East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 07, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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nxvuv east ouegonian, pendleton, oheoon, rnnAY. octqueu ",
Published every afternoon (except Sunday)
at Pendleton, Oregon, by the
Dully, one year, by mall.. J.".00
Dally, six months, by ranll , 2.50
Dally, three months, by mall. ...... . 1.2.1
Dally, one month, by mall ,, ,B0
Dully, tier month, bv carrier fi.'t
Weekly, one year, by mall... l.M of so many homes too often the real
Weekly. six months, by mall....... .To . ......
WceklT, four months, by mall no cause for youthful tlellnciuoncy the
SernlSlj; sTx "maV. rffi j Denven Juvenile Court ha. ns adjunct
Semi-Weekly, three months, by mall.. .50 special libraries and baths for all
Member Scrlpps-Mcltne News Association, boys who are to take advantage of
ithem: an nllled private society ob-
-ri. i.'..t f. I ,a .. .. t.. n n I
.lib liU.k iriTUUIUII O UU MIC U I. . . ,
against him that all efforts are di
rected and this fact Is early Impress
ed upon his understanding.
The judge himself doffs the stern
majesty of the law In dealing with
Juvenile cases and brines himself
down to the social level of "Hoyvllle"
by entering Into the story of each of
fender's special wrongdoing vvlth
.vor shown of personal Interest and
by giving advice rather than grave
To combat the negative Influence
lilch's News Stands nt Hotel Portland and
Hotel l'erklns, 1'ortland, Oregon.
San Francisco Ilureau. 40S Fourth St.
Chicago Ilureau, 000 Security Ilullilin;.
Washington, V. C, Ilureau, 001 14th St.,
K. W.
Telephone Alain 11.
Entered at Pendleton postofflce as second
class matter.
A crust of bread and a corner to
sleep In,
A minute to smile and an hour
to weep in,
A pint of Joy to a peck of trou-
And never a laugh, but the
moans 'come double,
And that Is life!
A crust nnd a corner that love
makes precious,
With the smile to warm and
the tears to refresh us,
And Joy seems sweeter when
cares oome after,
And a moan Is the finest of foils
for laughter.
And that Is life!
P.iul Lawrence Dunbar.
tains summer labor In the country
for the probatlonnrles; offenders un
der arrest cannot be taken to Jail, but
are temporarily lodged In a home
like detention house, provided by law.
Colorado has taken a long step In
A great land mngnnte of Southern
China owns nnd farms four acres.
Ills envious neighbors hold compe
tences of one acre or bnro pittances
of nn eighth of an ncre; but Wong
Poy Is lucky. He has even been nble
to afford n wife. Two "hands" work
for him In these harvest days, at the
panic wages of 20 cents a day.
The men squat, Oriental fashion,
nt their work, chopping down the
stalks with swift stabs of their little
sickle. Jlrs. Wong Poy nnd her eld
est, a daughter, follow behind and tie
up the sheaves with wisps of straw.
The two cherished men-children
sole hope of heaven for Wong Poy,
piny through the stubble and steal
grains of wheat to chew. It Is n mut
ter for corporal punishment If they
are caught In this, for In China every
grain Is numbered.
When the wheat Is all In and has
been beaten out on the threshing
floors and stored In the well-guarded
granary under Wong Poy's house, the
family makes rejoicing.
There Is a little mess of fish for the
iirr rflr"
Baby's coming Into the world .huukl be pr-ctdtd Iv a r,a,nj;"',,,a5S
the JvItoC every o,a,n ho ctf l U;;,,c a ns.t. - ';$
dutr to her unborn I .w. and ti. hci-ilf , I"" " u' 'r,n " ,' ,...,,
v means .lmn 1- lo.d ... ..-; ' Ur o. U. ; ; h "
greatlv afoa the rt
lOUUl OU ll.irc - , ; ,, ,..,,(1,,- ,U
B,.,n-up d.lr L"'T5 .riiX ,Tel deformed" by
bnthi do not allow your thUd to become a cupple.
Is a liniment l irl. lll (oiwtnll am- pwjlblllty of accident at
. . .. .t ii ,k. nii,,mln.il mmcles and tissues.
., Sl .-.! nature v". ... ------
I '. ... .. i. ... t-.. ..-11 -IJ.I,, linlll lifl UlttleS.
, out n nn ' " "!" T'V ? , ' k.mlMt
0'icl to l-im-lll HUH WI'IIR I'll"' iiumn ----
and drlisht ol e-er- tme mother'i heart.
One iliillar Is Hie puce at all drug stores. Send tor out
book on " .Motherhood." It Is lite.
Brad field Regulator Co.A"SSt.m'
i not. A nunk-stlck and a cut) of rlce-
the right direction by placing respon- brandy are offered up to the gods of I
slbllty for the dellnnueticy In the child ; grain, and before them Wong Poy, ;
ution the narents and the home. Hv Ills hands tucked In his sleeves, bows!
statute It has been enacted that pa
rents and guardians against whom
neglect or immoral Influence display
ed toward children can be proven, are
themselves amenable to the law's
punishments. Had we such d law In
Oregon our own police- court would
find Its labors lightened.
Portland business men seem to
thoroughly grasp the momentous sit
uation In which the Oregon metropo
lis Is found at the beginning of the
twentieth century. They seem
have that splendid' foresight and
to th.3 ground while he recites pray
ers. Mrs. Wong Poy steals away
from her husband to meet with the
other village women and hold strange
rites wild, contortlonate trances,
with visions of the upper and nether
worlds. So have their mothers done,
time out of mind. Everybody's Magazine.
Ornln growing In the Pacific North
west Is a surprise to the entire agri
cultural world. That vast region,
comprisfng a large part of Oregon.
to j Washington and Idaho, known as the
Inland Empire, Is peculiarly adapted
to the raising of all small grains, es-
buslness sagacity which is necessary j pecially wheat, and this cereal has
In building for the future. The most made the section famous. It has car
momentous task before Portland is i"le'l the name of Walla Walla to the
uttermost ends of the earth, nnd
; to lay the foundation today, for a city ,
wherever i wheat Is bought and sold
The corporation tax law Is one of
the best measures ever passed by the
9 of one million Inhabitants. This may j tlle nanle ()f tnls prosperous mile city
, I seem to be a dream that should not 1 Is known. Cables frpm Liverpool
oe acconieu serious tnougnt, uut me'1" unun uuumi vunj mc nco
j growth of cities and the multipllca
! Hon of Industries, when backed by
I such Infinite resources as are found
on the Pacific coast, are silent phe-
everywhere that Walla Walla is mak
ing certain offerings.
nomena that steal into existence In a ,
day. At the gateway to the Orient,
Pendleton, Palouse. I.ewlston. Mos
cow, La Grande, The Dalles. Ilepp
ner. Union. Colfax and other Inland
Empire cities are also big wheat-
I buying and shipping centers. Con-
Oregon legislature.
During the past year It
it iociiui; ui if jv,.jtu.i i, iviiivii .- 1 1 , , ,1... . ,!,,.., ..t n.a
.i... rlgHtlon of the idle lands and settle- ". ...ui i.... . .....
produced ' 1'ortIan'1 cnn hI,e 111 time to rival j slderable wheat Is annually raised In
.New York on me eastern coast, ir-1 me iiinmeita -aney, mil iriim me
money "round by the state, as the I " I state, and more densely populated,
slang phrase expresses It. mo,u of tlle "ow a"Me "reas wlU the lands arc more valuable for dl-
Heretofore the people have been I multiply the population of Portland j versified farming. It. M. Hull In Pa
taxed to make up the amount produc- i wi'lrtV that the hundreds of thous- I clflc .Monthly.
I finds will soon steal up to the million
Catch Cold
The chilly In-iive arc irniliidors or tin1 winter wcatlicr we can
iwiH-et mmiii. and thN adfi-lleinout N n rcinludcr of the Dissolu
tion Sale in ii-okivs at out- ttore, wliich tncims low prlwn on goiwl
UimmIs. '
Kii-p .loin- lii-t unrni and coiufoi-table hy having thcin hou--d
in sIiik-n of quality. That'.-, the kind you get or u.
It's ti onr ailiniitago to buy hhnes now, ut our DN-.olutlon
Sale mean- rut pi-lii- on eicry -.hiH! in the Iioiim.-. CM-ept i-oiitraet
No Goods Charged During Dissolution Sale
Dmdinger, Wilson Co.
Good Shoes Cheaper Than Ever.
ed hy this law.
The farms, livestock,
ni-rpunm.. sln.iks ..ml visthlm nrnn. ! muriv. Willie me Cliy is ill uie pren-
erty of all
The average New Yorker Is sat In
have" carried the HUKe. ae auuuiu uvkiu uuhuihh
burden. The combinations of capital fo1' "ster Ideals. Public parks, pub- j t10 cl)Colt that life outside that city
linv tmlil taxes nn what could be I Ho utilities, public franchises the is hardly worth living. Hut the New-
city true progress, juiivuxh iui; filler in ii.v 4i or so u.
T.l.,ltn (....- 1 If, tl.o
..t I., .. l. l-..., l.Hrt....n.,ltl,. It. 1 " ' .......... ,IW..., Il.rf .
u.u i.u u n-MTi. ' Columbia river for salmon for their
the possession of the people, so the j 1)iB .inllers; they cnn not find any
expnnsion will not be so costly as If . where strawberries so luscious as
all these needed bounties must b j those from Hood P.iver: and Wash-
... , , Ington apples, peaches nnd grapes are
purchased from private owners from , " , , . . ,i
1 In growing demand In the metroiiolls.
time to time. Portland, with all her We bave too a better clma,e. better
splendid dreams of future growth, I water, bettor air, and scenic glories
cannot foresee the glorjes in store for j that New York can not approach.
uney useu to surpass us in oysiers,
seefi and assessed, but for the price- , very basis of
less privilege, the unseen and Intangi
ble franchlsV! under which they oper
ated profitably In Oregon, they paid
The beauty of this tax is that It
comes from people amply able to pay.
The combinations of capital liable for
this tar are enjoying a phenomenal
( prosperity and the 1 110,956.17 pro
duced by this moderute tax on them.
In return for the privileges enjoyed
under Oregon laws, is Just that much
burden lifted from the shoulders of
those less able to pay.
The cry of the wild cat corporation
attorney that this law would drive
capital away from Oregon, Is now
an empty echo, a paid wall that fell
There are yet other tax laws that
are needed In Oregon. One Is a law-
taxing foreign stock ranging in Ore
her. She should begin building uow
for the million mark. Another half
century will soon speed by.
but that advantage Is no more since
the day of Toke points anil Nahcot
tas. Well, the New Yorker's Infatua
tlo for New York Is n mystery that
can not be explained. Spokesman-Itevlew.
gon during six months of the year and , bitter and relentless warfare than ever
The triumph of the LuFollette fuc
tion of the republican ikirty of Wis
consin, Instead of settling the fight in
that state has only embittered It. In
stead of bowing to the will of the
people and the decision of the su
preme court the h'pooner faction has
nominated ex-Governor Kcoffleld on
m,il,t'(it-f tinker hi.H i1fi.I thi
, Hut I would give a mile of them
supreme court and will make a more . , f ,,ue, k.)U1uji
Jo Kos in Seattlk- Star.
I took a spin along the "like,"
Was very much surprised
My head was In u constant whirl.
My brain was paralyzed.
And every way I'd twist or turn
New wonders did abound
yielding jiin Income to other states.
The woolgrowers have recommend
ed this law and It Is no more a Just
measure to protect the shep Inter
ests of the state from the encroach
ment of outside sheep than It Is to
the general tax payer whose burden
could be further lightened by It.
The object of all tax laws Is to dis
tribute the burden equally and every
kind of .property, visible and Invisi
ble, foreign and domestic, must grad
ually be' taxed as It enjoys the pro
tection of the state.
The right to conduct a large busi
ness, and the protection of the laws
of the state, are Just as much taxable
assets as the money Invested In the
business., "
before on the LnFollette faction. K.
A. Cook, who was the "stalwart" can- I
When a man calls himself a fool
i i .. ... .. .1 .. i ,. ... .... i .... i , ,!,.,
dldate for governor Immediately re- j you toU, h,m sQ ,t ou(.M ,n muke
signed on hearing the decision of the j ,m UUBi, himself Into hysterics.
Through a pamphlet designed as a
part of the Denver exhibit of juvenile
court work at the World's Fair and
optly entitled "The Problem of the
Children." those Interested In the
question of the treatment of delln
quent and Incorrigible children at the
hands of the law will find a report
the most cheering.
In this resume of the fourth year
of the Juvenile court's jurisdiction In
Colorado's capital city, written large
ly out of the personal experience of
the presiding magistrate, the Hon.
Ben tU.'Lindsey. will be found detailed
account mf the progress made by those
devoted to the regeierulon of way
ward children under Colorado's well'
advised laws.
Judge Llndsey gives the spirit of
the Juvenile court's aim In a nutshell,
when he says that its efforts are not
so much toward reforming as to
forming of childish character. It )
Sanitary Plumber
807 Cottonwood Street
supreme court making the LaFolIett"
ticket the regular Wisconsin ticket.
Infuriated by his defeat Spooner at ,
once named Scoffleld and Is out for
Victory at any coat. LaFollette Is an
admirable man. He Is so near the
Tom Johnson type that he has en-
leared himself to the people of Wis
consin. He owes his immense popu
larity to his persistent fight for higher
railway vulues la .assessments, for a
primary nomination law, for u cor
poration tax, suppression of unjust,
combinations and mergers, and broad
er principles of civil service In public
office. While he was turned down by
the national republican convention,
the decision of the supreme court Is
an Index to popular feeling In Wis
consin. The supreme court will he
drawn Into the fight. It Is thought.
I am compelled by oi sense of gratitudi
to tell you the great RuoU your remedj
has done me in a case of. Contagious Blooc
Poison. Among other symptoms I was se
verely afflicted with Rheumatism, and got
almost past going. The disease- got a fine
hold upon my system; my blood-was thor
oughly poisoned with the virus. I lost in
weight, was run down, liad sore throat,
eruptions, splotches ,snd other evidence!
of the disease. I was truly in a bad shapt
when J began the use of SS. S but the
persistent use o it brought me out of mj
trouble safe and souud, and I have th
courage, to publicly testif y to the virtues ol
your great blood remedy, S, S. S., and tc
recommend it to all blood-poison suffer
ers, sincerely believing if it is taken ac
cording to directions, and riven a fait
trial, it wiU thoroughly eliminate everj
paruciaui iub virus. jAaiua iukicab,
Stark Hotel, Greeusburg, Fa.
Painful swellings in the groins, red erup
lions' upon the skin, sores in the mouth
The experiment of reciprocity with
Cuba has not turned out thus far very-
satisfactory to this country, It has
permitted Cuba to find u ready sale
In our markets for her goods, but
our merchants are not doing much
export business with the Cubans.
Minister Squires la of the opinion
that we do not make the kind of
goods the Cubans want. Our trade
in livestock Is comparatively good,
liowever, and situations show that
the demand Is growing. Cuba never
had any good cattle of any class and
even the poor ones were pretty gener
ally killed off during the trouble with
Spain. Within the past two years
many well-bred cattle have been ship
ped from Texas to Cuba, ana xne
country Is being stocked up with a
better class of beet and dairy cattle
than it ever had before, Chicago
for the young Incorrigible and not Livestock World.
ind loss of hair and eyebrows, are some ol
the symptoms of this vile disease. 8. S. 8.
is an antidote for the awful, virus that
aHnfl? nnd dtmva 4o.n ftii- twttiA
S. S. 5. contains no Mercury. Potash ot
other mineral ingredient, We offer ft,coc
tor proot that It is not absolutely veget
able: Home treat
ment book giving
the symptoms and
other interesting
and valuable infor
mation about this
disease, mailed
free. Our cUvni
clans advise free
those who write us.
The Swift Speolflo Company, Atlanta, fia.
other mineral ingrediet
for proof that it is no
FIIAJCKU OPEHA HOUSE, . K. J. TAYLOK, Lessee and Munager.
Monday, October 10
Frederick Warde and Kathryn Kidder
In a stupendous hc-enlc production of Stanislaus Staugc'H great play J
"Salainmbo" I
Founded on Flaubert's Famous Novel. X
Incidental music by II. 1C Hadley. Scenery by P.eld and Cor-
bett. Costumes and properties designed by Mrs. Seidle " of the
Metropolitan opera house, N". T. J
Price.-, 3t)o to $2.00.
Scats ont sale Saturday, at Tollman's- X
Cloilug out Nile of ulli machines on Iinml.
tIH4AAAAtAlAA.A..A.A.AAA.A. ------
t C . . WW wir 4
I oewmg maenmes must jo
J Of all mates and descriptions. Having decided to discontinue hand-
"hR sewlns- machines, T will close out all machines nt ion. fv,
I tory prices
Drop Head. Singer inaeiiincs, (as cuod as now) $25,00
Drop Head Now llonue, now j ) $33.00'
Other muchlncs warranted to sow proiwrly ond give satisfaction
for $S.00and up. '
Good plumbing Is nluajs the cheapest. It 1ms th lostlns nuaU
tlos. It saves jou repair bills. Always entrust your work to thorough,
reliable and competent plumber. Our force Is made up of the bos
perlonccd workmen. Strict attention paid to sanitary features of
On your wVk. We quote right prices and do only the best work.
Goodman-Thompson Co.
uuwiuus AND PIiUaUlINQ,
013 Main Street.
2 Telephone 811.
& in
Dimension !umber '
Hcrlptlons, &,. w ,
Moulding, nBlIdtoltr4
iiiirvn Vntm
ui.!- ouil FIGE
Grays Hart
Commercial i
Opposite W. & & r, j
A Thing of Bea
Is a Joy Ford
In one window yon -
displayed the most clei
of Stntttnry OTcr shown I
city, in pure nhlte,
white and Florentine tH
The beauty of It an I
prices arc rlslit and
reach of nil, ranging tn
to $0.00.
An ornament to an; I
Brock & McCoa
Company j
St. HelenV
EST CLASS corps of tc.
Hon, building enulpmwt-
Send for catalogue.
Opens September 15, 1IHI
Per Kit, sr.,00; goll
91.00; silver filling,
trautiug, 500.
Wo are thorough!? (
with all modern nKtM
nnnllances. and gur
work to be of the hlgWl
ard, and our prices tMI
consistent with first-cmi
White Bro
Association Bto
Tolephone Jlal" '
We make a
specially 4
round or M"l
ai bender bed.
ni w make them m
alwa3 give wW
Is never slighted or Wcw
Pendleton Plani"!
and Lumber H
corner Webb t
j The Fret
I Restaaf
5 Best Ccn,1M,iSrf