DAILY AOT ORBOOfflAJC, M3TDLBTOA, 0Mt0Mf, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1. 104. pagk Hunt It a s Irs,' 0G THE EXCHANGES INLAND EMPIRE a,iirst lor Floor. stmeni of f . of the " nT WHICH .TrWipanr to ln- .. "v.iu veiiey ne tt the first on h .u. sou1" wl" hVt S-sTthln.f" O,""'0' j,"' tnfl),ives. A "?io-engage tthe 'S mln""u.re "STfloor. which are to rlTslla Walls Vnion. m .Ussred. Jpwtin. the erection Zto to-de Inn for the . h''"- were r- sftrMcnwhenn.- L Irt term, of the contract inB h rooms wUn ''Z f the addition of ,,, BIT become nT!' . mnwnce t once and .Hashes hy ir 1. when the rig, be tnrown upc . hb for Inn eccommadtlons !elolloi: 1M rooms w , ,l rooms iut :-1 im btth. 14 per day and ; W J! per oar and up. Port- jSTHL . apent two month In the cam pa of Southern Oregon and makes a ape clalty of boosting for that section. He remains two days In Eastern Oregon and hurries back to Portland, hav ing appointed Henry C Nedermark to receive and box samples that may be brought to Sumpter for ahlpment He haa secured eight carloads of dif ferent kinds of rock, much of which U granite. Sumpter Miner. Land la Withdrawn. The commissioners of the general land office at Washington city has acted favorably upon the petition of the state of Washington for the selec tion of 61.685 acres of land In Yakima county for reclamation under a con tract with the owners of the Sunny side ditch. Action by the Interior de partment In assigning the lands to the state la now but a matter of form to be carried out upon the correction by the state of some minor defects In plats and maps filed In Washington. Walla Walla Union. Crowds Offer' Advice. -The troubles of the big 15 -ton roller working on Second street Interested several scores of people for over an hour this afternoon. About noon the hind wheel of the big smoother sunk nearly to the hub in a concealed ditch In front of the Chicago store. Jack screws were applied to the upper rim and boards placed under the wheel as It was raised and finally about 1:16 the engine crawled out of the hole. There was quite 'a crowd about all the time, watching, commenting and offering advice to the men who were trying to get out of the scrape. Wal la Walla Statesman. Spokane Curfew Law. Beginning last m.ht, Captain Cov erly Instructed the patrolmen of the police department to enforce the cur few law. There have been too many young boys and girls' running the y nark Fair Specimens. IWryint. commissioned by the -j ftianamflent 10 coi- kail exhibit from tni state, i streets during wie un muuin wnu jmpter today, lesving on the the spproval of Chief Waller and the police aepanmenu Buny ui mese youngsters have been brought to court, have been lectured and have been sent home. The curfew plan is now to be tried. Spokesman-Review. ruin, to meet with the Ba a, Derelopment League this Bt put Is yesterday loosing 1st mills on the Cracker aster lode. Mr. Weyant ssBIAMslI Allllr.111 II n BERG DISCTSKED IT PRISON ASSOCIATION. Unnjw tic Attainment of Im- Lssl Reforms In Penology: To hat ike FrobsrkmarT System si Broades its AppUcstlon To li the Indeterminate Sentence jeUCkwea. and lo Provide Em lor All Prinnoers. W Trirk fir p .. L- ' . i uiuvrruw ib : It tmnsn. -! , r"""" rnaon cunaav, a MwUch ibe National Prison Ab- wu miniBien or churches problem rlnthi7 u ptow of crime and the treat- t "luuiisM. ine associa- lt beadduartent in " "mr m cauins attention ITw B forijiHt v. .1- . i " me pnnci- V Thich the penal system , -- .,. niay be 1m r A"ns the reform, whkh to only aftfr con- - nn not Immediately I Lumber i 2 .' ln materUU of .11 JW Is supplied by us !rhlePriCe' Wemake ! bluI, window J "'rtCT- F7 wood .sjedalty. ij"' To price, on j '. S lllln. J " YARD. jiobster.prop. j. aad Cou, gL Osteopaths" I-!, rp'MIn build- I He'. on r4 "si. I LVATTrt,,. after arrest, as the association says is too often the case. The administration of the prison system to be fred entirely from poll- tics. The extension of work under the probation law and 'the appointment of more probation officers, especially for the care of first offenders. Better county jails, and the aboli tlon of the syKtem under which the sheriffs are paid by the day for the keep of prisoners In their charge. The enforcement of laws providing for dally labor of prisoners under sentence, and the separation of pris oners In county Jails. The application of the indetermin ate sentence to all clRSsea of prisoners and the extension of the parole sys. tem that It may apply to long-term prisoners. MISSION' CELEBKATIOX. BUSINESS CARDS, SOCIETIES PROFESSIONS AND TRADES PHYSICIANS. Dt.5: 0- C0L1' omcm in judd balldlag. ones boars. 10 to 11 a. K.; 1 to a a. m. . am i IIT1; neldsnca, swla lsoi. dbs. smith kiNoo, orrica ovib the Psadietoa SaTlaga Baak, Tsl phoas 801 j residence taleplMoa, aula H. S. OABriBLD, M. D. HOMKOPATHIC MttlrllBl sisut mn. am . SH.' ?,ePh00-: Office Mck 1411; Pasalddslinsa. klas 0 Da D. J. MTADL. JDDD BLOCK. TBLB Pkoas, SMla Ml; rasld sea, Mack 1M. DB. T. M. HBNDBR80N, PHYSICIAN aad sargsoa. OOlce la BaTlasa Baak balldlag, room 1. Office 'DbooiT aula Mil ; nslduice, red 122a. DB. LYNN K. BLAKBSLEB, CHRONIC and aerrooa duwasea aod diseases of woods. Jodd building, eornsr Maia and Court streets. Office 'phone, aula T21: residence, red 116s. X-fcay Therapeutics. DR LENA ALLBN BOONS, OSTEOPATH. Court aad Water streets. 'Phone, black 1024. Nervous diseases a specialty. MBS. M. N. 8AWTELL, COUNTY MAN aaer of the Northwest Vlael Co.. 20 Cosble Bt. Pendleton. Oregon. VETERINARY SURGEONS. TBTBRINABY 8DBQBON DB. D. C. McNabb, Office at Tallman'a dnie tor a . DENTISTS. Da M. S. KBKN, DENTAL SDBCBON. uaica, roosi to. jooa suilalng. B. A. gADOHAN. 'liCNTIBT. OFFICE IN Jodd balldlag. 'Phone, red 1411. BANKS AND BROKERS. ATTORNEYS. BBAN A PEBBY, ATTORNEYS Al LAW. d5." plot's Hardware store, Peadlstoa. Oregoa. ,AilB?. FBB- OFFICE IN JUDD balldlag. HA1LBY A LOWELL. ATTOBNBYS AT Office ta Despala kock. BALLBRAY A M'COUBT, LAWYERS. As sociation building. CART KB. a BALBT. ATTOBNTTS AT law, office la Savtaga Bank balldlag. W1NTBB A COLLI Ea LAWYERS OF nca, roons T sad 8 Aaioclation building. IDB'Ba ATTORNEY AT LAW, 111 Court atreet. 8TILLMAN A PIERCE, ATTOBNBYS AT law. Mr. Stlllmaa has beea adatltted to practice Id United States patent oi Sces, and suites a speclslty of patent law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 sad It, Assoclstloo Mock. FRATERNAL ORDERS. a P. O. ELKS. PENDLETON LODGE, No- 888. Regular meetings tret aad third Thursdays of each month. All brothers visiting la the city most cordi ally iDTlted to attend. Hall la LaDow block. Court street. O. A. llartmao. Sr., a a; C a Bean, secretary. FOR SALE AT THE EAST 0RBO0NIAN office Urge bundles of sewapapers, con taining over 100 big papers, can be ebtain ed for 28 cents a bandit LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. CITY LIVERY STABLE, ALTA 8TBBE7T, Carney A Kennedy, Plops., livery, feed and ssles stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line la connection. 'Phone, main 701. FIRST NATIONAL ' ANK OF ATHENA. Oregon. Capital. $50,(00: surplus and pronta, 112. 6O0.00. Interest on time de posits. Deals In foreign aad domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Heary C. Adams, president; T. J. Kirk, Tlce-presldent : P. 8. LeOrow. cash ier; I. M. Kemp, assistant cashier. THK FARMERS' BANK OF WESTON, Weston. Oregon. Does a genersl bank ing business. Exchange bought aad sold. Collections promptly attended to. a Jameson, president; George w. Proebstel. Tlce-presldent; J. a Kllgore, cashier; di rectors, o. A. Hartman, M. M. Jones, T. J. Price. O. D. Oraw. J. F. Kllgore. Rob ert Jsmeaoa, O. W. Proebstel. TBB PENDLETON SAVIN08 BANK, Pendleton, Oregoa. Organised March 1, 1868. Capital, $100,000; surplus, 175,. 000: Interest allowed oa all time deposlta Exchange sought aod sold cn all prin cipal points. . Bpeclsl attention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, president; J. N. Teal, vice-president; T. J. Morris, cashier ; J. W. Maloney, asslstsnt cashier. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Da von want in ,h,nM wnH- location) Have you a business you want to sell Do you wsnt to buy a business or real estste In any part of the United States for cssb or credit) Write us today describing your wsnts: we can supply them ; we know bow from 20 years' experience. Five scree of good land, all fenced. A gooa roar-roomed noose, s good stable, 154 chickens, 23 ducks, one cow, a buggy and harness, a chicken house, and wood shed. All for 1725. You pay $50 down and $10 per month until paid for. If you have a business or real estate In any itate In the United 8tates you want to sell st a bargain, and It will stsnd tbe investigation we will give it, we will sell it ror you st once. Do not put It off, but write us todav. We made 123,1 bnilnesa and real estate transfers last month. HILLMAN REALTY TRUST, Drawer 1236, Seattle, Wash. THg MKN'8 RESORT, CLEANING AND rresiing rariort . 1 sales' sna men's work Sven careful attention. Detpsln block, East mrt street. Telephone Vain 1631 . FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PBNDLB ton. Capital $200,000; surplus and un divided profits, $200,000. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold on all parte of the world. In terest paid on time deposits. Makes collections on ressonsbls terms Levi An keny, president: W. F. Matlock, vice-president; O. M. Rice, cashier; George Hart man, Jr., asslstsnt csshier. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. C. . TROUTMAN, ARCHITECT AND Superintendent, room 12 Judd block, Pendleton, Oregon. T. F. HOWARD. ARCHITECT AND Su perintendent. Mskes complete and re liable plans for bulldinga in the city or country. Boom 17, juaa nunaing. F. E. VAN DU8EN A CO., CONTRACTORS snd builders ; brick, stone sud cement work: sddress Box ia, l'endletoo. liitcnli-noinitiaUonnl Affair In Kentivul Hall. St. Louis, Oct. 29. The home mis sion celebration, for which an Inter denominational committee has been preparing for some time, opened in Ft-Kllval hall at the exposition this af ternoon and will continue through to morrow and Monday. Prominent nilsKloiuiriee and church workers, to gether with representatives of the great missionary boards, are present from many part of the country. President A. L Storms of Iowa state college, representing the Meth odist board, delivered the opening ad dress today. Other prominent par tli'ipants are Dr. W. M. Lawrence of Chicago, representing the Uaptlsts; President Cyrus Northrop of the Uni versity of Minnesota, representing the CongreeutlonallHts; Dr. Cornelius Brett of Jersey City, representing the Iteformed church; Bishop D. S. Tuttle of Missouri, representing the. Episco pal church; Dr. A. S. Hartman of Baltimore, representing the Luther ans, and Dr. S. J. Mccolls of St. Louis, who speaks for the Presbyteri an church. MORSE A DUNLAP, CONTRACTORS AND Kullders. Estimates given on short no tice. Leave orders st office of Gray's Harbor Lumber Co. S100 Reward S100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded jnaeaae thst science has been sble to cure .? stages, snd thst Is catarrh. Halls Catarrh Core Is the only positive - uvw 10 mfl meoicai iraieraiiy. latarrb being a constitutional disease, re- UUlrwa a rvinmtl t ...1 I - . . i, , , Csurrh cure la taken Internally, acting directly npoa tbe Mood and mucous sur rsces of tbe system, thereby destroying the foundation of tbe disease, and giving the patient strength by building up tbe constitution and assisting nature In doing i "y1- Tb proprietors ksve se much Jaitb in Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. oTTJ ri- CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Isas Hairsamlly Pills for eonstlpa- Proddent Greets BrhJidi Steel Men. Washington, D. C. Oct . The 800 members of the British Iron and Steel Institute who are now touring this COUntl-V arrived In Ur,.hlnrtmi from New York today. - This after- "n tney were received by Presi dent and Mrs. Roosevelt at the White House. The party will remain In the capital over Sunday. 881.50 Given Away. December t4th. at t p. m.. the Peo ples Warehouse will give away abso lutely free, no string on It at all, 11 gifts, total value $881.50. Each per son buying a dollar's worth of mer chandise of any kind whatsoever, will receive a ticket. For further particu- aee next Issue of the local papers. B1 line Stetson hats at Roosevelfa BHKEK A COLE, CONTRACTORS AND builders. Estimates furntihed on short notice. Job work s speclslty. frompt service. Shop on Bluff street, nesr Main. D. A. MAY. CONTRACTOR AND BUILD- er. Estimates furnished on sll kinds of masonry, cement walks, stons wslls, etc. Leave orders at Esst Oregooiaa of flee. T. M. KELLER, PLASTERING AND CB- mentlng. cement walks s specisuy. Estlmstes furnished free. Work eiiaran teed. Lesvs orders st Bsdley A Zehner's ltrar store. Msln street. V oox u BOARDING AXD LODGING. TUB ALTA HOUSE, OR THE WORKING 1'eople's Hotel, corner Alts snd Mill ttwt, Flrmt-rlaM accommodations : rea sonable rates : clesn beds, nest rooms : feed yard in connection. 8. c. Bittner. rrop. ATHENA HOTEL, LEADING HOTEL IN the city, $l.ou to $l.ou per aay. a. r. Hllten. proprietor. THE ARLINGTON ROOMING HOUBB 618 Main Bt. w. L. BowiaDy, proprie tor. Everything neat, clean and first-class. nvriv RnTKrI7NriRR NEW MANAGE meat. Good meals and clean beds. If you come once you will keep a-commg. Only white help employed. Especlsl at tention given to commerctsl travelers, Mr. Sna sirs. s. r. ravia. pivpnvivre. COTTAGE HOTEL WHEN YOU GO TO Umatilla stop st the Cottage Htsl. neat and clean. Mrs. James O'Cosnsll, proprietor. THE CITY HOTEL, PILOT BOCK, RB modeled snd refurnished. Everything first-class. Mrs. C. H. Beltel has again as sumed charge. 6ECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STBOBLE, DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything yea mJ ! nw and second'haod farntturs, stoves, grsnltswsre and crockery, call aod get bis prices. NO. l l-oan street. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES relUMe abstracts of tltls to all lands i- .in- rn na ltv and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds oc real estats. vum m fw business. Psys Uses and makes Invest ments for non-residents. Reference, any baas in renaieton. O. A. HABTMAN, Pres. Q. A. HABTMAN. JB-, Vies Pres. UMATILLA COUNTY AB8TBACT CO. Don't buy a piece of property sod after ward. And a cloud ea ths title- We will make yoa an accurate abstract ef title at a reasonsbls ehsrge. Consult us when In need of sa abstract Umatilla Abstract Co office la savtags nana ouiio- J. M. P.BNTLET REPRESENTS TDB eldest and sees reliable Ore sad aect. Ami Inairaaee comoaalea. Office wltk Hartmaa Abstract Ce. iaom Ditr rf as Vf a LAND COM lasJooec. Speclslty made ex wad Ins ana proof, insaraoce mum ueaa. usnos ia jooo suninns. Shoe Bargains NOW IS THE TIME TO C.KT THEM AT THE Big Dissolution Sale Shoes of all grades; felt and velvet Hlippera, fresh from the factory at BARGAIN PRICES. We carry only the BEST grades of shoes and slippers and yoa ran bay them at the same price you pay for trash. Dindinger, Wilson (Ob Co. Good Shoes Cheaper Than Ever. e e e RINGS A "Wealth of Beauty" Will be your expression when yoa inspect oar Ring Stock. Rings of Almost Every Description and Every one Solid Cold is I. - rilaacirrA tn show fin ant uss" wome ana ow mem Winslow Bros. NEAR POSTOFF1CE PENDLETON STEAM DYE WORKS 780 Cottonwood street Cleaning, dying snd repairing. Goods celled for and de livered. 'Phone, msln 1891. HOU8E-CLEANING BY THE JAPANESE House-Cleaning Co. Work done bv the day, hour or job. Window cleaning a speclslty. Prompt service at low prices. 604 Garden street 'Phone Msln 1171. KNOCKED THE STUFFING OUT OF IT." and broke It Into splinters, may have been the fate of your carriage when It was run Into by something; but "there Is balm In Gllead," or there is pleasure In knowing that In our shop you can have It made as good as new. We do all kinds of carriage repairing and blacksmlthtng In a skillful and superior manner. We set tires with hydraulic pressure; does It better, does It while you wait; does not burn or deface your wheels and adds to the life of the rig. Call and see It work. We have Winona wagons, hacks and buggies, and Stover gaso line engines. NEAGLE BROTHERS, The Blacksmiths. PARK AND WASHINGTON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Established in 1866. Open all the year. Private or class instruction. Thousands of graduates in posi tions; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, etc., free. A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL.B., PRINCIPAL MAI LET US FILL TOUR BIN WITH Rock Spring Coal Recognised aa the best and most economical fust We are prepared to con tract with yon for your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. MAW STREET. NEAR DEPOT. Scott's SantaJ-Pepsia Capsules A POSITIVE CURE of the Bladdt r saa DtMeieS KMneya. sto sure so par. Cures aslekly sad Ferma BeaUy Ihe vml seaea ol leeenhee tad VleM, so aaeiterof how io.is ataod- nlr, Frloe Us. AhaofQtelv nsi S1.C0, OF by DalL postsald. TMI liaTAl-KP.il 10. Bold by F. W. Schmidt Co. g J BM t PBlcMM, r' T m-i1rf,-n,fflel f7iln butftus 01 1 tfoas MEN AND WOMEN. Vm Bttr4B fnr ontord ettas-KJssiisvn.m.ittooA, Irrtiavuooi r ncrtioni yZultm, 1401 U e s- !r.,-lr SA.tksV.1 JaW-afSv. Ask Your Grocer B. F. BECK Sanitary Plumber 807 Cottonwood Street Popular Sheet Music and Latest Hits - All Good Dawn of the Century, Show the White of To' Eye, Storm King, Uncle Sammy, By tbe Sycamore Tree, Navajo, When Summer Breezes Blow, Adrift, Some time. Silks and Rags, (walUes), Katunka, Up In a Cocoanut Tree, The Gondolier, She Was From Missouri, Prairie Queen, (waltiea), Laiarre, (walties), My Money Never Gives Out, Maple Leaf (rag), Midnight Fire Alarm, Mandy Lee, Tbe Rosary, Charcoal, The Moon, the Coon and tbe Little Octoroon, Under a Panama, Zenda (waltzes). Satisfied. Full line Victor Talking Ma chines and Record!. Scott & Gordon Piano House 318 Court Street.