f i DAILY EVENING EDITION WEATHER FORECAST. Tonight and Tuesday fair, frost tonight, warmer Tuesday. t reputable .Tot your "it too well. . TEXDLKTON, OHEiiOX, "MONDAY, (HTOHEll 17, 1!M)4 "(). 5180. fl00nSEB Li Jailv Journal Is a Special Illustrated f i.lflfllOPW'U'I'COL. jT, KFX'ESSAKY DATA. 4 rmiUII County Will L Auveruciiu-ii. ), of tmiiwni .. .i. .,.., Ma, l,iliiir mtlt TOW1' "-r " Mrin WIM Stake vp me L. utlvop. Who Van fan Editor of the Knit Or- aaj Many hnprove- i.iauitiirlp enterm-ise where once ,.,. was Inertia, unu fr decades matters have been at a standstill- RuHtern Oregon, wnn us musimi- w.u unH the mnrvelmis re cent resume- """ ' suits already attained during the past generation, has larger inuuniriui vic tories vet to win. tip hero, you have a fortune In the bracing air. There's ii tonic In the simple act of alighting from a train. Ana, 100, me Dusy scenes on me sireeis 114" iuui evi dent that here are life and activity and all 'the constituent element mat. go to make up an ideal modern mu nicipality." Mr. Ijithrop is accompanied by Ms wife, and while In the city for the next few days, they will be guests of Hotel St. George. He Is making ar nuiKenients to secure elaborate Illus trations for the forthcoming write-up of Pendleton and vicinity, and will leave no detail Incomplete In placing rendleton properly before the In quiring homeseekers In tl;e East, through the medium of the Pendle ton edition of the Journal. MOItMON STUDENTS RIOT. In Celebrating Victory Over Montana I'iMitliiill Team, Decorum Is Forgotten. Salt Lake, Oct. 17. Students of CONTINUED FIGHTING ADDS TO RUSSIA'S CRUSHING DEFEAT Japanese Armies Advance All Along, Repulsing Every Attack of the Shattered Russian Forces. EDITORS AR.IOIHN. Estimated That 2S.O00 Russian Wounded Are Now In Hospitals at Muk den lteKiit That General Nodlzit Was Wounded Idike liulkal Hall way Is a Failure The Czar Consent to tlie Mobilization of a New Army of 600,000 Men ,laancsc Have Captured 31 Since Saturday Morning. Russian Guns Officers Elected and Portland Select ed as Next Meeting Place. Hood River, Oct. 17. The sessions of the Oregon. Press Association ad journed Saturday evening after a pleasant excursion through the Hood Ulver fruit district, In carriages, Saturday. Portland wait unanimously selected us the meeting place for 1905, resolu tions commending the Lewis and Clark fair were adopted and the fol lowing officers were elected: President, R. J. Hendricks, Sulem;. first vice president, J. C. Hayter, Dal las; second vice president, A. D. Moe, Hood River; secertary, Albert Tozler, Hlllsboro; treasurer. Frances E. Gott shall, Portland; historian, Oeorge H. Mimes, Portland. It was one of the moat profitable meetings ever held by the associa tion. The attendance was large and the entertainment furnished by Hood River was elaborate and pleasant. s Toklo, Oct. 17. The Japanese are continuing their advance and occu pied additional positions south of the Shakhe river. The left army occu pied Wxi Fukia Tun at noon yester day, dislodging five battalions of Rus- the university this morning, In cele-!" Infantry, and several batteries oration of their victory over the of artillery and crushlngly repulsing Ulbrop, for 10 years edi- an Oregonlan, one of the In ef the Oreon Dally a! fwnder of the "North named monthly maga- Mtd at Portland, arrived IdP Ikfc morning to prepare bit utter for an illustrated 4 Pendleton and vicinity, Dally Journal. wlrop hai been uppolnled rtipondent of the Journal, tmel throughout the state tn 1 eerlee of descriptive ittng forth the reaources of tnt localltiH and the attrac- tmi to people In the Hunt looking umarda the West l to making homes here. will be llluntmted with and perfectly printed n the Journal now being IUi the moit complete en- ttat in the Northweat In ad- IU other feature of modem pit preai I the contemplated action M? court to appropriate a to exploit the advan- county, In accordance unite auihoriilnx such an il, the Journal hopes to aid rk and to find the people tarn ready to co-operate In prfon of arUclea compre P merlin this county. '"wo on traveled quite aen- ff the tute during the past u jean. Hnce leavim f; 1,4 1"" that practically rv aming attention tn ' 1 adnrtlUng. results at 't of material benefit to the lBthe bringing f n ud He m Matter. 'wntiw among the home 1 the Eaat. Is Pttiilletoii. 'lor 10. years In r. Uthrop. can. feeling o1 mw PUtlo ,he town hHR Z,1"- Wherever "hdl that D "INT, the 8,at" I rt-.r'tate what si.. n t occurred dur a oJ?- The orn.er fHiT'?, for iWu. w nimse f tht I not l ,,,, Montana university football team, on Saturday, Indulged In a stampede. The faculty endeavored to yuell the enthusiasm, when the students broke down the claas room door and com pelled the professors to march with them around the campus. The pro ceedings ended In a small riot. Iiarge Crowds Hear T)avta. Charleston, W. Va.. Oct. 17. Ten thousand farmers, miners and towns people listened to Davis and Senator l)nnlel In an outdoor meeting this afternoon. Alfonso's Klster TwmuI. Madrid. Oct. 17. Princess Marie Mercedes Isabella Therese, a sister of King Alfonso, is dead. not been all , ruction of kl. Zn ,c?nrvii8m Tuf'mark- tCT' lndubi- iILrapmiy'wl'lle me rtorain -'Proof that ., -"""Mroui. "I'V .very 'miaro PBarent ,lPPed to .r..cof IU nf f . .1 what .v.. Ik.. . v"1 '.S Sri: Ti th. ... -""'to '.,. aa it or'd Ore- crnM ei,ir"a. ... . 1 t th. r-l HERVY FREIGHT TRANSACTIONS It Il.lt()l IIHKINEHK I1ETTER THAN REFORE, litis Not lleen Arrmted by InHlden- Kill Year, 1 alitor Disturbances, Vrop l iillon'H, or leeline In Hteel Husl mni Ojtenlng Vp of Nw tteajrlona Proves to He a Great .Ktlmuliis to the (ienertil Traffic Conditions of Entire l ulled Suites. nicatro, m., Oct. 17. Freiirlit traffic through the country Is heavier this year than It has even been before and this In spite of elections, great u.muiunnees In business in individual terlrtorles, Colorado, for Instance, and on the packing house lines, the corn juiiure in Iowa last year, the declln wie meet business and many other uniiivoriible factors less known. me loss or trarfln In Wlllut.,,,.t, Henver. Kansas City and other points crippled by various causes seems to be made p ,by the general health of the country at large. While there is "army a city of 100.000 people In the eHt which Is not ordering less manu factured goods, luxuries, etc., than IHHt VtHiK tkl. . v.,, cuniraction Is more thur, balanced by the new business s. o',,K from the oi'eu'ns up of the Southwest, where many towns that . u.ioeura of a few years ago are a nourishing business. KICKED VN THE FACE. r'o,irtee.Ycar.6ld Boy Dangerously ujiirwl at Mountain Home. .JIL6 V-Lear;0,d " f Wll- Z """ntain Home. 15 miles 71 u,f, Pllot Rock' w" a few day. the .h V Dy a hor8e "ouarely in nln-t, The y wa knocked lnse,s,b,e and lost auuh a quantity o : blood that he wa. . barely . alive 1 Hume.JO'nt Care f Dr"- Pttrker His nose wn ... . . . . . uniy Droaen, out all .1,. ""l u," ln. 7. vuralna'ed bones were broken bone nt8' Hna tne left 1 t.A . "rusnea tn. He also suf- cheek somL.1. . eoncusslon of the brain j... ... at- ttnl for a time his life waji desiialred of. "l Is recovering slowly. He rallied, however, JU ""Ut M BuPt'st Church, this . Latourelle will arrive win r,n."B 'rom McMinnvllle, and et t th" T Ea"t R,r0ad l4 ' at th Praker home. Miss nTuiee,WU1 teuch Instrumental g?nl.rn . ""rter Coutract to be Uiuti lT 'he "'""""B year at the in lrhWSh- Her appearance "'orrow eve 1 ' thC r'Uo l- he subsequent counter attacks. Ar tillery from the center and infantry from the left army are harrasslng the Russian retreat. Turkish war was a with this war." Joke compared 23,000 Wounded at Mukden. St. Petersburg, Oct. 17. A dis patch states that 23,000 wounded Russiup soldiers have arrived at Mukden in the past week . Many -aa Captured. Toklo, Oct. 17. Major Takashimas battalion captured 14 guns at Sanchl- atzu. Thia makes a total of 34 guns captured by Nndzu's center army fclnce October 3 4. Katu Nodm Is Wounded. St. Petersburg. Oct. 17. A dis patch from Mukden says Nodzu ha retired from command of his divis ion on account of wounds received 1 Railway Is a Failure. St. Petersburg, Oct. 17. News from Irkutsk states that the newly completed Luke Baikal railway is in a bad state owing to poor materials used In construction. The first train took over three days to make the Journey and wa derailed three limes. It will be necessary to use horses, in stead of engines to pull the trains during the winter months. Russians Claim Victory. St. Petersburg. Oct. 17. Sukharoff reports that on October 16 the Jap anese attacked the Russian center, but were repulsed. The next day two Russian regiments attacked an isolated position held by the Japan ese, dislodging the latter and forc ing them to retreat across the Sha hake. After another engagement the Jap anese dislodged the latter and forcing them to retreat still further. The fighting did not end until this morn ing, when It was found the Russians had captured the whole Japanese po sition with 11 guns, one a Maxim, at 8 o'clock this morning desultory fir ing Is progressing along the whole front. The losses Sunday were not heavy. 14 More Russian Guns Captured. Toklo, Oct. 17. Reports from the seat of war this morning say that 14 more Russian guns were captured yesterday. '5 Prohibition Vote In linker. Baker City, Oct. 17. County Judge Travllllon has made an order de claring the following precincts, Haines, Rock Creek, Unity Eagle Valley and Pine numbers one and two, entitled to vote on the question of Prohibition or no prohibition at the coming election to be held No vember ftth, and has ordered the necessary1 ballots printed. Mexicans Are Guests. Kansas City, Oct. 17. Remon Cor ral, vice president of Mexico, and party, arrived this morning from St. Louis and were entertained by the Commercial Club and citizens today. Thev will be euests of honor at the Rome, Oct. 17. A dispatch from hr hnv tnnlirlit. From here thev Will Mobilize 600.000 Troops. St. Petersburg states that after con sultation with the czar. General Grlppenberg has decided to mobilize 600,000 additional troops. Manchuria will be abandoned for the present. A Russian note will probably be issued to the powers, the czar's in tention to continue the war. Wus a Terrible Rout. St. Petersburg, Oct. 17. Messages from Kuropntkln state that the re tirement of the forces or General Meyerdorff of the Russian right flank, has been turned Into a com plete route with terrible losses. Rattle RukIiik Fiercely. St. Petersburg, Oct. 17. A dis patch from the front states that the battle W'as resumed at daybreak to day. The Russians still hold the right bank of the Shakhi river. Pressure on the Russian left has been relieved but the Japanese are still trying to break through the Rus Blan center In order to get possession of the railway out from Mukden, faknroff wires that the Russians yesterday captured Lonely Tree Hill, south of Shakhe, taking 11 Japanese guns, one a quick-firing gun. Russians Claim a Victory. Mukden, Oct. 1 7.- Yesterday the Russians carried a brilliant move ment on the left, storming and carry ing the Japanese trenches at Spuk hutung, capturing 10 guns. The Jap anese resisted desperately., their losses being enormous. The Russians' move ments on the right were also success ful, it is reported. Most Horrible Butchery Known: Mukden, Oct. 17. A Russian gen eral, wounded In the recent fighting, arrived at Mukden today and said: "The fighting has been of an unheard of character. The Russians often climbed vertical slopes in the face of a hall of bullets and are received by Japanese bayonets. Whole companies have been bayonetted to death. This Is the 10th day of such butchery. The1 THE CATHOLIC FAIR. Will lie a Iiciurestue ami Memorable Event In the Bowman Bulldlnc It has been settled that the coming Catholic fair Is to be held in the north room of the Bowman building. facing Matn street and that It will be held for five days, beginning Tues day, October 25. From day to day the various features of the fair will be made public as they develop. All the promoters will now say is that all the more common features of such an event are to be duplicated, but with greater lavishness and beauty. and that the event will have some novelties. The fair Is a benefit for St. Antho ny's hospital and an attempt Is to be made to requite the Institution in pro portion to Its needs and Its benefit as a public institution. Figuring on this basis, the results of the fair ought to be gratifying In a great measure. the TEN CONTESTANTS. School Children Taking Great Inter est hi F. W. Schmidt's Advertise ment. There were 10 successful contest ants In the the presidential contest conducted by F. W. Schmidt, druggist. The contest was to see what pupils of any of the city schools could mike the greatest number of names of presidents of the United States, from the letters of an advertisement. The 10 successful contestants are Karl Milne, 915 Court street; Irene Ford, 820 Willow street; Frances Saling. 204 'South Main street; Nellie Arlbal, 712 West Alta street; Thomas Hoylen, 308 South Johnson street; Cora Warner, 111 Garfield street; Llnwood Livermore, 103 Washington street; Maggie De Lateur, Nettie Fol lett and. Eunice Vogel. A drawing will take place next Saturday evening, Oct. 22, In accord ance with the rules of the contest and the prizes will then be awarded. Mo'lstroin Will Build. Henry Molstrom, the well known Cold Springs farmer. Is preparing to build this fal and winter an eight. roomed dwelling on his farm. ' He Is negotiating with Pendleton contrac tors. BOWMAN HOTEL TO BE Purl Bowman is in Portland pur chasing a complete outfit with which the second story of the new building will be equipped for lodging house nurooses. . The furnishings will in- chunih venl"K at the Baptist elude all the furniture necessary for where she win . .u. i .'..,, mrinn and 42 ..... , 1 . o Lin: C1L III, "Met "tea , Bat. "8or and here oririi,, Fit ic. """'"J'inK miss Myte ne . 1 Kr, whn im . . "11 pinir several solos. "ccompanylm Mlw Ut mimical '-""v and also of the Hl u"'artment of that institute. ourolio x..iii . "rR"n solo. Hiil 11 . P y " VRnU KrniiuKie or nn office room, two parlors and 4 bed rooms. From end to end all the furniture and carpets will be of the most serviceable and presentable ma terials and styles, and Mr. Bowman rill expend between 50t0 and 18000 upon the furnishings for the one floor. There is no present intention of furnishing the third story, or of es tabllshlng a cafe in the buildings, though It Is surmised that these fur ther extensions of Improvements will follow somewhat later on. The Bowman lodging house will be the largest in thestate outside of Portland, beyond a question, and Its equipment upon such a acale is an index of the kind and quality of the faith which local monled Interests have In the future of Pendleton. go to San Francisco. Suicide and Death In the Islands. Manila, Oct. 17. Second Lleuten ant William D. Prltchard, of the 13th Iters In Chicago. Purchase Headquarters, by a Shrewd Deal, in the Heart of the City. MEANS AN ACTIVE CAM PAIGN FOR MEMBERS. Presbyterian Church Congregation Refused to Sell to the Mormons nt Any Price, But Two Individual Presbyterians Purchased the Build ing and Clandestinely Delivered it to the Mormons Missionary Force Is to Be Multiplied Five Times Will lie Headquarters for Canada and Western Colonization. Salt Lake, Utah, Oct. 17. -President Joseph F. Smith, trustee In trust for the Mormon church, received deeds for the first United Presbyter Ian church building ut Monroe, Indl anaVand Paulina streets, Chicago. The property was for sale and the Mormons attempted to purchase It, but the meeting overwhelmingly voted not to sell to the Mormons at any price. Finally two members of the con gregation secretly bought It In and transferred the title to the Mormons, It will be used as a mission headquar- cavalry. was killed today and Second Lieutenant Fred L. Deen, of the same cavalry, committed suicide. GITY RESERVOIR BUILT AT ADAMS NEW W ATER SYSTEM WILL SOON BE COMPLETE, Engineer Miller, Who Had Charge of Pendleton Sewer Surveys Is Put ting in the Reservoir and Water System Over $7000 Will Be Ex- liended for the Wuter Supply Will lie Complete by Deeeinlter. Between 25 and 30 men are actlve y engaged at laying the 6-Inch main for the new Adams water works. This main extends from W. T. Wal len's place two and one-fourth miles northwest of town, to the reservoir adjoining town, and the system will be In operation sometime during the coming December. The main Ib laid at an average depth of five feet. The well from which the water Is drawn Is 30 feet In diameter and 20 feet in depth, and the water supply is of the very finest and In all prob ability Is Inexhaustible. The gravity system is used throughout, the pecul iar lay of the laud where the well Is located making an engine unneces sary there, and there is an abundunt fall from the reservoir Into town. The reservoir, which is concrete, is 60 feet In diameter and 10 feet in depth. The entire population of Adams subscribe to the patronage of the system, which is expected to be In every respect aa perfect as that of any town In the state, lurge or small When the city undertook this en tei-prise it had $2000 cash on hand to which it added $5000 by a bond Issue. Miller, who put in the enlarged Pendleton system, Is the engineer. For Whisky Peddling. Tom Balcomb, charged with sell ing whisky to Indians, waa taken to Portland this morning by Deputy United States Marshal Jacob Proebs tel. Balcomb had Just gained his freedom after serving a term in the Multnomah county Jail for a like of. fense. Balcomb'a accusors are John Wa-lletsle and Henry Pond, two Umatilla braves. Wa-lletsle was re leased from the county Jail last week upon payment of a fine of $50 for asaulting a white man. Cavalry Horses to Fort Rile). The horses of the second squadron Ninth cavalry, passed through Pen dleton last night en route to Fort Riley. Kan., where the regimental Quarters are to be hereafter. The horses are the mounts of the officers, bandinen and the troopers of Troops E, F, G and H. A scora of colored troopers are in charge of the animals. Walla Walla Elks Rally. Walla Walla Elks are preparing for a big rally to take place tomorrow vening. A class of 30 candidates will be Initiated after which a ban quet will be partaken of. A number of Pendleton lodgemen will attend the meeting. . The force of missionaries now In Chicago will be Increased five-fold and the Chicago mission will be head quarters for the Pacific .coast and Canadian colonization schemes of the Mormons. The greater portion of European immigrants make Chicago their ob jective point and by having head quarters and a large force of mission aries here, the church hopes to en list many creditable foreigners in the work of the church before they scat ter out to the various forming dis tricts. An elaborate temple will be built on the site of the present church building. M WAS MINISTER POISONED. Prince XlcholtiM of Montenegro Is I'nder Suspicions. Vienna, Oct. 17. The sudden death In Montenegro, of Minister of Jus tice M. Schaullch, with symptoms of poisoning, after a court dinner, has given rise to rumors Implicating Prince Nicholas. The prince has ordered a post mortem examination. Schaullch waa a reformer. It is reported his widow has refused to receive Prince Nicho las' condolences. Upton Will Not Challenge. Glasgow, Oct. 17. It Is learned that Thomas Llpton, having failed to find a designer for a new challenger for America's cup, has abandoned the Idea of challenging this year. He will now encourage yacht racing in home waters. SIIRINERS AT WALLA WALLA. Twenty-six Candidates Initiated Into the Order Saturday Night. Pendleton Shrlners who attended the meeting of El Katef temple at Walla Walla, Saturday night return ed home yesterday. Twenty-six Walla Wallans were initiated into the lodge by a degree team from Spokane, the headquarters of El Katlf temple. An unique feature of the exerclsea was the street parade led by the Il lustrious potentate, astride a drome dary. About 160 members of the shrine were In attendance. . Those from this city who attended are: T. C. Taylor, W. S. Ferguson, Robert Forster, C. E. Roosevelt, M. M. Wy rick, Louis Hunziker, W. D. Hans ford, J. H. Parkes, W. G. Cole, R. Al exander, J. R. Dickson, William S. Slusher, J. J. Kelly and E. W, Davis. "The Octoroon" Tonight. The Weidemann stock company, that is to appear at the Frazer thea ter tonight, arrived In Pendleton this morning from Portland. The Welde manns travel In a special car and carry a car of scenery. The band of the troupe rendered concert music on the streets at noon. Tom Weide mann, the head of the company, Is well known among the theatrical pro fession In the Northwest and has been In Pendleton before. "The Oc toroon" is the bill tonight. Football Game a Tie. Pendleton high school second eleven and the Eastern Oregon State Normal football teams played a tie game of nothing to nothing at Wes ton Saturday afternoon. The contest was spirited from ptart tn finlah. The local team are Jubilant over the re sult inasmuch as the Weston boys were older and much heavier than the Pendleton players. When your money is out, you dis cover that you are all In. V.