PACK EIGHT. DAILY EASTT OBBGOMAS, PENDLETON, ORJEGOK, SATTRDAT. OCTOBER W. 1- SKETCH OF SHAPLESS, UMftTILU SCOUT The following Interesting sketch of the life and career of "Whirlwind. or Charley Shapless, the well known Umatilla Indian, haa been written tor the East Oregontan by EL 8. licCon as, the pioneer newspaper man and mining broker of Union. Mr. Mc Oomas has been a fast friend of Shapless for 48 years and writes from personal knowledge of the facta of history: It was late In the fall of 18SI that I first formed the acquaintance of my old friend. Whirlwind, ex-chief of the Cayuse tribe of Indians now re siding on the Umatilla reservation. The circumstances which lead to life-long acquaintance was some what romantic I had been on an -tenuve search for the "Blue Bucket" diggings in a section of country which I now presume Is embraced in Harney county. Ore. Our little parry of 2i men had received rough treatment at the hands of probably old Wlnnemuc cV band of Bannocks, and as my PC: tit n I had received a bullet wound in my left leg and also a painful ar row wound In my right hand. Finding It necessary to seek medic al aid after arriving .at Auburn, the first mining camp In Baker county, I managed to reach Umatilla landing on the Columbia river where I knew I had a cousin residing. After spend ing a few days with him I was look ing around for some means nf evl-rt. ence when my cousin told me there j M,le8- was a patch of good timber land about four miles out on the Umatilla, which he advised me to take by squat ter's title. ;-t First Meeting. He loaned me a tent, bedding and cooking utensils and I move out to what was afterward known as the "Four Mile bouse." and pitched my tent. That evening old Chief Homily at the head of some IS stalwart In dians, rode up to my camp and asked mr what 1 was doing there. I told them I was going to make this my home. He informed me that this was his place, that he owned "all the land and all the tipso. (timber), and all the grass and water," and that I mum klatawa. or. in other words, "pull my freight." We camped together in peace that Bight, and earl)- In the morning he was .a Ly inothei- 1 1 :i,il .jf Indians making the ml" 7.2 tn icine the way I tell, then "Injun" be all right" He got some roots from his satchel which I had Mrs. Bell prepare by boiling down to a thick syrup. After taking sufficient of this medicine he went to bed. saying: "Now. pretty soon "Injun" heap sleep, heap sweat. then wake -up 'boat t o'clock.' About t o'clock I woke him and found him with great drops of sweat stand ing on his forehead. He got up and In two or three days was entirely re covered. I at once began to ply him with questions about this wonderful medic inal root, to ail wbich he was very ret icent until one morning when I re ceived a letter from Senator Mitch ell informing me that the order issued by Secretary Jones of the Indian de partment had been modified so far as it applied to old Indians. This was glad tidings and brought great Joy to Whirlwind, and he immediately went to his satchel and presented me with some of the medicinal root, which I Immediately recognised, having seen much of it grow in some portions of Idaho. The Indian name of Whirlwind Is "6hapless." which means a wihrl wind. Whirlwind was exalted to the chieftancy of the Caynse tribe if I remember correctly, soon after the Bannock Indian campaign of 18TS. tn which he took a very prominent part, under direction of Captain Evan 1 one. I ana walked doi to the 1'n.n'Jlla river with my !lr-n rile. vr bathing my woun I-1 .eg hn the- Indians all came -.luiru h'irstliciK. and among the tat'. ur:lv- ts was Llrlwlnd. who co !.! Jalrly c. cd English. ilr giiii me what was the n.a'Ur with my lig. and I told him Dial I r.-d been fact by a Snake Ir.Ciai. He Killing of Egan. At the time that the Bannocks, un der Egan swung around by way of Canyon City and Long Creek and had the fight on Butter Creek with Cap tain "perry and his Pendleton volun teers and killed Charlie Jewell, the well known cltiien of Pendleton, Whirlwind and his Umatilla Indian captured the Bannock chief. Egan. and Whirlwind turned the custody of Egan over to Five Crows while he and his Indians went tp capture other members of Egan s party. Soon after their departure Egan. who had been shot throught the right arm. drew a knife which he had concealed in his leggings and Jumped off his horse and tried to stab Five Crows, whereupon Five Crows drew his revolver and shot Egan in the forehead, killing him instantly. It so happened that while dictating this statement to a friend. Whirlwind and his wife, whose name is "Geese-llt-on-a-ridge." came to see me and this statement was read to him. which he fully corroborated as the true history of the capture and the killing of Egan. Fought tile "Klieop Eaters." Whirlwind subsequently took some It of his Umatilla Indians and went up to Idaho and servi4 under Lieu- IKm m u at the snake Ir.'ai, wnre tenant Farrow, where, after tht bat ' few ' ' ,-n 1 0UBht ,0 nv l""dltle of Vinegar Hill. he. br a l"er v of s !ola mm til fixed about 13 of them. At this announcement he made a long talk to the Indians who by their grunt: and nods of appr: , seemed to i twlrrte what he was nj'i He !n told m ! was all rig.', ana thai i; I would give the Indlins $2.00 ians. ' It is I piece of strategy, succeeded in crfO- turlns Warcheck. the renerade chie: nf the tmnd nf Rannnrlr Indiana t known as the "Sheap Eaters." our purpose In this brief sketch I to rive but a. brief synopsis of this old J Indian I services which date baca from the time of Colonel Steptoe's a cord for cutting the wood that I was , great fight at Steptoe Butte, where .welcome to stay and we Immediately struck a bargain to this effect, and V'hlrlwind and myself have been good friends ever since. u Wanted to Save His Hair. On the evening of the 6th day of January. 1802. 1 was surprised to se Whirlwind dash up in front of my of fice In Union, Ore., on a small, ?a4ed cayune pony. After greeting me with his "klahyam six." or how do you do? he asked me if I had heard the news that the Indians would have to cut off their hair or. or before the first day of March. My first ImpresRion was that some body had been trying to scare or make sport of the old Indian. In the meantime he had picked up a very, rich piece of copper gold ore off one I of the shelves of my cabinet of ores. He anked me if that was good "money j stone." and I told him it was very rich In gold and copper. He said: "I know where there Is a whole mountain like that. Mac." 1 asked him bow much he would take to show me a mountain of ore like that. He said "you keep me from getting cut off .hair and I show you." I said all right. I'll do It. He said make paper "wawa." I proceeded to put our agreement In writing, and after reading It to him. he said, let us go and get our pictures taken, like Lee Moorhouse make. Then we be Just like twin brothers, t-hetj f-d what I say; you do what jiou say. We secured the services of an ar tist and had our pictures taken.. which is virtually his signature to the com pact. After making this agreement I real ised that I had an engagement ' to meet parties In Muscatine. Iowa, with whom I was interested )n .dredge min ing on Snake river, and had promised to be there on the 22nd dny of Feb ruary, and realising that It would be ' each impossible to correspond with author ities in Washington and get answers back and forth, I told Whirlwind that he had better go back East with me. and then he would not be at home at "shearing time." SliapleHH Goes Fast. by the slaughter of 3500 of the In dians' ponies, he brought the Colvllle Indians under subjection. Whirlwind li "I years old some time this Comnlf January and from the time he first Joined Colonel Step toe, when a very young man. he has erVtd under Colonel Olney. Major Wright, Captain Evan Miles. General O. O. Howard and Lieutenant E. S. Farrow, and has gained the confi dence of each of these distinguished commanders, but in the Nex Perce campaign, led by Chief Joseph, who but a few days ago passed to the "Happy Hunting Ground," Whirlwind maintained a strict neutrality, saying Chief Joseph is my cousin, and I can not fight against him. Whirlwind owns a valuable tract of land on Thorn Hollow, about 16 miles from Pendleton, which he has j leased to Senator Pierce, whom he i says is an upright, honorable man. t and his good friend. I .. E. S. McCOMAS. GORMAN AND LA MONT. Both Are Ardent Knpporters of Parker i. and Davis. New Torki Oct. 2. There are two noted democrats whose Influence Is active and effective in accelerating the campaign for Parker and Davis, and yet they are seldom seen by the every-day visitors to the national democratic headquarters In this city. These men are Senator Arthur P. Gorman of Maryland and ex-Secretary of War Daniel 8. Lament. Each has assured Candidate Parker of his be lief that the chances of democratic success In the nation at the approach ing election are fair and each is work ing his own way to bring about such success. Gorman and Lament appreciate others political qualities, and to that extent they are friends. La mont knows perhaps better than any other man how much Gorman did toward bringing about Cleve land s election to the presidency in 1S84, and Senator Gorman knows just how much Cleveland and the demo cratic party owe to Lamont's tact and We soon had an understanding to intuitive knowledge of human nature. this effect and he came over to Ijnion and we started east on the evening of the l&th of February. Immediate ly after our meeting In Muscatine, I secured rooms in Iowa City, to attend 881.50 Given Away. December 24 th. at t p. m., the Peo ples Warehouse will give away abso lutely free, no string on It at ail, 27 to the correspondence which I desired i gifts, total value 1881.60. Each per to carry on with Generals Howard and i son buying a dollar's worth of mer Mlles and Senator Mitchell of Ore- chandise of any kind whatsoever, will on- ' .1 receive a ticket. For further partlcu Jt was during our stay In Iowa 1 lars. see next Issue of .the local Ja- uty mat nirmina contracted a very pers. vere coia. ana one morning I found him with a very high fever and very severe cough and could not Induce kirn to eat any breakfast. I told him I would go lor a doctor. This seemed to alarm htm very much, and he said: "No. no. Mack; white man doctor kill Indian pretty quick. I got some roots in my satchel, if Mrs. bell make meo- Notice to Debtors. All persons knowing themselves In debted to the Ins of Sonet Jb Walk er. Helix, Oregon, will please calle and settle at once. As ws have sold out our satire Interest- All bills payable to P. H. Bone Helix. Oregon. There is only One Genuine-SyrUp Of FigS, The Genuine is Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. TrVa fuel nam of tH company, California Pis Syrup Co, la print ad on tna front of avary package of tha rwiukia, S3B The Genuine Syrup of Figs- Is lor SIe, in Orltfnal Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita tion made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should therefore be cVrnTted. Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its beneficial effects. It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and hMrliAee when bilious or constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on the kidneys, fiver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the laxative remedy of the welrormei Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs MANUFACTURED BY THE (AUFSRNIA Sun! l-.:-.n- a.. oani Louisville, Kp ranclscObCaJ. nTKZ fRTCSRS nS BOTTtZ vr iCT.-- J 1 uuiiuini Materia' OP ALL d: SASH, DOORS ad WINDOWS Made an rwa I DHBta.' per. Lime, Oemem, BaJ Sand, Wood Cntt . . and Dwelling, , Speck,. Oregon Lumber Yard vjpp. coo BosJ PosltlTelj the Best Bee? Any qoaatltr jos dan Delivered to To or home Alsrars call for OLYVPIA. A. N0LTE Telephone Mala ML Our Guarantee Covers AH Responsibility The Standard of Endurance PHOENIX PURE PAINT TAKE NO ONE'S WORD TRY IT YOURSELF E. J. MURPHY 121 Court Street LET ITS SUPPLT YOU WITH Building Material Dimension lumber of all de scriptions. Sash. Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Building and Tar Pa per. BRING TOUR BILL TO TJS AXD GET OCR FIGURES. Grays Harbor Commercial Co. Opposite W. C K. Depot Not Made by a Trust IF TOC ARE REALLY LOOKING FOR A FIXE 5c CIGAR, TRT THE "PEGGT O'NEAL. GCARAXTEED BY THE LARGEST INDEPENDENT MANUFACTURER IN THE V. S. TO BE ABSO LUTELY FULL HAVANA FILLER AND HAND-MADE. PEGGY O'NEAL" 5c CIGAR A. G. HOWARD Fortunes Made in Real EsUtt There Is no Investment tint offers as good security and is creases In value as rapidly a real etate. If you would k rich, put your money In proper ty in this growing city and ac tion. We have choice real estate si all descriptions In all denrsbe localities, both city and bra property, and ranches. Consult us If you hare prop erty to sell; 'list it with us you wish to buy property, ua. Unexcelled facilties for bud- ling real estate. W. E. DaTldson 4 Co. (Successor to E. D. Boyd.) Insurance, Real Estate, a Moruue Loans, lit Oosrt ft CARLOAD OF STONEWARE j The French I j Restaurant I TELEPHONE MAIN 284 L 115 COURT STREET. PENDLETON, OREGON. Beat 2S Cent Meal In the City. Private Dinlnj; Parlors. Ill PLUMBING Elegant Furnlsbed Rooms OoonectloB. hi e 0US LaFONTAJNE, Prop. 11 Main Street. Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, lit barrels a oar. Flour exchanged for wheat. Floor. Mill Feed. Chopped Feed, Cood plumbing U always the cheapest. It has tl lasting ooaU aee. It " yon repair bills. Always your work to thorough, reliable and competent plumbers. Our force la made up of the beet jq enoed workmen. Strict attention paid to sanitary feeture. of LET CS GIVE TOC FIGURES O. your work. We quote right price, and do only the best work. Goodman-Thompson Co. XT a DTlir a . " Telephone S1L HARDWARE AND PLUMBING. Mala Street. it . . ' Lib: All size Jars, crocks. Jug cl tar. vJii v. th nrlct WIU - r- tory. Set ua. DESPAIN t CLARfc. HOT DRINKS WmmI rism BiilLloil -t . . .. ... . tv- unicsen cirotn, Chocolate, Cocoa. THE CABINS' . . - r.nli l Candles, Hot unns - Fruits In season. 10t Court Street. H. J. WILKINSO' I Exoert Collector s We have located a tnf PnMo. i.d will " r defnnct Mils S Pclllt''.t. count too old for us to i s Our plan Is: "No ""ii-, charges. . Suits ImrUtuteo. i- j advertised. jar P. MnriU AMMCr. St- etc always on hand. U E. Court tas. Tesr0