1-Vo. (V;i:.n, CTiilAV, OCTOBER 15, 1104. TWELVE PAGES. Where Does the Extra Square Inch Come From i ! a I Take a piece of paper eight Inches square, and cut it ac cording to lines In drawing "A." and arrange as drawing "B." The square contains 64 Inches; the parallelogram. 65 inches. A FULL QUART OF "OLD TRUMP," America's Best, for the first correct answer. A QUART OP CHATEAU YQUEM, For the second correct answer. A QUART OF REISLING JOHAXN1SBERG. For the third correct answer. It is Just as Hard to Find A Whiskey for medicinal or other purposes, as it is to find that extra square inch, and when you get full measure for One Dollar, it Is Impossible to duplicate it. WHY HESITATE? OLD TRUMP, OLD CROW, SEAL OF KENTUCKY, MCBRAYER, GRASS EY CREEK, HERMITAGE, MERRLMAC CLUB. All Full Quarts at $1.00 DO YOC SMOKE THOSE PONCE DE LEONS YET? Foster Mcintosh I 201-20S COURT STREET. THE FULL MEASURE LIQUOR HOUSE Umatilla County Settlers on Canadian Son. Rev. Q. W. Rlgby. who with his Bon in. A. KIgoy, returned a few days ago irom Alberta, talks verv ante talnlngty of the country and of the rnmima contingent therein. He met Jumps Nelson and Nick Taltinger and Myron Brlggs. mention of whose holdings and ventures In taking horses' into Alberta hn h made through the East Oregonlan of late. Mclntyre of Athenn. who bought land there, has a good place and ex cellent prospects, as has young Hen arlckson. who went there about a year ago. shortly after being mar rled. Mr. Hendrlcksnn has good farm. Jncob Jacobson is also located on a good farm, with every prospect of succeeding. Mr. Rlgby also met Angus Gillls. who. with his brother-in-law. C. C. Shnrpe of this nlace. nun, sin Mr. Glllis went there last winter and paid $6 per acre for land tnr whi.h they have since been offered $10 per acre. Tnis Is the ratio of increuse in value common to holding of all the people from this country. Harry Blxby, the carpenter, went mere last spring, and has either a half section, or 480 acres, and has laid the foundation for wenirh Tin- ry Stevenson and his four brothers una iatner, all rormerly of Helix, nre In the same neighborhood on the most liberal terms, or purchased at a low ngure and rapidly increasing In value. The Stevenson have been there from three to five vnn h,.u good ranches and are doing well. WllllUm Colwell Of the rel.. owns two sections of land 10 miles north of the neighborhood in which most of the other Umatillans have located. Robert Lain? of fhi r.in owns two sections in the same neigh- Dornooa, ana A. Kunkel owns t,n sections also. Rigby's Own 2240 Acres. The three Itlrhvs. n "tv xtr t oj M. A., own "amoncrst thm An acres, and Mr. Rlgby avers that there Is not over five acres nf thi An,i acreage that cannot be plowed. Like me land owned by most of the par ties named. It Is typical Middle States prairie land black and almost hm. tomless soil, a wide savannah covered with grass, and not a stick of brush, or a shrub. The Itighys paid 18.60 per acre, and It nmiiri halpa bought a year ago for one-third less. It was entirely unbroken, and with no other Improvements of any kind. W. T. Rlgby remained, and will re turn in a short time. Tie is h,,n,it a dwelling and doing some fencing before winter sets in. All the Rlgbys will remove there In the spring with tneir lumilles. with the possible ex ception that Father Rlgby and his who win not go. Another man met hv n v thu was Ed McCandlsh, also formerly of Pendleton vicinity. Mr. Rlirhv ad vised the young man to get married, and us an Inducement offered to per- Z'""' fa I- rrv ; if f i mmir mm To sweeten, To refresh, To cleanse the system, Effectually )and Gently; fev-:-,-:., s mmmi 1 TkanH So 4mI' 1 lldC 19 Will one Genuine Syrup of Figs; to get its bene ficial effects Dispels colds and headaches when bilious or con stipated; For men, women and children; Acts best on the kidneys and liver stomach and bowels; Always buy the genome Manufactured by the m '5:':V:'.: ''X IfLoulsvine, Ky. flWYorklY. 1 III The genuine Syrup of Fig? is for sale by all first-class druggists. The 4$' foil name of the company California Fig Syrup Co. is always I TP printed on the front of every package. Price Fifty Cents per bottle. form th PArpmnnv fru nf v. He made the offer on Monday eve ning, -j he young man got a hustle on him and was married hv Mr ripVw Thursduy evening. Ail these people, with the exception of those livlntr in mllPM Umatilla settlement," live 16 miles southeast of Claresliolm, which Is in Alberts tin mllua a.mth nf rni..-.. ' " ... , ,atuiy. and apprnxlmutely 80 miles north of me .Mi.iimiiu mute line. Mr. RlchV notes that Yr.alla can be bought for about one-half the price or tne same grade of coal here Also, that barbed wire Is somewhat cheaper, but that cedar posts cost more, which brings the cost of wire fencing up to Just about what it costs here. Agricultural Implements are in general somewhut cheaper than here. Calgary has approximately 10.000 inhabitants and Clureshnlm 600, and both are growing rapidly. In Culgury is building the finest Methodist church Mr. Itlgby ever saw, of a native building stone which Is very fine and exceedingly cheap. Mr. Rlirhv states thai nntwIlhnluiM. Ing Its many and obvious advantages, that country has all the disadvan tages peculiar to any new country, and then some. The water la liable to be. in any neighborhood, almost unusable from alkali, while the water on an adjoining farm is very fine, or a fine duality may be found in an other place on the same farm. Timber is scarce and lumber high. H. B. Kelso, of Hlllsboro. hua be- Kuii huh against me uiud saloon ot that place to recover (600. being double the amount lost by him In a gambling gume. EwpeaM Novelties in Electrical Fixtares Received $y Us OVR BHIPMENT OF ELECTRIC FIXTVRES DIRECT FROM GERMANY HAS ARRIVED, AXD THE GOODS ARE NOW ON DIS PLAY AT OUR STORE. THIS SHIPMENT CONSISTS OF SOME OF THE Most Artistic and Beautiful Stands and Hanging Electric Lamps 1 k-4 it ' 4 -4 4 1 EVER SHOWN IN THE tNITED STATES. THIS IS NOT AN IDLE STATEMENT. BIT A FACT, AND IN OUR STORE CAN BE SEEN THE GOODS. THIS IMPORTATION OF EUROPEAN-MADE GOODS PLACES AT THE COMMAND OF PENDLETON PEOPLE A STOCK OF GOODS THE IJKE OF WHICH CAN ONLY BE 8EEN IN THE LARGE CITIES. WE HAVE SELECTED WITH PARTICULAR CARE, AND ONLY ONE OF EACH DESIGN HAS BEEN SECURED SO THAT THERE WILL BE NO DUPLICATES, AND PURCHASERS WILL HAVE INDIVIDUAL ELECTRICAL FIXTURES. ( WE EXTEND A MOST CORDIAL INVITATION TO ALL THE CITIZENS TO CALL AND EXAMINE THIS SHIPMENT. THOSE IN NEED OF ELECTRICAL FIXTURES OR WHO DESIRE TO ORNAMENT THEIR HOMES WITH SOMETHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY, OR SOMETHING EXCEPTIONALLY NICE, SHOULD CALL AND LOOK OVER THIS DISPLAY. THESE GERMAN-MADE GOODS ARE HIGH IN ART AND RARE IN BEAUTY, BUT THE PRICE AT WHICH WE SELL THEM PLACES THEM WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. WE WANT YOU TO SEE THESE GOODS AND GET THE PRICES. n Penidleton Electrical Supply House Maple Bros., Proprietors 217 COURT STREET "WE ARE THERE WITH THE GOODS' 1