East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 29, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Im1"""'" ..,...., v other lino.
Get Sunny.
Itrs at Withee's.
dally at Martin's.
U rags wanted at tills
id Hanan shoes at rtoos
hoes for women,
ud toJa every day nt
Houses with or without
k satisfaction at Hour
ly Kees' cigar store.
those new reed rock-
Ask about tnom.
Lie wants a Job. Wages
Address P O. box 34.
Lts from $3.00 to $S.50
Vs store Main and
l.-je restaurant, open
I. Mrs. Cooper, proprl-
flood room with hath.
m Main street. Inquire
Firi'e i.nil Shredded
Ij. two packages for "K
ITounget & -Son's.
f la carload of best nine
will sell you ut ID
II! oi 100 pounds tor
iTounger & Son.
11 S a gift for your
Wt overlook our
hlnS prettier or more
I. n be fou'l any
! I" our large line of
solid sliver.
mslte Jeweler.
i'tob Street.
h :
S -i spoons can
I., ,.iir own nullity to glvo you good
Ljrt lot ..-t-iidn't huvo, wo wouldn't keep nt you
I fair lr Wo ,., 1)0gltlvoly wo can
Ltnlr "c . beun UyinS. All wo wnnt
i tuittcr win, j
r , ' to l-rovc our assertion by scmllng you n smnll or-.
..,.! niiffees la worth more to a gro-
wnI suinplei or uuoto you "
.cr, or nn,,h,nK " carted.
ocery Company
Will oo In our new building soon.
Get Sunny. U C Raaer.
New Knox hats, Roosevelt's.
Piano for rent: Inquire at this of.
$3.50 ladles' Gloria shoes at Roose
Shoes repaired while you wait
Teutsch. ,
LOTTA $1.G0 school shoes nt
A Rood hnt free with every suit nt
Sullivan & Itond's new store.
Agency for the Ludles' Home Jour
nnl and Saturday Post. Nolf's.
Mrs. Carlson gives free Instructions
in fancy work at Hasbrouck's Jewelry
Enlarging und framing pictures,
Work guaranteed. Western Art Co,
304 Court street.
Pianola for sale for $200. Prnctl
rally new and In first-class condition
Address Kast Oregoulan.
The new cjueon Quality shoes are
in. You should see them for the new
styles. Dlndlnger, Wilson & Co.
Jessup A. Smith Is having his rest
deuce equipped with an entirely now
outfit of furniture and carpets.
Kememlicr cut prices prevail on
everything In the grocery line until
October 1 ut P. S. Younger & Son's
Iluy your groceries now and save
money. Only a few more days of
the big sale at P. S. Younger & Son't
Anticipate your wnnts In the gro
eery Hue and save money by purchas
ing your winter groceries of P. S
Younger & Sou. .
Ladles! Save money by buying
your tailor suits at Teutseh's depart
ment store. Perfect fits guaranteed
Alterations free.
Only a few moro rtnys of the big
sale at P. S. Younger & Son's. Sale
closes October 1. Uuy your winter
groceries now and save money.
Henry Lnxluku Is having his resl
deuce at the corner of Webb ami
Johnson streets, entirely newly furn
Ishod and carpeted throughout.
Furnished Rooms for Rent Eloc
trio lights, steam heat, free baths
prices reasonable; G 1 2 Willow street
two blocks west of Slain, between
Alta and Webb. 'Phone black 1433
Just received the finest and largest
assortment lot of stoneware ever
brought to Pendleton. We will sell
tills high grade as low ns others sell
cheaper grades. Every Jar guarun
teed. C. Rohrman.
o. It. & N. Co. announces following
dates of sale of World's Pair tickets
for mouth of October, 3d, 4th, Cth
-'th. sxtli and LMitli. Last named
dates are made for benefit of those
who lire unable to take .advantage of
regular sale dates. PI mil limit of
tickets In both cases will be Decem
ber 31, 1904. E. C. Smith, Agent.
"Superior To All Others
For Soupi, Sauces,
Savory Sundries
Secure a Set of the
M Cudahy A-l Silver
Boui Spoons
lino,rfCI?fusa Lhese "Plendld spoons
SDoonS I, f e,r8' The Cudaliy
kK p, " "J.?0? 1" the latest design.
How To Secure These Spoons
n..-. r,;r. "f"onueslredsend a metal
tert,,Md n,te?lCenS,. in Bllver or
' 11 OroaUa, Nab.
area ai
Mrs. Lydla Smith is visiting In
Walla AVnlla.
P. II. Reathe returned to Weston
this morning,
II. C. Adams, of Weston, returned
home this morning.
Ernest Hnrtmnn and wife loft for
Portland this morning. ,
Mrs. C. P. Rrown went to Portland
this morning for a visit of a week.
Policeman O. . C. Coffmnn is on
duty today after a day's sick leave.
Mrs. T. O. Halley and daughters
have returned ,from a visit to Port
land. Miss Lavelle Schmidt has returned
home sick from attending school at
M. II. I.emmond and wife, of Juni
per, are in town fnr ill,. ii.n,.an,i.
of business,
Miss Jessie Hartman went to
Walla Walla this moraine- for n vuu
of a few days.
W. M. Hlnkley and wife and Mrs.
I.. O. Rothrock will stnw fr.,.
World's Pair next week.
Roscoc King of Weston, has lmnirlit
land in Franklin county, Wash., nnd
will make his home there.
Wlllard Uoiid Is spending a counle
of days In Athena and Adnms in the
Interests of Sullivan & Rood.
A. Is'. Smith, general agent of the
W. P. Fuller paints and oils house,
was In town yesterday, going north
tills morning.
W. T. Ulcbv left this mornlnir fnr
Alberta, the train being so late leav
ing yesterday that he did not get
away upon It.
Mrs. Louis Hunzlker returned from
California last Tuesday and Is now at
Walla Walla, where she will remain
for some months.
O. E. Lemmons, of La Grnnde, Is
running the O. R. & N. yard engine
In the nbsence of A. Gustnfson, who
Is taking a short rest.
W. G. Iloffmau succeeds his broth
er, F. s., us baggnge wrangler at the
O. R. & N. depot, Millie the latter is
absent In the western part of the
J. G. Callahan nnd wife left tills
morning for Loomts, In the Oknnogan
country, after a visit Villi Doc Ilou
ser and family and other friends and
relatives here.
L. J. Mcintosh of American Falls,
Idaho, was in town yesterday, the
guest of William Hodben, his brother-in-law,
while en route to his home at
Coeur d'Alelie.
P. J. Moule. a former Pendleton
boy who traveled for a long time for
the Page-Davis Co.. of Portland,
frultlers. Is now on the road for the
llluke-McFall Paper Co.
W. 11. Dressel, mechanical foreman
ot the (). R. ."i N. at Ktarbuek, ac
companied by ills crew, spent last
night in the city, after working on the
wreck at Saxe yesterday.
P. S. Hoffman and" wife left this
morning for various points In the
western part of the state, where they
have relatives with whom they will
visit for n couple of weeks.
P. II. Reatlie, of Weston, accom
panied by his daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Homer Reatlie, of Seattle, was in
Pendleton last night. Mas, Uouthe
departed for Portland on her way
home. ig. y.j jhj,
Mrs. Mny Ketuer went to Riidal
Veil this morning. Her husband,
wlio came from Montana during July,
has Invested la a mountain farm near
that place and will engage In goat
A. A. Hoynton left this morning for
Iluutsvllle. where his son, H. E., re
sides. The latter moved to Ilunts
vllle about five years ago from this
dace, to be nble to send his children
to the Seventh Day Adventlst college
J. W. Welles, accompanied by his
daugliter-ln-law, Mrs, Prank K.
Welles, will leave In a day or two for
the East to visit the St. Louis exposi
tion, and friends and relatives in III- 1
Inols. He expects to be absent about
two months.
Mrs. L, O. Gromiuons of Raker
City, arrived Monday nnd went west
this morning to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Ellen Smlthers, who lives be
tween Wallula and Umatilla. While
In Pendleton she was the guest of S.
R. Meldrum and family, old friends.)
in Nebraska.
E. A. Kllppel, the genial und poj
ular superintendent of telegraph of
the O. R. & N. lines, was a visitor to
day. while touring the system in the
Interest 4t his department. The ef
ficiency of the O. It. & N. telegraphic
system Is being added to constantly
by the Installation of the latest Im
provemeuts In Instruments and office
Cabinetmaker JVom Colorado,
C. L. Eveiiy, n cabinetmaker from
Lendvllle, Col,, with his family, arriv
ed this morning nnd will possibly lo-
cate here, but will Inspect the claims
of Walla Walla and some of the Pa-
ouse towns before concluding to lo
cate, Mr. Eveiiy Is also an uphol
sterer and thinks of going- into me
furniture business. If he invests In
a business, however, It will be In one
of the smaller towns.
i'ulloiiiM Arriving,
file Tulloch brothers arrived last
night from California, accompanied
by their mother nnd the wife of one
of them. With other equipment for
farming they brought 23 fine mules.
which are In the O. R. & N. yards
Attention Itatlibone SlMcrs.
Grand Chief Mable Chnstaln will
Islt Damonla Temple Friday ovon-
lug. Septembor 30. A full attendance
Is desired.
Sutunliiy Evening Spoelal.
With any shirt $1.50 or more, wo
will give you your oholco of any four-In-linnd
tlo hi the store, from 7 to 10
Men's, Boys' and Children's
Suits. Overcoats, Pants
A.jffllfti Finn tlothuMtker
W. E. McCnmey, of Milton, brought
a load of Wolf River apples to town
today that was the Inrgost nverage
load of apples brought to town this
season. The entire load, it Is thought
would average over three-quarters of
a pound each In weight.
W. P. Williamson has the contract
for hauling the brick for the new
Schmidt building, and also for the
new school houses, and is delivering
as fust as the brick-laden cars arrive.
The Klmhrells are engaged this
afternoon in establishing the exact
metes and bounds upon which the
new Crawford-Smith building on
North Main street Is to-be placed.
The Puget Sound Tent it Duck Co.
has begun suit in the state circuit
court to colfect $87.2r- from A. D.
Thompson, lialleray & MeCourt are
attorneys for tlie pjahitlff.
Lost Open-fnqed, Key-wind Wnl-
tluim watch, someivhe're between
court house and two miles south of
town. Finder please return to this
The Coffeyvlllei Kan., vitrified brick
for the Schmidt buflillng Is arriving
and being unloaded,
Return 1'ioin Portland.
Architect f. E. Troulman, accom
panied by Mrs. Troutman, returned
this morning from u short visit to
Portland. Mr. Troutman says that
building along all lines Is flourishing
i the Oregon metropolis. "I visited
the fair grounds," he said. "The
ough superstructure work Is fast
Hearing completion and some Idea of
the general plan of the buildings can
be gained, but none of the artistic
work has commenced."
"All roads lead to
Fame," said Golden
Gate, "but I shall meet
queer people as I do.
Not everyone cures
r bitih-fjrade coffee;
some prefer the cheap,
rank kinds. Some
dculers prefer to handle
hulk jfoods Instead of
coffee packed In aroma
tldht tins.
"I'm uniform In quality;
I was urjed In my native
country; I'm smooth
drinking rlch-aromatlc;
I'm full weight (honest).
With all this in my favor
I cannot fall to please.
"I'm 'sold on merit,"
merit wlU win!!"
Notblpd do, Mltb GOLDEN GATB
COFFEE but atialaclloa. No
prlino coupon, no crockwy.
1 mad a lb. aroma-llilbt tlaa.
Navar aoltl la bulk.
J. A. Folger 02. Co.
Katabliahad Ulf m Camturjr
San Francisco
Wo have Just received a ory lino lino of llibtes, Prajer
Rooks TcMnnienls anil Ilymtmls Including RAfiSTKlt'S compre
hensive Teachers' Ulble, HAttSTKK'S Sunday School Touchers'
Rllile, UAC.STER'S Scir-l'ronouiielng Touchers' Ulble.
'Leather bound Dlilutty Circuit ami Indexed.
Cambridge Reference Ulblos with Concordance. - 1 r
Cambridge Prajer Rooks. . r i
Cuiiibridge Prajer Rooks and
Cuinbrldgo Testaments.
The best RIbles published.
Book and Stationery Stoe
Established in 1866, Open all the year. Private or
class instruction. Thousands of graduates in posi
tions; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to
attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, etc., free.
Positively the Rest Ilecr
Any quantity you desire.
Delivered to your home
Always call for OLVMI'IA.
Telephone Main 881.
Correctly and Well Made 3 1
Prices Always the Lowest !
Iljiuuiils. ,
,l . j
That pleases the taste.
Thut Is wholesome.
Thut Is sanitary.
Thut is full nelght.
Thut U Mhvays good.
That la uliiuys fresh.
That is the J1EST.
New and Sanitary.
Now Martin Dulldlng, Webb
Street. Telephone- 2901 Main.
Ask your grocer for MODEL