PASS FOCB- DAILY CAST QBXGOXIAX. PEKIkUTTOK. OWBCKMt. RT1RPAY. OCTOBER 1. - TKaT asgj, AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Pabiabes fw; afternoon (except BeadayV at Pendleton. Oregon, by the EAST OREGOXIAX PUBLISHES G OOMPAXY. 8UBRCRI ITION RATES. Dally, on year, by Mil $S .00 Dally, an months, by mil 2 50 Dally, three Booth, br nil 1.25 Dally, one aosta. by nail .80 Dally, per Booth, by carrier 5 Weekly, on year, by mail 1.50 Weekly, six oath, by Ball 76 Weekly, four month, by Bull -60 semi-Weekly, one year, by mall SOU Seal-Weekly. six Booth, by mail... 1.00 Beat-Weekly, tare month, by aall.. JS0 Scripps-McRM Neva Assectatiaa. The East Oreeonlaa a oa Ml at B. B. Bleb's Neva Bunds at Bote) Portlsad and Botel Perkins. Portland. Oregon. Baa Francisco Bureau. so. Fourth 8t Chicago Bureau, too Security Building. Wsahlagtoa, 0. C Bnresu. 401 14th BU Telephone liala 11. at l'tfodieroo pnstofflce ai class Batter. These things shall be: A loftier race Than e'er the world hath known ahall rise. With flame of freedom In their souls, And light of knowledge In their eyes. They ahall be gentle, brave, and strong To spill no drop of blood, but dare All that may plant man's lord- ship firm. O'er earth and fire, and sea and air. Nation with nation, lsnd with land. Unarmed ahall live as corn el rades free. In every heart and brain shall throb The pulse of one fraternity. J. A. Symonds. in New Century. against It. tt will not be enforced, but will become a farce and the very abuses that will follow will torn some of Its strongest supporters against tt. Half a law well enforced, la 10 times better than a full law only half en forced. County prohibition- will be defeated and it ahould be. Let it be gin at the ground and give the small community an opportnnlty to pro tect itself against the liquor traffic, but don't impose it on a county that is not ripe for it. It will only Injure the cause. Arbitration lays its gentle hand up on the mane of the lion, war and his sharpened claws are released and ; his murderous fangs concealed. Bristling, pompous, defiant old Brit ain, flying into a rage like a spoiled boy. over every affront, every rebuff, i is rebuked into silence by the angel of arbitration. Before the benign counsels of a peaceable court of in quiry, how shamefully insignificant the murderous Implements of war appear. In the presence of reason and equity sitting in judgment upon the wrongdoing of the nations, how fiendish and uncivilized appear the! bristling army and the grewsome , man-of-war! In the presence of cool, i dlgntried discussion of grievances, i how cruel seem the crimson battle- ( field and the bellowing cannon! If the loth century produces no other splendid achievement than that of arbitration, it will have made more progress than all the 20 centuries of the Christian era! But unless the world practices what It Is preaching, and diminishes the army as It in creases in reason, its triumph will be incomplete. The Associated Press Is not parti san, is not political. Is not unjust nor prejudiced, is the assertion of the Or egonian. time and time again, and yet under date line news, column after column of editorial opinion of the most warped and unreliable brand is hashed out to its readers for news. That news trust Is one of the most dangerous in existence because It has the means and will hazard any meth od to prejudice the public mind. It is time for those Oregonians who have criticized the Oregon agricultu ral exhibit at the St. Louis fair to go out behind the barn and kick them selves. That criticized and belittled exhibit took the grand prise in com petition with the world, and the state so far has taken 102 prizes of all kinds. Where are the knockers and the kickers, that this news may be shrieked into their ears so fiercely that they will hear nothing else for a lifetime! XAPOLEOX'S HATS. I Seven hats once worn by Napoleon ' are in existence. That Is settled by ' Prince Victor Napoleon, who has an- I swered an inquiry, one of the seven was tought for 17.0U0 francs by Oe rjme. whose monument of the "Bro ken Eagle" was unveiled at Waterloo last summer. Three are owned by the Empress Eugenie, Prince Victor Napoleon and Prince Louis Napoleon; two are at the Invaltdes. one in the Military museum. poieon owns bills for hats supplied to the great emperor. They cost 60 francs (S12) each. Nupoleon sent them back at times to the hatmaker to be done up. In the bills figures the items. "For repairs, six francs" ($1.20). The Gerome hat may now be seen at the Conde museum. Eat beefsteak and play football: throw your shoulders back and thump your breast: run foot races. If you are beaten In every race; think hard. breath deep, take long strides and look the world in the face! And in all your physical prowess, boys, be men! Be manly, courteous, fearless, yet tender men! Books are not all of an education. There Is a whole course of study in the way you walk and carry yourself, a library In the man ner in which you treat your class mates and teachers and a clrrtculum In your language and bearing in school and out of It. No weak-kneed, soft-voiced, effeminate boy ever grew to be a great general or even a good soldier. Effeminacy Is beautiful in a girl, but in a boy It is repulsive! Study to be strong and fearless. In thought and manner. Be men in mind, action. Judgment and manner before your 21st birthday proclaims you to be a legal man. It is refreshing to hear John E. Latbrop, who managed the local op tion campaign In Multnomah county last spring, say that county prohibi tion is a wrong move this early In the game. The radical wing of the prohibition movement 10 years in prohibition party has set back the prohibition movement 10 years in Or egon. With precinct prohibition, ai was agreed upon last spring. Oregon would have carried for prohibition by mall subdivisions, in fully one-third the era of the state. Communities could have voted and enforced pro hibition, where public sentiment was almost unanimous in favor of it. Lit tle settlements where the sentiment had taken root and become fixed, could have passed their prohibition law, enjoyed their freedom from the liquor traffic and prohibition, where enforced, would have been successful and aa tt spread from precinct to Precinct, would nave been effective nd permanent. It la aa educational growth that cannot be attained In per- urcium. n one Donna, in a county where there is a strong a IX THE HEAHT OF THE FIRE. From the heart of the fire does the vision rise. It is good to sit in the after-glow. While someone's hand in your big one lies. And nobody there to know. Ah. golden gleaming its many towers. The palace ye build, ye twain! Where two shall dwell thro' the love- lit hours. In a golden castle In Spain. Who is It laughs in the dusk behind? Who lurks in the shadows there? Will the years that are coming to you be kind. And the end of the dream be fair? Ah. boy and girl, with the love-lit eyes! Will the faith and the love remain When only a crumbling rain lies Tour fallen castle in Spain? Sydney Bulletin. FOR THIRTY YEARS Congressman Heekison Suffered With Catarrh Read His Endorsement of Pe-ru-na. XCl TOXIC is a meaicine was given m A- tone to some part of the system. H irsere are different kinds of tonics, but M 1 tbe tonic most seeded in this country, H ! whens catarrh is so prevalent, is a ton la H ! that operates on the mucous membranes. M I reruns Is a tonic to the mucous Bern H branee of the whole body. It sires tons Q to tbe capillary circulation which ooo H ; sti tales these delicate membranes. Hj Peruna Is a spscifle in lis operatic M noon the mucous membrane. It is a " i tonic that strike at the root of all ea- I tarrhal affections. It gives tone to the 1 minute blood vessels and the terminal nerve n urea. Catarrh cannot axial long where Peruna is used intelligently. Peruna seeks out catarrh la all the hid den parts of tbe body. A. M. Iketd, an employs of the C. B. 4 Q. R. R-, West Burlington, la, writes: : "1 had catarrh of the stomach and fi small intestines for a number of years. H j 1 went to a number of doctors and gut J I no relief. Finally one of my doctors H I sent me to Chicago and I met the samo J ! tale. They said they eould do nothing H ' for me, that I had cancer of the stomach and there was no cure, I almost thought H the same, for my breath was something awful. 1 could hardly stand it, it was so offensive. I eould not sat anything without great misery, and 1 gradually grew worse. " Finally I got one of your books, and concluded I would try Parana, and thank God, I found a relief and a cure far that dreadful disease. I took Ore bottles of Peruna and two of Manalin, and I now feel like a new man. There Is nothing better than Peruna, and i keep a bottle in my house all the time.'' A. M. Ikerd. Csiarrh of the stomach la usually called dyspepsia. Catarrhal dyspepsia cannot be cured by pepsin powders or any other temporary relief. The only cure for real dyspepsia is a removal of the catarrh from the muoous membrane of the stomach. This Peruna will do. This Peruna has done thousands and thousands of times. Congressman Botkin, of Kansas, was cured of catarrh of the stomach of many years' standing. Hundreds of other cases hsve been reported to us through unsolicited testimonials. Peruna is the only internal systemic remedy for ca tarrh yet devised. Every one afflicted with catarrh in the slightest degree) ought to take a course of Peruna. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to lir. Hartman, giving a (ull statement of your case and be will be pleased to give you his valuable ad viee gratis. Address lr. Hartman, President of r"i j-if '-ssssr : y .- - -- ... i .ji.i'-iiiiiiuuiu.i. r"-ss 2 CONGRESSMAN MEEK1S0N, Of (HI 10. rtTTTVtlTlIIITxTTTTTrrrr Hon. Itavid Meekison is well known, not only in his'own State but throughout America. He began his political career by serving four consecutive terms as Mayor of the town in which he lives, during which time he became widely known as the founder of the Meekison Bank of Napoleon, Ohio. He was elected to tbe Fifty-fifth Congress by a very large majority, and is tbe acknowledged leader of his party in his section of the Stale. Only one flaw msrred the otherwise complete success of this rising statesman. Prince Victor Na- ltrr'1 with its insidious approach and tenacious grasp, was his only uneon quered foe. For tliirty years he wsged unsuccessful warfare against this'personal I enemy. At last Peruna came to the rescue, and he'dictated the following letter to Dr. Hartman as the result: have used several bottles of Peruna and I feel greatly benefited thereby from my catarrh of tbe head, I feel encour aged to believe that if I use it a short time longer I will be fully able to eradicate the disease of thirty years' standing." David Meekison, ex-Member of Congress. Over fifty meinlers of Congress endorse Peruna as a catarrhal tonic, arominenoe the world over praise Parana. Men of 'The Hurinian banitarlum, Ool umbos., St Josephs Acade PEXBLETOK, OHEO0I. I Under the direction ot 1 Sisters ot 81. Francis, at pv! delphia. Resident and ou i plla. Special attention ftiei i music and elocution. bujJ prepared for teachers' tzsat atlons for county and suit tlficates. Por parUcalsj-ie dress I SISTER 8UPEE10S, Ounther's genuine ett-aj ioned Horehoimc Drops for coughs and colds. Poll candies and bon bona Brock & Mc(W Company 8e window dlsplayi H. M. SL0AI BLACKSMITH Horseshoeing, general rnc Inc. wagon making and rips lng. The way I ban toffi my business Is by Aolaf lng but good work. Prlesi onable. Cor. Cottonwood Ala S esses I DISGRACEFUL SCENE Pour accidents to vessels occurred in the Sound Friday during the worst fog ever reported. The afalnlander was sunk, but the crew was saved. Neil Phelps, a millionaire and founder of Phelps' Sanitarium at Bat- t.e Creek, Mich.. Is missing. Foul play is suspected. el essayed food beait setil sbeat two yeais see whes 1 aooced my beck bees to ecbe Ire ejueatly: it became sore end tame, and headacae sooa added to misery- also found that ay general health diminuheo. I became thin and weak and serenes, banns severe patnsat mro lar intern Is. writes Mrs. AngusttB Kmorr. Treasurer New Century Club. M Dm btreet (Roeborr). Boetun. Mass. She continues My work which before had seemed an easv task soon seemed like a beery burden. I decided to try Dr. Pierce's Pavonte Present ion. which several of my friends praised so highly I fell relief within a week, my eppctite came back, the pains gradually decreased and I emoyed sound sleep, within fourteen weeks I bad completely recovered my health. I seemed built up anew, ay pulse, which bad been weak became nor aal. and new life animated my enure being. 1 gladly endorse your medicine. Doctor Pierce's Fsvorite Prescriptios restores weak and sick women to sound health, by curing tbe local womanly dis eases which are generally responsible for the failure of the general health. A worn, ana entire beins; is centered in her wom anly nature. When the delicate womanly orgsniam is attacked by disease; when there is rrrefrnlartty or a disafrreeable drain; when inflammation barns and ulcers gnaw the general health will reflect the progress of disease, in incresstng weakness, Drrv ooaness, backache, lieadache, loss of appe tite and sleeplessness. 6o sure of it is the World's Dispensary Medical Association, of Buffalo, N. Y., pro prietors of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion, that they oner $900 leward for women who cannot be cured of Lencorrhea. Fe ale weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb. All they ask is s fair and wsinna te tnal of their sseaas of cure. ur. Pierce's Plenaam Pellet sewnlale eke 1 i I I :: PENDLETON SK BOTTl! store sd tea en SCAXDEL-OfS OCCTRRESO? THE SHAME OF PEJiDlfr TOX! PAUL STRAIN. LEADING CITIZEN OF THE STATE OF OREOS ARRESTED AT THE DOOB Of Hit! fliOTHING BIW- COURT AND JOHX80S- nu.hxi the str DM USUI li I Mocked br a howling aw hooted, jetr EGGED HIM. Lady customer at the store insnlted, hooted and rotten n ins destowl " 1 Paul Strain dared f! to tlus city and nnderseU a " tier oent profit ctotlung r T that reausoa men and """J Kaern Oreon. the M seat their hired braves store and with threat of and -sob abase. fUth and benped spos s -j head, they swore to W" from Pendleton, and who 1 pealed to yowr polices" 1 protection that a yellow stag , be entitied to, tt howling mob, instead Strain s bsln- and diP"J crowds who were in j liideoos, be sinipir bTi lng ring plaoed Strata j rest becaawe he was a j asked protection. j Men and women of E" j egoa, la this Just? " J people snoot Interested Strain from Pendleton. butcher, the fanner man? No, Its none d "' in - MM per cent who are oat of the snethods What town and pstedin-'-l r? of do yon 1 ORXCON