East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 03, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Tonight nnd Tuesday fair, coot
or tonight.
r...,o forgets i
fl- lotten. Don't let
ft, soon "
2s O. 51(58.
inn i
Shoots Busi-
Ua nn n uuui-
ness Competitor and Then
LlCln. Ma., Invented nn Unjjjjrt
lh . iii Olio mi WliKli
B ' . ...i Knent Many Years oi
(ir0,l" " , MnMr.v,vc.lnK
tmi h'"" J"" ....
"u" I Bushed l"t
mc I'.u.r. ."", ,,,
, Victim's Store mme.." - -lories
Aftcrunr.1 Killing Himself.
mrtland Or.. Oct. 3. Adolph Gru
portlana, t.r . ,,(,cause Pierre
.'. . .ivnl umbrella denl-
I'tente,, "nt device
hollar to " "",w" , ,iT
r m..ruliiL' entered the
IS storuiul .hot hln -Ice. fti
Cytvmindlng him mid then stepped
la the street and comnm yu "
IGruclon was an erratic "'"'"
nJ had K.ent many years perfecting
... '.i umbrella rack. When
te Hw his rival taking the fruits f
, labor and genlun from him. he be-
Ime Infuriated and graui.mg u
., . o trnwer. committed the
I to horrible deeds before Ills usso
iatcs could stop him.
IXiUml Hrjant Takes Strychnine Bo-
cause She U Too Young to ed.
Hilem fir OCt 3. -t.Mlldred Bry-
Imt, the 17-year-old daughter of a
rromlneiit mlllman, . suicided tlust
I night by taking strychnine. She left
a Utter myitis she loved Charles Pen-
Iatll, her father's partner, the pa
rents objected to the marriage on
account of her age.
C'oiiniilMiloiicr r liiinilsnitlon Will
Itr-eoniniond; Information Bureau
ut Ports f Entry.
Hun Diego, Cnl., Oct. a. United
States commissioner of Immigration
Sargent Is hero today anil says tniu
his forthcomlnB annual report will
reeoinmetul to the uovernment the es-
tnbllHhlnB f Information bureaus ai
tmiio luiniul mid nil Important ports
of entry for the ptirpofie of Inducing
Immigrants to come direct to ine
lie will also recommend that nil
the HtuteH co-operate In furnishing
llturaturo, showing opportunities for
the employment of lmlgrants.
SlnJor Alvonl Drops Head.
at T.milH. Oct. 3. Major Henry E.
Alvord, chief of the dairy division of
(i... United States department oi ng
dropped dead at the
World's Fair Saturday evening, from
nn attack of apoplexy. He was at
tending the International pure food
: congress.
HiuulltH Would Destroy Ili-idgex.
I San nernnrdlno, Oct. 3. There Is
juo clue to the bandits dynamiting
..... e....fn to tirlden Saturday night.
I ..ii..it. nrn xntlsfled It Is n determin
ed plan to destroy the railroad prop
Stoesscl Says 'Food and Water Supply Must Be Saved for
the Defending Garrison,
.lapnnc-c At tuck on Hk-li lllll Was Kopttlsisl hy the Husslnn Stoecl
.. 'rimiikuilvlni! Vmchmintloii for the Scant Vlctoi-j Eol
Sc4iirc and Water Supply Will Not It Hmg Explosion of Gn.iind
Mines Under .lnpane- AttncklnR I'oi-ci-s Caused Terrible Loss ,lap
aiiese Arc Still Conecntratlng Around Mukden.
nome, Oct. 3. A telegram from
Chee Foo asserts that General Stoes
scl has ordered ull the women and
children In Port Arthur, except the
nurses, to leave port, In order that
food and water which are scares.
may lust longer.
twn officers nnd S7 men killed
and wounded. Kuropatkin's casual
ties from September 6 to 21 Inclusive
were eight officers nnu iimp men mi.
ed alid wounded.
Cite- Instnin-v of Civil War When Mil
lions or DollaiH Worth or Property
Was IH'iidered Valueless hy Staiiip
Iuk Out tli Evil ol" Slaveo Oov
eriiment ITnder No Obligations to
Protect Evil lluslue-s Saloons
Tula Their Cluiiues When Tliey Go
Into Business.
Port Arthur Not Suffering.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 3. NeWB from
Port Arthur states that forage Is
u,.nrp but ammunition Is plentiful.
Clothing Is lacking, but store cloth Is
being made into garments by tlie wo
mmi. The sanitary conditions ure
good, from a Ituslan point of view.
Thpre are now 30 trained nurses tor
every 1000 sick and wounded. There
are but 100 women und children not
belonging to the military forces, now
In town. As the effluvium trom me
dead left on the field had been blow
ing Into the town, the Russians forc
ed the Chinese to collect the bodies
und throw ihem Into the sea.
Twenty-swell Maimfnctiiroi-s r
Blinks In the State.
Salem. Oct. 3. The first report of
Lnbor Commissioner O. P. Hoff will
show that there are In' Oregon 27
bu'cslness enterprises, manufacturing
i. .,!. nint ncirter. These establish-
menls employ IS salaries men -Ing
n total of $2G,13B per year. There
are also employed HI laborers who
ure paid wages aggregating $114,624.
These manuiaciories uc
, nt lions, worth at 25 cents a
pound. t21,lS8, und 57,887 bushels of
malt, worth 41,&'J!i. iney liwu uw
911,344 bushels of barley aim m tons
of corn. According to .Mr. iions
... i, nmmint ci r capital m-
Kllllimi", tJ
vested In the manufneturo ot nutu
Ihiuor In this stnte Is 5S.S4,nt., una
the value of the annual output Is
t8S4,14fi, and the value ot tne annu
al output Is $791,381. The conimls-
lv.D,.'u vonnrl does not snow tne
uuullty of' mult liquor manufactured.
Strike 0cns Again.
.....mo 3 The strlVe ot
the naval rerervos was resumed this
morning. The men refused to comply
with th terms of arbitration to
which they pledged themselves. The
authorities see no solution ot the
present situation.
Speaker of St. Louis House of
Delegates' Took $15,000 to
Go to Europe.
Kelly Is Now In .hill for Perjury anil
Inipllintes Another Prominent St.
Louis CllUen With Butler In tlio
Boodle Sfiindal An Agent of But
ler Beninlneil With Kelly In !
dou to Set! That the Bootllcr BUI
Not lleHut nnd Itetuin to St. I,ouU
Trial or tho Boodlers to Bo Held
This Week.
.lupuncsc Still Concentrating.
St. Petersburg, Oct. ,3. A report
from General Sakharoff Btates that
the Japanese are still pouring across
the Taltze river at Bensichu, 30 miles
northeast of Llao Yang. Great num
bers of Chinese bandits ure with the
Japanese on the Mao side of the rail
.lupuncse Force Strengthened.
I St. Petersburg, Oct. 3. General
Saknroff reports that the Japanese
vanguard has been strengthened nnu
reached n point 25 versts southeast of
Wuk.len. There have been no serl
bus engagements or movements at
other points.
Kalrlmnks In California.
lirlhlnff Onl.. Oct. 3. Senator
Fairbanks rode Into California ill a
mr nnl with flowers, nreseuted to
the candidate during his stay in Or
egon Sunday afternoon. He spoKe
here on republican policies to a big
crowd and was In splendid voice.
Circuit Court t,o Coinene.
The all term of the state circuit
court will convene In this city next
Monday. October 10. The court will
Mt tomorrow for the purpose of ar
ranging the docket and fixing the
date ot hearing of the several cases
to come before It.
('ariHMiters Klect Officers.
Milwaukee. Oct. 3, Frank Duffy
of Indianapolis, was today re-elected
KtMary of the United Brotherhood
ot Carpenters and Joiners, over W,
Grpcm, nf .vnif......... tr ro, .it,...
DO", V, U.tllUI .1.1., X.. V., . .'V.I.U..
olDenleon, Texas, was elected second
Hoods Stop Trains.
ow, d, tiiKU Wilier im
the Rio Orande and Its tributaries
us washed out bridges und tracks on
me Santa Fe until all trains are de-
ItockMcll Hoar for Congivss.
Worcester, JIass., Oct. 3.The
TOrd congressional republlcun con
Wntlon this morning nominated
w.eu Hoar by acclamation.
PjiIIp.! 1.'... ....
..... mm. ,,j iiuiunM.
llEA. Wnk n. .. ....
vim ai. xyron ii start lo
norrow for her old home, Monmouth.
vl,U' "Kiting to be absent
v time. She Is summoned there
v "re "lne8 of her fathor.
u. Bishop, who formerly resided
the ,. , near We8ton Mountain. In
Twon ; JI.0',hls rettdy recovery Mrs.
fcZ, theWHr be-
Ktw Mining and Ditel, Coinpuny.
mce nf".!' has been 1S8Ue(1 Irm tl
km au,, L"ecretary of' Htlte l Stl"
wer in ? th0 Dale alu "'!
!6tM,1 Dltch Company, to
couritl tk " VmMH and Grant
tioo'no . e.company 18 capitalized
Wa"ra A. D. AVieddell. W. M.
'CraC & A"dr re the In-
1- -.w i,t
Tno state or government is under
nn obligation to provide for the sa
loon keeper When It, destroys his
huMiiese, Is the substnnce o. the ar
gument advunced last night by U.
Foster Stone in his lecture at the
First Christian church. The temper
ance worker spoke -on the strong ne
cessity of the destruction of the sa
"When un evil exists, destroy it.
said Mr. Stone. "Slavery existed In
this '.ountry. The war or me lenei
llon fotlowetl null the evil wus blotted
out. Millions of slaves were mane
vulueless uh property, and thousands
of beautiful Southern pinntnuoim
were ruined. But tlie government
did not reimburse the planters.
,ni... ,inm,,ni lu liilvunced that to
close the saloons m tills town would
ruin the property owners. nen one
builds n structure to be useu iui ,.
i b.. inkoH his chances,
....Ml ! . .'wv. , ..-
the sumo aH the s.tlnon Keepei,
in ,1nn.l unnn the will of the
rr.ii. mil fnr Ilia IIC'IISC. If it iS l'e-
voked, he loses, and the city govern-
... i.. .....I,,- nr. nlil irntlons.
il.ui.L in t.,,,v, 1 1 . -.
Mr. Stoife spoke In the afternoon m
ii.r. wi..Mt IlimtlKt ohurcli. ine
churches were filled to overflow mi
nt both sessions. Mr. Stone Is tour-
h.ir tlie state 111 "the Interests ot toe
'Oregon Aittl-t35otin X,eugue.
Tliroo AtttMnptH Jludo to Injure the
Connecticut iU the Navy laitl
Washington, Oct. 3. The report of
W4lllBin J. Baxter, constructor In
Vnrlt vard. revertls the
vini(- v "v"
iv,.i iircu .lltitlnr.t efforts to
,i. ,,,i imnril the battleship
v...,,. ... .....
rv rllunnvArnrl While On
tOOlluuiluui. .vc.u "- . . -
the dockH. The first was discovered
on March 31. Two rivets nua ueeu
thrt nlates Into the
1,.v1 Ktxnl
The discovery of an obstruction on
the ways under the water was made
on September 14. After the launch
ing on September 29, u was
that a three-fourths Inch hole had
been bored In the bottom plates.
The utmost precaution wilt now be
taken to prevent further nttempts' to
damage the ship.
Stoessel's Thanksgiving.
Chee Foo, Oct. 3. The . Uussluns
estimate the total Japanese losses In
four days fighting ut Port Arthur,
from September 19 to 22. at 20,000
men. An official report n-um
sel says the fighting was of un ex
termely severe character. After the
letlrement of the Jnpanese, Stoessel
i-o,,,i ti.u fnllnwlnir proclamation:
"Gloria, thanks to God; glory to our tomorrow
garrison! Glory to iiunuuoj'Kiiu.i
Poggorsky, heroes all. Thanks to our
valiant volunteers, who routed the
enemy from the trenches, destroying
them. God has permiueu us iu
pulse the enemy. Praise to Uou.
Japanese Bilxen From Trenches,
o,. ..,! ....nnrt of the fight refer
red to was the attack on High Hill,
which had been captured by the Jap
anese. Stoessel cnnea ior vu.u.
when soldiers and otneers currjmb
hand grenades, attacked the Jnpan
eses' temporary fortifications. and
drove the enemy from all his posi
tions. Several mines were exploded
during the battle, causing severe loss.
War Will Be Continued Irong.
Toklo, Oct. 3. Premier Kotursaln
in nn interview this morning, said:
"The war will continue for n long
iino The nation must be determin
ed to achieve success and make the
necessary sacrifices. It is hoped we
may be able to secure greater econ
omy with greater efficiency In the
local administration." A meeting of
governors of provinces will be hem
Decreasing Hungo Causes Cnmtllla
County Sheep Grower to, Quit
Breeding ami Muliitiilii Nothing But
Tiftllng Pens Will Eeetl Barley
Hay and AlfaBa Owns Hue Bay
Hunch In Southern Part of the
MCttloiil,, nit.
-A fight
Athens, oet i
a JSH.c!afnta.n '"res nnd
fta. u. "I. M?na near Ellaso-
MeCtirinltk on 1eute of Ahsenee.
St. Petersburg. Oct. 3. Ambassa
dor McCormlck has been grunted a
leave of ubsence to go to the United
Stutes on urgent prlvute business und
leaves Thursday. He will stop at
Berlin to see the consul and Japanese
minister there regarding the repara
tion of Japanese refugees. McCor
mlck will probably be away six weeks.
The diplomatic stiuatlon is uuiei.
ti, miPHtlnn of contraband having
nnwiii the acute stage. As Import
ant questions are likely to arise, Sec
retary Spencer liauy win uci
charge of the affulrs.
.laps I'se Hepiilnsl Knlluny.
Koine. Oct. 3. A message from
Llao ang snys trains are u. . v,..-
nlng direct to Field Marsnai s
ma's headquarters, reinforcing hla
troops and fucllltutlng the forwarding
of supplies. By next ween. .... t
anese army ut Yentlu will have reach
ed n full complement.
itnusluiis Henulsttl by Kurokl.
t. Petersburg. Oct. 3. General
Mlschenke's cavalry with 22 guns, on
rv... 1 nftneked KUroKl s w
U.CIUUU. ..... ,1...
UlUllv ...... ------ ...
r,. ...i...,D rntirfH Their casualties
j. linn. ...to ..... -.
Wounded Japs Sent Home,
nitu's Headquurters. Oct. 3. The
first southbound trnln over the re
constructed rullwuy left Yu. currying
490 Japanese wounded. One hundred
sick und 33 wountieu are ivunnu...
prisoners en route to Japan. The
wounded ure pructlcully the lust of
the Jupunese wounded at Lluo Yung.
Warship Off Shanghai.
Shanghai, Oct. 3. A llusslau war
ship, supposed to be the Hayun, Is
reported anchored off Gutzlass
Island. Hunchou Buy. Two tugs have
gone to bring her to Shanghai.
A. Petard, who lives on Sturkey
ir,,l,l.. hiiu !imii'ht 2500 stock sheep
which he will feed through the win-
ter and murket lu the spring, m-
teen hundred were bought of Joe
lfuhnn. Tbev are lunibs and Mr. Per-
urd declares they ure the finest In the
county. In his opinion Mr. Kuhnu,
who raises grade ltumboulllels only,
markets the very finest strain of this
famous breed that can be found lu
the Northwest. One thousand he
bought of Joe Blanchett. They also
ure stock sheep wethers and lunibs.
Mr. Perurd will begin to full feed
nbout December 1. und the time of
marketing will depend considerably
on the winter, although he Is well
fivt.,1 fur hundllniT sheep. Mr. rer-
ard feeds alfulfu and bailey hay, of
which he rulses lurge quantities.
This Is Mr. Petard's tourth year ut
handling sheep for fattening only,
und he has gone permanently out of
the breeding industry. The growing
ruutrlcilniiH nn the pasturage, und the
Increasing difficulty of getting ill und
out of the mountulns he does not
longer to contend with. He
raises his own nuy, anil nun one ui
the finest alfulfu und gruln hud
lunches In the county.
St. I.ouls, Oct. 3, Charles F. Kelly,
rormer spenker of the house of dele
gates, under conviction for perjury,
connected with the "boodle" cases,,
and whose trial comes up this week,
,i,i .iw.vninir iriive iiiil a written con
fession of the circumstances of hla
flight to Europe.
He declares that "Boss" Butler
gave him $15,000 to flee. An agent
of liutler Joined him In London and
remained with him abroad.
He Implicates, another St. I.oulslan
whom he says visited him In Suult
Ste Murle. while en route to St. Louis,
und gnve him $800.
Buffalo Aldermen Took Brllies.
Buffalo, Oct. 3. Attorney Helnm,
for the Wood & llrooks Plnno Key
board Company, testified before ii
special council committee that In 1902
he paid Alderman Moest $350 to bo
divided among the members ot tho
i ,i ......i. . I newer committee for tho
passage ol a special sewer ordinance.
Charges Blsfrlnihiatlon.
Washington, Oct. 3. The American
Federation of Labor has filed a for
mal protest with the Interstate com
merce commission against the trans
continental Passenger Association nnd
other associations, charging tnem
with discrimination against the fed
eration In the refusal to mane a ie-
ductlon In fare to the nutlonni meet
ing or the fedeiation In San Francis
co, scheduled for November I I.
Kulogy Pronounced by Hv. lCdwurd
Kterett Hale.
Worcester, Mass., Oct. 3. The fun
eral services of the late George ! rls
bie Hoar began this afternoon with
prayers at his late home, 34 Oak ave
nue, at 1:60. The prayer was offer
ed by Rev. Rush R. Shippen. fo'Iow
ed by services at the Church of the
Uiiltv at 2:30. The eulogy was pro
nounced by Rev. Edward Everett
Otiier immediate close friends were
..o. ,.t the home. A large dele-
Ltmn of prominent men was pres-
" vvnHhliiKton. The city is
Kill. .vf... ' - '
draped In mourning.
English Train Wrecked.
t -t fi ififtv-slx were In-
Jurod In a train wreck this morning.
near Longton. It was me uii-
express from London to Lluneliy,
Wales, oud was making high speed.
There wore no deaths.
.. ....ii.i.,
Br. Mugrmler hius Jie ..-.-...
Pull Through.
wi.l.nrton. Oct. 3. After u slnk-
.. ii ...i.inl. rinntlnued from 3 to
lllll ni.ci. .. ,w - ... . ..
7 Payne rallied somewnut uui ua...
.. rionti. is said to be Imminent
There Is only the slightest hope that
he will Burvlve the day.
Doctor Huh Slight lll
The president called at his apart
nf 10 and upon leaving an
...,o,i ... tin. newsDaner men that
his condition is considerably improv-
,i n- Mncruder said If Payne main-
...i'nari i,u nrpspnt condition 24 hours
he will have strong hopes of pulling
him through.
- aiacprt....
wre k Wnj " "" losses
K. OF v. en'i;eutainment.
Whist Party This Evening for Knights
ami Their When.
,r,.. . 1 l.,.lrrr. ,.f tllfi KnlglltS Of
tlie ll. will ii".!!" ' r " i
Pythias entertained Its membors and
tholr wives this evening with a whist
party. Rofroshments will ne eivD...
Delegutos to the grand lodge of
Knights whloh convonos at Seaside
on next October 11, will be named
somotlmo this week. Tho grand torn
Pie of the Rathbono Sisters will be
hold at Seaside on the same date.
Cliloutto Wheat.
n Tiecember wheat
un.cuBu, - c,oaed at
S. My opened at $1.12 and
"used at IM8H. Corn opened at
50 cents and cioseu w
, 1 1 rWlUf 11 HI UV im
er. Oats openeu v..
i.u.,.i irls Advancing.
The price of local wheat has been
advig during Uie few day.
c,u.u..t?"".,L " cents. No sales
Ulltl uiuun.u...
of moment ure reported.
i..iiniuii Shotis Open,
Chlcngo, Oct. 3.-The Pullman car
uiiiuii, . ,i,.rl, i ds mom-
took b7ck "1000 employes
?nen applied Individually, us there Is
ally It l believed to be the end of
"he unions' sway In e bI's.
Pence Conirress In SchsIoii.
nutni. Oct. 3 The International
nm r.mirress begun Its sessions at
Tremont Temple this afternoon. Six
hundred delegates, representing nine
r,r,.ii-ii countries and nearly every
-I., io in tho union, are present.
r. .......... ,.r fndnv'n session was tne
.i,iroUu nf Seoretarv of State John
Tlnv. The meeting wilt continue
throughout the week.
-Bowie Iuses $55,(100. '
riileniro. Oct. 3. Judge Tuthlll to
luv decided that John Alexunder
Dowle must give up $56,000 be
....ontiw.ri in him bv Frederick Sut
t,.n wlilln he was In Zlon hospital
where ho died In 1902. The Judge
iinl.l that Sutton was of unsound
mind when ho mado the will.
ltuiF Fiiflory Burned.
r., ,i,. M .t.. Oct. 3. The Irish
ttr-iin lt.nr Factory was destroyed
by f,.v today. Loss, $400,000.
Hopes to Return und Intest.
O. A. Atwooil left on lust evening's
trnln for Nebraska, after it summer
spent lu harvest and In the fruit
yards of the northern part ot tnu
county. Mr. Atwoou wouiu t
remain In this part of me ttnriimwi
und hopes to be able to urrunge his
affairs so ho can return next summer
und Invest In a fruit farm.
C. VS. Sowder and wife left lust
night for Columbus, Kun tneir oiu
home. They huve neon in tne nui...
eru part of the county for about a
,.,.,i wlil thev tike ine ciiiiiuid
iind nil the .other attractions of tho
inland Umpire, they nave no inten
tion of returning.
Veteran O. R. & N. Condiietor Drops
Dead on Trnln at Troutdule.
Olmstead. u retired rull-
...i,v enndiietor. dropped deud on an
O. It. N. train between Trnutditle
and Portland yesterday morning.
Apoplexy Is supposed to have been
the cause of death. Olmstead resid
ed In Portland nnd wus en route
home when htrlcken.
Olmstead was one of the veteran
mii-iuiii iripn nf the Northwest. He
hnri hm nt vnrlouH times In the em
ploy of tho Northern Puclflo, the Ore
gon Railroad & Navigation company,
and the Oregon & Washington Terri
tory road. He was well known in
During tha Coeur d'Alene stilkes
nnd riots a few years ng . Olmstead
was a prisoner In the "bull pen" at
one time for 'cfuslng to testify ut on
The funeral will tuke place In
Portland from the Olmstead resi
dence, A widow and two daughters
mrvlve the deceased. He wns prom
inent In the Brotherhood of Railway
Conductors. Olmbteud retired from
inilroad work ubout four months ago.
He was 45 years of age.
Major Dubbin Wll Speak.
Major und Mrs. R. Dubbin from
Portland, will be at the Salvation
Army hull this evening and conduct
a special service to which everyone
Is cordially Invited. Hoth the mujor
and his wife are good speakers and
us they Just have returneu irom Lon
don, England, where they attended
the great congress, a very interesting
time Is expected,
Gone to California.
r-. Ur.-,rlllU llllll flllllllV left tllll
morning for Lassen county, Califor
nia, after a stay of four weeks n
this place. They came from Asotin
county, Washington, witn '"'.w:
.1,.,, nf remaining In this county, hut
changed their minds. Mrs. Berg us
brother, W. uownii. -
them to California soon.
Visited Pendleton in IH7I.
fieoriro B. Mullen, of Junction
rMiv Vnn.. whoso father was for
mi,..v viiri nn officer in tne reguiai
army, and who dlpd at Junction City,
passed through here en route to fort
ii ri..l.. ...I.,-.. lir, will Visit Old
IVllr,..., ,.,v.w -
friends of Ills father In tho army
u. hi. .ii.... .-omemberH when a chljd
his father's regiment was stationed
at Fort Walla Walla, and of visiting
with his mother, the regiment when
It was in camp on the Umatilla river,
not far from, but probably above
Pendleton. That was In 1874.
Oovernor Chamberlain will deliver
an oddross nt Enterprise this week,
while tho Wallowa county fair Is in
New Light Superintendent.
H. C. Flanagan, of San Francisco,
Is the new superintenneut
. .V.- ,i..i.. innf In nlace of W, t..
electric n". i'-- -
J1Urge. who res gned
n CO, Ml. inUHUb'UIl la i
electrician and an em...
teudent and is busily eng. iged In t he
plans for the extension of the system.
Mlnlslcr Uarret warns American
rt rn'aVJe does not protect
men from the ruvuges of the equa
torial clime.
Mud Muluh Sliirders 500.
Aden, Arabia, Oct. 3. Mad
Mullah is again on the war
oath It Is leported he looted
he vlllaU "f ogntle. kng C00
and capturing an enoiinous
number of camels and sheep.
He lately received a great,
quantity of rifles.