f PAGE SEC. DAILY EAST OREfiONIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON. WKPXKSDAV, SUIT. i!H, 1110 1. ""jCE ' ., .. n , i I COST 0 M i hmbh m J'flI:ii s Positively the Best Beer mudo. Any quantity you desire. Delivered to your home Always call lor OLYMriA. A. NOLTE Telephone Slain 881. CARLOAD OF STONEWARE All size jars, crocks, Jugs, churns, etc We will make the price satisfac tory. See us. DESPAIX & CLARK. The Colombia Lodging House Corresponding almost Identically I with the general plan at the demo ! cratlc headquarters 1 that of C'halr 1 man Cortelyou and his adjutants at repuhllcnu headquarters. Only one i marked difference characterizes the ' rival headquarters. In that Chairman i Cortelyou Is only separated from Kec ' retary Louis A. Coolldge by n small reception room, while Chairman Tag gart und Secretary Woodson are about as far apart as possible on the allotted space. .This Is explained by the different methods In force at the j respective headquarters In dickering , with the'nrmy of fakirs and Inventors . of campaign novelties which Is now besieging both camps. Chairman Cortelyou Is making a strenuous effort to meet personally every hawker of campaign novelties who may offer to serve the G. O. I, for a consideration. If the plan seem feasible to the chairman he ' sends The visitor to Secretary Coolldge , to arrange the details or report on ' them. Chairman Taggart, on the , f Other side, has chosen to have nil j such visitors referred first to Hecre I tory Woodson, who must puss on them before they reach the throne room. An hour spent with Secretary Woodson or wtlh Chairman Cortel-' you will furnish not only ample en tertainment to the onlooker, but will reveal vistas of tragedy and comed uutmngined In the workaday world. A novelty, requiring the outlay of I J5HO.0IIO was proposed to the demo cratic committee by n leading job printer of the United States. His ar gument was to put u concise demo im tin nrrnmpnt nil millions of trolley . I car transfer slips, which would be given gratis to the leading street rail way systems throughout the United States. The agent submitted statis tics, showing that the average street ' car patron rode several blocks before surrendering his transfer and would be sure to read and mentally digest the tabloid literature printed on Its surface. Despite his threat to offer that novelty to the rlvnl committee. Secretary Woodson courteously turn ed the transfer scheme down with the remark that It was too much of a j give-away. Perhaps the potency of cartoons ! will have never had such u trial as during this campaign. Up at repub lican headquarters several cartoonists have been engaged to caricature the enemy, and each cartoon will appear simultaneously In till the leading re publican organs of the country. As some 350 of these cartoons will be launched at the enemy, this Item alone will approximate $30,000 or j J35.000. ' Well ventilated, neat and com fortable rooms, good beds. Bar In connection, where the best goods are served. Main street, center of block, be tween Alta and Webb streets. One of the most expensive Items In the campaign, next to the cost of spellbinder oratory. Is the printing and stationery bills. For this each campaign committee will this year spend JEOO.OOO. The number and size of the documents sent nut have Increased with each campaign until It Is expected that the Parker and Roos evelt managers will mall no less than 100.ntiO.noo documents of various sorts combined to further the respect ive candldtes. A great many of these are matters of congressional record and are franked, but Uncle Sam will be many thousand dollars richer In his postofftce department when the returns are received In November. Hut more than half of the money spent by both national and state com mittees will reach the pockets of the campaign orators. During the next 10 weeks democratic doctrines will be preached by RO00 political evangelists who will get their cues from national campaign headquarters. As many. If not more, will march forth under the lloosevelt banner. In addition to these 10 full regiments of spellbinders the various stnte committees of both sides will muster CO. 000 more, making a grand nrmy of 60.000 speakers sav ing the nation on the stump. Among the captains of democratic oratory who have enlisted to cham pion the- Parker cause are John G. Carlisle. William J. Bryan, Judson Harmon. Hoke Smith, Melville E. In giills. General Patrick A. Collins, Charles A. Hamlin. Senator Joseph W. Hulley, Senator John W. Daniel, W. Bourke Cochran, Charles A. Towne. David B. Hill, Senator E. W. Carmack. John Sharp Williams, Jus. H. Eckels, Senator William J. Stone. Champ Clark, Edward M. Shepard and Carter Harrison. Some of the more Important and best known orators are paid as much as $250 a week and expenses for their services. Still others donate their time to the cnuse, while the average cost per head In this means of adver tisement Is between $5 and J100 a week and expenses. Speakers In the employ of the state committees will average less, hut some JS, 000,000 will be spent by the national and local committees for oratorical fireworks. Another Item of expense will be the ubiquitous campaign button, of which millions will be distributed by both committees In addition to millions of lithographic portraits, banners and flags, ranging from the abbreviated buttonhole variety to the huge affairs which are big enough to blanket the greatest elephant thnt ever trumpeted in fact and fable. ftlHOPOM Raises the Doush Bread, cakes, pastry and biscuits made with Crescent Egg Phosphntc Baking Powder are made more wholesome and nourishing by the addition of the wheat phosphatesand made lighter besides. Crescent raises and never falls and leaves no deposll of Rochelle salts, lime, ammonia, etc., in the food. Sold Everywhere 25c If you nre Interested la A Painting, sec us.. Our Ua, A ACADEMY BOARDS STRETCIIEns BRUSHES ARTISTS' SABLES BLEXBEIIS SKY BRUSIMS COLORS Wo nuiko a specialty ol trtai Ing pictures. Xcwcst stock J iriiuicH. C. C. SHARP Opera House niock. EXPECTS SMALL RECEIITS. F. X. SCHEMPP PROPRIETOR. Bread That pleases the taste. That Is wholesome. That Is sanitary. That Is full weight. That Is always good. That is always fresh. That Is the BEST. THE MODEL BAKERY New and Sanitary. New Martin Building, Webb Street. Telephone 2001 Main. Ask your jrrocer for MODEL BREAD. Cattle Haider Glc-s Hciimiuk for Light Hun or Cattle.' "I notice that there has been some surprise expressed at the yards that receipts of western range cattle did not sltow a sharp Increase as soon as j the strike was settled." said a gentle ) man who is heavily Interested both In , banking and cattle raising and who I desires to have his name withheld for , obvious reasons, says the Drovers' I Journal. "It is no very great surprise to me. I however, and I am of the opinion thnt receipts of range cattle will be disap pointedly small this fall unless there Is a very material Improvement In prices. What makes me think so? 1 "Well, for one thing, I have been J In a position for the past three I months to lenrn what cattle men want and what they are getting. When It ! became apparent several weeks ago that prices were likely to be very low this fall there was a general desire expressed to hold the cattle over to next year, at least a good share of the younger steers. "Application was made to bankers .and commission men to extend loans. und while It was not so easy to have this done early In the, season, money I li.is been getting easier right along and during the Kist several weeks cattle men who hud reasonably good I eeurlt hud little difficulty In seeur , lug what accommodations they need ! ed. "You will notice there has been very little complaint from cattle men that they are being crowded for money loaned which Is a very unus ual circumstance, at this time, and es pecially so in view of the fact that this is a presidential year. "That Is what makes me think there will be no deluge of western range cattle this fall." Money that talks does little else. Money that whispers re-echoes where least expected. Money that acts might save many a broken heart from n sui cide's grave. Truly Great Bargains Shoes Going at the Lowest Prices Ever Known in the History of Pendleton The Great involution Sale I- on and goods nre moving rnpld ly. 820,000 Stock to lie closed out at the curliest imsslhle ilute. This Is a genuine closing out sale or the entire stock, us the firm or Dlndinger, WIImhi & Co. has by mutual ugrecnicnt decided to dissolve. Don't hesitate hut conic to our stun und see for yourself. Sec the shoes und get our prices. The goods hue got to move und low prices nre mining them. Dmdinger, Wilson Co. Good SIiir". Cheaper Than Eer. COAL LET US FILL YOUR BIN WITH Rock Spring Coal Recognized as the beat and most economical fuel. We are prepared to con tract with you tor your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. MAIN STREET. NEAR DEPOT. NEW MEXICAN LA .Ml IS HIGH. INSURANCE. Fire, Life and Accident. JOE ELL Colorado Fcttlci Will Ilaio to Pay 1'iiucy Prices for Their Uimbs. Auent the Colorado lamb feeding proposition this winter P. H. Heeland of Las Animas told the St. Joseph Stockyards Journal man a few days ago: "It Is not a question of alfalfa with us, for we have a crop that is going a ton und a half to three tons for the three cuttings, nnd, from nil reports, Nebraska nnd Kansas have good ylelils of that hay. The price of corn Is not worrying us to any extent, for we are confident that we can lay It In at around 75?7Sc per hundred weight. It Is the high price that western flockmnaterg are asking for their feeders thut is giving us no lit tle thought. "They .know well enough thnt they are the only ones who have the goods this season, and ij looks us though if we want the stuff we will have to bid up for It. Several of our feeders have lately been in New Mexico In search for feeding lambs, but they re turned empty handed. They say the crop there fell off two-thirds; Colora do's lamb crop dropped down 10 to IS per cent and the usual number of lambs In tho west was not realized. "It looks very much as though wo .wl!l,lv$3to..dg(jjp8heckles to the 4 Money Saved Is Money Earned IF YOU BUY A BUGGY OR WAGON, OR A FARM IMPLEMENT BECAUSE IT IS CHEAP, IT OFTEN PROVES TO BE VERY EXPENSIVE ECONOMY, AS IT TURNS OUT TO EE CHEAPEf. IN QUALITY THAN IN PRICE. I DO NOT PRETEND TO COMPETE WITH THE "CHEAP JOHN" OUTFITS FROM THE EAST WHO ARE HERE TODAY AND GONE TOMORROW, AND WHO UN LOAD SOME CHEAP ARTICLE ON YOU AND ARE NOT HERE TO MAKE IT GOOD WHEN THE PAINT WEARS OFF AND IT PROVES ITS SHODDINESS. I AM HERE TO STAY. I WILL CHARGE YOU A REASONABLE PRICE AND GUARANTEE MY GOODS TO BE AS REPRESENTED. IN FACT, I WILL NOT CARRY CHEAP, SHODDY GOODS, BECAUSE I EXPECT YOUR TRADE THIS YEAR AND EVERY YEAR. TO KEEP FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS IN THE IMPLEMENT BUSINE8S THE ONLY WAY IS TO' SELL GOODS THAT ARE A CONSTANT RECOMMENDATION TO YOUR STOCK. GOODS THAT WILL STAY BY YOU AND IN THE END SAVE YOU MONEY, YOUR TIME AND YOUR PATIENCE. A GLANCE OVER THE FOLLOWING LIST WILL PROVE .THAT I AM HANDLING ONLY THE BE8T GRADES OF IMPLEMENTS AND MAY 8UGGE3T sdMETHING YOU ARE IN NEED OF. ALL I A8K OF YOU IS TO COME IN AND COMPARE THE "QUALITY" OF MY GOODS AND PRICES WITH WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN PAYING ELSE.VHERE AND I KNOW I WILL GET YOU FOR A CUSTOMER. I HANDLE THE CELEBRATED HODGE HEADER8, BINDERS, RAKES AND MOWERS. THE CHAMPION REAPER. THE CELEBRATED RACINE BUGGIES AND HACK8. THE OLD RELIABLE BAIN WAGONS. WHEN ANOTHER DEALER TELLS YOU HIS WAGON IS JUST AS GOOD AS THE BAIN WAGON IT 18 A TRIBUTE TO THE SUPERIORITY OF THE BAIN. SUPERIOR DRILLS Superior of all Drills. THE HAINE8HOUBER HARVESTER Said to be far and away the Best Combined Harvester on the market. WASHINGTON DOUBLE DI8K WEEDER. THE WELL KNOWN CANTON AND FLYING DUTCHMAN PLOWS, AND GANG PLOW8. THEN THERE 18 A H08T OF OTHER THINGS I ALWAYS HAVE IN STOCK OUCH AS AXLE GREA8E AND LUBRICATING OIL8, WAGON JACKS, DOUBLE TREES AND SINGLE TREES WHIPS AND WHIP 8TOCK8, MONKEY WRENCHE8, BOLTS, VALVE 8, BABBITT WHEELBAR ROWS, BLACKSMITH TOOLS, RUBBER HOSE FOR WATER TANKS, AFRICAN WATER BAQB BELTING AND LACINO ArlD OTHER ARTICLES. I AM HERE TO DO BU8INE88 AND TO GET YOUR BUSINESS AND KEEP IT. YOU WILL FIND THAT I WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY YOU CAN GET IN TOWN. COME AROUND AND INVESTIGATE. FRED WEBER r. SUCCESSOR TO UMATILLA IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Corner Cort ami Thompson Streets THE DUST Tlmt got Into your wntcli dm summer Is doing the little i much harm. Now U the tin tdl It cleaned, oiled and put. In! another year. We would lite t the work for you it will htl right. GLENN WTNSLO? JEWELER AND OPTOM Postoffleo niock. I Good ;DryW 2 ALL KINDS I have good, sound woodtJ is delivered at reajoaiKtl . prices J FOR CASH. : W. C. MINI I.eavo Drilnrs nt Xfl Cigar Store. KNOCKED THE STUrfll and broke it Into Plnter i- .i. int nf vour cam" ln( hv Bom- ll who run .p. "there Is balm in Gllead, cj pleasure in knowing -j you can have it made oa Fi We do nil kinds oi c"'""jJ and blacksmltmng " . . - Ve set 1 superior nuiiin" s hydraulic pressure, d' J does it wnue you -or deface your whefJ tne. lire oi ine ,. ,nru iv have WlnoBJ hacks and buggies, and . line engines. Tlio Hlacksni1111! FRUITS The finest that UUU. ,. Bon Rons nml S"" Always fresh. THE CABtf Onndles. Soda, W and Fruit In sea"1- . J 200 Court St., -r VATJG worn r" j, IWM av- - p n DJ All water wed" absolutely VM to I m be thi J.i In, Jr. b5 mi mo ntl IThu oft 1T01 only in II ! Great I oa- cx H..ced lireat I "Mon frit tin P an Fo: i Thi offers creasi real rich, ty In Hon. We all de locallt Proper Con rty t. you to. llnj rt W.I (Sot Insn Jlortja 0P A am Hade Lin Saad, u ( In "Stre I1.U in AS .