise.
Roy Kuykendall, Enterprise.
J. E. Troy, Enterprise.
Wm. Dunn, Portland.
Col. P. l Judson, Portland.
H. M. Preston und wife, city.
Mrs. C. A. Bower, Wenatchee.
R. P. Harding and wife, Spokane.
W. F. Adams and wife, Colfax.
Mrs. Kathrvoi Griffith. Denver.
W. G. Peters, Portland.
A. S. Eleuburg, Spokane.
C. A. Erly, Detroit.
George Hover, Portland.
M. McDonald, Walla Walla.
R. G. ltumghlll. Walla Walla.
A. D. Reeves, Spokane.
W. G. Hufford, Portland.
Miss Marie Edwards, Portland.
Hen G. ltoseustein. San Francisco.
A.Rumstader Portland.
Geo. McGUvery Spokane.
J. J. Burns. Portland.
Martin E. Keller, Chicago.
Jas. L. Schmidt, San Francisco.
H. Y. Hlackwell, San Francisco.
('. H. Underwood, Tacoma.
Hotel Bickers.
Mrs. J. A. Nelson, Athena.
T. SI. Webb and wife, Pomona, Cal.
Mrs. Lukeus Moscow, Moscow, Ida.
Mrs. William Scott, Helix.
Mrs. E. D. Hendricks. McMlnn
vllle. C. J. Hinckley, Tacoma.
Mrs. E. Peeples and child. Moro.
Miss Effie Wright, Moro.
Mrs. M. A. Travis, city.
A. Miller, Pilot Rock.
Harry L. Morley, Spokane.
S. S. GUI, Spokane.
Walter Cresswell, Helix.
E. H. Burke, city.
Wm. Mills. Juniper.
Henry Lorenzen, city.
A. Shelton and wife, St. Louis.
M.M. Ransom, Weston.
J. P. King. city.
L. W. Hess, Great Falls, Mont.
The Pendleton.
John G. Hamilton, Echo.
Gilbert A. Smith, Chicago.
H. P. Lewis. La Grande. '
A. P. Wilson, Boise.
J. F. Walker. Minneapolis.
F. W. Eekstrom. San Francisco.
L. A. f'rulkshank. Portland.
M. L. Gallagher, Pittsburg.
Geo. F. Roberts. "1905."
M. Mayer, Seattle.
F. S. McMahon, Portland.
0. E. Roy. Chicago.
A. D. Chase, Portland.
F. C. Cross, Fort Worth, Texas.
J. W. Sawyer. Walla Walla.
W. C. Browning. St. Lauls.
M. G. Prolltz, "1906."
H. Stutter, Portland.
1. Rubensteln, Portland.
R. D. Sayers, Dayton.
A. B. Warren, Seattle.
Geo. M. Edwards and wife, Port
land. (
Dr. Chas. Hlnes, Forest Grove.
Edward Golden, Portland.
F. D. Stephenson, Portland.
Ben C. Holt, Walla Walla.
O. J. McEvoy. Starbuck.
J. Fred Fisher, Spokane.
Sol Harris, Portland.
R. C. Beach. Lewlston.
The British government committee
on physical deterioration has rec
ommended a law requiring every
house occupied by a single family to
have a grate suitable for cooking purposes.
While there Is life tliere is hope.
I was afflicted with catarrh; could
neither taste nor smell and could hear
but little. Ely's Cream Balm cured
It. Marcus G. Shautz, Rahway, N.
Cream Balm reached me safely and
the effect is surprising. My son says
the last application gave decided re
lief. Respectfully, Mrs. Franklin
Freeman, Dover, N. H.
"he Balm does not Irritate nor
cause sneexlng. Sold by druggists at
50 cts. or mailed by Ely Brothers, 56
Warren St., New York.
Minnesota Pedagogues In Session.
Rochester, Minn., Nov. 4. -The
Southeastern Minnesota Educational
Association began Its annual meeting
in Rochester today and will remain
In session through tomorrow. Pres
ident Northrop of the University of
Minnesota will make the principal ad-
With itching, Burning, Scaly
Humors of the Skin
Instantly Relieved by Baths,
with Cuticura Soap
And Gentle Applications of
Cuticura Ointment.
Instant relief sad refreshing sleep fas
kin-tortured babies, and rest for tired,
fretted mothers, In warm baths with
Cuticura Soap and gentle anointings
with Cuticura Ointment, the great skin
care, and purest of emollients, to be
followed In severe cases by mild doses
of Cuticura Resolvent.
"My niece's little baby boy, two years
old, was so badly afflicted with eczema
that he needed constant watching;. It
was all over his face and he scratched
the sores constantly. Mornings bis
clothes would be stained with blood,
and his face and hands would be cov
ered. His family never could take him
out, as bis face was always full of large
sores. They had medical treatment,
and tried everything they heard of.
She commenced using the Cuticura
Remedies last spring and found that at
last she had a wonderful healer. The
sores left his face and be was entirely
cured, and now his face Is as smooth
and rosy as though no sore had aver
been there to mar It."
Mas. L. J. ROOT,
JUtU&iLSK, N. T.
Fkb. 12, 1898.
On March 7, 1903, lira yean later,
Mrs. Boot writes :
I received your note of kind in
quiry and am pleased to inform you of
the permanent cure of my little boy.
lie Is now a healthy child with pink
and white skin free from all blemish.
It has been a marvellous cure and
brought about In a short time after all
other medical aid failed."
eM AOTftvX rU. Caftan HiMtast, SM.
On Mraof CtMMolala Caatad hlk, . Mr Tial of CO),
Otmril, SOc., &oa. C Pepotat Loaaoa.fT Charter.
hoMM.i Paria,JRiiaaa la fain Boatoe. IV Catanast
Special Bargain Sale
See our window for special bargains in suits and coats and our bargain table inside lor the
Misses' skirts, nil reduced 10 per cent for a week.
i.mlleV skirts, nil reduced 10 nor cent for a week,
ladies' Jackets, 20 per cent off during the entire 'week.
Men's suits at low prices and a WATCH FREE.
Hoys' long punts suits below others, and a WATCH FREE.
Hoys' knee pants suits with a CAP OH TIE FREE.
Special prices on ladles' sweaters and knit Jackets,
Cullco, 6c and 7o kinds, all week at Be yard.
Apron gliiKhnin at 4c yard; no limit to amount.
Dressing suoiues of eiderdown, 10 per cent off.
Every article quoted above Is a genuine bargain.
: Don't Miss the Chance to Buy at a Saving to
Agent lor McCall's Mugasiiie and Patterns.
I'orim'r Indian Ageni Cliurles Wll
kliis Owns a Splendid Collection.
One of the moat valuable and
unique collections of Indian curios
from all the tribes from Mexico to
Canada, along the Pacific coust Is
owned by Charles Wilklns, of this
city, former agent on the Umatilla
For the past 15 years Mr. Wilklns
has been studiously engaged In se
lecting unique ami rare specimens of
Indian art and his priceless collec
tion of Indian baskets represents the
workmanship of nearly every tribe
from Southern California and New
Mtwlco to Alaska.
Some of the baskets, especially
those made by the Kllckltats and
Yaklmas. are the most perfect speci
mens of that art In existence. They
are made from the wood of young
willow and are so closely 'woven and
made In such durable manner that
the Indians used them ns cooking
utensils, and before the modern ket
tles mid pans came into use they
boiled their salmon and venison in
these Indestructible baskets.
The baskets and bead work of the
different tribes show the different
degrees of the Indians' ideas of art.
each tribe using different figures nnd
designs to decorate with.
Mr. Wilklns' collection of arrow
heads comprises several thousand
specimens of every Imaginable
shape, size and color. Ancient In
dian dresses decorated with brass
beads supposed to have been brought
to the coast by Lewis and Clark,,
liows and arrows of the most formid
able type, knives, ornaments, mat
tings and other unique relics of In
dian life and art, go to form one of
tlie most rare and costly collections
to be found In the Northwest.
Mr. Wilklns has made a specialty
of securing rare articles, and many
of the curious in his collection can
not be duplicated, as the Indians do
not make such baskets and gaudy
garments now, since modern art has
supplied them with all they need.
Around many of the articles In the
collection is woven some of the most
thrilling stories of the local history
of the Umatilla Indians.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh.
V. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O.
We. the undersigned, have known F. J,
Cheney for the last fifteen years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions, and financially able to
carry out any obllgtlon made by bis firm.
Wholesale Drt'gglsts, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly npon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
free. Price 70c per bottle. Bold by al
Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
The Vienna police are about to ex
periment with a phonograph in tak
ing a prisoner's answers to questions
asked in the preliminary examina
tion, so that when the actual trial
lukes place tliere may be no dispute
as to what was suld.
Men aMd Womea Unanimous About It.
Many women weep and wall and refuse
to be comforted because their once mag
nificent tresses have become thin and
faded. Many men Incline to profanity
because the flies bite through the thin
thatch on their cranluma It will be good
news to the miserable of both sexes, to
learn that Newbro's Herplcide has been
placed upon the market. This Is the new
scalp germicide and antiseptic that acts
by destroying the germ or microbe that
Is the underlying cnuse of all hair de
struction. Herplcide is a new prepara
tion, made after a new formula on an
entirely new principle. Anyone who has
tried It will testify as to its worth. Try
'It yourself and be convinced. Sold by
leading druggists. Bend 10c. In stamps
for sample to The Herplcide Co.. De
troit. Mich.
F. W. Schmidt ft Co., special agents.
t' , 1
We are thorough!;!
with all modern met
appliances, and ruin
work to be of the hbjiia
ard, and our urtcei
VUI...DICIH wan iim-ci
White Br
Association Biol
Telephone Hall
Shoe Bargains
Big Dissolution Sale
Shoes of all grades; felt and velvet slippers, fresh from the
factory at BARGAIN PRICES.
We carry only the BEST grades of shoes and slippers and you
can buy them at tike same price you pay fur tvoeb.
Dmdinger, Wilson Co.
Good Shoes Cheaper Than Ever.
It's Astonishing
rtl TiLl '
The Home of the Best. Blanket
And building nuunfc
descriptions is npplts
nt reasonable price),
sash, doors, blinds,
frames to order. Fas
turning a specialty.
Let us quote 701
your building nuterUL
Corner Webb and Ci
Dimension lumber 1
scriptlons, Sash, Door
Moulding. Building t"
Grays Ha
Opposite W. "l
I Goof.
have good, 2
is delivered "j
nr.v- a
5 W. C p
.Le.ve Ord j
, eVl
Trie. jo;:,
Bear this - J,
need poultry J
and ask rjr
Poultry ana jTrtor A
Row Kure t
Dies. '
ww JU Ul
S2XSSeenthe Smoking Jackets?