pages. DAILY EAST OUCGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. Ti'KSDAY, OCTOnEU I, ltOI. PACK Tllxnu. Expansion sale -w wr-vt T K W V r BARGAIN WtbK rfnthlng and Furnishing Goods Department .... .. ...ti.niintn lino of tlio newest mill . i M)iir service wun - ' . Were nt y0c seen this season, or nro to be seen of a" ",c - llint,Dr t (Mmllty, of style, fit nnrt workman- j nlicre- ,Mt ((t ,i ,,o-o excellences which n sntlsrnc ship. I" " "or"' 1SCWl these siK-nU . most eloquently for tory " 01,R,lt I . tI1() suits' now mil mid winter styles, "'"Mo '"siaSO, $11.00, SIS.00. sale Trice, $10.1)5, rtsular ,n" u)()li tll,ior.nimlc suits, rcRtilnr vnltio $1G.0(), 5:j"'C"',c vnll ,ay come In and select from our doth- Alexander Dept. Store j THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES IT'S THE BEST SMOKE ON THE MARKET Manufactured by A. ROHDE HOLDING COURT CLUB ROOM S WAHDK AND KinnKit. riiisr TKim ix xicw COUN TY SKAT. I,A GUANDK. Iittlsc ICaUIn ConuMiivt DNtrk-t Court for rnlon rounty In Commercial Association Parlors ut l.n Grande Quarters Not Commodious, Hut Court Is 1'ioKi-os.ilnK Prisoners Held in City .lull. Under Guard Count) orilclnls )Iom to i,H c.inndo. Lu Grande. Oct. 4. The first term of circuit court to be held In this county since the removal of the coun ty sent to this place convened yester day afternoon In the parlors of the Commercial Association, the new court house not bolnir complete. Judpre rtobert Eaklu mid District Attorney T.eroy T.omax hnve provided every convenience for litigants nnd lawyers, and while the rooms are not ns commodious as they should be, they answer the purpose. The prisoners are kept In the city jail under close guard, having been brought hero from the linker Clt) jail for trial. The county records are somewhat scattered nnd It requires considerable time to travel from one office to an other In different parts of town to get papers properly before the court. Judge Eakln, Sheriff Pennington, School Superintendent Bragg and several deputy county officials have purchased homes in this city nnd hnve moved f heir families here. District Attorney I.mnax will live In Baker City. Well K no vi n Trajjeoinn Will He Seen Next Monday Xlght In "Snlninm ho." The engagement ' of Frederick Wnrde and Knthryn Kidder next Monday night should prove one of the most vitally interesting dramatic events of the year. They are to ap pear In Stanislaus Stnngo's spectacu lar drnmatlKitlou of "Salammbo," In which he has scored the biggest pop ular success since he has been writing plays. llecollectlons of the same author's dramatization of "Quo Vndls," will give local playgoers much confidence In his ability to handle the Intensely dramatic problem contained In Kliui bort's famous work "Salammbo, " on which the play Is founded. While It must of necessity be treat ed In n spectacular manner, the novel supplies copious opportunities for a very thrilling drama. In which torrid passions, and heroism of the robust -ous order, must play u conspicuous part. Frederick Warde will, of course, assume the role of the terrible Matho, the Indomitable barbnrlan warrior who nt the head of the allied nier cenary armies succeeded in over throwing the great republic of Car thage. Miss Kidder will be seen as "Salammbo," n character for which her beauty and her equally remarka ble dramatic power makes her emi nently fitted. Salammbo was the high pllestess of Tanlt, the Moon god'.'ss, nnd arrayed In the diaphan ous robts for her sacred office Miss Kidder must pret-"t an alluring pic ture of feminine loveliness. m (J Monarch Ranges Malleable Iron and the kind you cannot break. I have a full Hue of linages, Heaters, both wood and coal, and In vite you to call and examine the same before bii)hif;. T. C. TAY The Hardware Man Saxes Two From Death. "Our little daughter had an nlmost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. llnvl land of Armonk, X. Y.. "but. when nil other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's Xew Dis covery. Our niece, who had consump tion In an ndvanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and today she Is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's Xew Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for coughs and colds. Tide and $1.00 bot tles guaranteed by Tallmnn & Co. Trial bottles free. School or Philanthropy. Xew York, Oct. 4. A "School of Philanthropy" was opened In this city todny. Its object being to teach the rational application of charity. This course of instruction outlined calls for the study of municipal reform ac tivities, social settlement work. Im migration, rncical traits In the popu lation nnd kindred topics. TO BANISH mm El KPISCOPALFANS MHHT IX ANNUAL convention. LargeM, .Mil Fashionable and Influ ential Convocation of This Church Fvor Gathered Together in the I'nlted State- ProMiod Itoniil or , Ileilew, Policy In the Insular Pits-1 sessions. Divorce Question and Proposition to Change Xame of the ' Chin-ell Will lte Discussed. i.. szm ivy- ' UtefeUjaiQlwMiJttMbifMHi A Line Letter. Would not Interest you If you're looking for a guaranteed salve for sores, burns or (dies. Otto Dodd, of Ponder. Mo., writes: "I suffered with an ugly sore for a year, but a box of Puckl-n'f. Arnica Salve cured me. It's the best salve on earth. 2t.c at Tall man &- Co.'s drug store. The Life of Bread ' n. I!. Holcomb. of Chicago. Is mali-in'.- the trip from Chicago to Xew York in fin automobile In hopes of lowering the record, which Is now 72 hou s .iiid 34 minutes. He ex ! ts to make the distance In fin hours i t!;c plio-plmtes that aie removed from the uhent In the pro w of nillllnp:. f'Ulsd.Yr IXit; PUOSPIIATK upplle -this neeessury nu miunit to tin- dully food and makes It finer hi iiiallty. Sold Everywhere 25c UNHAPPINESS DISPELLED. 3!en unit Wuuien VuanlitiDiiN Altout It. Many women weep and wall and refuse to hf comforted because their once raag i .11 nt tresses have become thin and :ad' d. Many men Incline to profanity uecauso tho flies bito through the thin thatch in their cranlums. It will be good news to the mlserablo of both sexes, to learn that Xewbro'o Ilerpleide has been J placed upon the market. This Is the new silp germicide and antiseptic that nets destroying the germ or microbe that Is the underlying1 cause of all balr de s'rurt'on. Ilerpleide Is a new prepnra tlon. made after a now formula on an rr.nrely new principle. Anyone who has ! !l will testify as to Its worth. Try k vourself and bo convinced. Sold by .-l.Mmr druggists. Bend We in stamps f " mmplo to Tho Uorploldo Co., De- t Mich. F. W. Schmidt .V Co., special nKcnts. ---".-Btflfl MONTrd ACTPY t t itt-v -tr- j aMe and Gfanite Works ; wm do R-g" ',,ecure a monument or headstone for relative or , "M'- Me Us' freest collection to select from. Lowest ft x-oSnTERASTELLI BROS. S' Urt street- next to Domestic Laundry. HAPPY WO.MKX. Plent) of 'I'hein In Pendleton and (;nod ICeasoii lor It. Wuiildn't any woman be happy fu-r y.-ars of backache suflVilntf, Dus of misery, nights of unrest, The distress of urinary troubles, Sue finds relief and cure? No veason why uny Pendleton reader Should suffor In the fnco pf evi dence like this: Mrs. Fred Xoble, ,who lives at 219 Cosble street, says: "I was troubled for three or four years with my back and kidneys, and was oppressed with a tired feeling all the time. My hack commenced to ache whenever I did the least amount of work around tho house that compelled me to lift any thing or stoop over. The kidneys were Iregular and unnoyed me, espec ially If I cu tight cold. I felt sleepy or drowsy all the time. I used many different medicines, some of which iwirinii me. and some of which did not. I saw Dpun's Kidney Pills so highly recommended that I went to the Hrock & MeComas drug store and got ft box. They helped me from hn first nnd did me more good than anything of the kind I had ever used. I am feeling better since tne iieai ment than I had In a long, long time before, thanks to Dean's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price CO n..r linr. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y sole agents for the United States, Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Boston, Mass.. Oct. 4. The Intel- i lect and the power of the Protestant -ICplscopal church of the L'nlted States are concentrated In Boston today. At 1 many of the aristocratic residences In the Back Bay district bishops and clergymen have found splendid quar ters. The handsome home of Mrs. "Jack" UarduVr Is but one of n larg- number that has been placed at the disposal of the visiting bishops and clericals. The use of the palatial res idence of Montgomery Sears by J. i Plerpont il organ and the use of the , Head residence by Bishop Potter of ' Xew York, are among the number. ! The Archbishop of Canterbury Is be- I ing entertained as the guest of Mr. j -Morgan. Prominent among the bishops from i abroad who aie here to attend the triennial are the Itight Itev. John MeKIm, Bishop or Toklo; the Ulglu j ltev. S. D. Ferguson (colored), BIsh-' op of Cape Palmus, Liberia; the I Itight ltev." Charles II. Brent, Bishop j of the Philippine, the Bight Itev. i Henry B. Uestaiick. .Bishop of the j Hawaiian Islands: the Ulglu Itev. j James H. VnnBuren, Bishop of Por to Klco: the itight Itev. Peter T. i Borne, Bishop of Alaska, and the i Itight Itev. Luclen Lee Klnsolving. I Bishop of Southern Brazil. I In addition to" the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Church of Ihigland , has. us representatives here the Itighi Kev. William Boyd Carpenter, Lord Bishop of Hipon, and one or two other members of the Anglican Epls- I eojiate, The Anglican church In Can ada Is officially represented by the Itight ltev. Charles Hamilton. Lord I BUhop of Ottawa: the IllRht Bev. Jamas Carmlelmel, Bishop Coadjutor of Montreul. and a number of prom inent priests and laymen. Talk with the prominent churcU mon utreudy here Indicate that the coming convention will he full of in-' terest and importance. Among the Important topics of business to b considered and acted upon Is the re port ot the commission which was appointed three yeurs ago to considei the question of changing the legal name of the church. "Protestaiv Kplscopal." and to ask the opinion ot the dlocuAes. The commission in u report made public lust spring de cided against a change at this time. The agitation for a more explicit and stricter ounon on the prohibition of marriage of divorced pel sons, ex cept for one cause, will aso be dis cussed at length, and tho advisability of grouping the dioceses of the coun try into provinces, wnii a pnmaie hi the head of each province, will also be considered. A proposed board of review, where appeals from the dio cesan courts may be heard, the ques tion of meeting the situation In the Insular possessions and other Issues will also be tuken up. Two severe cases of Ovarian Trouble' land two terrible operations avoided. Mrs. Emmons and Mrs. Coleman each tell how they were saved by the use of Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound "Dear Mrts. Pinkham : I nm so pleased with tho results obtained from Iijdia 13. Plnklinin's Vcjrctnblo Coiiipotmtl that I feel it a duty nnd a privilege to write you about it. "I suffered for more than flvo years with ovnrJan troubles, caus ing an unpleasant discharge, a great weakness, and at times a fnintness would como over mo which no amount of medicine, diet, or oxorciso 6eemed to correct. Your Vegetable Compound found tho weak spot, however, within a few weeks nnd sawed mo from nn operation all my troubles had dtsapjiearcd, nnd I found myself onco nioro healthy and well. Words fail to describe the real, true, grateful feeling that & in my heart, nnd I want to tell every sick nnd suiforing sister. Don't dally with medicines you know nothing nbout, but tnko Ijydla E. Pinlc liam's Vegetable Compound, and take my word for it, you will bo a different womau in a short time." 3hts. Lauua Emmons, Walker ville, Ont. , Another Case of Ovarian Trouble Cured Without an Operation. "Deah Sins. Pinkham: For sovoral years I was troubled with ovarian trouble and a painful and inflamed condition, which kept mo in bed part of tho time. I did so dread a surgical operation. "I tried different remedies hoping to get bettor, but nothing seemed to bring relief until a friend who had been cured of ovarian trouble, through the uso of your compound, induced mo to try it. I took it faithfully for three months, ami at tho end of that time was glad to find that I was n well woman. Health is nature's best gift to woman. and if you loso it and can have it restored through Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com jtound I feel that all sufforing women should know of this." Slits. liAuitA I5eli.e Cole man, Commercial Hotel, Nashville, Tenn. It is well to rememembcr such letters as abovo when soma drupglst trlei to pet you to buy something which he bays is " just ns Rood " That is Impos sible, as no other medicine lias bucli n record of cures us Lydlli 13. l'iulf" hum's Vegetable Compound ; accept uo other ami you will bo glad. Won't hesitate to ivrilo to Urs. Plnkliam If liero Is anything about your sickness you do not understand. She will treat you with kindness anil her advice Is free. No woman over regretted writing her and she has helped thousands. Address Lynn, Alnss. ti'Cnnn FORFEIT If cannot forthwith produce the original letten nnd giiatnri ot Hnililll Ik) MitimonUli, wlilch will prnva tlirir absolute k'cnulnciri. MWUUU ijuU K. l'luklmiu Uedlclnu Co., Lynn, MM, HIl(t(lllttlltIOOOOtlltllllOlllltlOIIIlllll c o o Livery Dog Show ut Westminster. Westminster, li. C Oct. . 'Many dogs of high degree are benched ut the show which opened today under the auspices of the New AVestmlnster Gun Cliib and In conjunction with tho annual provincial exhibition. The most notable kennels of Vancouver, Seattle, Portland nnd other cities on the coast are represented. Wireless Telegraphy Congress, Berlin, Oct. 4. The International Wireless Telegraphy Congress, sum moned at the initiative of Germany, nnd which was to have met today, lias been postponed at the reauest of France and Great Britain, which countries desired more time to study the questions Involved. Will simmer down if elven time. PASSICXGUK.H TAKICV TO AW PA I IT OF Til K CI'l'V I'Olt an -cisxts. spix'Iai, iiatick roit imivics of o.vic noim AND UPWARDS. C. M. (.ItOSKO.V IS A TIIOHOUOII -MAS-Tlllt OF TIIH AUTO.MOIUI.I5 AND YOU AKU TAKING NO JCJ6IC TO UIDli WITH JIIM, AS HIS HAS PUI.I, UIIAItGK OF THHvVU'JO AND WILL MAICIS THIS IHDU I'MSASANT FOK YOU, AUTO 'FHONi: CAM, .MAIN liHr.l. $ t Good plumbing Is iilwiiys the eheiiiesl. It has 111 Justing (junlN lies. It saves you repair bills. Alvwijs entrust your ttnrk to Ihorouah, iclliible and comiHiteiit iihunbers. Our forco In iiiudo iii of tho best iperlenccd workjiien. Strict utlentlon puld to sanltHi-y fouturoi of work. JiET US GIVJJ YOU ITGUHES On jour work. Wo ijuote Wslit pilcen und do only tho best work. Goodman-Thompson Co JIAHDWAItK AND PJjUMMNG. Telephone 811. 643 Jluln Street. .1''