W&KLnr A. AJl r n n MTnii' " ri t- rrirrrnrTrr-"- .W"1' i, trr rAGES. ; PAITA' EAST OREttONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOIlKlt 7, lflul. PAGE FIVE. y - r- i . ' , , ",!" 1 1 . . . AAAifVVVTi- " ' ' ' --F"-r-r-r- TVfff tftQf ffWftt f ttf d444AMA444A444t44f lift? ' ' ' Suits and Skirts PERSONAL MENTION We nro now showing several new styles in suits 'for misses ana ladles nt $12.50 to $15.00, that are extra values. Worth fully $G.OO more. For ,a few days only will these great Bar gains last. NEW SKIRTS RY EXPRESS. Over BO new ones Just received. They are. the kind that shed water, and they are cheap, too; only SG.00 and 90.50. All sizes. Alterations free. Perfect fit guaranteed. Lee Teutsch's Dept. Store Corner Main and Alta Streets CITY BREVITIES 0 c nader. Get Sunny. Fresh fruit dally at Martin's. Sew Knox hats, Roosevelt's. Ills line Stetson hats at Roosevelt's. H.60 ladles' Gloria shoes at Roose- Ice cream and soda every nay ui I tie Delta. For Rent Store 25x10 feet, cn- aire of Chris Ranley. Smokers got satisfaction ni wow- ui'i, formerly itees- cigar smic Pouglas and Ilanan shoes at Roos- erelt'. Ladles, don't miss the kid glove tale at Teutsch's 'Wednesday, October $th. Pianola foi alc for $200. Practi cally nfv and in first-class condition. Address Hast Oregonlan, Xew electric chandeliers ' are in. Fifteen different styles to choose from. See our new patterns and get cur prices. J. L. Vaughn. Kirkrmm & Glott. with a good or chestra, will give the first of a series of dance- riimmenclng Saturday. Oc tober v In Armory hull. Admission 50c Th.' hall will be put In good condition Just received the finest and largest assortment lot of stoneware ever brought to Pendleton. We will sell this high gride as low as others sell cheaper grades. Every Jar guaran teed. C Itohrman. I New I Goods Jewelry, cut glass, sllverwuri-, umbrellas and many other arti- ties are now In muck. , We will consider it a favor to J ,hw' vuu the goods, y oii-s for HUNZIKER tood toods. Hie Progressive Jonelcr. J, 6 Main Street. Get Sunny. TJ C Rader. Cash registers at Wlthee's. Piano for rent; inquire at this of fice. Japanese cook wants a Job. Wages J3fi per month. Address P. O. box 34. Children's coats from J3.00 to 8.50 at Tjee Teutsch's store, Main and Alta. The St. George restaurant, open day and night. Mrs. Cooper, propri etress. New pillow tops, new stamped lin ens nnd new waist puMprns at Mrs. Onrlsen's. Best quality nickel plated Roches ter lamps, J2.4i. Nulf's housefurn iRhing store. Good Japanese boy wants situation as cook In boarding house. Address J., this office. Enlarging and framing pictures. Work guaranteed. Western Art Co., 304 Court street. Rotins fur Kent Newly furnished rooms, .with or without board; close In. Inquire here. Wanted Work nt cooking or housework, by single woman. Call ut 301 South Main. A good fellow will lavish "smiles" when he would not think of giving a hungry mnn a sandwich. A good bargain. A six-room house and one lot, J.B00. Terms J2fi per mouth. 12. T. Wnilo & Son. lllg special said on ladles' kid gloves AVednosday, October E, nt Teutsch's Department Store. For nile Desirable property cor ner College and Alta. .The old Lee residence. Call on L. H. Lee. Just received at the Campbell mlll-liiLi-y store, a line of ladles' tailored suits und waists, exclusive styles. W. S. Williams has bought the Missouri blacksmith shop of Tom Hansen, and took possession yester day. Lost Heavily marked male fox terrier; tail docked, but long. Re ward paid If returned to John Dyer, at Domestic Laundry. For Sale House nnd lot, house nearly new. with city water, and with bath complete, 'inquire of J. T. Iirown, 211 Lincoln street. Chllson, of Uklah, Is in town returned last night Recovering Speech and Hearing, Messrs. Ely Bros.: I commenced using your Cream Balm about two years ago for catarrh. My voice was somewhat thick and my hearing wns dull. My hearing 1ms been fully re stored and my speech has became quite clear. I am a teacher In our town. L. G. BROWN, Granger, O. The Balm does not irritate or cause sneezing. Sold by druggists at GO cents, or mailed by Ely Brothers, 6,0 Warren street, Now York. (totally Beef Extract Superior To All Others For Soups, Stttcei, Savory Sundrloi BEEF TEA Secure a Set of the Famous Cudahy A-X Silver Plated Bouillon Spoons OUU hj Wm.jL, Rtf.t,, TU lira UlKnaJU) FREE Do not confuse these splendid spoons with ordinary offers. The Cudahy Spoons are made In the latest design, rench Gray Einish, are heavier than triple silver plate and free from ad vertising. How To Secure These Spoons Fnr ffirK aw.. i i i i i itJ?5 B"ncl Bef bP Ufm a ? oz- or ,are sized jar ,uPtocoe,coe' Extract, and ten cents in silver or rtfcihV:,. ,mailJn8i and mention this publication. Fit.... . A, V PACKimi- South OraaliB, Neb, Samnle. 4 -rus can oe seen at 15. V today. D. C. Brownoll went to Kclio this morning, Miss Gussie Wilson went tn Athmm this morning. Cecil Wade from Spokatie. Deputy Assessor B. B. Hall went to Weston this morning. ' Dan P. Smytho left this morning for Arlington 6n legal business. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dupuls, of Wes ton, were in Pendleton last night. Fred Crawford Is expected homo this evening from the Spokane fair. Frank and Ora Hotdman start to night for Seattle on a pleasure trip. It. N, Stantleld, a prominent Echo stockman, was in Pendleton last night. Mrs. Fletcher, of South' Garden street, is recovering from typhoid fever. Miss Jennie Murrell left last night for Baker City to visit her brother, Oscar. The regular Monthly medal shoot or the gun club will take place next Sunday. J. T. Hlnkle and wife are expected to arrive from their eastern trip Fri day next. S. P. Hanawalt went to Portland this morning to spend Saturday and Sunday with his family. William Connolly, air brake inspec tor for the O. It. & N. wns in the city last evening from La Grande. T. L. Childers has been engaged to teach school In district 72 known as Frultvale, near the state line. Miss Edith Chapman, who has been visiting B. B. Hall and family, re turned to Weston this morning; It. U. Wilson, traveling' freight agent for the Burlington route, with headquarters In. "Portland, Is In the city. , G. T. Slavens and family have ar rived from Thorpe. Wash., and will reside here. Mr. Slavens Is a" carpenter. Mrs. Carrie B. Reed, who has been the guest of Mrs. E. Johnson and family, returned to Spokane this morning. Mrs. Dr. Grubb of Spokane, was in town yesterday, the guest of Mrs.,Mc Faul, her nelce, on her way to the World's fair. Mrs. Lloyd, daughter of James Nel son, has recovered from typhoid suf ficiently to be able to return to her home nt Sprague, Wash. Mrs. Dr. IUehurdson, of La Grande, Is In the city to' attend the marriage of Miss Edith Isaac and Henry Har rison, She Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sullivan. W. H. Kennedy, chief engineer of the O. , It. & N. arrived by special car on one of last night's trnlns and went north this morning attached to the Walla Walla train. M. T. Soles, who lately came here from South Dakota, left this morning for Olympla, where his family Is vis iting, and will return here with them with the Intention of making this their home. C. It. Dutton has returned for the winter from Lehman Springs, the re sort being closed for the season. Mr. Dutton will probably re-enguge in the confectionery business if he can find suitable quarters. Engineer GeorgV II, Curtis, of the O. H. & X., who tins beell nut of ser vice Working on his farm hear La Grande, for the past year, has return ed to work, and passed through west this morning to Umatilla W. W, Bunn and wife, en route from John Day to Portland and As toiia, were the guests yesterday of Mrs. Bunn's brother, S. F. Todhunt er and family. Mr. Bunn Is a delegate to the state lodge of the Knights of Pythias at Astoria. Ellis M. Brown went to Sturbuck this morning, where he will Join his father, who recently purchased a farm near t'hat place. Mr. Brown has traded the farm he bought a year ngo In the Juniper country to his brother-in-law, Silas Troup. O. B. Kessler und family, who have been visiting relatives In the Hudson Hay country, will leave on the even ing train for Spirit Lake, la. It Is their Intention to get footloose In Iowa and return to Umatilla or Wnlla Walla counties some time next year. Henry Huhlman of Atwood, Ind has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Liz zie Smatles. 'Mr. Huhlman is a jewel er looking for a location,, but he thinks "Pendleton has enough," and will go to British Columbia for the winter, with the Intention of going to Alberta next spring. Miss Tina Blosch, who has been the guest of the Swalms, near the state line, and of NJ T.' Brown and family of the reservation, left this morning for Falls City, Neb. She had expect ed to teach In Walla Walla county, but -was III for some time after ar riving In July and is now called East by the Illness of her mother. John Pertel went west on the morning train, destined for Olacku mns county, where he will spend the winter with his brother at Wilholt. Both will return to this county next spring. : IBs brother, Joseph M. Per tel, has filed on government land In the southern part .of the county, and John hus the same Intention. John Kobler Is expecting his broth er, Sylvester, from Washington coun ty, Indiana, In a short time to spend the winter here and in this vicinity. The latter is a successful market gar dener und will engage in that occu natlon here If a winter's residence demonstrates that this climate is fa vorable for him. He is seriously af flicted with the asthma. Miss Hattle Esteeu and brother, John B. Estoen, are visitors at the home of Mrs. Itoby. their aunt, Thoy arrived last night from Dawson coun ty, Nebraska. Their brother, W. Q, Estoen. Is expected to urnve irom me IT PAYS TO TRADE AT The Peoples Warehouse I.AKC31CST ASSOimiKNTS, AND ALWAYS TIIK LOWKST Itf I'UICN. New Fancy Hosiery, In lace nml emlimlilcml, nnd fancy color, nt r(H 75o, Sl.Ot) and upward. New Novelty Veilings latent rnncie nt 23e, Me E0o per jaiil nml iipwnnN. New laces nml embroideries f'v nines nml handkerchiefs, lnees, t 10e, IBc nnd ano per ynrd nnd upward. New-Fancy Handkerchiefs- liiinieuvo nml fetching ifwortuient of fine llninlkorchlofs at aso, BOo ami 7fc each. ' TIIK liATKST DltKSS TIUMlNfJS Here Is nil nssortmciit unequnlleil In stjlo iiiul variety unit tlio satisfaction of finding vtlint you nre lookhts for nnd nt lw prleev All the latest fancies tire slumn only here. ' 300 SK1UJH UMIlltlXljAS TOMOIUtOW AT 48 Cents Each 1,500 Y.VltnS OF FltKNCH FLANNUMttTF.S AT 1 0 Cents Each '" ' 50 DOZEN IIKMSTITClircn HANDKKIU'IIIKFS Two for 5 Cents my- IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE NOVKMIUUt DEIilN'KATOll NOW IN, Into Grant county, where the latter has a claim and whee Miss Esteen may open a millinery store at Can yon City, Mrs. Cornelia I. Sklles, mother of J, W, and E. C. Sklles, arrived on the morning train from the East, and will spend the winter here. Mrs. Sklles' home Is at Washington, D. C, and she spent the summer at Atlantic City. Subscriber Tor Thirty Years. Peter Nelson, of Wallula, a resi dent of Umatllua and Klickitat coun ties for the past 34 yenrs, was In the city. today. Mr. Nelson subscribed for the East Oregonlan when it wns founded, 30 years ago, and has been a continuous subscriber ever since. He has paid taxes in Umatilla county eyery year for 34 years and will con tinue to pay here as long as he lives. He is a prosperous stockman of the Wallula district, but owns property on this side of the Columbia. BIG llOIt.V DISAPPIiAKINCJ. NcmuIii Awnkes to Sluu'ller of the Irl.ed .Mountain Slieep. Nevada people are greatly concern ed over the disappearance of the mountain sheep, once go numerous in tbr-ir state. To prevent their ut ter extinction the next congress will bp asked to establish a national game preserve. The laws of Nevada have been particularly lax. Game has been killed In season nnd out of sea son with impunity. The game war den has bon looked upon more or less as u Joke. The result of this careless negligence has all but clear ed Nevada's game fields of their one time abundant herds of deer and an telope. The big horn of the hills have been driven from their native haunts and are almost extinct. The surviving game of Nevuda has been living In the south and western portions of the state, where the ab sence of railroads and other facilities necessary to the chase has given the game of this section virtual protec tion. But with the building of the Salt Lake road, whloh leads through the very heart of this once Isolated country, the state must now be look ed to for protection and ir a perma nent protectorate1 Is to be established the federal government must take u Jiand. Hill Hus No Closed Season. The Nevada solons will be asked to pass stringent game laws when they meet for their regular biennial sen slon the coming winter. At present Nevada gives no protection to the big horn or mountain sheep. The silver state "Js the only one jf the western group where these wonderful and ever-decreasing animals can be killed at any season of the year. Now for Sport TIIK SJ3ASON ""OH OUTDOOIt SPOUTS IS III'ltK. roOTHAMj, TKNNIS AND C.OUV PIAYICHS, "LUND SIM "YOl'U KAUS" (AND KYI'S). WE AUK SOI.K AGKNTS IN THIS CITY I'Olt i i . . Spauldings Sporting Goods TIIK BEST THAT AUK MAIM. WK CAUUY A I'Ul.li LINK AND INVITO YOUU INSPEC TION IIKI'OKK IIIJYINC. SPAl'MMN'G'S GOODS AUK GUAU NTEIJD. FRAZIER'S Book and Stationery Store Drjnk REAM It Is Fine IN 1 and 2 LB. SEALED TINS OUL.Y The Leading Tailors Of the city, SIEBERT & 8chultz, have removed to 222 Court street, opposite the Hotel Bickers. When you want a well made suit at reasonable prices, call on them. Can I Get Fitted? THAT IS ABOUT TIIK ONLY DOUHT THAT KEEPS MEN J'HOM HUYING HEADY-MADE SUITS. IV WK CAN'T 1'IT YOU, WK WON'T SELI ,YOU,Il' YOUH J IT DOESN'T STAY 1TTTED, TIIK SALE DOE8NT STAY A SALE HHINO HACK THE SUIT. II' YOU DO YOUit J'AItT 1Y COMING IN, YOU CANT HE ANYTHING ELSE THAN KITTED AND SUITED IIEUE. NOT A COItllEOT STYLI MISSING I'KOM OUIt LINES. l'ALL AND WINTER STYLES ALL IN. PUT) US TO 'THE TEST ON ONE SUIT 1'OK A TIIIAL. a 4 ' A Good Hat Free 0-' With Every Suit K Sullivan (& Bond The Popular Clothiers r . I'S DRUG STORE 2 1 west this evening, and all will go over