PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1904. A COUGH CONUNDRUM When is a cough more than a cough ? When it's a settled cold. When it hangs on in spite of all you can da Cough mix tures won't cure it because they are merely for a cough and this is something more. Scott's Emulsion cures the cough because it cures the something more. It heals and repairs the inflamed tissues where the cold has taken root and prevents its coming back We'll send you a ample tree upon request. SCOTT & BOWNE.400 Pearl Street. New York Fortunes Made in Real Estate ; There la no investment that offers as good security and In- a, creases In value as rapidly as ? real etate. If you would be 2 rich, put your money in proper- ty In this growing city and two- tion. We have choice real estate of e all descriptions In all desirable localities, both city and farm J property, and ranches. Consult us if you have prop- t erty to sell; list It with us. If J you wish to buy property, see J us. J Unexcelled facilties tor hand- ling real estati. I W. E. Davidson & Co. (Successor to E. D. Boyd.) Insurance, Real Estate, and Mortgage Loans. 119 Court St. a AFFAIRS 0 F WILL HE CONSIDERED BT NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Itch-gales Prom State Axaocustions, leiiitentlary Officials and Many Humanitarian Hve Met at Quin cy Criminal Law Reform, Prison Discipline, Discharged l'ritwuers, and Police Matters Per Se Will Be Discussed. Qulncy, 111., Oct. 15. Nearly every stute of the Union Ib represented umong the delegates here for the an nual congress of the National Prison Association. The aim of the associa tion is to discuss and consider theor etically all questions of penology. Many of the states have their own prison associations, and the national composed of delegates from these, wardens and chaplains from prisons all over the country, and lawyers and ' statesmen interested in the reform of criminal law. Among the standing committees for the consideration of special problems are the committee on criminal law reform, the committee on preventive and reformatory work, the commit tee on prison discipline, the commit tee on discharged prisoners, and the committee on police force in cities. At the opening session this eve ning the delegates will be welcomed by Governor Yates, after which the several committees will deliver their reports. During the sessions, which will continue through the greater part of next week, papers will be pre sented as follows: "Some Phases of Delinquency," by the president, J. T. Gllmour, warden of the Central pris on. Toronto: "Finger Marks as a Means of Identification of Criminals,' J. K. Farrier of Scotland Yard, Lon don: "The Real Work of the Chap lain," Rev. F. J. Leavltt, chaplain of the United States penitentiary. For: Leavenworth, Kas. - THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this in mind when you need poultry and stock supplies and ask for the International Poultry and Stock Food. Use KoSv Kure for your cow trou bles. C.F. Colesworthy 127-129 East Alta St. Agent for Lee's Lice Killer. HEADACHE If r father had bees a (offerer from ilea headache tor she last twentj.five rears ami oeeer found anr relief until he began taking jour Caacarets. Since Se has begun salting Caacarets he has nerer had he headache. Ther hare entirely cured him. Usscsrtu do wbe yon recommend them to do. I will glee jou the prlellege of using his name." CM. IMcksoo, 1130 ReilnerHt., W. Indianapolis, IntL Best for Tt tx t I "wuowen CAMonrcvruitnc PlaMMit, P4JUbl, Potont.TMtoOood. Do flood, KTr Sicken. Wkn or Grip. Iffe, Be, SOc. Keror old In bnlk. Tb ivnaina Mblt tumpnl 00 0. WimnlMd lo ear or your none baak. 8trlinf RmlyCo.,ChiccoorN.Y. 59! AMUAL SALE, TEN MILL! OH BOXES "KNOCKED THE STUFFING OUT OF IT." and broke It Into splinters, may have been the fate of your carriage when It was run Into by something; bat "there Is balm In Gllead," or there Is pleasure In knowing that In our shop you can have It made as good as new. We do all kinds of carriage repairing and blacksmlthing in a skillful and superior manner. We set tires with hydraulic pressure: does It better. does It while you wait; does not burn or deface your wheels and adds to the life of the tig. Call and see It work. We have Winona wagons, hacks and- buggies, and Stover gaso line engines. NEAGLE BROTHERS, The Blacksmiths. THIS RERSEDY Is snre to GIVE SATISFACTION. Ely's Cream Balm "Giro Belief at Out It cleanses, soothe and heals the dis eased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives sway a cold In the heiff ntlltkle. It Is absorbed. Heals and protects the membrane. Restores tbe senses of taste and smell. Fall else 60c, st druggists or bj mall. Trlsl sit 10c by mail. KI.Y BBOTUKWJ, 64 Warren Street. New lock. iATARRI 1 A HAY FEVER TO RELEASE JABEZ BALFOUR. FumoiiM Swindler of the Poor, Through Building Society. London, Oct. 15. Announcement is made at the home office that Jabez Balfour will be released from prison next month, his sentence having been largely reduced by good conduct. Balfour was the perpetrator of the notorious Liberator building society frauds and his case was perhaps the most notable of its kind that has en gaged the criminal courts of Engltind In the last quarter of a century. In the colossal amounts Involved, the case can be compared only to that of the late Whltaker Wright, but unlike the case of Wright the losses through Balfour's frauds fell upon people of the poorer class, thousands of whom were ruined through his acts. Upon the discovery of his frauds Balfour fled to South America, whence he was returned to England after a bit ter fight, tried and convicted. At the time of his conviction a de cade ago It was generally believed that he would never survive his Im prisonment. A recent visitor to Parkhurst prison; however, reports that he Is In the best of health and spirits and is looking forward eager ly to his release. It is reported that lie will make his future home in America. EPISCOPAL MISSIONS. Laymen's Conference or me untune West at Detroit. Detroit. Mich., Oct. 16. One of the most Important Episcopal events oi the year in this county will be the laymen's missionary conference oi me Middle West, to be held in this city next month. The conference will have In attendance the most distin guished laymen of the church from all the cities of the Middle West, in cluding widely known statesmen. Ju dicial and legal lights and many oi the great minds politically and com mercially of the country. Tne live states most largely representea win be Wisconsin. Michigan, Indiana, Il linois and Ohio. A great missionary movement Is now on foot tnrougnout tne country in the Episcopal church and the com ing conference will consider three points: What missions are, how best to Increase Interest in the Middle West, and by what means a larger support may be secured to uphold the board of missions. The conference will be held under the general auspi ces of the commission on domestic and foreign missions with the sanc tion of the board of managers of the whole church. Building Industries Day. Bt. Louis, Mo., Oct 15. One of the largest and most Imposing demonstra tions yet held on the World s fair grounds was today's cerebration oi Building Industries Day. The feature of the day was a mammoth parade which Included In part the officers and members of the local unions of atone masons, bricklayers, carpenters, olaaterers. plumbers, painters, tin ners, electricians, Iron workers, roof ers and other organised crafts. Kansas City Day at Fair. St Louts, Mo., Oct IB. More than 1500 representative citizens from Kansas City, headed by a delegation of several hundred of the most prom inent business men of that city, mem bers of the Commercial Club, partici pated today In the celebration of Kan sas City Day at the woriaseiair. Big Una Stetson hats at Roosevelt's. nL lnin Tf la nVtnsan. a t - rt.,lnn Af favsmdlah. Vt. was robbed of his customary health by Invasion of chronic constipation. Tm.. rw vine's New Life Pills broke Into bis house, his trouble was ar rested and now he's entirely cure a. They're guaranteed to cure. 15o at Tatlman ft co.s a rug store. .i;::::vu Duidhilh h nowhere more essential Hun in a stove an article one does not expect to pwchase every year. An ACORN Stove or Rane wilt last a generatico. Made of new iron only; tias the finest casting; the most attractive ornamentation and b made on purpose to endure under all conditions of use. Every Acorn ts sold with a stoned guarantee that means UJ it say LJ ASK FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THESE GIFTS WE Will; GIVE AWAY NOVEMBER 23UD. FIXE SET OF CARVERS, OIL COOK STOVE, 1900 WASHER. ALL TO BE PRESENTED FREE TO CUSTOMERS. "Hour ONE ' J alf" . floln 1 5, 1 ... no V nlt' het , he ' Tl Stov THE COOL AND SNAPPY EVENINGS ARE A REMINDER OF THE AND OF THE NECESSITY OF PREPARING FOR FALL AND WINTER. STOVES ARE A SPECIALTY WITH US AND WE HANDLE THE LARGEST STOCK, MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT AND THE GREATEST VARIETY, TO MAKE YOUR SELECTION FROM. WE SAVED HUNDREDS OF CITIZENS MONEY IN THEIR STOVE LAST SEASON AND ALL ARE SATISFIED. H E ARE IN BETTER POSITION THIS YEAR THAN EVER TO SUPPLY THE STOVE TRADE. WE HANDLE THE CELEBRATED AND ALWAYS SATIS FACTORY Acorn Heating and Cook and Steel Ranges AND HAVE NOW ON DISPLAY A FULL LINE. ANY SIZE YOU WISH WE HAVE. W. J. CLARK HARDWARE, PLUMBING, TINWARE Telephone Main 211 211 Court Street -ES3. STEEL RANGES. no'e A $30.00 6 hole. 16 oven .. $10, $15 and tSS 6 hole, 18 oven $15, $50, and $00 Coal heaters $5.00 to $30.00 Wood heaters $6.00 to $18.00 Cook stoves $10.00 to $37.50 Not Made by a Trust IF YOU ARK REALLY LOOKING FOR A FINE So CIGAR, TRY THE "PEGGY O'NEAL." GUARANTEED BY THE LARGEST INDEPENDENT MANUFACTURER IN THE U. 8. TO BE ABSO LUTELY FULL HAVANA FTLLER AND HAND-MADE. "PEGGY O'NEAL 5c CIGAR 0 " " ' A. G. HOWARD TELEPHONE MAIN 1841. 115 COURT STREET, f PENDLETON, OREGON. ? a t .t. COLD WEATHER AHEAD 1 1 ..,' ---- I I lrt m. I 1 Ne Pm' II end I 1 d'Wen'' Stoves 2 II For I I .t CoU I I ilienC II K 8" I 1 , mi on I I month. II Fa" I 1 hou I 1 lot n I I HM P ll I a t I I t I 1 r i "'-a . I J-t,! Sila- IWwrw' :: I I tmt-Mi ill ...:? 1 I - OA Dlf aft si a ... r"nn WASHINGTON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Established in 1866. Open all the year. , Private or class instruction. Thousands of graduates in posi tions; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to attend our school Catalogue, specimens, etc, free. A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL.B., PRINCIPAL ELATERTTE IS MINERAL RUBBER We Properly temper It for each parttoular cllmata. Than, noon The Oaterite Roofinr Co., 10 Worcester Block, Portland, Orcroi get'