DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOHER 5, 1P0L EIGHT PAGE JEIGHT. FOR AN EXHIBIT in. c. a. SMITH TjRGES UMATILLA COUNTY TO ACT. Commercial Association Takes Tip tlie Matter of a Count- Exhibit at tlio Lewis nml Clark Fulr Space Is Bclnf; Allotted and at "Will Soon lie Too Late to Get a Suitable Loca- tlon County Court lUrjrcd to Act. seventeen new members were 'voted Into the Commercial Asoclatlon at ithe regular monthly meeting last night. The total membership now Is about 176. The names voted upon 'hist night follow: F. A. Swingle, Robert Wattenburg. "William P. Sturgls, A -J. McAllister, Charles A. Cameron. Jr.. O. "V. Coff- jnan. Will F. Hessian. Martin B. Behrlnx, R. J. Slater, James F. Slater. Charles E. Bean, J. M. Compton, Fred Mllnes. II. E. Murray, Leo Blackmnn, Francis WHInrd Bond. J. A. Smith. The question of a county- exhibit at the Lewis and Clark fair was dls- -cussed. Dr. C J, Smith, who has just returned irom a trip to St. Louis, de clared that It was high time Umatil la county was bestirring itself and preparing nn exhibition for the Port land exposition. rrhe fair opens next June.' he said, "and this is Oc tober. It Is time the county commit" sloners were doing something. Space Is being alloted at the fair grounds and If we don't look out Umatilla count- will be left In the lurch. 1 believe the people of the county want to see this part of the state repre sented at the fair and the commis sioners will not be criticized if they appropriate $500 for this purpose." For the present, the club is still undecided regarding new quarters. The proprietor of the building In which the association now has its rooms promises to extend the build ing In the rear 50 feet, if the club will take the space. He promises to have it ready for occupancy by early spring. TRAINLOAD OF SHEEP. Garrison & Reynolds Ship 30 Carloads to Kearney, .Nebraska. Five thousand head of mutton sheep, making up a train of 30 cars, left Pendleton today for Kearney, Neb. The liheep are being shipped by the firm of GarrU.on & Reynolds, which has been doing so rue gxfenjive buying in this section during the autn mer. " " " The sneip are destined, ultimately, for the Chicago market, and after feeding at Kearney for a few weeks, will be shipped on to the Windy city. The animals were recently purchased from local sheepmen and were brought In from the summer ranges to be loaded. BITTEN BY RATTLESNAKE. Al Balcom pf Maxwell Stung by Four "!j Foot Reptile. Al Balcom of this place was Sat urday lost, stung by a rattlesnake near Echo, nnd Is now at his home near the Walters' mills, taking care of a very sore leg under Dr. Blakeslee's directions. Mr. Balcom was walking along the road driving a harnessed team before lilm. and accidentally stepped on a four-foot reptile that was half con- TO HELP OREGON cealed by the weeds nnd grass along , the troll. Before he could do a thing In self-defense, or to nvold the rep tile, he was stung on the right leg. about half way to the knee. Just above the hoe top. Mr. Balcom went ut once to the RINAI.DO M camp he wns employed on the Max well ditch nnd wis nt once token to Echo, where emergency methods were lanen 10 stop ne worst immeuinie ei- . ,m)5 million r "Oregon, Wnli ,,. , .,' ,.,.., ., , . 1 lugtou nnd Idaho ' Will Re put himself Under Br. Blakeles's core. ' He Is convalescing nicely, but has n . very sore Jeg. ' ty, Washington. He wns arrested nt Pomoroy Tor the crime, but escaped from the sheriff nnd 1ms not since jbeen seen. 1 LOCAL STOCK ASSOCIATION. HALL PRE PARING O. R. X. ATHENA PRODUCE MARKET. New UuhIiiww AVhlch N or Value to runners, '" l' Ijumched. At irtst Athena Is to have a long felt want supplied. A produce market Is! to be conducted by O. L. Chamber lain, a recent nrrlvnl from New York state, and F. O. Lucas, proprietor of LARGEST APPLE SALE. Hood River Company Sell 30 Cur ImuN to Portland Pollers. In One Transfer. What is thought to be the targes: single snle of fancy apples ever made in the Northwest has Just been made In Hood River. Just sold to Portland wholesalers 3ols,,b- " have Interested capitnl carloads of fancy Spltsenbergs and Twolie Stockmen of 1'niutllln County ROOK, i ... ' Form n lli-ecdcrs' Orpinlatlon. ' ru'otvo rnnnhnra linvp nrminlzed UI1 nt.... .nDiniiraiit oitva flip Atllp- i ....... ..... - " - i i up x .imiu i v.- -. uli- I association at Pilot Bock for the J)a press. The gentlemen hnve form f lu ' handling of blooded stock exclusively. . business relationship for this Most Suiicrl. Volume or Statistics A"'.T ,s ',U.rChnSe,y I"' Tf? ,,ur,08C' nnd enKnce, ,n ,h5 ,,Ur 1 I will be kept upon the farms of those ch of knd8 of produce nt once, l.cr issued In Oregon Will Do, belonging to it and will be used prl- , f whcn tliev wlI1 pay the highest market price nt all times. . i I- n luinofanlnP Is not to ' ,, came to the relief of nil towns ling livestock of high character anJ 5tlrnulus it for the subscribers, who will '. . , ,,, , i it rives lu umur uii.iiiiiuia w.. ... pay equui sums upon an af ..-j considerable extent. That- made for investment, or percnam s om wI, for the payment of losses. R lnsurcs hm The members of the association are . " . , nvfM unn ,n Ri named gentlemen, nil . '""rZX Levi ei- , ',"!...' UUKlluvfji lo mill iici viuiui v. oto .Much Siwice to Crop nml Farm j marlly for building up the livestock Statistic Entirely New Map to Be ; Interests of the members. The Inten- I breeding I except for the subscribers, who will j The distribution of 500.000 pieces ;of literature descriptive of the North iwest: to have brought the largest j number of homeseekers to Oregon I that ewr gathered here In one year, to have advertised Oregon. Wnshlng- tbe following of whom are well known: m.c ..u.v...U ......... . T T. nilll.l ton nnd Idaho, to every quarter of the ""- r . r. ' 1UIUI, U. J. IMIIIIIHf, l- w- ..." ' i Pattnn, . Newton Pippins, the total sale amounting to $32,000. The 20 cars of Spltxenbergs sold for $1.10 per bushel and the 10 cars ot Newton Pippins, for $1.75 per bushel. The apples are for the fancy trade of the large Eastern cities and will be shipped over the Harrlman lines to Chicago, New York and other lending cities. This entire shipment wns se lected stock, nnd is said to be the finest lot of Oregon apples ever sold In one lot. OFFICES IN PENDLETON. n ! Milwaukee Road Will Soon Hate Resident Agent lu Tills City. F. R. Hanke, traveling freight and passenger agent for the Chicago. Mil waukee & St. Paul, who Is soon to take up the duties of resident freight agent in Pendleton, was In the city last night. Local railroad men dis credit the story that Hanke is to be ' netual stationed In this city, but the Infor mation that the headquarters are to be here comes from what is consid ered undisputed authority. It Is but a move on the part of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, It Is said, to gain a more secure foothold in the Inland Empire, with the abject of soon tapping the Northwest with a line, that will ultimately be ex tended to the coast. In the resources of the Northwest. Is only n small part of the task per formed ly the passenger" department of the O. R. & X. during the past year. In continuation of this good work, and to add to the efficiency and In terest of that advertising matter so widely scattered by the O. R. & N. nnd Hnrrlmnn lines. Is the mission of Rinaldo M. Hall, to Pendleton . nnd Fmatllla county, this week. Mr. Hull Is author nnd editor of "Oregon. Washington and Idaho," the well known publication Issued annually by the O. R. & N. company nnd is now gathering data for the !19rtj edition of the book. He is accompanied by Mrs. Hall, and Is a guest or Hotel St. George, while visiting the various institutions of Pendleton, today, nnd will spend some time in Umatilla county, get ting In direct touch with the produc ers of wheat, wool and alfalfa, fruit. I corn and sugar neeis, m collecting figures from the men who drldce. Albert Boesch. R. H. F. E. Sherman, E. E. Simon, A. F. Michaels, A. D. Sloan, E. C Mathews. I The first Investment made by the ..Anmnnf In nt n t WO. VPlir-Old PeTCll- I eron stallion bought of the McLaugh lin Company nn animal weighing between 1700 and 1S00 pounds, for which was paid $3600. This is the horse that has been kept for the past month at T. P. Glllllnnd's. General Corbln now denies that he sold an army officer should not be allowed to wed until he had an In come of $2400. t j Moving into our new j building Owl j Tea House! MTFI-Y ITNEI) Sir.O. Youth 10 Years or Ago Escajn's Term for Cattle Stealing. John W. Duffy, guilty of cattle stealing, has escaped a term In the penltentlar by the action of the stnte circuit court In nllowlng him to pay a fine of $150. Duffy pleaded guilty Monday afternoon nnd wns fined this morning. The money was nt once paid by the defendant's father. Duffy and G. C. White were Indict ed during T. G. Hallcy's term of of fice as district attorney. The latter was sentenced to two nnd n half years In the penitentiary. Young Duffy is 19 years of age and It Is claimed he is subjected to epileptic fits and at times Is not in his right mind. He O. R. grow the cropst for use in his forth eomlng volume. Senator llolllvcr Relighted. "I feel that we have accomplished one of the greatest triumphs of the vmr In havlne Senator Dolllver visit I frankly admitted taking the cattle, and view Oregon. In coming up from , but declared he thought they belong Portland yesterday- on the train. Sen-! ed to White. j ntor Dolllver expressed continual sur- j I prise nt the wonderful resources of j Club Rooms Closed Tonight. ' the state, as seen from the car win- t The pnrlors of the Commercial As- dow. It seemed unbelievable to him, ( Fociation will be closed tonight while i that wheat would grow on top of the j houseclennlng is In process. Members j nuis in HiBiu ut i.nr irutins. uiiuianu visitors win De pieasea xo iorego & X. Attorney Prepares to Car-,when assured that this soil produced j the pleasure of spending the evening from 35 to 50 bushels per acre, he nt there In order to give the librarian once admitted that it was a revelation jan opportunity to clean up the rooms to him and that he could now testl-jor the winter season, fy to the wonderful richness of this country." said Mr. Hall. Wnllown Invite n Puslli-t WILL MAKE AN APPEAL. ry l"l Hie Tax Cum;. Assistant Counsel Arthur C. Spen cer, of the O. R. & N. comiiany. Is Jn Pendleton tQday from PornriJ, .ui lilt- tui tiu: ui iiiuniiit, unuiihi;- tm-nls to nppeal the action of the railway against Umatilla county for a writ of review of the 1904 assess ment. State Circuit Judge W. R. Fills rortntlv found for the defend ant In the action. j truth about tne state irom mm mm "I feel confident of victorv when Iwnnot be dented nor gainsaid, the case goes before the state supreme , Mr. Hall has raised the standard of court." said Mr. Spencer. "I will geti"t i'u"vunuu um.. my papers together for the purpose a hand-book of Information aoom of making the appeal as soon ns pos- j Oregon. Washington and Idaho, and slble." i goes into every city and hamlet In RAIN IS WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS. SHOES NEW, FROM THIS BIG STORE IS WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS TO KEEP THE FEET COMFORTABLE, DRY, AND Or STYLISH APPEARANCE. WE HAVE THEM FOR YOU, HAN AN, DOUGLAS, GLORIA, RED SCHOOL HOUSE 'WA TER PROOF, AIR PROOF. THE GREATEST WEAR RESIST ER KNOWN TO MAN TODAY AT ANY PRICE YOU NAME. OUR SHOES ARE BETTER. ROOSEVELT'S BOSTON STORE Shoes and Clothing "One man like Dolllver talking Tnat tne sheriff of Wallowa coun- auout uregon. is worm more inuii ui-j ty is not opposed to prize fighting, egonlans can possibly estimate. It is j waR demonstrated this morning, when ; f a triumph for the state. His friends . Harney Mullen, a pugilist, who haslj and neighbors at Town win near a Ueen making this city his headnuar- the United Stntes. Larceny by Bailee. A charge of larceny by bailee and a charge of forger- have been brought against George Lamnnt, Un der arrest for obtaining money by false pretenses from Charles W. Ir vin. a local confectioner. Lamont will be tried next week. He Is rep resented by. R. J. Slater. , been making this city his headquar ters, received an Invitation from that , oiticinl to come to Enterprise, where j n bout would be arranged. ' J New Theuter for Walla Wnllu. A two-story brick building is to be erected nt AValla Wnlla this fall, part of It to be used for a theater. The makes It almost Impossible for a theater to operate In the Garden City. The edition of 1904 was exhausted , Dresent tneater ordinance long Delore it was expecieu uy urc company, nnd the edition of 1905 will !. especially beautiful nnd useful. ' Mr. Hall is gathering farm scenes Wanders In Night Dre. from Umatllln county and will give port,an(, Dct 5.Wnlle gufferlnB speclal attention to crop and lie-. ,.. , j stock statistics. Kennedv left her bedroom nnd. nt- An ent re y new map ot tne tnree itire(t Men's Furnishings for Fall and Winter The Best. Goods at. LOWEST PRICES f Purses I Marriage Llccn Issued. I License to marry was Issued i the county clerk this morning to Clarence Ralph Adams, of Missoula. Mont., and Miss Mue Ferguson, of Pendleton. I Northwest states, showing every post- ottlce. wagon roau anu rauroau i about from 3 o'clock until T this T ' I CU .1 1 .t... ..... I jtlon. is to1,'""' of friends at No. 46 East Sev- i by tlon or competent engineers. atreet and was cared for until X eumon o, w.e uuuk ... "" - retured to her home. pages and will be one of the most o regon , I'ohI Duuiiige;. Itepnlml. i Denver, Oct. 5. The flood sltua-1 ExcIusItC ,t The finest of wravSi material, the choicest of imlteriis in new and ex- ! ! elusive nSckwear has been opened. For larllcular People at Pop ular Prices. A load of purses which we cannot cam. You can help out by taking your choice at 23c, SOc, 75c or $1.00, from lots of purses that sell from 50c to up $S.OO each. Our win dow tells the star'- Look In when passing. Tallman 2b Co. LEADING DRUGGISTS ((The 'line Is from Rufus Woterhouse complete compendiums facts ever issued. Pl'IMLS ADVERTISE OICKGON. letter Writing Custom. i,... f t i Churchill, superintend-. Co.. New York City. You'll find i t of the c(tJ. sclnoia reports that them at the Peoples Warehouse. ,,UpUs In the grades nnd in the high 'v,ni hm-o (lihuslasllcallv taken up 1 tion In Oklahoma, New Mexico and , ' Kansis continues to Improve. No j fmore rain has fallen. Railroads are Baker City High Rchtxil Taken Up the ' rushing repairs nnd the Santa Fe ! wnl hnve trains into Las Vegas. New ! Mexico, tonight. No more lives are reported lost. ' Wtll'am Elder, a brakemnn on a j logging train at Montesano. was In J siantly killed Tuesday by being run over by the train. Schilling's Best are not ex ! travagant ; quite the contrary. '. Teas and coffees good-enough; I bakintr-powd' " flavoring ex- ' tracts and spices pure and best and vet economical; soda corn- school have enthusiastically taken up the letter writing scheme of the Ma ker City Development League, says the linker City Democrat. ; It Is fun for the boys and girls, j Each pupil Is going to write n letter to a friend, n cousin, an uncie. uu Interesting to Men. Nut brown, cedar and tobacco brown sack suits for fall nnd winter, have Just been opened and ready for you to see. The Peoples Warehouse. mon. 4 4 OUR SAVINGS PARS HOOKS are popular among all classes. We Issue these books for deposits as low as a dollar and up to any amount, When money remains six calendar months we allow In terest thereon. Interest begins on the first of the month following date of .deposit; but when o deposit Is made during the First Four Vujh of any month Interest beglnB on the first of that same month. We credit and compound interest twice a year. February first and August first. If the depositor cannot call on these dates, his inter est will be attended to Just the same ns though he were present. For further particulars you are Invited to. call. The Commercial National Bank Fire destroyed the George W. i IvTifiifui fthfnbulldlne- nl.ttit nt Run aunt In the East and tell him or her fmnoigco, Tuesday; loss, about $50, somethlug ubout Il.iker City and ll.i- 000 ker county something of the re- , sources here that might be attractive j Alexander Johnson, aged 116 years, to a prospective Investor or home- j vep at mchmond. Ind. He declares seeker. i his Intention of voting for Parker. This Is the kind of work that tells. I and when the children have written ! Tne ,jurned fool is never the "mlss thelr letters to the East, they will ,n(. uj He's always Johnnie on send the iiameH to H. C. Innls, sccre- lne spot tary of the league, who will follow up the good work by wending to these people in the East literature and data jQ JeSS6rt from time to time, which will b of, . mtercst to them. More Attractive m ii...UIII li a aihnnl i pupils have the heartiest thanks of a2 the Baker City league and Oregoa 1tning7 ftrroTuTg Stale leagues for their good work. ; ,? rin when b SWEATERS FOR MEN. Fnncy stripes and solid colors. Prices r0c to $LS0. SWEATERS TOR ROYS. Solid colors and stripes from SOc to $2.00. GLOVES GLOVES. Working gloves ..50c to 51.50 Drevi Gloves. Mocha $1.-5 to $1.75 Mocha, silk lined S1.25 to $1.75 Kid 81.25 to 81.75 Kid, Dents' 82.00 UNDERWEAR. Large assortment to select from, both cotton nnd wool. Cotton ribbed, per garment 50c Fleece lined, per garment ,50c Heavy weight wool, mixed, per garment 81.00 Wool ribbed, per garment $1.25 Better grades $1.50, $1.75, S2.no to $3.50 per garment. GOLF AND NEGLIGEE. New fresh goods, best of pat terns, at 75c to $3.00 each. Shoes, Rubbers, Mackintoshes and Duck Coats, to see our lines before making your purchases. It will PW you BAEK & DALEY One-Price Clothiers and Furnishers of Pendleton t t mg5Bi FOR SALE Jn Fonr Fruit Fl. Tors: Lemon, u range, cjirawoerry, uusp- wi-ariw jumps his bonds, j Secure Slay of Execution and AVanj better resulU m two mlnutesj 1 , .... nn r-na iu.il. EreryUdus a the pk. Simply ttddbrt ii. ivur... .... v - ... r wulcranuseuocooi. enection. asqi- Unless E. H. Weston, convicted j pnse to the liou.wife. No trouble, lesex- horsethlef. presents himself to the pease, ary u wwuy, aumormen ui t,'Z rrv. Atinocen. 10c he put up for his appearance will be declined forfeited by the state cir cuit court. Hut this will not save the missing man. and he may be taken Into cus tody at any time and made to serve his unexpired sentence In the state penitentiary. Weston's sentence is two nnd a half years in the penitentiary. He secur ed a stay of. ejfeautlon several months ago pending appeal to tho state supreme court and was allowed hi liberty byPUttlng up ball. The ' adloii In the.mipreme court has slnceN . Ueen dismissed. While out on bonds Weston Is said J to have stolon horses In Lincoln coun- FIVE ACRES NEAR MIITON; tyi ACRES ' IN STILWDEIUUE8' 4 ACRE IN DEWUEURIBS; 105. PEACH TREES; OTIUCR GOOD FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, 12 SHARES WATER, $1,600. SMALL TRACTS OP FINE LAND FROM $3 TO $25 AN ACRE. INTO THIS. IT WILL PAY YOU. ' The Leading Tailors C. C. BERKELEY BYERS' BEST FLOUR tho choicest wheat Uint urows. Good ',re0.j assured when Iters' Rest Flour Is used.. Rrau, shorts, steam hurley always on hand. Is mndo from Of the city, SIEDERT A Schultr, have removed to 222 Court street, opposite the Hotel Dickers. When you want a wall made suit at reasonable prices, call on them. J J w. S. BYERS, Proprietor. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS ; l are don' no "' ii. gr ma; Sunda lila. IttVAK' Tin fltOts. I'l Mil) A I JIB1 -Art i P. IT' Op ,tDe I te hi (ortl t'V tin am jver m e poll Mir t troi the itttr 1Xr. xsi I rt r.Ri l-tt