uKTJt KAyr OKEGOXIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1004. PAGE SEVKN , .,f conflilonco In our own nullity to give yon good W'e have iois u fair prices.. It wo didn't lmvo, wo wouldn't keep at you CrfCCS "Inly to soil you our blonds. Wo know positively wo can go pcrsl en mattof nUat yOU imvo beon buying. AU wo wont plcaso you assertion by sending you a small or is an opi'ortHHii 1 t,Cr ro tutnllo" or selling B1 coffees Is vortli more to a gro m reputation nlong almost nny other line. send you samples or quoto you prlcc9, or send yon a IMriaTonler, or anything l get you started. STANDARD Grocery Company 214-210 COURT STREET. Will bo In our now building soon. f CITY BREVITIES U C nader. Get Sunny. Cash raters at Wlthec's. Fresh fruit dally at Martin's. t3.50 ladles' Gloria shoes at noose- "clean cotton rags wanted at this office. SIL-KID J3.C0 shoes for women, Teutsch'a. Ice cream and soda every day at the Delta. For nent Houses with or without tarns. Itlhorn & Nowlln. Smokers set satisfaction at How ard's, formerly Bees' cigar store. Japanese cook wants a Job. Wages !0 per month. Address P. O. box 34. tv. Tiont nnnil room with bath, two blocks from Main street. Inquire it E. 0. office. Pianola for sale for $200. Practl ,illv new and in first-class condition. AJilress East Oregonian. Ttltt rorolvpil tlm finest III 111 larKCSt assortment lot of stoneware ever brought to Pendleton. Wo will sell this high grade as low as others sell cheaper grades. Every Jar guaran i. C. rtohrman. The Parish Aid .Society Iiuh a milli ter of pieces of beautiful drawn irk for sale at Mrs. It. O. Thomp son's, consisting of shirt waists, lunch iioths, ilollles. elc, suitable for wed ding or Christmas presents. Wedding Presents J In selecting a gift for your J friends, don't overlook our tock. Nothing prettier or more e appropriate can be found any- J nere than lu our large Hue of cot elaas nn.l lt.l n HUNZIKER Prosrcsslve Jeweler. 1i8 Main Street. Get Sunny. U C Rader. New Knox hats, Roosevelt'B. Piano for rent; Inquire at this of fice. Shoes repaired while you wait. Toutscli. A Rood hat free with every suit at Sulllvim & Bond's new store. Did .you see those new reed rock ers at Toutsch's. Ask about them. Children's coats from $3.00 to $8. GO at Lee Tcutsch's store, Main and Alta. Mrs. Carlson gives, free Instructions lu fancy work at Hasbrouck's jewelry store. The St. George restaurant, open day and night. Mrs. Cooper, proprl jtress. Enlavging and framing pictures. Work guaranteed. Western Art Co., 304 Court street. For salt Destrnble property cor ner College and Alta. The old Lee residence. Call on L. II. Lee. .1. P. Nowlln Is having Ills new lodging house on Willow street equipped throughout with new fur niture. ' Henry Scales has sold to Hunter &. Stevens 901) lambs at $1.05 per head, and 040 wethers at $2.10. All arc feeders for Nebraska. , Mike Urban has sold !KI0 ewes to Hunter & Stevens for $2.12 Vi and $2.15. These sheep are destined for Wyoming for breeding purposes. Lost Open-faeod, key-wind Wal tlmm watch, somewhere between court house and two miles south of town. Finder please return to this office. Joe Connolly reports that consider ably less ruin fell in the Juniper country than in this neighborhood, iindj. thnt the dust down there Is something frightful. A. II. Sundermau hits sold 800 bead of sheep, mixed one and two-year-olds, for which he received $2,15 per head, and some old ewes, winch brought $2.10 per head. Furnished Rooms for Rent Elcc trie lights, steam heat, free baths; prices reasonable; C12 Willow street, two blocks west of Main, between Alta and Webb. 'Phono black 1433. Aaron Cole Is delivering at Pen dleton today 1500 "sheep and at Meauham a band approximating the same number, which are destined for the Minnesota feeding yards and for the Chicago markets next spring, O, U. & N. Co. announces following dates of sale of World's Fair tickets for month of October, 3d, 4th, 5th, 27th, 28th and 2!ith. Last named dates are made for benefit of those who are unable to take advantage of regular sale dates. Pinal limit of tickets In both cases will be Decem ber 31, 1904. E. C. Smith, Agent. PERSONAL MENTION W. H, Wilson, of Echo, Is 1m town today, L. C. Itothrock went north on the morning trnln. Clark 12. Nelson, of Weston, was In Pendleton last night on business. W. W. WJiltworth has sold his Echo ranch to Joseph Cunha for $7, 500. J. Rubldew, of Ionia county Mich igan, Is here on a visit with his son Edgar. Mrs. J. n. Prldeiiux, of Porttand7ls In the city visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Owen. E. E. Thomas and family have moved here from Walla Walla to re side permanently. Eugene Tauslck, a prominent Walla Walla laundry and fuel man, was In Pendleton lust night. Charles Sharpsteln of Walla Walla, was In Pendleton last night on his way home from a trip to Wasco. D. W. Preston, of the Preston-Par-ton Milling Co., of Athena, was In town yesterday, returning home this morning. Rev. Orchard Hayes arrived last evening and will preach at Plalnview, between Birch mid McKay creeks, to morrow. 10 miles from town. George Kettering, who has worked in harvest in tills county for the third summer, left yesterday for Mexico, after a visit with his sister, Mrs. O. M. Best. Mrs. A, Kunkel will leave soon for Durango, Col,, accompanied by her sons Louie nnd Glenn, where they will visit Mrs. Kunkel's mother and other relatives. James II, McCool, recently dismiss ed from the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, was lu Pen dleton this morning on his way home to Walla Walla. Millard Twine and Joseph Carter, of Padticah, Ky arrived this morn lug. They are headed for the Pa louse country, but will visit lu this county for a week or so. They are professional well drillers. C. W. Cook and wife returned tills morning to Seattle. They have been the guests of T W. Bracking and wife. Mr. Cook Is the district super intendent of the affairs of the Inter national Correspondence School. A. C. Methven went west this morning, beaded for Northern Cali fornia. He will not return, having abandoned his Intention of opening a confectionery store and manufactory In this place. Mr. Methven came from Lincoln, Neb. Petition for Divorce. Sarah Elizabeth Lansdale Is seek ing a divorce from Arthur Richard Lansdale on the grounds of abusive language, defumattou of character and cruel treatment. The wife de clares that her husband accused her of unlawful relations with another man. The plaintiff desires the cus tody of their four children, and a portion of the defendant's property, valued nt about $4000. The Lans dals were married at Weston 14 years ago. HOUSES FOB PHILIPPINES. THE Cudafiv Mxtiad Superior To All Others For Sottni. Stum. Savory Sundries BEEF TEA Secure a Set of the Famous Cudahy A-l Silver Plated Bouillon Spoons aiu tj w. A. ftopn, n rual tUnimllk) FREE Do not confuse these splendid spoons with ordinary offers. The Cudahy Spoons are made in the latest design, rrench Gray Finish, are heavier than triple silver plate and free from ad vertislng. How To Secure These Spoons T.' 1 ... . Cf ry ' spoon desired send a metal tuS?. Brnd Beef b? m a s or lar8er st"u J" t"uJ' .!,.... Walling, Ond mention this nnhllratlnn. t,. CUDAH V ,oW blr " d"l' M grown. Aildicu caWYmPack,Ng company south Omahft, Nob. ODOono rv t. . m SB? mm m . Bar v am, - - COIN'S DRUG STORE Breeding of Good Stock Ilii"- Been .Miserably Neglected. There are many things lamentably lacking In the Philippines, nccordlng to our standard of civilization, but nnlhlMir In more urceut demand at present than good horses. The Island ers have never paid any serious at tention to the horse business and hnve always depended on the slow, easy-going caribou or- water ox for a beast of burden. In order to give the natives a good start and also a good example, the government has sent over a ship load of breeding animals. "It is Interesting to note." says the World's Work, "that this Is the first time our government has taken any nart lu horse breeding. And even now It may not be proper to say that It Is taking a part, for the present experi ments are made by the civil govern ment of the Philippines, and the ex penses are paid out of the Phlllpplno revenues. If the experiments succeed, how ever. It will not be wonderful If the federal government should establish n lr..pilliiir nlant of Its own. so that cavalry and artillery horses of uni form types could be obtained. i ranee, Germany, Austria nnd Russia breed horses tor military use, and also to foster horse breeding. "Of course, this mingling of Amer ican and Flllnlno horse blood Is an experiment and no one can tell, with absolute certainty, what the result will be. That the progeny as individ uals will be an improvement over the native horses Is tolerably sure; but the experiment cannot be considered entirely successful unless the mingling of blood, aided by Infusion of Arab blood, results In a breed of sturdy linraen able for work on the farms and also fit for use by the army and constabulary. This can, no doubt, be accomplished In time." The CHURCHES Methodist Episcopal Church Tem perance rally In this church tonight, addressed by Dr. Stone, 7:30. Reg ular services In the morning as fol lows: Sunday school, 10 a. m., A. J. Owen, superintendent; sermon, 11 a. m. ;class meeting, 12:15 p. m. Ep worth League, C:15 p. m. There will be no evening service ns this church and congregation will unite In the mass meeting to be held In the Christian church when Dr. Stone will speak on the Issue before the people of this county. Robert War ner, pastor. Baptist Church Tomorrow morn ing the church will observe the Lord's supper according to the com mandment of the Lord. Let all bear this service lit mind and coma after personal preparation. Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock Dr. R. Foster Stone will address a mass meeting at this church. All are cordially Invit ed. There will be no evening meet ing other than the B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 on account of the union temperance meeting lu the Christian church. Congregational Church Sunday services as; follows: Sunday school at 10 a. iru; morning worship and preaching at 11 'clock, subject, "The Character and Influence of the Citi zen of the Kingdom of Heaven." Evening service outlined to Join In the Union temperance service at the Christian church. A cordial welcome to all. Jonathan Edwards, pastor. BORAX PKOIHJCTIO.V. Valuable Mineral t Found lu But l-'ew Places In United Stales. The borax fields of the United States are mainly In the desert "dry lake" region of Southern California, though deposits are found also In Ne vada and Oregon, Borax was first produced In the United States In 1864, at Borax Lake. Cal. The borax was contained In the water of the lake and was obtained by evaporation. The saline crusts of the so-called dry lakes or borax marshes ' of the Mohave valley were next mined for borax, and afterward, about In 18SS, work was begun on the beds of cole manlte, or borate of lime, In Sun Ber nardino county, Cal., from which most of the borax mined in the Unit ed States has since been obtained. The amount of crude borax pro duced in the United States lu 1903 was 34,430 short tons, valued at $661, 400. The production In 1002 was 1". 404 short tons of refined borax, val ued at $2,447,611, and 2600 short tons of crude borax, valued at $01,000, a total of 20,004 short tons, valued at $2,538,614. Of the refined borax S62 short tons, valued at $ 1C0, 000, were boric acid. Had the valuation In 1003 been tnken on th'e refined Instead of the crude product the figures would have been $2,735,000 Instead of $061, 400. The amount of borax, borates and boric acid Imported Into the United States In 1902 was 1,694,251 pounds, valued at $63,236. In 1903 the amount Imported was 909,251 pounds, valued at $47,018. Refineries for borax are located at Hayonne. N, J., Brooklyn. N. V., New Brighton, Pu,, Chloac", 111., and San Francisco, Oul,, where various more of less seevet processes are employed to convert the crude material into product designed for various uses. TIip way of the transgressor Is very like skating on thin fe. You muy glide iilong all right, or you may laud lu a mighty cold berth. Degree of Honor meets Monday evening at Odd Fellows' hall. All members requested to be present. Business of Importance. The man who borrows your wad Is always the very first to forget that you ever had a speaking acquaintance. Ernest Temple Is having nn en tirely new outfit of furniture Install ed In his residence on West Alta street, L. Hunzlker Is greatly Improving the appearance of his Jewelry store by having the walls redecorated. There will be a practlco shoot to morrow by the aim Club on the range. Ernest Evans has sold 1100 lambs to Howard, for which he realized $1.75. "I've Got a Feolln' for You," and other late songs. Nolf's. For Kent Store 2Dx4B feet, en quire of Chris Hauloy. BIBLES Wc lmvo Just received n very flue, line of Illblos, Prayer Books, Testaments nnd Hyinnnlv Including BAGSTEIl'S compre hensive Teachers' Bible, HAGSTElt'S Sunday School TcncheraV Bible, BAGSTEIl'S Sclf-l'ronouncltig Teachers' Blblo. Leather bound Divinity Circuit nnd Indexed. Cambridge Reference Bibles with' Concordance. Cambridge Prayer Books. Cambridge Prayer Books nmli Hymnals. 1 Cambridge Testaments. , -t . The best Bibles ,.ubllhe.l. ?' FRAZIER'S Book and Stationery Store Automobile Livery PASSENGERS TAKEN TO ANY PART OF THE CITY FOR 25 CENTS. SPECIAL RATES FOR DRIVES OF ONE HOUR AND UPWARDS. C. M. CHOSSO.V JS A THOBOUGII MAS TER OF THE AUTOMOBILE AND YOU ARE TAKING NO RISK TO RIDE WITH HIM, AS HE HAS FULL CHARGE OF THE AUTO AND WILL MAKE THE RIDE PLEASANT FOR YOU. Al'TO 'PHONIC CAL 1 1 MALV MONTERASTELLI BROS. Marble and Granite Wcwfcs Anyone Intending to secure a monument or headstone for relative or friend will do well to see us. Largest collection to select from. Lowest prices. MONTERASTELLI BROS. New Stone Building, Court Street, next to Domestic Laundry. ' Yes," assented Golden Gate, "I know you make more profit on bulk coffee, but don't you reullze that a satisfied coffee customer will always buy other tblnfjs from you? "I dive satisfaction, draw trade and yield you a fair profit. See the point?" Nolhlni iomt with GOLDEN GATE COFFKE but aatlafactloa. No prlitl bo coBponiBo crockery, I and 2 lb. aruma-tUbl Una, Never sold la bulk. J. A. Folger . Co. Cetabllatiad half a Century San Francisco Pr of. Karl Gtuott Instructor on plana and organ. Terms, 75c per lesson, Orchestra furnished' for all occasions. 1011 East Court Street. 'Phone Red 163. Saturday Night Temptations for Money Savers WITH EVERY SHIHT, $1.50 Oil MORE, YOU MAY SELECT ANY TIE IN OUR STORE. WITH EVERY SUIT WE WILL GIVE YOU ABSOLUTELY FREE, A GOOD HAT. WITH EVERY 50O TIE A GOOD STICKPIN FREE. . THESE TEMPTATIONS ARE GOOD FOR SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY, FROM 1 TO 10 O'CLOCK. . Sullivan b Bond I THE NEW STORE THAT WANTS YOUR TRADE.