East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 04, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    H. t two
: C"
hotel arrivals.
gri:t vAiifi-: recent
fine pasture rains.
i is of uniform quality at all
i seasons always pure heavy ,
in consistence, of delicious
flavor and appetizing ap
i Ask for the brand with ,
the' Helvetia" cap label.
, Made by the largest pro-
i Queers of Evaporated
Cream in the world.
The Glhhln-c- mid Tl-ciiuli Hue
Moved to Pine Valley Old-Timer
Returned for a Visit .it- Kecney
I- MoileriiWng UN Stock Ranch
llm Sawmill Will .Make Full Ktui
Much Activity In tin Cut tip Mar
ket Hint Tliruun Out ti Peiulle-
tllll lltl-dllcs Men.
Ainu. Oct 3. The 20 hours sternly I
a i. n week ago. followed by a warm,
ili' ntul no frost at night have onus
t'l the grass to shunt up like spring (
t'tne ami the beef cattle now In pas
ure are filling up and gaining about '
as mii'-h .is In early summer. ,
Joseph Glbbln. who has been a res
i lent lere for 20 years, has. with his'
sons ami son-in-law. Fred Tlscant,
moved to Pine Valley to make their '
u ifc home. ;
Milton Rusell. an old-timer of this
p.are who 1ms been East for two j
ca-s. Is here visiting friends and Is
i t-w be'ter satisfied with Oregon than i
ft- 1 I
Joe Keeney. the ohlest stage con- ;
'i-v-to- on the Pacific coast, has.
mo-.ed his bond of horses from El-1
jtii iv his stock ranch near Alba, and
1. is n gone back, accompanied
with his cowboys, after his cattle, and
MM turn his old ranch here Into a
modern stock farm.
The Sumpter and Burns railroad Is
miles of Susanvllle.
and when the rails are laid it will
The St. George.
C. V. Howard. San Franalsco.
Hen Mitchell. Portland.
31. Ii. aicFane. Portlnnd.
V. II. McDonald. St. Paul.
C II. llreed. Spokane.
M. Stanton. La Grande.
D. L. Hosenfleld. San Francisco.
George H. Peterson, Wushlnarton.
John F. Arbuokle, Washington.
J. J. Hums. Portlnnd.
... J. Ilurdlck. Portland.
G. W. Iititer. San Francisco.
Mrs. C. S. Dunn, La Grande.
W. A. McCrury. city.
L. W. Walsh. San Franolsco.
S. Peterson and wife, Salem.
A. Steertzraff. Helena.
K. J. Gardner. Portland.
J. A. Allison. Portlnnd.
C. L. Downer, Palouse. ,
H. Connell, Umatilla.
J. It. Hasmussen. 1IIot Lake.
F. Shanklln. Chicago.
Miles Champlln. Colfax.
Mrs. llrtttuln. La Grande.
K. J. Stark. Welser.
George W. Hnrrls, Portland.
M. W. Peterson, Astoria.
C. E. Robinson. Snn Francisco.
Miss M. Nestler, Portland.
O. W. Phelps. Heppner.
J. W. Posner. San Francisco.
S. J. Cameron, North Ynklma.
George Jackson. North Yakima.
Mrs. Blackburn. Walla Walla.
William Dunn. Portland.
Henry niackburn. Heppner.
M. nicen. Portland.
Otto Falmezzger. Chicago.
Russia has rescinded an order for
100.000 bullet-proof breast-plates nou within 23
with an Italian firm.
Mrs. Denman Thompson, wife of t-ass within IS miles of that burg.
the famous actor and author, died The road Is a narrow gauge, but ha
Sunday at Keene. N. H.. her old already caused the freight hauling
through here to fall one-half, as the
John Day country can now get their i
The scarcity of water In Port Ar
- thur Is occasioned by the destruction
of the condensing plants by Japanese
John C. Peters, a pugilist, was kill
ed by a knock-out blow delivered by
Patrtok Dormandy. at West Bergen,
X. J Sunday.
The London stock market now
supplies from Baker City. Unless
Pendleton gets a move on herself the
southern trade v.ill soon be a thing of
the past.
The Alba sawmill is having logs '
hauled In and wilt make a run this .
) fall, so that they can fill secfal or
i iters dally coming in.
i There are a few span of heavy i
snow a more cheerful tone than at i oraft norws nere ror
any time since the oeRlnulnn ot tne i Major Holmes of Pendleton, Is vis-Ruuo-Japanese
war. utR frletms here.
The genuine expressions of regret Jesse, who has seen the snow of
at Harcourt's death are more abund- m winters, went to Pendleton last
ant than at any Knailsh death since week anil bought a new Bain wagon
that of Queen Victoria. and hauled In a load of supplies.
, VA Russian steamer used in clearlnir, James Jones pasi-ed through here
the liarbor of Port Arthur of da max- I 'tth a lara drove of beef cattle.
ed and disconnected mine, struck a
mine Sunday and was sunk.
Jie W. Crosby, a Mormon, has re
Urned from the republican electoral
ticket in Wyoming. It will switch the
Mormon vote to the democratic elec
tor. Two sets of campaign button have
been ordered by the democrats, one
set with silk background for Nebrss-
I.onshom bought fat cuttle here
htxt week of several parties, and con
tinued south to purchase more.
The Bickers.
Miss Grace LerwIU, city.
C. C. Mason, Wuitsburg.
Mrs. Margaret E. Werrin. Portland.
Kate Howell. Ashland.
D. W. .Moore, city.
Harvey Lee. Colfax.
W. M. Lee and family. Diamond.
G. E. Laird and wife. Diamond.
Mrs. H. Laird, Diamond.
James Myers. Athena.
H. J. Thomas. Dale.
It. P. Milan. Weston.
William J. Moore, Spokane.
A. J. Hall, Spokane.
-Mrs. L. G. DeFrance. North Yakima
Emery Fnrman. North Yakima.
May Sones. Helix.
Jennie Reed, Weston.
George Reed. Fox.
J. E. Iteed. Hiawatha.
Mrs. G. M. Iteed. Umatilla.
W. E. Brown. Echo.
R. L. Davis. Athena.
J. A. Hubbard, McKay.
William Gaston. McKay.
R. E. Hubbard, city.
W. S. Ragin, city.
B. F. Kellen. city.
E. C. Simon, city.
John R. Shepp. city.
W. J. Townsend. Portland.
Mrs, John Austin. Walla Walla.
-Mrs. J. Flly. Walla Walla.
W VWWWWr-w ------
. . .. ,i
This I- the time of tin- jrnr Hint vtitoion Wwim-rs re in uenmm.. .mi-m near i,,,,,,, l,,,
Imllt- cat- them, and niK-c-i w.-ur tln-ni. c Imvc them In all sixes from a baby's s. ,
-o.no iH-autles, tm.. We will make a SPHCIAL DISCOUNT of TEX PEH CFVT on all .Mtt,,, ,
It i or iiiallty, for one ueok. Buy one HiW eek nnd sine inuney.
See our ilNpla In wlnilo . anil note the ipeflnl prices.
Hosiery Specials.
-mall lot or Imlle-" timl inl-xM" liuv Iiom
mentlnueil nboe
worth ISSc, 3llc and 3Sc pitlr. Your elinl of
unr 1.. .
The Stanctacl of Endurance
121 Court Street
; Hlee-
iXame-. of the Camllihite- m ill
for in Oregon at the Comlii;
tiou. j
1 The public schools are studying ,
ka and one set with gold background ; current events and In the course of '
for other states. i the study the pupils were to mime the '
The Yukon river Is falling at the presidential electors on the republl
rate of two Inches a day and an early ' democratic tickets in Ore-
"freeze l expected this year. All the Bon-
boats are working to fullest capacity Thto forenoon the Eatft Oregonian
to net out the freight and passengers ! received 31 request from pupils for
tne names of the electors on both
) tickets, and to place the Information
before the river closes.
If. i) i - mMi i nil i. nuvpn wt iia n
were killed by Charles Oeltrell. of w'th,n th' reach, the names of the
Memphto. Tenn.. Sunday. Geltrell i " both tickets are cheerfully
was crowd with fever and rushed Polished again, although they have
from hi in . oihi n,i shot l'iwred in this paper about ten
down the first people he met.
The Pendleton.
S. ovetuby, Athena.
W. H. Taylor and wife. The Dalles.
William Henry. Portland.
Andy Nylander, Portland.
Charles S. McNichols. Indian
William Busche. Minneapolis.
H. C. Wlnuns. Junction Cl
A. Goldsmith. Sun Francisco.
A. W. Mackenzie, Portland.
H. S. Smith. Portland.
R. R. Seel. Portland.
John Bruner. Portland.
Anna Bruner, Portland.
G. W. Corse. Portland.
J. A Smlthers. Los Angeles.
Edln K.'lly. Seattle
A. Uerg San Francisco.
W. G Godman. Boston
E. J. Pierce and famll, treele.
c t ittorshagen. Portl.uid.
E. M. Crawford, San Francisco.
A. D. Ch.ise. Pof.i.ili
G. McCully. Spokane.
Al Voung. Spokane
H. M. Patton, Spokane.
R. S. Erb. St. iouls.
M. C. Wade. Startiuck.
S. 8. Butler, riturouek.
J. C. Ltndsey. Portland.
SIOUMtounril S100.
The naders of this paper will b pleaMd
to learn that tbere I at leant one dreaded
!! that scleove bo ben able to cure i
In all Its stages and that Is catarrh.
Hall's Catarrh ('tire is the only positive 1
rare now known to the medical fraternity. I
Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re- "
aires a constitutional treatment. Hall's -Catarrh
Cure U taken Internally, acting
ilirectly upon the blood and mucous sur-1
faces of the system, thereby destroying i
the fonnilatlon of the disease, nnd siring
the patient strensth by building up the ,
constitution nnd amUtlng nature In doing'
Its w ork The proprietors hare so much 1
faith In its curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for nnv case tbat It
fails i cure .S-uI for list of testimonials. '
Aildress: F J t'HKNKY & CO., Toledo. O. I
!-oiu or I'ruggists. Toe
Take Hall's Family 1'IIU for constipation.
The contest consists of onstrurtlnc the n.of r niesotrtl
idents from letters contained In this ndvertlsem---1 on Pre
tions, using the letters which It contains tot cf'n.-'- than I
appear In the advertisement.
North Yakima hops are now
lng at JO cents per pound.
The raaes at The Dalles district fair
are open only to horses belonging In
tho dtstricx.
Frank P. Sargent, commissioner of
Immigration. Is expected to visit Port
land October ".
Tillamook county will advance tax I
rates for several yeurs In the attempt
to got out of debt.
The three runaway Indian girls
from the Chemawa school, were cap
tured In Salem Sunday night.
Creed Harris dropped dead In
Grand Ronde valley. Monday, while
working with a threshing crew.
MaGowun's salmon cannery, at
South Bend. Wa3h.. will start up Oc
tober 6. with Chinese workmen.
The latest new moving picture In
theater is a reproduction of the burn
ing the the Slocum In East river. New
Large quantities of Grand Ronde
fruit have been sent to the St. Louis
fair 'this week, the best of the crop
being now ripe.
Mrs. John Johnson, of Portlnnd.
attempted suicide by swallowing car
bolic acid. Sunday. This Is her sec
ond attempt In two weeks.
Walter Abbott, a passenger, was
killed by the overturning of the Ash
groft, B. C. stage coach, Sunday. F.
Peters, the driver, was perhaps fatal
ly Injured.
t times since they wer nominated last
The republican candidates are: G.
It. Dimmiok. of Clackamas county -
A. C. Hough, of Josephine county: J- i !
X. Hurt, of Polk, nnd James A. Fee.
of Umatilla.
Every prescription that comes hero
is filled from the purest drugs obtain
able and carefully and skillfully com
pounded Just ns your doctor ordcted
"Schmidt" on a prescription Is like
"Sterling" on a piece of silver.
Pendleton, Oregon.
The demoorntlc candidates are. W
S. Hamilton, of Douglns: John A
Jeffrey, of Marlon: W. B. DllUr. of
Columbia, and T. H. Crawford, of
O. i;
If you are looking for wheat land
or stock ranches, come and see us.
We have some of the best proposi
tions ever offered for sale In Eastern
Oregon. "We have Just listed some
very desirable city property at low
Office E. O. Building.
& N. Inercn-e .Safety of IVelslit
Train nil tin -Moiiiiuiln.
One of the most Important changes
In the operation of freight trains ever
made since the O. R. & N. has been
In existence, has been instituted on
the Blue mountains, recently.
The running time of the trains on
the steep mountain grades between
Kamela and Hilgard on the east side.
and between Kamela and Huron on
the west slope, has been made SO per
cent slower than formerly, and the
trains are now let down the mountain
with the air brakes almost exclusive
ly, the hand brakes being- used but
This change Is made to enable the
englnemen to stop on short notice
whenever necessary, to avoid bad ac
cidents und runaways. Formerly the
run down the mountain was made at
such speed that had the brakes not
been working well. It would have
been Impossible to stop on the steep
grades. The heavies trains now be
ing handled make It necessary to run
slowly and with the utmost caution.
Where the run of 11 miles from
Kamela to Hilgard was made in S3
to 30 minutes, the train must now use
15 minutes. A like change In the
time on the west side has been made.
Blankets Washed.
Commencing September first, blan
kets will be washed at the Pendleton
Woolen Mills, at the following prices:
White blankets. ILOO per pair.
Colored blankets, 75c per pair.
Indian robes, 60c each.
Blankets nnd robes must be deliv
ered and called for by owners, and
paid for upon delivery.
CHAS. J. FEnausox,
Watch Your Piano.
Your piano will lost longer Jf kept
In tune and repair. We have an ex
pert tuner who will put your Instru
ment In a good condition as new,
Now is the time to have your Instru
ment tuned.
Big line Stetson bats at Roosevelt's.
Corinne Gypsy Village
The Little t'orinue i)piy Villus- Co. of wurld
rcuimucd PalniUts null l-'nrttiiie Teller', nre mm locat
ed at lllll W. Court street, In the .Mllarkey hiilliling.
Siicivv. hu followed thee wnuilerfiil eople who liae
lslted the principle cities of the Cnlteil Slate-, anil
who iiae told thniiaiiil- of x.nple their rortiino.
The society etent; refined, plcti-lug and Instructive.
They give jon a correct reading of the hand for III
cents. Eiery lady hating a in-ccut reading of the hand will re
ceive a lieautiftil Miuteiilr. Don't fall to vl-.lt .Miiilimir .MUnih and
PrnfcMir Zoln.
The Gypsy Village Co. lias a large airtmeiit of fur rugx nnd
Indian curios on exhibition and for Mile; iiIh a large- assortment of
Oregon souvenir Mitnl cards. Two for 5 cents; :, cents per dozen.
Nice to mull In your friends East. One hundred view.-, to select from.
First prize ;3.00; second prize $2.00; third prize 1
fourth prize 1-lb box candy: fifth nrlze. M-lb box candy.
Come here and ask for contest blank, telling all about
It's free.
The most complete and up-to-date line of fashionable millinery at
popular prices ever shown In Pendleton, Is now on display at my store. I
have the largest stock this season I have ever carried.
Mrs. Rose Campbell
FRAJ5ER OPERA HOUSE.. K. J. TAYLOR, Lessee and Manager.
Monday, October 10
Frederick Warde and Kathryn Kidder
In a Mtiiciidous scenic production of Stanislaus Stnngc's great play
Founded on Flaubert' Famous Novel.
Incidental music by II. K. Hadley Scenery by Held and Cor
nell, costumes nnu properties designed by Mrs. Seidle
Metropolitan opera house, N Y,
J"rkv 50c to 2.00.
Seats on sale Saturday at Tollman's.
of the
Sewing Machines Must
Closing out sale of all machines on liund.
Of all makes and desrrlntl dlscontlnat 1
ling sewing machines, I will close out all machines at less tlual
tory price.
Drop Head Singer machines, (as good as nevv)
Drop Head Now Home, new
Other machines warranted to sew properly nnd gtte su
for 35.00 and up.
Port Wluc Iron and Oregon Grape Hoot. , J
The demand for a gentle and effective tonic to stlmuUte J
erote the debilitated system, has Induced THE OREGON
uiviuuk uo. to place on the market the Port Wine Tonic,
nnirnno llint I 11 ... . . . UlIC
...... . Jt , apeeouy tone up the system of penw --:
all forms of Indigestion. Dvunemin. Wn. riAhiiiiv or V'.J
Plaints to which people of all parts of the country are suW' ,
tains nn nnlnnnnii. 1 . , . . . ...
v.. .L . ( cumins uuu can oe taiten oy :..,)
Willi Ihn Hoot As..ltH . . ..... , nHzr 1
ji a sirengtnening tonic nnu uvv
Prepared with tho greatest care. The principal part
w. uo.cwwcu uregon urape Root. Iron and our Famous voyeur-old
) Port.
i P.ru Wlne 18 ock"0WleilKed by physicians today to be.rfri
enlncr thnn mm n . . . . . I hloOa1
....... .Yiiue me iron reDUIIds nnd tones w "-ro0ill
The result is a remnriv m.n,,.i . .ii,-inal purp 1
beverage pleasing, to the taste.
Prepared and botIed nrnin ..mnrvlslon n1
exactly as represented.
DIRECTIONS From ihree to four wine glasses each W-
r, Pendleton, Oregon.
Bowman Building, Main Street, Near Depot