1 ""t!l eight pages. PAGE FOOTl. DAITiV EAST OREGONIAN, PENDDETON, OREGON, THURSDAY. SEPTEMIlKR 211, IIMll. m AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Publlalifd every Afternoon (except Hun Jay', nt Pendleton, Orenon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PURMSIUNG COMPANY. BUllSCltllTION HATUS. Dally, one year, by mall Dally, six months, by mail Dally, three months, by mall Dally, one month, by mall Dally, per month, by carrier Weekly, one year, by mall Weekly, six months, by mail Weekly, four months, by mall Reml-Weekly, one year, by mall..., Beml-Weekly, six months, by mall., 8eml-Weekly, thrco months, by mall, .$o.00 . 1.23 . .50 feolliifr In the proBress of the cum pnltrn nor In the outcome, Pendleton Is entltteil to protect her host. Interests; other communities have the sumo sacred right under the local option mnendmeut, and If the property owners unite here to oppose sudden prohibition, hut with a view to making moral conditions better and of weeding out the objectionable saloons, It Is. their most sovereign right to do so, without fear of cen- Isuro or condemnation. l.r.o .73 .50 2.00 1.00 .50 Member Scrlpps-Mcltao News Association. The Hast Oregonlan Is on sale at IS. II. Illcli's News Stands nt Hotel Portland and Hotel Perkins, Portland, Oregon, Weyerhnuser's land Und timber syndicate has made $20,000,000 In five years In the Northwest on a cap ital of SG.000,000. They have proba bly kept 2000 families from getting homes on the government domain, also. In that time. Ran Francisco Ilureau. 408 Fourth St. Chicago llnreau, t)0! Security Uulldlns. Washington, D. C, Ilureau, C01 14th St., y. w. Telephone Main 11. Entered at Pendleton postofflce as second class matter. Jinn s his own star, and the soul that can Header an honest and a per fect man Commands all light, all Influ ence, nil fate; Nothing to him falls early or too late. Our acts our angels are, for good or 111. Our fated shadows that walk by us still. John Fletcher. Providence Is now causing 2000 I'matllla county work mules to stand unharnessed In the stable. There must be rain to soften the clods be fore another 5,000,000 bushel wheat crop can be seeded. Where were all the lawyers when the Carey land act died on August IS? The general land office says It Is not dead, but alive on the stntutes, ami still doing business. This was a premature burlnl. It s said there is a woman at the beginning of every great event. 'It is barely possible that the female vote will carry Idaho for the democrats. When the Phoenicians made the first alphabet, did they know how many campaign lies could be formed from this little group of letters? i.ocai, ornox and proiihhtio.v The Athena Press unjustly attacks Judge Lowell for saying publicly that , while he believes In the principle of local option, as enacted into law by , the people at the June election, he is now oppoed to the principle of pro hibition heiiiK enforced In the city of Pendleton. Judge Lowell spoke thus nfter due reflection, spoke openly and honestly, and when he so spoke he voiced the sentiment of the majority of the vot- lng community of Pendleton. j The Athena Press Is confused on the terms "local option" and "prohl- hltlon," nti are nine-tenths of the 1 voters of Oregon who discus these questions. J A man can consistently believe In 1 local option, the principle of local , -self-government In the llrpior traffic and yet not believe In enforcing pro- 1 hlbltlou. Thousands . of progressive j citizens of Oregon voted to put the looal option law Into force, who will I vote against prohibition every time It ' is voted on. j Hecnuse Judge Lowell or any other 1 thinking, progressive citizen believes In the thoroughly democratic princi ple of local option or looal self-government. It does not follow that he or other such advocates must be prohibi tionists. Such are not the principles of the advocates of better govern ment. Judge Lowell believes as do thousands of other citizens that every community should be allowed to choose Its surroundings; that those ; who make homes and pay taxes have a right, through local option, to vote ' on and select the surroundings of I such homes. I Hut ufter the principle of local op- 1 Hon Is enacted Into law. It does not I follow that every local optlonlst Is a J prohibitionist. A man still retains , his personal liberty and .can express an udverse sentiment through a local option election. Just as consistently as a sentiment favorable to prohibition. If, for reasons of public good, a citizen opposes the sudden precipita tion of prohibition upon a town which has been open for 40 years and in which thousands of dollars are In vested In saloons, and thousands more In property relying largely on them (or support, it is no breach of faith, no change of heart on his part, al though he favored the enactment of the local option amendment. In making the statement that he opposed sudden prohibition in Pen dleton! JUdge Lowell spoke for Pen dleton only. He- concedes to Adams, Athena, Weston, Milton und other towns the right and duty of local self government. The Press does him un Injustice when It says he favors prohibition for outside towns and "open town" for Pendleton. He believes other towns should choose their own surround ings and has never expressed any other sentiment. The East Oregonlan does not be lieve the discussion of the question of prohibition should be carried on In bated breath, for fear of offending some one. It Is one of the public Ih .aues before the people, one In which everyone Is concerned, and Its discus sion should not lead to bitterness nor acrimony. There Is a medium ground of sober reason on which the thinking business men of the community can get to gether and there should be no bitter The Oregonlan has rendered a final decision against the direct primary law. The supreme court need not act In the matter. ONE CHOP PAYS KOI! THE LAND. Many Instances of profitable uheut growing have been reported In these columns tnts harvest, but probably none quite so remarkabl" us that reported yjelrday from Col fax. In Whitman county. Eighteen uonths ago Morris & King of Pen dleton. Oregon, bought S00 acres of Ii.ih south of Hay station, on what is known as the "rlmrook." -uid In a section until recently considered worthless except for early iwsture. Morris & King paid $ 12.80 per acre for the land and hired It broken ai 2.50 per acre. It was sown to wheat last full, and In July they cut : nd threshed the crop and got ai. average of 3i bushels per ncn from liflO acres. They sold the wheat for T cents per bushel, an average of t-7.3i per ucre for the crop. C. H. Scrlber. cashier of the Col fax National bank, gave the Spokes- mn.i-lte lew cot respondent the fol lowing figures on the cost of the rmp i.iul land. Th- figure given are foi each acre: Land. tl2.R0; breaking the sod, J2.50: harrowing. 30 cents seeding, So cents; seed, fio cents: blue vitriol and squirrel poison. 5 cents heading. $1.75: threshing. i-iicli v. '$1.17: hauling to warehouse OS cents. Total cost of crop lurlud n,g the land on which It was grown fSS.tin per acre. Deducting this from the cash value of the crop leavei $4.70 per acre, In addition to the land, as clear profit. Cmflderlng thnt the past season was the diyest In the country's his tory, there is a record th.U will amaze eastern people and even sip prise our own people. Spokesman-llevlew. Git EATEKT D K I A 1 tT.M EXT. The United States has the greatest department of agriculture of any na tion In the world. The following Is a brief review of Its work: "The act of February 2, 103. ena bles the secretary of agriculture to prevent the spread of contagious and Infectious diseases of livestock. Hlgld Inflection has protected our cattle against infection from abroad, and has established the highest credit for our meat products In the markets of the world. The earth has been searched for weapons with which to fight the ene mies thut destroy the growing crops. An Insect brought from near the great wall of China has clreoked the San Jose scule, which was destroying our orchards; a parasite fly brought from South Africa Is exterminating the black scale in the lemon and or-' ange groves of California, and an ant from Guatemala Is about offering but tle to the boll weevil. llro.ui science has been brought to the nid of limited experience. Study of the relations between plant life and climate and soil has been followed by the Introduction of special crops suited to our varied conditions. The Introduction of Just the right kind of seed has enabled the. gulf states to increase our rice crop from 115,000,000 pounds In 1898 to 400, 000,000 pounds In 1903, and to supply the entire American demand, with a surplus for export. The right kind of sugar beet has increased our annual production of beet sugar by over 200,000 tons. Seed brought from countries of little ruln fall Is producing millions of bushels of grain on lands which a few years ago were deemed a hopeless part of the arid belt. CAMERA I'lENR. He took the house, he took the bnru, The children nt their piny; He took the dog, he took the cat, And Dobbin, Nell and Gray; He took the pretty parlor nmld A-swInglng on the gate, And posed me with a rake mid vowed Th- picture simply grent. He took Prlsollla fifty ways In-dnoi. and out-of-doors (I've loved Prlscllla even since She romped hi pinafores); He took himself away by stealth One night without adieu. Hut, oh the hardened miscreant He took Prlscllla. too. LI pplncott's.' Gi-rrriNG even. A young man who lives In Minne apolis has beaten the girls of the Northwest at their own game. He has tnken the first prize at the fair for "fancy work," a term which 'Includes all kinds of tidies anil doylies and centerpieces and pincushions and em broidery and every other kind of dainty work with the needle. There Is an element of retribution In 'this. The girls have been heating the boys , In school and In the university and j taking their Jobs away from them In 1 all kinds of business. It serves them right to have a boy get even with 1 them on their own ground and beat them nil hollow nt their own game. Minneapolis Journal. Prize Contest For School Children The contest consists of constructing the most names of pros Idents from letters contained In this advertisement on Proscrip tions, using the letters which it contains not oftener than the appear In the advertisement. PRESCRIPTIONS AS SCHMIDT FILLS THEM Every prescription that comes hore Is filled from the purest drugs obtain able and carefully and skillfully com pounded Just as your doctor ordered It. "Schmidt" on a prescription Is like "Sterling" on a piece of silver. F. W. SCHMIDT LEADING imiTOGIST, .Pendleton, Oregon. PRIZES First prize $5.00; second prize $2.00; third prize $1.00; fourth prize 1-Ib box candy; fifth prize, ',-i-lb box candy. Come here and ask for contest blank,, telling all about It It's free. T,17l US SUPPLY YOU Tnj Building Material Dimension lumber of all je. scrlptlons, Sash, Doors, nilndg Moulding. Building and Tar pa. per. dring youu hill to tjs and get ouit figures. Grays Hatbor Commercial Co, Opposite W. & C. II. Depot. The Uock Island machine shops and locomotive factory at Chicago, have been closed down and 200 skill ed mechanics are out of work. Some mens can varble "I Vant to He a Angel," but you can bet delr health vas pretty goot ven dey sing It. 135 CURED BY JC, OLDEN MEDICAL. DI5CO IT MAKES STRONG Alb Your Orocor Sewkg Machines Wlust Go f lo-ln;; out nlc of all machines on hand. 50 NIAV AM) SECOND-HAND MACHINES. Of nit makes and descriptions. Having decided to discontinue hand ling sewing machines, I will close out all machines at less than fac tory price. . Drop Head Singer machine, (as Drop Head Now Home, new ... . looil ns new) S2.i.iH) s:i::.oo Other machines warranted to oiv properly and for S.'.IK) and up. ;lvu satisfaction. JOE BASLER CARPETSFURNITURE STOVES. 1 1 O SPICES, o COFFEE, TEA BAKING POWDER, FLAVORING EXTRACTS AbolutePurfty, FlnesrFlavor, QrearjKfTBh.IJasoiableFrke CL0SSET & DEYER5 PORTLAND OREGON- i 6 IS 1 ! O v 4 r .. . . A Thing of Beauty Is a Joy Forever WE HAVE IT. In nuo window jou villi sec ilisphi.tr! tin; most elcgiuit lino of Statuary ever t-hown In Mils city. In pun white, nmrlilo white atul rinrcutlni' effects. The beauty or It all I. our prices an right mid within rcucli of nil, ranging from "5c tn $11,111). u oinainciit to any home. Brock & McComas Company I TEETH Per set, S.'.OO; gold emuns, .si. (Ml; silver rilling, .Mie; ex tracting, C1O1. We are thoroughly equipped with all modern methods and appliances, and guarantee our work to be of tho highest stand ard, and our prices the lowest consistent with flrst-clas worX. White Bros. Dentists. As-iiclatlou Illock. Telephone Main 111(11. Oregon Portland Good plumbing I- aluas tho cheapest. It lias th lasting tpiali ties. It saxes ou repair bills. Ahinxs entrust jour xxork to thorough, reliable and coiniM.-teut plumber. Our force Is luado up of tho best .xpoiiouced workmen. Strict attention paid to .sanitary feat me s or xiork. St. Helen's Hall , A GIRLS SCHOOL OP THE HIOH j EST CLASS corps of teachers, loca- I tlon, building, equipment the best. 1 Send for catalogue. Opens September 15, 1901. On your work. LET US GIVE YOU FIGURES We quote right prices ami do only tho liost work. I Goodman-Thompson Co. HARDWARE AND PLUJH1ING, Telephone 811. 013 Slain Street. All the latest books of the day. J Frederick Nolf & Co. j In the Bishop's Carriage." "When Wilderness Was King." "The Corner In Coffee." J 2 "The Woman Wins." J J "Order No. 11." "The Grafters." "The Gordon Elopement." 2 2 "Old George Graham." 2 2 "Four Roads to Paradise." And 60 others. JN!0N frIADE, HAND MADE.7 CLEAR HAVANA. A STANDARD FOR QUALITY. CLEANLINESS AND WORKMANSHIP. When you call for a TRIUMPH, pi VN utiii.uuiudcccpid5UD5luuce.il MAKERS, B. F. BECK Sanitary Plumber 807 Cottonwood Street ;r raifir H.wuriv. 471-Bri I I IMl mi 1 11 11 1 WATER TANKS We make- a specialty of bulldlnl round or square WATER TANKS Also hader beds, all slart nl kinds. We make them right and thef always give satisfaction. Oar w"rlt Is never slighted or botched. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard ROUKRT FOHSTEn, Proprietor. Corner Webb and College EXQUISITE MILLINERY The most complete and up-to-date line of fashionable mllllnerv nt pqpular prices ever shown In Pendleton, Is now on display at mv itnr t have the largest stock this season I have ever carried ". 1 Mrs. Rose Campbell ELATERITE IS MINERAL RUBBER We properly temper It for each particular climate. Then unon a ' Jute canvoea xve build up a fire, water and acid proof rooflnir material w,thJ?,K.!',ord.mlca "U,r'ace and a w01 felt paper dry "l-eet or backing We'll lay the goods, or you can. If you have to use a roof we can tell you some mighty Interesting things. They will prevent your Docket book from shriveling up. Write us. y pocket The Elaterite Roofing Co., 10 Worcester Block, Portland, Oregon j The French : ivesiauraiHj Best 25 Cent Meal In the CM' J Private Dining Parlor. Elegant Furnished WoooM & j Connection. GUS LaFQNTAINE, Pr 033 Main Street.