East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 29, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Oar .New Building
doing "n4" ta Ur MW h0m
e"BW hay. a little bit the moet attractive store ta
" the large, best and freshest stock of groceries
i . Wa m a bright, fresh supply of hlfh-
'j(acj. "'"'
-mr . , - itore In Pendleton often as treat Induce
" V MW. do. or ell as high-grade foods. .
grocery Company jj
get os in oar new home
Comer Court and Johnson Streeu.
Johnnle-on-the-Spof Delivery
' 0000notOtO000000004
U W Billy at sUrtln'a
-j id Gloria shoes at Roose-
Stke rr best In photos to be
(BMibrmrdt Studio.
Mom in art needle work at
j,0Baavs, t Hssbrouck'a
aan let satisfaction at How
AWO Bees' cigar store.
.mm cook wants a Job. Wages
ipaaith. Addresi P. O. box 14.
5w dlldren. long coats at
"wkjantw nspkint, with tanc)'
kls a Mich. Nolfi book store.
and framing pictures,
ksaiuteed. Western Art Co.,
L sni new place. Rembrandt
A 111 Cottonwood street, one
it tkd amth of Court
Lseeauiila. A six-room house
iiajiW. 1801. Terms $16 per
ak.IT. Tade t Son,
.tea girl to learn dressmak
'i ad Mies' tailoring. No. (II
f" street tin. Bensch.
; Bat Lsrge sing le furnished
m ttth btth in connection. For
fc two gentlemen. Inquire at
, MeConnmsck and family are
iKKd tone from their trip to the
jrifihirind other Eulern points
inrjfcw dtya
et tkctrle chandeliers are In.
tm dlBerent styles to choose
fat our new patterns and get
f J.L Vaughn.
Jena-House and lot, house
. with city water, and
sat complete. Inquire of J. T.
Get Sunny. U C Radar.
Cash registers at Wlthee'a
Douglas and Hanan shoes at Roos
evelt's. Ice cream and soda every day at
the Delta.
A new turntable has been put In at
Starbuck by the O. R. ft N.
For Sale Complete aet of house
hold furniture. Inquire at this office.
The BL George restaurant, open
lay and night, lira. Cooper, propri
etress. Louis Bell, an Italian, Is the shoe
maker v.-ho has just located at 126
Court street.
Try a pair of our tl.SO school
shoes. Good wear or your money
back at Teutsch's.
Wanted Woman to do general
housework. Family of three. Inquire
104 Jackson street
Wanted Responsible woman want
ed to take charge of housework on
farm. Inquire here.
A cordial welcome to the public
Rembrandt Studio, 728 Cottonwood,
one-half block south of Court
j"". 111 Lincoln street
wetied the finest and largest
stoneware ever
Pendleton. We wlU sell
moe at low is others sell
Pita. Ever fa.
n hup coal, the old reliable.
" H0 most SatllfRCtnrv
Tlnalvn nr. .
' " nwu ana
" Pmdleton market. $6.1
i.JJi'4, aevre
. T ""'err. Roilra nrnn4
J "awhat
I Ski -
I wbea
roe should
I"" dale.
""r hen,
I Hated
We carry
" Wrest
! 4 Bag
Don't Prevent Scab.
Government restrictions are de
signed with laudable but frequent
mistaken intention. consequently
amendment at frequent Intervals is
desirable. This week a big band of
Idaho lambs of only feeding quality
reached Chicago In which scab was
detected. Feeders by the score were
ready to take them at $4. E0 because
of this Infection not a serious mat
ter by any means they were of ne
cessity sold as culls at $4, a ruinous
price, while at the same time a lot of
valuable raw material was destroyed.
But for a government regulation re
quiring double dipping and 10-day
quarantine these lambs could have
been finished. Any intelligent feeder
would have given them a second din
ping at home. It Is obviously a case
that points to the necessity of an
amendment In the regulations. Chi
cago Livestock World.
New Needlework.
Miss Hamrick, who brings such
pretty novelties west each season, ex
pects to arrive In this city some time
near the first and give lessons in the
newest designs. Lovers of the correct
thing In dress will be delighted with
the petterns In eyelet and stllleto
work which makes the waists and
stocks so smart this season. Watch
tor future notice.
Exprem Office at Hlngluun.
The Pacific Express Co. haa estab
lished an office at Bingham Springs,
and the residents of that neighbor
hood claim that It will fill a real
need. Its establishment obviates the
necessity for all express packages to
tnat point being prepaid, and Is other
wise a convenience. Agent H. W.
Swart of the O. R. N., will be the
express agent.
5 Per Ton for Alfalfa.
A. J. Davis of Butter creek, has
old for IB a ton in the stack, over
700 tons of alfalfa, which will be fed
out by cattle men of that vicinity on
tne spot.
New Farm Residence.
G. LeQ row, who lives three miles
southwest of Weston, Is building a
large and fine residence. 8. T. Gore
is the contractor. . .
E. a Wilbur, of Meacham Creek,
In the city today.
Dr. A. H. Ribb. livestock inspector
expected home from Rakr rnn
this evening.
Miss Elna Kimbrick of Aibnu ...
rived last night and Is the guest of
ins uixie Toda. .
Charley Berry left lut ni.M .
Lewiston. expecting to spend the win
ter in that district
Mrs. Ivy Coffey of Artm i
town yesterday on business, returning
on last evening's train.
Oscar Thompson of Ttiitter r,b
haa finished dipping 180 head of beef
steers which he is full feeding.
W. P. Rihorn haa returned from
month In the Eaat, most of his time
oeing spent in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.
G. E. Tumln of Rnl. ... .v,-
gueat Thursday and Friday of Ous
La Fontaine, while on his way to California.
Jamea Dorran. of wiini i.
city today on business connected with
nis larming interests in the Junlner
W. H. Beneflel returned
Weston this morning. He haa been
the guest of his daughter Mr. w t
J. B. Despaln went to Ukiah this
morning to attend a social riven t
the Artisans and the Modern Wood
men Jointly.
Ora Rhodes, of the Fair store t
Athena, was in Pendleton this morn
ing on his way home from a visit to
Monroe county.
E. T. Judd of Salem, one of the
heavy stockralsers of the valley, Is in
town. Inspecting the McLaughlin Im
ported stallions.
Mrs. J. A. McKee. of Hennner. re
turned home this morning. She has
oeen tne guest of Mrs. J. H. Graham.
at 808 West Court street
Mrs. Jane Reece of Ellenahmr
visiting her aister. Mrs. Tabitha Rlril
The two ladles have Just returned
from a visit to Huntington, with their
brother, George Strange.
F. E. Holm and R. A onhert engi
neers of the O. R. A X. at La ftranrie
are In the city today, as witnesses In
the last session of the Swauger in
quest being held this afternoon.
E. E. Elbert, of Travnnr. Town hna
arrived and after visiting with his
brother, who lately came Into the
neighborhood of Pilot Roek will work
in the railroad shops at Umatilla.
Pioneer of .Oregon Pawed Away at
Hotel St. George Laxt Night
James Hoffman, of Eugene, who
has been In this city for some time
visiting his nephew, Dr. T. H. White,
also visiting a sister, Mrs. F. M. Al
fred, of Baker City, died last night
at Hotel St. George from a compli
cation of diseases, chief of which was
heart trouble.
Mr. Hoffman was a pioneer of 1852,
having spent the past 62 years in
the state. In the earlier years of set
tlement in Eastern Oregon, he was a
packer and freighter In the mines,
but of late years he has resided at
Eugene, where he was associated with
his brothers. Thomas and W. H., In
large property Interests, among which
are the Hoffman House, the leading
hotel In Eugene.
He was 62 years of age and was
a highly respected and prominent
citizen. The funeral will take place
In Eugene. The body will be sent to
Eugene tonight, from the Rader Un
dertaking parlors, accompanied by a
sister, Mrs. F. M. Alfred, of Baker
City and Thomas Hoffman, of Eugene.
I Peoples Warehouse Peoples Warehouse j
Not Only One Day But Any Day, Not
Just One Week But All the Time
i Prices Until Dec. 3 1
TJnMeached nsUn, s Inches wide, good weight, 4Mo a yard, 11 yards for $.M
Bleached muslin, 1 yard wide, Ko a yard, 11 yards fi.oo
Canton flannel, unbleached. So yard, 10 yards for i.o
Outing flannel, unbleached, Kc.a yard, 20 yards for i.o
Good, flrst-claas American prints, not trashy stuff, o yard, 15 yards for . . ,'. tt.00
Amoakrag ginghams, ail alas creeks, we bare sold for years and continue to sell for 5c a yard, 10
yard for ai.o
Good and pretty outing flannel. In stripes and checks, regular 8o quality, 10 yards for 91.00
You get 10 Inches to the yard when you buy at the Peoples' Warehouse.
Children's fast black hose, good fall weight from Bo to 8c per pair) slse from 5 to Oft.
Ladles' fast black hose, full fashioned 4o p,, vult
One odd lot of children's union suits that were ISo suit, are now 9c a suit at The Peoples Warehouse.
Tarns, Linings, Dress Goods, Velvets, 81lks, Binding, Trimming.
Crowd Assembled In Front of Strain's
Store Last Evening and Tried to
Prevent Clothier From Doing Bus
iness Clerks Not Responsible for
Egg Throwing Strain Arrested for
Disorderly Conduct, But CI large
Withdrawn Tills Morning.
tlOOO Barn.
George Btaggs la building a large
harn on his farm three miles from
Weston, which will cost about tl00.
James Aaher la the contractor..
Is.. a
."H.. .
wCwI!! T' of those Peggy from Paris
"V tall Uilg
Chain Purses
,. The prices on Peggys run from
.ur. to suit.
Prio Den Store.
Will Be Known at 0:30 p. m. Who
Gets die Gold Watch.
Friends of Miss Catherine Davis,
Miss Charlotte Hastings and Miss Ida
Reeden will know at :30 o'clock to
night which Is entitled to the gold
watch in the popularity contest on at
the Sisters of St. Francis fair.
Miss Davis la a student at St Jo
seph's Academy from Kemmerer,
Wyo. The two other ladles are res
idents of Pendleton and neither Is a
Last night Miss Anna Delatuer
was declared the winner of the dia
mond ring.
The fair will come to a close Mon
day night Each evening large
crowds have been In attendance at the
rooms where the fair is being held In
the Bowman building. A number of
articles yet remain for sale but the
sisters are confident of being able to
dispose of nearly all their goods.
Will Solicit Job Work.
Im D. Drake, the well known
orinter and newsnarjer' man. has been
employed by the East Oregonlan to
solicit and nave cnarge or tne jou
work, and Mr. Drake will call upon
the patrons of the paper often and
revularlv. to see that their wants In
thia line are attended to. The .office
better eaulnrjed than ever to turn
out neat work on short notice and
those having anything In the printing
line are requested to see r. uram
before ordering elsewhere.
The Pendleton Retail Clerks' Asso
ciation Is. at war with Paul Strain,
proprietor of the Hub clothing store,
at Court and Johnson streets. The
union and the clothier clashed last
night when the latter refused to
close his place of business at (
A delegation of more than a score
of clerks congregated in front of
Strain's place last night and when he
refused to close he was jeered by the
crowd. Fully 260 people assembled
and the excitement for a while was
high. Eggs were thrown, but the
clerks declare none of their men were
responsible .for this.
City Murshal M. J. Carney, who
was present ordered Strain to appear
before the recorder this morning, but
when the matter was reported to Re
corder Fits Gerald he criticized the
action of the chief In allowing the
crowd to form In front of the Hub..
'The ordinance Is very plain." said
the Justice. "When three or more
persons congregate In one place In
the street and are told to move on
and refuse, they are guilty of a mis
demeanor. When you tried to dis
perse the crowd and the people refus
ed to go, you should have placed them
under arrest."
Strain declares that rival mer
chants of Pendleton are behind the
clerks, but the union men deny this.
"We are simply working to preserve
our short hours," said President Ma
cey, of the Clerk's Union. "There are
76 male and 60 women clerks In this
city working until o'clock In the
evening. We have been a long time
In securing these hours and If Strain
remains open each evening It endan
gers our welfare. He promised to
comply with our request to close at
f o'clock, but he has broken nis
Strain says: "The crowd congre
gated In front of my place. Insulted
my customers and threw rotten eggs
at me, and when I exclaimed against
It, they accused me of disorderly con
duct and the'marshal stepped up and
placed me under arrest. This morn
ing he withdrew the charge."
Cocker Spaniel Returned.
F. P. Rounds has secured the return
of hta blooded cocker spaniel bitch,
after the animal had been absent 12
days. It was known that she was
tnian here inH nil t Into a box car
with some race horses, and word was
telegraphed up the line, with the re
ihit the thief became frightened
and dropped the spaniel off the car
at Haines, where she was picked up
and cared for by a saioonaeeper.
License to marry has been issued
.i Ai.rir a the followlna:
vj in vvm "
Krter M. Chrietlanson and Mlttle Bai
A Little Sermon
on Fountain Pens
"Clean pens make clear consciences, but Inky fingers excite
unholy words."
Ws have Just received a large shipment of WATERMAN
Probably there Is no article which serves mora varied require
ments than the pen. The tastes and needs of Individual users dif
fer In very widest degree. Thus, while the first care of the pur
chaser should be to secure a pen that Is mechanically perfect
durable and reliable, his next Is to secure a holder adapted to
his use and a pen point fitted to his hand.
In our stock you can find any kind -of a point you want,
from extra fine to a stub.
Every Waterman Ideal Fountain Pen we sell Is unreservedly
guaranteed. Pen points may be exchanged as often as necessary
In order to fit the hand, or the full purchase price refunded with
in SO days It the pen Is not entirely satisfactory.
We carry the "Independent" Btylographlc Pen and the "Cap
itol" Fountain Pen, the best dollar pens made.
Book and Stationery Store
We don't claim to carry the largest stock of carpets la Pen
dleton, but we claim that If Its Ingrain carpets you want, we east
save you money.. Our prices are the lowest In Pendleton. OaU
and let us convince yon.
2J0 Coort Street
Exercise is Healthful
There Is no exercise more highly recommended bhen Bowling.
It brings into play the use of all the muscles and Is an exhilarating
pastime. Bowling affords pleasure as wel as being beneficial.''
. Our billiard and pool ball la equipped In flrst-clasa shape.. A
cordial Invitation Is extended the public to call and enjoy their
leisure hours with us.
....Best of order maintained.
Wade Siler's Bowling Alley's
and Billiard Hall
Couldn't Say.
Malar Tell General, . are you a
judge of horseflesh T
General Blow lm rn.no w.
eat any that I know of.
A Standard for Quality. Cleanliness and Workmanship,
' Hand MadeXlear Havana.' FiyNN&CO.Makcrs:
Always fcssa iml sr the Full Mama
I aiative Uromo Qumine JS (Vft
OargCc44aiOaDay,Crk3fay' 1
if ! j.
h .
ley, Dotn or aiorrow cvuuij.