East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 07, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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II WWMAt .y u .Ml
- - - i...-i-.
bears the above cap label.
Contains fully as much
food substance per can as
the watery Imitations In
larger cans.
It Is smooth and perfect
because skillfully pre
pared. Its purity Is
guaranteed. 1
, Democrats Will Numo William I,
Douglas, Millionaire Shoo Maker
Republicans AVI11 Nimio PrcMSiit In
cuiubcuts for All Office Rcpuh
llcans Will Have Strong Rcclnrocl
ty Plunk.
land opportunity to erect here during
the Lewis nutt Clark fnlr n novel oh.
scrvntlon tower. It la a radical de
parture from .the nlun of the Elffpl
.tower or the Ferris wheel. A inoilol
perfected by the Inventor, on exhibit
nt the show window of Woodard
Clark Company. Is a spiral elevator.
a continuous cable with cars suspend
ed, encircling a massive wooden
structure. The structure has floors
nt which the ascending and descend
ing cars stop to permit passemrcrs a
view from different elevations. The
speed of cars may be regulated to
Qillt nmivnnlntii.A nf trntttn .1... -
....... " . ..(..41V. ll.l 1 1 1 U til-'
ble Ir controlled by a power nlant nd-.
Jaeent to the tower, on the same prin
ciple as the cable rail lines quite com
mon on the coast a few years nast
Oregon Dally Journal.
mil in 11
v. fEinat o'erspreads the faces of our
), pleased customers, when they put to
M?ne 'est a sample of our superb laun
ftj)siry work. Is a smile that nnvnr fmi
ecuuse unuer all circumstances our
frork Is always un to the hieVm.t
Standard of excellence. Nn mnih
idges on your collars or cuffs, no
listers on your shirt fronts, no dirt
iai is not tnorougniy washed out.
End no broken Promises In delivering
Snlshed wort.
s:NocieED the stuffing out
.'.id broke It Into splinters, may have
,;ien the fate of your carriage when
jwas run into by something; but
aiere is Daim in uuead." or there la
fjniuure In knowing that In our shop
u can nave it made as good as new.
J) do ah KfP.US 91 carriage repairing
Si blacSsmllhlnff 111 0. skillful and
fperlor manner. We set tires with
Iraullc pressure; does It better.
ss It while you wait; does not burn
deface your wheels and adds to
ft life of the rig. Call and see It
grk. We have Winona wagon,
sk and buggies, and Stover Baso
B) engines.
The Blacksmiths,
lln any quantity desired. Let us
(mipply you with wood. Beat
solid wood furnished at right
prices. Trompt delivery. Large
and small orders solicited.
Office at Pendjeton Cold
!Btorage Co.
Henry Koepetka
(Dutch Henry.)
Hoston, Mass., Oct. 7. The politi
cal pot readied the boiling point to
day. For the first time within mem
ory both the democrats and republi
cans are Homing their state conven
nous on the same day. The demo
cratic state convention wnu niiii,i tn
order by Mayor Collins In the Boston
uieaier ni 11 o'clock lh . n.ri.
and nt the same hour the republicans
asscmoieu in suite convention in Tre
mont temple.
uic convention will ,i,f..,.A .,.n
I dates for governor, lieutenant gover
nor ana omer state officers to be vol
ri fnr f.ovt ... . . t. mi .
' ..vAb ii.uiiLii. i lip rpmin iphi.
ticket will be made up of the present
Incumbents, excepting the candidacy
for state treasurer, for which plac
inure is a contest.
The democratic cnmlldntn fnr
ernor win lie William L. Douglas, the
millionaire shoe manufacturer of
ilrocktOll. Some tnllr ivno hn..t
earlier In the year of Blchard Olney
for the head of the ticket. Mr nin,.
cvmceu no uesire for the honor, and
Col. W. A. Gaston, who was twice
the democratic nominee fnr trnvoy tint
likewise declined tn
again. The withdrawal of Messrs.
Olney and Gaston left Mr. nnnpin.
in possession Of the f fllti nnrl hi.
inatlon will probably be made with
out opposition in the convention. The
party believes It has fmtnH nr. nt,i
canuidate In Mr. Douclas nnd will nri
vocate his election on the ground that
tne state should choose a successful
business man for governor.
The Interest In the ronnhiionn
ventlon centers chleflv in tho ninn
It will take with regard to the reci
procity Issue. The demnnrntln nlnr-
form will be framed Rn nn tn mntrn n
strong appeal to republican business
men, nnd the republican managers
realize that they must do BnniAthlnp
to weaken this appeal. The approval
of the Boston chamber of commerce
pronouncement on nn,iu i
....u...,l ICli'lUU-
Jt Is also urged us the only means for
obtaining harmony in the party ranks, i
This reciprocity plank which the
republicans are asked to Incorporate
In their platform, is as follows:
"The republicans of Massachusetts
believe that measures should be taken
tor the enlargement of our trade
with foreign countries, and especially
wun innaua and Newfoundland, by
means of reciprocal treaties, a policy
long recognized as sound republican
doctrine. Realizing, ns President
Roosevelt realized, In his message to
congress In 1902, that no treaty can
be made which not affect In
juriously sOHle liittrest 6Veu if It
should cdnSSrVe the greatest good of
the greatest number of people, we
favor reciprocal treaties 'when,' in
the language of the president, 'the
minimum of damage done may be dis
regarded for the sake nf tho mlmn.
of good accomplished.' "
Frank II. Hamilton of Minneapolis,
Scrxeil Ills Sentence.
Minneapolis. Oct. 7. Fmnic tt.
Hamilton, whose k III nc of Lnonnnl
Day In this cltv several venrs nirn nt.
traded widespread attention, was re
leased today from the Htlllwater peni
tentiary, havlnir served his sentonno
of seven years, less the uatml nllmv.
mice for good behavior.
At the time of tho traeedv Hamil
ton was a young newspaper man of
this city. Leonard Dav. his victim
was the son of n wealthy Minnesota
lumberman, now dend. The killing
took place In the billiard room nf n
leadlnir hotel, and It wiw sndl tlmi n
young woman well known socially,!
was involved In the trouble between
the young men.
Evidence adduced nt the trl
ever, tended to show that the killing
wns the result of a drunken brawl
more than nnythlnc else, nnd wns unt
It Is reported that Hnmlltnn will
make his future home In Vow rnrii
a position having been secured fnr
him there by a relative.
el mmm I
I Ynnno wnmpn mav nxroiri mnrh cirlr- I
Oratorical Contest.
Onlesburg. 111.. Oct. 7.
Is filled with many visttlnc stmlont
delegations whose nresenco Is nti In.
dicatlon of the general Interest mani
fested in the thirty-first annual con
test of the Illinois Intercollegiate Ora
torical Association. The contest takes
place In the Central church tnnli-ht
under the nusplces of the Knox Col
lege Oratorical Association. Tho tn.
Sfl tttll.itio l.n . . I
.....i iiuib cciii ineir cnosen
w, niiuiicio ure juiox Illinois, '
Blackburn, Illinois Wesleynn. Bure-1
mi mm Piunmou . -run winnor .m
represent the state association In tho
Interstate contest tg be. held next
Observation Tower for Uio Fair.
San Diego capitalists and Invpnlnpo
are placing before the people of Port-
Snvcs Two From Death.
"Our little daughter had nn nlmost
fatal attack of whooping cough and
bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Ilavl
land of Armonk, N. Y "but, when
all other remedies failed, we saved
her life with Dr. King's New Dis
covery. Our niece, who had consumn.
tlon in nn advanced stage, also used
this wonderful medicine and today
she Is perfectly well." Desperate
throat and lung diseases yield to Dr.
King's New Discovery as to no other
medicine on earth. Infallible for
coughs and colds. 50c and 11.00 bot
tles guaranteed bv Tnllmnn & rvi
Jrlal bottles free.
M. E. Ingnllfl nn tho Stump,
Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 7. Presi
dent M. E. Ingalls of the "Big Four"
railroad, has accepted an Invitation
from the democratic national com
mittee to deliver a numhnr nf Mnnotihp
es In Indiana for the Parker nnd Da
vis ticket. He will nnon h..p ...
..... ..... Wlllbllb
at a demonstration arranged by the
-uunim county aemocracy.
Vnnnrr wnmpn mor nxroirl miirli cirlr-
rfc:c nnrl nnin. cuvc TVTiRR Alma Prath if
they will only have faith in the use of
Lydia & Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
" Deab Mrs. Pinkram : I f eol it my duty to toll all young women
how much Lydln. E.Pinklinm's woiulorful Vcprotnblo Compound has
done for me. I was completely run down, unable to attend school, and
did not caro for any kind of society, but now I feel like a now person,
and have gained seven pounds of flesh in three months.
" I recommend it to all young women who suffer from female weak
ness." Aliss Alma Pratt, Holly, Mich.
jui jounc Kins xins pcrioa 01 1110 nro earnestly inviroa to
"WTltoMrs. Pinklmni for advice; she lias guided In a motherly "way
IlimrlrAfla if vniin rr irnmnn rwlitlnn la fwnnltf nn1 stl nniti11r
given, nnd lior address Is Lynn, Mnss.
Judginp from the letters she Is receiving- from so many young1 girls Mrs.
Pinkham believes that our girls are often pushed altogether too near tho
limit of their endurance nowadays in our public schools and seminaries.
Nothinf 1b allnwrd in ttitorforAwlfh ntmlloa tlm rvtrl m.iaf Ko nmh 4m
the front and graduated with honor : often physical collanse follows, and it
takes years to recover the lost Tltality, often it is never recovered.
wp- A Young Chtcngo Girl Saved from Despair. "
" Dear Hns. PiNKruir : I wish to thank you for tho holp and ben
efit I have received through the use of Lydia E. Plnltliam's Vege
table Compound nnd Liver Pills. When I was about soventeen
years oiu i suuueniy seomeu to lose my usual gooa
health and vitality. Father said I studied too
Hard, nut tne doctor tiiougnt cniierent ana
prescribed tomcs? which I took by tho
quart without relief. Reading one day in
the paper of Jlrs. Pinkham's great cures,
and finding tho symptoms described an
swered mine, I decided I would give Lyilla
E. Plnkhntn's Vegetable Compound a
triaL I did not say a word to tho doctor;
I bought it myself, and took it according
to directions regularly for two months,
and I found that I gradually improved,
and that all pains left me, and I was my
old self once more. Lillie E. Sinclair,
17 E. 22d St., Chicago I1L"
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is tho ono sure rem
edy to bo relied upon at this important period In a young girl's
llfo; with It she can go through with courapo and safety tho work
Bho must accomplish, and fortify her physical well being so that
hor future Jlfo may be insured ngninxt sickness and suffering.
(IP AAA FORFEIT If w dmnot forthwith produce th orljtml lettr Had iljntnr of
Vnllllll aboTO tetUmonlilli which will prora thlr bolut gannlneneti.
V) V U U U X.7dl E. JL'inkluuu Uadlolns Co., Xonra, Mui,
k ?y
m i a
Phone Maln 1781 "
Walter Coffee, doctor?
Customer If you please.
Walter It oast beef, doctor?
Customer Tea, please,
Walter Corn, doctor7
Customer No, sir. Dentist.
j Fall Suits and Overcoats
Place your order with us and you will be satisfied In every par-
tlcular. Our suits and overcoats please the most fastidious. We Guar
antee perfect fits, best wearinc qualities and best workmanship. Our
Hoods always have that neat, ,tldy, well-dressed appearance. Price no
higher than lower grade goods sold by others.
! Dry Wood!
1 have good, Bound wood whw.
Is delivered at reasor,M-lch
: W. C. MINNIS i
T-cavo Orders
Cigar Store.
That got into your wntch during .w.
suninicr Is doing tho Uttlo ..u
much linnn. Now Is Uio tlmo to hnte
It eleuned, oiled and put in shape for
another year. Wo would Uk0 to do
Uio work for you It will be dons
I'ostofflco Block.
That pleases Uio tasto.
That Is wholesome
That Is sanitary.
That is full weight.
Thnt Is always good.
That is always fresh.
I That Is tho BEST.
J Xew and Sanitary.
Xew .Martin IlulldliiR, Webb
J Street. Telephone 2001 Main.
a Ask jour grocer for MODEL
Positively tho Best Beer
Any (pinntlty jou desire.
Delivered to your home
Always cull for OLXMPIA.
Telephone Main 881.
Is made from tho choicest wheat that grows. Good bread U 5
assured when Dyers' Best Flour is used.. Bran, shorts, steam rolled I
s barley always on band.
5 W. 8. BTER8, Proprietor. Z
Horseshoeing, general repair
ing, wagon making and repair
ing. The way I have built up
my business Is by doing noth
ing but good work. Prices rea
sonable. Cor. Cottonwood X Mta Sts.
Two Car Loads of Furn
iture Have Arrived for
Rader, the Furniture and Carpet Man