East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 29, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Council llefucs to Arbitrate On I in of
S. M. ItlclianlMiii for $l(Hll) Damn
ges for Dumping Scwngc on His
l'roiierty II. A. Tlioinpxon Resigns,
.Kroin .'Police Force Dullness Dull
In l'dllee 'Circles unil No Officer
Will Do .Appointed to llic Vacancy,
nt l'rCM'nt.
The passage ol nu onllnnnee to va
cate apportion .of Tfyers street to be
used nsin school house site, deferred
action iregardlng the nccoptnnce of
the report of the tewor committee to
submlt'the claim of'S. M. Richardson
ngnlnstiflthe clty -to .arbitration; .the
IlllOWIllg l JU11I1 SUTKl lllUlirilJ .,,.
era between Alta and Webb to raise
the sidewalk grade, and the fixing of
the month's salary list, were the prin
cipal matters attended to tit last
night's council session.
S. M. Itlchardson recently present
ed a claim for $4000 damages, alleg
cd to 'be' due 'by reason of the mouth
of a -sewer discharging near his prop
erty. The council decided to take no
action i on the matter, but the claim
was reconsidered -and left In the
hands of the sewer committee. The
committee's recommendation to leave
the matter to arbitration did not meet
with the approval of the council, and
action itvas deferred.
City Marshal M. J. Carney reported
to the council that Policeman II. A.
Thompson had tendered his resigna
tion because of rheumatism. Busi
ness ifi police lines, the chief isald,
had been light during the month, and
lie could get along without a. 'new'
man for a time. It was decided not
to nppolnt a new bfflcer Just at pres
ent. The petition of residents of Ann
street for a sidewalk crossing over
the O. R. & N. tracks was granted.
The portion of Byers street to be
-vocated la between Lewis nnd Sophie
Prominent Stock Ilnycr Says Fnt Hogs
Are Not Plentiful In Union County.
"Where fat hogs have formerly been
.plentiful, after harvest, In the foot
hills of Union county, the supply Is
very limited this year, Is the state
ment of Warren Chandler, a promi
nent stock buyer of the beet district,
who passed through Pendleton to
Portland yesterday evening with a
carload of fat cattle for the Union
51 eat Company.
Mr. Chandler says the decrease In
the outside range area has caused
many Union county men to curtail
their hog herds to what can be kept
during the summer months In dry
pastures. Formerly large herds of
hogs were held over until after har
vest, on the grass of the foothills,
but this range Is now mostly claimed
and fenced and the hog business has
suffered sump to consequence.
Fat hogs are now worth 5ft cents
In a rand Bonde, with but few to mar
ket at this price.
'A. C. ChninlieTinlil, Who Victimized
E. T. Wade, Is Given Until Satur
day. A. C. Chamberlain, charged with
obtaining goods and money under
It Is easy to say "pure drugs."
So easy that many druggists
say so from force of habit. The
reality requires more than.
mere "say so." It requires a
knowledge, experience, con-
atant and conscientious vlgl-
We say we have pure drugs
because we have. We spent
time and money to make sure
of the fact.
There are no better drugs to
be had than we provide. There
are no pure drugs that can be
had for lower prices than ours,
Tallman 2b Co. :
false pretenses, was nrrnlgned yester
day afternoon In the slate circuit
court. He was given until Saturday
in which to plead. In default of
bonds of $600, the prisoner Is In tho
county tall. , .
Chtiiuhcrlulu was arrested last Sat
urday upon complaint of 13. T. Wade,
a local real estate dealer, who alleges
that he sold a house and lot to the
former and received In payment a
worthless check for $2000, drawn on
it Grant's Pass bank. After securing
n deed to the Wade property, Cham
berlain mortgaged the place for $3fi0.
.Ladle" Looking for Locution.
Mrs. Ilnrrlett. Hell nnd her Dialer.
Miss Jennlo Whaley, of Cheyenne,,
Wyo., arrived last night. The latter
comes In-hopes that it change 'rif cli
mate will benefit her health, as she
Is afflicted with u chronic catarrli.
and this country Is recommended" tp
her by specialists In Denver. Both
ladles may engage' In fruit and poul
try raising. Before bringing their
prospeotlng trip to on, end they will
visit "flood River -hltd Tlie Dalles,
Wnlla Walla nnd Lewlston. Their
brother, L.Jli. Whitley, is'ion n fruit
and puultry farm in the Lewlston
Will' Rale Wheat.
3. 1L King has sold his farm three
miles south of Weston 'to his soil,
Frank, who 'lias sold out at Cold
Springs. Mr. King, Sr.. has owned
this place 30 -years, though he has
lived in Weston for two yenrs past.
He will buy wheat land nnd chalge
his methods of farming somewhat,
but will continue to live In Weston.
The farm he sold .comprises 113 acres
and with the proceeds he will buy nt
half section of whent land, which he
declares will ,yleia a greater Income
than the fruit and mixed farming land
which he has been 30 years Improving.
Newcomers I-Yuin Missouri.
L. L. Hutchinson, his wife and
mother and children, nrrlved,. this
morning from McDonald county,
Missouri, and with the Intention of
permanently locating in this county.
Mr. Hutchinson Is n brother of Mrs.
P. H. Wlmpey, of Helix. The Wlm
peys came from Missouri about a year,
ago. Mr. Hutchinson Is a member
of' the idemocratlc state committee of
Missouri, nnd predicts a majority of
50.000 In that state this fall for the
democratic party.
Teachers' Contractu.
Contracts to teach were filed with
the county school superintendent this
morning by the following: Lilian
Dobson. district 11, near Athena;
Beta Andrus. district S7, east of Pilot
Bock; Boy 15. Beck, district 105,
north of rendition, and Daisy Lc?,
district 41, near Downing station.
Miss Andrus Is the oung woman who
rode 75 miles from Grant county to
Pendleton, last February, on horse
back, to attend the teefcors' examination.
Attendant lit Medical Lake.
L. O, IColb was In town yesterday
und until Oils morning, when he went
to Medical La!o, Wash., to accept n
position as attendant In the Insane
asylum. Mr. Kolb cousins here
the Kolbs who lately moved from
Fall Blvor, Neb., and later on will
ruturn for a longer visit with them.
Mr. Kolb has been an attendant In the
Nebraska and Kansas state Insane
asylums and also in a private asylum
In Pueblo, Col.
Will Heoiicii Hori-eslioe.
Ole Oleson nnd D. L. Dodd have
bought the Horseshoe restaurant bus
iness of T. L. Baker and had a new
brick range built therein, and other-
.wise completely renovated It, and
will reopen tomorrow morning.
Ileal Estate Transfers.
William C. Burgess to school dis
trict No. 16, all of block 11. in
Hauser's addition to the city of Pen
dleton, consideration $2000.
Lillian J. Best and nusDauu to u.
D. Cashatt, four lots In the town of
Weston; consideration $400. '
Typhoid ut Weston.
Residents of Weston report that a
mild form of typold Is" very prevalent
there, Its first appearance being
since the drought set In and the wells
became low.
There is no other such deal
ing in
fttvwiof titneti
as Schilling's Best; no other
such goods; the goods account
for the dealing.
80 ?
In tho buying mill selling of real estate tho services of a
bank nro usually needed. In. these transactions, ivo make loans,
advance money on inortgngcw, ''' ollierwl.Mj ussist la closing up
Whenever you buy or sell procrty, let tho business end of It
pass through this bank. Wo mo confident iQu .nil! bo pleased
illli our bcrvlcc.
"Oik. or
The Commercial National Bank
of Pendleton
Motto of Rally Will Re "President
llooMnclt's .Moral Kpigrniiis."
The people of Pendleton will bo
deeply Interested In .the coming of Dr.
Stone, who will conduct n "good citi
zenship" rally In this city as follows:
Saturday night, 7:15 nt the Methodist
Episcopal church; Sunday, .3 p. in
Baptist church, und Sunday 7:30 p.
m. at the Christian church.
All the churches of the city will
.unite In this rally 'and It Is' expected
to be one of the most Interesting over
hold In the olty of .Pendleton. Dr.
Stone Is eloquent, logical, 'patriotic,
humorous and sensible. The people,
and papers where he has been cannot'
speak loo highly of his lectures.
The motto of thltf rally and canw
pa Inn shall be that noble utterance of
President Roosevelt "No. nation, no
mailer how glorious Its history, can
exist unless It practices 'practices
inliul you, not merely prenches clvlu
honertty, civic decency, , civic righte
ousness. No nation can permanently
t'n-osper' unless tho dedalogue nnd
golden rule are its guide in nubile as
In prlsate lire.
Wo trust every citizen v.111 not only
indorse this isentlmeut of our 'chief
magistrate,- but respond with heart
and. head nnd hand to crystallize this
worthy utterance Into vigorous opera
Come to the rally. Admleoloh free.
Fathers, mothers, you have ,boys,;
you have girls. . They represent more
lo you than money, property or
earthly values. Robert Warner ,pres
Ment, W- -L. Van Nuys, secretary
Ministerial- Allfance.
O. F. Steele Finds Covy of Quull Un
tier His Window:
For one brief moment this morn
ing Deputy Game Warden O, F. Steele
wished that he had not taken up the
duties of defender of "closed season"
birds. Mr. Steele tells the story,
that is. he narrates part .of It.
"When 1 opened my eyes this
morning," he said, "I saw a quail
perched In a tree within a stone's
throw of my window. My, but he was
a pretty little fellow; and I slipped'
to the window nnd peered out. The
rest of the covey were In the grass In
the lawn."
Here ends the narrative of Steele.
According to his friends the deputy
warden seized his shotgun and ran
Into the yard to get a shot at the
quail,, when he suddenly remembered
that he was one of the limbs of the
law and hesitated to shoot.
l A. Gordon Places Automobile la
Service In Pendleton.
Pendleton now has an automobile
livery, as F. A. Gordon has purchas
ed a fine four-seated Oldsmoblle
winch is at the service of the public.
The au(o Is In charge of C. M. Cros
son, an (Xpert chnffeur, nnd will be
In readme)) to respond to calls at all
hours of the dny.
Passengers will be taken . to any
part of the city for 25 cents, or the
auto will be rented to parties by the
hour. Telephone Main 2801 and the
auto will cull for you.
Confectionery Goods of Ralph Ward
to Be Sold by Sheriff.
The stock of the confectionery store
of Ralph Ward,- which was attached
several weeks ago to satisfy a claim
of $395, Including costs, was disposed
of this afternoon by sheriff's sale.
The suit was brought against Ward
by Anna Marshall, who owns the
buildings In which the store wus lo
cated. She claimed back rentals.
warn js unuer douhs ior nis up
penrance nt the next term of court
on n charge of attempting to defraud
his creditors.
Welcome Mountain Rains.
W. J. Wurman has returned from
the mountains for the winter, with
the closing of the summer range for
sheep. He reports that the drouth
was unbroken from July 10 to Sep
tember 18 in the mountains and tho
sheep were on the verge of great suf
fering when the rains came. The
sheep are extremely hard to manage
when llie range Is parched and water
scarce, and the average herder would,
almost as leave be out of a Job as to
be responsible for a large band on
the ordinary mountain range during'
(i drouth.
Edison Tlioutur Program.
The Edison theater la drawing good
sized and woll pleased audiences.
This evcniug.au entire new bill will
be presented. The Whiteside will
appear" ' In "new conversatloal cong
.and dance, something new nnd orlgJ
lnal. Miss Regal 'will render her new
musical act. The' rip roaring farce,
"The Manager's Troubles," will be
given by the entire company. New
Illustrated songs und new moving pic
tures. The show Is clean and refined
nnd should be" attended' by ull pleasure-seeking
people. Good, wholesome
amusoment fr a small admission.
Formerly of Pendleton.
Arthur Felcher und his sister, Mrs.
Tt. T.nnml8. went to Connell this morn
ing, whore they will Visit for' a weekJ
Mr, Felcher Is a telegraph operator
on tho Great Northern, In Northern'
Idaho, and formerly vorked for tho"
O, R, '& N, as an assistant at Hunt
ington. Mrs. Loomis once resided In
Pendleton, her husband having -run
n restaurant here during the latter
Tent Meetings.
Tent meetings on the north side
are still In progress. Rev. Hurd will
preach' this evening at 7:45, und again,
tomorrow evening uev. a. L. Lovell
will preach at the sama hour. A cor
dial Invitation to all .Is extended.. - .
Liverpool's death rate 30 In 1000
is more than twice that of Loudon.
Much of the difference is due to tho
extraordinary loss of Infant life In
Liverpool from 107 to 245 In 1000.
- Child' uXrchlentnlly Injured.
' The" iiifanl daughter of "Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Russell, who reside 10
miles west of Pendleton, was Injured
In a strange manner yesUrdny after
noon. The child which wuh toddling
across the room started to full and
the mother grasped It by the arm.
badly wrenching the limb. The child
was ibrought to this city today for
medical treatment. Dr. T. JI. Hen
derson, Who attended, the baby says
she will bo all right In a week.
lias Nerwilis Pnxlrnllon.
Perry Logsden, a young attorney
from Qulncy, III., Is In town visiting
his cousin, Cni. Morton, iwhn recently
mnve'd here from Pulaski, 111. Mr.
Logsdeil Is suffering ,from Incipient
nervqus prostration, and will only
visit hero, having no Intention of lo
cating In this section of country. In
a fow days he will go to Tillamook,
nnd litter to Southern California.
Temperance- AiUocntes Ahmad.
Iluv. Dean Hamilton, pastor of the
Baptist church at Weston uml seero
tnrv Jind treasurer of the County
Antl. Saloon I.eiitrue. was In town liver
night with Fosler Stone, the temper
ance advocate, on their way to .iiuon
and Freewnter, where they will speak
tonight and Friday night., Both will
be In Peiiillet'on and Mr. Stone will
speak hero Saturday and Sunday
night next.
May Uicnte at. Ixis jXuselc.
T.. f. HennliiL'. a tool maker and
dresser from Sioux City, Is in town,
tlie guest for the liny of nis om
friend, O. F, Brady and his family.
Unil, tlilnk nt inline to Los Angeles
to reside, and after ylsltlng the Sound
country Mr. Penning will go to Cali
fornia prospecting and report In time
for the. Urndys to Join him before the
Land Contest In Progress.
Before United States Uind Commis
sioner Joe H. Pnrkes this afternoon Is
being heard the land contest case of
G. S. B. Hayden against Henry J.
Bean.' The laud In dispute Is on the
Umatilla Indian reservation, 10 miles
south of this city. H. K. Collier ap
pears for the contestant and J. B.
Perry for the contestee.
Will Buy a l'arni.
F. J. Warbiirton, who lias leased
800 ncres of the Holdman brothers'
ranch lands nenr Holdman. for sev
eral years, has relinquished and will
buy laud farther eastward In the
county, and engage In mixed farming.
lie Is succeeded on the Holdman land
by Tom Campbell.
Operation for StmhiMiitK.
Mrs. Tlllie Wellman has returned
from Spokane, where she was oper
ated upon for strabismus (crossed
eyes,) about two weks ago. The
Wellmans are recent arrivals from
the Coeur d'Alene country upon a
farm n few miles west of Maxwell.
Going to Oklahoma.
Henry Moberly, a sheep herder
from Moscow county. Is visiting his
sister, Mrs.- M. T. Tower, of this place.
The Trovers and Mr. Moberly expect
In a short time to remove to Okla
homa and engage hi sheep raising
near Churchill.
Gone to Alberta,
n. L. Oliver left this morning for
Alberta nnd will be absent for a week
or 10 days. It Is likely, that if he Is
pleased with that country he will
sooner or later make investments
Mrs. Wheeler Will llulld.
Mrs. J. S. Wheeler, of Weston, has
begun the erection of a dwelling In
that place, for which James Ashworth
has the contract. The foundation is
finished and the superstructure will
be built at once.
Bought Hair Interest.
George Beddow has bought Ole
Oleson.'s Interest In the Queen Chop
House, which Is now owned by him
self and Phil Van Puymbroek.
Nearly Enough Signers.
The promoters of the nntl.s.iloon
movement now claim to have within
70 signers of enough to submit the
Issue to the ful vote of the county.
You want the children to
grow, but not all lengthwise.
Whdn they start that way
Scott's Emulsion will help
them to grow right with
due plumpness and outward
proportion, and with inward
vigor and good spirits.
The Emulsipn increases
digestive, power and strength
ens the vital organs to get
the best and majte the, most
out of all the qther food. It
gives a kind of help thatevery
growing child ought to have.
We'll tend you a umple rf qupon tfqucit.
SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl Street, New Vork.
Elv's Cream ljalm
llqsj- prut nlwisaut,
to ue. Contains na
Injurious drug.
It In quickly ab-
eorleq. Ulvcs ro
ller nt once It
Allays Inflammation.
Ural nnil " protects the membrane1. He
stores tlie senses of taste anil smell Larue
site. 50 cents at druggists ur by mall,
Trial slzu II) cents, by mall,
KIA' llltOTUKUH, 00 Warren Htreet, New
Hv.finwrimr Allies C. Moore, of
Washington, "Enthusiastic Itepubll
can. Hon. Miles C. Mpore, the last of the
territorial governors of Washington,
was in Pendleton this morning on his
way home to Walla Walla from a trip
Mast. Former Governor Moore Is 11
republican In politics,
"Hoosovelt," was the one word Mr.
r,.,rn iitlereil In answer to tho ques
tion or how the political situation ap
peared to him In tho East,
"The republicans nre going to carry
everything. One hears democrats
expressing doubt as to the outcome
of the presidential election, but 0110
does not run across republicans of
that opinion. As a rule they nre con
fident of success."
Governor Moofo wnh In New York
and ut St. Louis. "The same pros
perity Is not so apparent In the
East," ho continued, "ns on the const,
but I attribute this to the coming
election, more than nnythliig else.
Our good crops nnd prices keep us
from feeling the stringency that a
presidential campaign always brings."
mar .
we Are
into our new
A ,1
sms m mm to 111
& . m m m m
waa'is xu jviiii- 1111L. vwr ju.iii'uiixwiiij1!;, 11111, and OF
TEit moot", Ain moor, the greatest wear resist.
Shoes and Clothing
Men's Furnishings
for Fall and Winter
The Best Goods at, LOWEST PRICES
Fancy stripes and solid colors.
Prices 50c to S IXiO.
Solid colors and stripes from
(Sue to 92.00.
Working gloves ..30c to 81.S0
Dre.ss Gloves.
Mocha 31.25 to $1.7.1
Mocha, silk lined SI.'J.'i to $1.7.
Kid 81.23 to $1.75
Kid, Dents' 82.00
Large assortment to select
from, both cotton nnd wool.
Cotton ribbed, per garment 5te
Fleece lined, per garment.. 5
Heavy weight wool, mixti,M
per garment ''
Wool ribbed, ner gurment $l-!
Uetter grades $1.50, $!"
82.00 to 83.50 per garment.
-v. ' .1. ,7 .. t.Ar nf Dlt
terns, at 75c to 83.00 eacn.
Shoes, Rubbers, Mackintoshes and Duck Cents. It will pa
to see our lines before making your purchases.
One-Price Clothiers and Furnishers
9-roorn modern dwelling, good loca-i
tlon, 1 lota, fine basement, every
thing new and up-to-da'o, J3000.
C-room house, 4i lots, barn, chicken
yard, shade trees, $1750.
Modern C-room cottage, 6 tine lots,
fine soil, S2G00.
G-Room house, nice improvements,
shade trees $1100.
280 acres fine land;' elegant bouse;
close to town, SSi,
180 acres finest wheat
i. ot nnn
. "?'ou' 110.000.
1.111 any no rrrn 11 uluui
.88500.,, m p 1 1 H
OMice IptoahtOT rent. ,
Vlnl... llir,A llnr al. II K I
mlmk.. llnV.rlAna made. Ill '
'-"--'-- .ill
If you w sn to ouy y-
.oil m In mv OllK-P
VUI1 UU WAV, . - - .
n 1- l...lltn0
1 Good
assured when Dyers' Rest; Flour Is usctl.. Brail, .ulwrWr w8n'' ;
l...uL... ..1.. . ,
1 a'tf
wa 11 .u
barley uhinya pn ,lm(lfl
! W. S. DYERS, Proprietor. i;.