PAGE SEVEN. DAILY KAST ORE GONTAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1W4. . . . .4 r i I 1 rrrr J oat, rin! v i Waistcoat f0 offer yo- L' .fate nu " i rWVORK he of the ff? for 30 years. rc Warehouse 'rlnl Cloth County Papers Favor a Donation I Mthely U Best Beer a U, ,a.nUtr yon desire. peUKitd to your home JW,, call for OL.n. A. NOLTE ftleiihone Main 881. Building Material OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Hade to Order Building Pa- 1 per. Lime, Cement, Brick Mid Band, Wood Gutters for Barns tnd Dwellings a Specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard All Street, Opp. Court House. Osteopathy Dr. Hahaffay, a graduate of A. T. Btlll Mhool of osteopathy, Klrksvtlle, Mo, has located lu Desnain block. nd will be pleased to consult all who sorter from chronic diseases. Consultation fret. Call and sea i nttHir svmpos'.um of opln- .. from the counly papers In Una a county fully Justifies the county ' urt In making a donation for an ex Mbit fro'" VmatHIa county at the j,c,vl and .Clark fair: i. pilot Rwlt Tlecord. The county court has about decided . vnte a donation 10 0 .. r i:matllla county exhibit ' , the Lewis and Clark fair. Ten consecutive year. o. m ,hls county should i'i " have a creditable exhibit at Port . next year, and In no other way X aTkey.umbPentfor advenls- Ins purposes to .a. Milton Kasic enl inaugurated Wed- .....nini at Pendleton to pre- ,,.,,-e a county exnioii ur ." ' , ir should receive the ac- "." ....nn nnd encouragement of everyone who has the Interest of this setilon at heart, ine j . v... hut mmortunlty for adver- Using this county's resources that has ever been and It wouia o un.c ,u let it pass unimprovea. Athena Press. Th action of the county court In donating 11000 for the exhibit, as proposed by the East Oregonlan. would be commendable, and In addi , hi- ,h neonle of the counly as a whole should unite In an effort to make the exhibit complete in every detail. It costs money to mane nn exhibit and the proper way to pro vide it Is for the county to furnish it. By thlB method the cost is equaiiy distributed, and will be more satisfac tory than If accomplished by Indi vidual subscription. The county that enjoys the international reputation of producing one per cent of the wheat crop of the United States should dress up and go to the fair in goon iorm. ALASKA IS RICH. flu Rnv Sneaks of the Un touched Natural Resources, if. not all aold that glitters, but there are some things that are equal to gold and some mines outside of Baker county that pay dividends. Walter Martin, who graduated at the Baker City high school last year, and who spent the summer in Alaska, re turned yesterday from the Far North and when Interevlew, with the frank ness of a young mun. told both the good and the bad. says the Baker City 1 iMP-iorl'iit. M Tinker Cltv last April for Alaska and spent most of my time In Kctial peninsula. I visited Valdez and sniiM the terminus of the new lallway, and you cun say thut things are rather lively up in that country. The copper country tributary to ai des Is simply murvelous. Th Alaska Central railway, whlcn la huino- built out of Seward, Is now i ,.,.oroii,, is miles, and has about 60 men at work. It Is being built by the Tanana Construction company, and Is backed by the Shedds of Chi cago, who are selling siock ior con struction purposes. The country has hardly oeen scratched yet and is Immensely rich In oil and copper. With a railroad into the Interior, from either beware, or Valdez. tremendous wealth will be developed. I also visited the great Treadwell mine. I presume it is me biggest thing of its kind on earth. It now has about 1000 stamps In opera tion. That rmmt is a great place for hunting, and big game is the rule. There Is a ptullar breed of bear culled the kodiak. and he is much fiercer than the grizzly. Not long ago our party shot one of these monsters 18 times with 30.30 rules ana n. turned around and killed one of the inHi.m. nf ih nartv. A hunter aione Is not considered safe In the presence of a kodiak. t.i, fnr oil and copper in another year In that portion of Alas ka. The coal fields are also oemis u veloped and will produce an immense tonnage." Great Money Saving Sale FOR OXE WEEK ON LADIES TAIIiOR-MADE SUITS, SKIRTS, JACKETS, TOIRIST COATS, RAIX COATS AXD MISSES' LONG COATS AXD JVCKETS. FOR OXE WHOLE WEEK, BEGINNING Wednesday, Oct. 1 2 WE WILL GIVE THE LADIES A CHANCE TO PURCHASE ANY OF THE ABOVE GARMENTS AT A GREAT DISCOUNT. WHEN WE SAY WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY WE MEAN IT, AXD CAN PROVE IT. WE PROVED IT DURING OUIt "BIG SHOE SALE" LAST W EEK. LOOK THROUGH THIS LIST AX1 SEE OUR REDUCTIONS ON OUR AL READY LOW PRICES. Ladies' and Misses Skirts All our All our All our All our All our All our All our All our All our All our All our All our All our All our $3.50 ladles' and misses $1.00 ladles' and misses' $1.50 ladies' and misses' $5.00 ladles' and misses' $ 6.00 ladles' skirts $ C.50 ladles' skirts . . $ 7.00 ladles' skirts . . $ 7.50 ladles' skirts . . $ 8.00 ladles' skirts .. $ 8.50 ladles' skirts . . $ 0.00 ladles' skirts . . $10.00 ladles' skirts . . $11.00 ladles' skirts . . $12.00 ladles' skirts . . skirts $2.90 skirts $3.25 skirts $3.65 skirts $4.15 $1.00 $5.25 $5.60 ... .. $6.10 $6.50 $7.00 $7.50 $8.25 $8.75 $0.50 Jackets Ladies' and Misses Suits All our $12.50 ladles' and misses' suits $10.75 All our 11.00 Indies' and misses suits 11.75 All our 15.0C ladles' and misses suits 12.25 All our 16.00 ladles' and misses suits 13.25 All our .16.50 ladles' and misses' suits 13.50 All our 17.00 ladies' and misses suits 14.00 All our 18.00 ladles and misses' suits 14.50 All our 20.00 ladles' and misses' suits 15.50 All our 22.50 ladles' and misses' suits 18.50 All our 25.00 ladles' and misses' suits 21.25 All our 27.50 ladles and misses' suits 22.50 All our 35.00 ludies' and misses' suits 27.50 Rain Coats, Tourist Coats and Jackets All $10.00 tourist and rain coats ....$ 8.50 All $13.50 tourist and rain coats ,...$11.50 All $14.50 tourist and rain coats ....$12.00 All $15.00 tourist and rain coats ,...$12.25 .All $10.50 tourist and rain coats ,. . ..$13.50 All $18.00 tourist and rain coats ....$14.75 All $20.00 tourist and ruin coats ....$16.00 Misses and Children Long Coats n n The $ 3.00 All $ $.50 Jackets 5-'5 All $ 7.50 Jackets $ .50 All $ 8.50 Jackets 9 7-25 All $10.50 Jackets 8-40 "111 $12.50 Jackets $10.50 All $13.50 Jackets $11.75 All $15.00 Jackets $12.25 Alterations Free Perfect Fit Guaranteed The The The The The The The 4.00 4.50 5.00 8.00 7.50 8.50 0.50 The $10.00 The $12 00 kind, kind, kind, kind, kind, kind, kind, kind, kind, kind, snle price $2.45 sale price $3.25 sale price $3.65 sale price $4.15 sale price , $4.00 gale price $5.75 sale price $6.75 sale price $7.85 sale price $8.40 sale price 0 A CITIZEN'S STORY. Tow bj Pendleton Cttlsen for (be Benefit of 'PmwiL.,,... DAn..i ., ....u.. M njun . ""-test importance attached to the following It that It concerns a ""U.on citisen. It would . lose " quarters of Its tntarest If it In volved som. rrfH. Wch. or Woonsocket, R. I. Ltk. all the teat mnnu ki.v , ha : - -'"vn una appeared here, and nwA n ... . ... . .. it,,., 7v . . " ""'en win xoilow bout the old Quaker remedy. Dean's fcSwyCh!1",ltcome8,r,m "den Mlow citizens and neighbors. . No nomi cures. Rwtri hi. . AnL 3.ifke.r' Uvln Tustin and . ' ,n ndleton, says: "A In, to the ground. 12 tee t below. a. ? "". I as laid colored and KmUon re highly ke BHcl h Dtalned sediment anOeaLh 1 had dl back I I and klany and "t- I prooured n.n.. t-.a t the Brock ur" ruin tor. andh. McComas Co. drug --C rdrven bo"- 1 Olfflculty u a ,h? . Th Ur,nary ave n.ime'wn J th pMt n1 Whv. 0'iness nor One M ore Week Shoe Sale MANY WOMEN AND CHILDREN TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THIS GREAT MONEY SAVING SHOE SALE LAST WEEK. THERE ARE STILL NEARLY ALL SIZES AND MANY STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM. DON'T FAIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE BARGAINS. ONE WEEK MORE $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Ladles' Shoes. $2.35 $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Children School Shoes Sizes H'A to 2. $1.00 fflf ma L a. . . nu. L"ea,e! Price 80 1- solo a.Vl 7 Co" Balo, hW ''WnU. ",. United Remember the takt 1 other. name Doan'a an d nxil lt MILL FOR INTERIOR. Crook County Will Have a New 100- n...i.oi Mill bv January 1. ArrangemenU have been completed for the erection of a big flour mm . .... at Madras and It is expected by those Interested In the project that tne ouumoa - be finished and the machinery set In running order by the middle of Jan uary, says the Crook county m. , . i inatjilled and op ine IIIUUL IB W erated by the Wasco Warehouse Mill ing Company, and grounds nave un secured at Madras for the new build- In. " , . The mill will have a capacity oi k..,i. Hnv md work on tne structare and the Setting of the ma chinery will be rushed as rapiu.y possible so that the mill oan De pvi aii.ln Mr1lM O t (11 earlv date. ,1 i t - , t. .nilhnllT me en.". . n a Di.s,a MMinirv n re greatly In iu la. new Drolect as It .wru, haul for tne pro ducts of their wheat farms, and prices generally will be about tna ni they are at present fi,. u.iru. mm will derive Its en tire supply from that section of the country which is abundantly aui furnish all the grain needed. uiuiLai It,, TiMiiorrovr. v i, rtt ts The executive committee ot ths Federation of American Zionists has fixed upon to tr.r Ki,kl Dev. The shekel payer Is one who pays 26 cents to the Zionist movement, and n return ou talns the privilege of voting for a del- egate to the lniernauanai The next congress will be held In March. 1906, and will be .the most Important ever held by tne zionim movement. The congress will becall ed upon to choose a new president to succeed the late Dr. Herzi. , ,XM l,M'w" II : HI i hi; : Lee Teutsch's Dept. Store MAIN AND ALT A STREETS What la home without a "speak easy," a poker outfit and a babrT Guard Health JiTery woman should see r" ' jadical function U kept ia healthy co artisvn. The way U to take aa occasional dose of Wine of Cardui. Every woman is subject to conditions which brinfe on female weakness. Wine ; of Cardui gives women strength for air the duties of life. It gives them strong ' nerves and freedom from paini. w:.. 't rarrlui not onW cures but , -nri. the beJth. The organ, quickly respond to . .. ...1.1. I Atlanta nf Whirll Wine 01 the healing -egCTaoi" "g"" Cardui U composed.. A healthy woman does wellto Uke this medicine on approaching her periodical icknes.. Wine of CarduM t" wwt """ nrolonited female troubles and has cured thousands It then, quickly and completely in the privacy of home. . Cbicora, Miss.. May 1, 1902. ' Wine of Cardui and Thedford s Black-Draught , ii t .ia A iaAaapa. I recommend is a sure cure iuc hi T could not walk across tk''. EZJm. M better than I hav. I have only taken tour Wv. (jLIDEWEJX. fait h. two years. ffl IJarVj M T-ai a Automobile Livery PASSENGERS TAKEN TO ANY PART OF THE CITY FOR . 25 CENTS. SPECIAL RATES FOR DRIVES OF ONE HOUR AND UPWARDS. C M. CROSSON S A THOROUGH MAS. TER OF THE AUTOMOBILE AND YOU ARE TAKING NO IUSK TO BIDE WITH HIM, AS HE HAS FULL CHARGE OF THE AUTO AND WILL MAKE THE RIDE PLEASANT FOR YOU. - ACTO 'PHONE CALL MAIN 8851. 5 v. v i :