East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 08, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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of Portlnnd to North Ynklmn, Incltid
Ing stops nt Senttlo nnd Tncomn, wns
very successful, nnd the success of a
slmllrtr business men's excursion to
Walla Wnlla, Wash., Is already as
surod. TOM niOHAIlDSON.
. Article "" 0rr'm
r"b r1,.l After Oelobcr IB
1,0 ' ... .wh.tlnlW Of Hit!
H1 . ... .!!.. (lie Hovel
l(,,c .in.-
... Pnrlland rommcrcm,
V- iwued the iomn.b
1 " ri,nr the worK ami
If tr ri-s. .
ni oi "
me: i Tim de-
vrtlind. 0re;rn nevolonnient
...... i,nn,1a to be used by
WW ,1 Industrial or-
hntimit membership In
i will be Riven to the printer
i """" .rii,prhln In this or
?tlo, 'costs each commercial
? and I"'" ;""
" . i. i.,,.t In fvnrv
leltfr nenus nui.-
. ....
J! memberships can bo accepted
" n,ther It) and Jnnunry 1,
inecil " " 1.. ,..111 rnn.
as these leuer i " -
... Hip corresponding offl
' o( the several organizations nnd
ldenSed statistics regarding Oregon
. ,late The first order will bo
a main .
50000 letter lieatis, aim n .u...un
k.Viinc membership nre urged to
... t Oclnlior 10.
pre renin --
nfricers of the uregon jiii.i
Amoclntton Held a memnm m
rooms of the Portland Commer
Club today and decided that
,. will send a large delegation to
Paw Texas, to attend the con
ition In that city, and Invito the
ma to meet In 190S In I'ortinnu
u especially desired that Oregon
e a Urge delegation present at EI
Mayors of cities nnil presl-
li of Commercial clubs nre urged
roolnt delegates to nttend this
he prize articles entered for con-
In the offer made by the Port-
tl Commercial Club will bo turned
lo the Judges October IE. It Is
(essary that these nrtlcles shall
' appeared In papers printed out-
of the state of Oregon before
lober 1, 1904.
creat ileal of Interest has been
led In this contest and It has re-
d In securing an enormous
unt of advertising for the state
iqulrles addressed to the Oregon
elopment League and the Port-
Commcrclal Club arc being re-
ti from nil portions of the Unlt-
Sutes, Canada, Mexico and some
ti European countries, and honie
ers, with a view of becoming per
cent residents of Oregon, arc look-
over all portions of the state.
he excursions of the business men
Government AVIII Study the 'eerts of
mi Irrigated District.
The government will establish nn
ngrlculttirnl experimental stntlon In
the Irrigated district at the Bond, for
the purpose of determining just what
treatment Is best for the Deschutes
soil and ollmato, how to get the best
results 'from Irrigation there, nnd the
kind of crops best adapted to that
soli nnd cllmntc, says the Ashwood
Prospector. A government Irrigation
expert will bo sent there to tnke
charge of the stntlon, which will be
In operation for the coming senson.
About 20 ncres will be selected
from the D. I. & P. Co.'s segregation.
and a practical study of the soil wll
be made by actually farming It.
AVhlle the government farm will be
under the direction of the chief of
the Irrigation nnd drnlnnge depart
ment of ngrlculture, Hon. Elwood
Mead, the principal part of the ex
pense of the experiments will be
borne by the lrrlgntlon company.
While Irrigation of n small scale
has been prnctlced In Centrnl Ore
gon for n number of years, no scien
tific study of methods has ever been
conducted, and the Information that
the department of agriculture Is to
Investigate and experiment In that
line will he of the grentest Import
ance to this section of the state.
Ilccclicr's Son n IScsldent of Seattle
for l ive Yenrx His Wife Hcfues
to Conic From llrooklyn to the Pa
cific Coat Deeelier Alleges Deser
tion nnd lias Good Cause for Dl
Drive of Voles Stopjieil 1teriiu.se of
Scarcity of Water.
C. L. Williams has finished the de
livery of 800 electric light poles near
the cannery for shipment by the can
nery switch, says the Eugene Guard.
His run or logs for the Engene saw
mill has been passed through the
chute nt the head of the mill race,
but there his work has topped be
cause of the Insufficiency of water
to float the logs.
The manufacturing Industries of
Eugene are taking so much wnter
through the mill race that the river
s very appreciably law between '.he
head of the rnce nnd the discharging
point, a short distance nbove the Eu
gene river bridge.
A decided compliment to our city.
still one cannot but wish there were
other manufactories sufficient to use
ull the water the river flows In the
late summer and early fall months.
'The I.iuid of TflR Things.
With corn 12 feet tall, apples
weighing more than 1 1-2 pounds and
siiuushcs weighing -over SC pounds, It
would not be hard to make an East
erner believe that this was the coun
try -visited by Gufflver In hSs travels
when he encountered the giants.
Ontario Democrat.
Seattle, Oct. 8. Henry B. Beecher,
son of the late Henry Ward Beecher,
the noted pulpK orator, nnd nephew
of Hnrrlet Beecher Stowe, the author
or "Uncle Tom's Cabin," has Institut
ed divorce proceedings in the superior
court ot tnis county against his wife,
Mrs. H. B. Beecher, of Brooklyn. N.
A. The ground alleged Is desertion
for five years.
Mr. Beecher, who Is a middle-aged
man and has children grown, came to
the Pacific const five years ago. Dur
ing the past year he has established n
legnl residence In Seattle for the pur
pose, It Is snld, of securing a divorce,
and if possible, avoiding any notorie
ty. He has made every effort to con
ceal his identity, but It wns discov
ered yesterdny.
The divorce complnint filed Is de
void of sensations, and the title of
the suit is "H. B. Beecher vs. H. B.
Beecher." There is absolutely noth
ing In the papers to show that the
plaintiff is the son of a distinguished
In his complaint Mr. Beecher al
leges that when he came to the Pn
ciflc coast his wife refused to come
with him, or to follow him here, but
remained In their home at Brooklyn
much against his will. He claims that
he does not know her exact where
abouts, not having heard from her for
some time and the service of the com
plaint was by publication of the sum
Mrs. Beecher has so far made no
appearance in the case and un order
of default was recently entered. Ad
vices from New York, however, state
that Mrs. Beecher Is aware and
may contest his Butt.
Mr. Beecher has so carefully cov
ered up his Identity that even IiIh at
torney, Frank B. Snyre, claims that
he did not know of his client's ante
cedents. He stnted this morning that he
knew little nbout the case except thnt
Beecher bad come to him nnd asked
him to get him a divorce and showed
that he had a clear cause of action.
There is only One
Genuine-SyrUp Of FigS,
The Genuine is Manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co.
The full nnme of the company, California Fltt Syrup Go,
(s printed on the front of every package of the genuine.
The Genuine- Syrup of Figs- is for Sale, in Original
Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere
Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita
tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable
dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should
therefore be declined.
Buy the genuine always if you wish to get hs beneficial effects.
It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches
when bilious or constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on the
kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed
by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial
effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the
laxative remedy of the well-informed.
Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs
LoufeviHe, Ky
Swfrrdsco,CaJ. v .
trjce nror cents rm- bottle
Stnrtcr for llucc.
The patrons of the "Walla Walla
Fair Association next week are assur
ed thnt every rnce on the program
will be pulled off without delay and
that the large crowd that will attend
will be furnished with excellent con
tests, says the Walla Walla States
man. H. E. Woods, the veteran
horseman from N'orburn, Mo has
been engaged by the directors to of
ficiate as starter for all the running
races and the harness events.
'Men lloimeiiialds.
Men for general housework Is the
latest development of the domestic
service problem. In answer to the
old, old complaint ot Inability to ob
tain servant girls who do not pretend
to be specialists, the Women's Do
mestic guild Is replying: "Try n man.
They are willing, at least."
Six men actually have been placed
In general housework positions by the
guild within the last two weeks, and
In every case the housekeeper has re
ported herself satisfied with the re
sult of the experiment. Colored men
prove to be the most adept In this as
sumption of servant girl duties.
"The men cook, wash dishes, sat
and wait on the table, scrub, wash
windows, everything that the general
housework girl does, except wash
clothes and make beds," said Mrs. A.
M. Wadsworth, manager of the culld,
yesterday. "In addition, they nro
nvallable for heavier kinds of work
around the house which a girl would
not uudertnke, such as cleaning snow
off the walk and mowing lawns. It
may be the solution of the domestic
problem at last. Who knowa7" Chi
cago llecord-Hernld.
Of Wade Siler's Billiard Hall and Bowling Alley's
Evening, Oct. 1 1 th
In New Matlock Building
:j cyry particular. Everything is new and the best in the market.
i , in opening our amusement rooms in Pendleton we wish to announce that they will be suitable for
A. VI A i rt r ' I ' ,,,
, If '
X )
IS tO Visit nihill tint
'its -Alow mm4 antMltlMO P3!fog..&W.r BM by the Branswicfc-Balke
: ueflenCo. and are the best.obtaiMbJe., , ,
Alleys will be reserved for private bowling parties on application being made in advance.'
We earnestly solicit your patronage and invite you to attend our opening.
Evening, October 11, 1 904
WADE SILER, Proprietor