EIGHT eight HACK SUICIDK IX ENGLAND. BAHiY EAST ORECOXIAX, PEXDIiETOV, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTESIIlEn 27, tOOi. PAGE FOUR. AN INDEPENDENT XEWSPAPBR. Published crerr afternoon (except Sunday, at IVndloton, Oregon, by the EAST OKEGOXIAX rUBIJSIlING COMPANY. SCnSCKUTION UATES. 0tly, one year, by mall $5.00 Dally, sUc months, by raall 2J10 Dally, three months, by mall 1.23 Dally, one month, by mall......... .50 Dally, per month, by carrier. ... .! Weekly, one year, by .mall l..0 Weekly, all months, by mall....... .73 Weekly, four months, by mall .00 Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall..... 2.00 Semi-Weekly. six months, by mall... 1.00 Semi-Weekly, three months, by mall.. .30 Uember Kcripps-UcIUe News Association. The East Oregonlan is on sale at B. D. Rich's News Stands at Hotel lMrtland and Hotel Perkins, Portland. Oregon. San rrancUco tlarean. -JOS fourth St Chicago Korean. 00 Security ltnlldlnc. Washington, D. C llurean. 501 14th St S. W. Telephone Main 11. Entered at lendleton postofflee as second- class matter. uhioki.)lbeO Could I but teach man to be- lieve Could I but make small men to prow! To break frail spider-webs that weave About their thews and bind them low! Could I but sing one son? and slay Grim Doubt; I then could go my way In tranquil silence, glad, serene And satisfied from off the scene! But. ah! this disbelief, this Doubt This doubt of God, this doubt of good, The damned spot will not blot out! Joaquin ilil'er. At the time of the Boer war It was discovered In Englnnd that a large proportion, about 60 per cent of the population, were physically unfit. The showing attracted much atten tion and parliament appointed a com mittee to Investigate It This com mittee's report, made recently, goes Into causes and remedies. Among the causes of physical de terioration which It enumerates, are over-crowding, pollution of the n mosphere. unhenlthful conditions of employment, alcoholism, depletion of . rural districts by the exodus of the beat types, diminished rate of repro- ductlon among the better classes, bud ' and Insufficient food and bad condi tions attending the life of children such as heredltnry taint employment of mothers too long before and too soon after childbirth, decrease In breast feeding, defective milk supply parental Ignorance and neglect. The remedies proposed are a better school system, medical inspection of school children, more adequate nour ishment of children, prevention of risks of contamination during child hood and youth, less Juvenile smoking and better care of the children's eyes, ears and teeth. Judging by the very prevalent drunkenness in England on holidays or during national celebrations. It would seem that insufficient weigh, had been laid on this feature of Eng lish life. "When animal fanciers wish to stunt the growth of puppies they feed them diluted alcohol. 'CAtmort Sm trtttc Ibctuebearsjl The Knoxvllle wreck on the South- ' ern railway happened too late for the i afternoon papers of Saturday to get 1 anything but the barest facts. The ; morning papers which were printed j 1-i hours after can claim no credit for i giving the details first It was r I marknble that the afternoon ppe-s " w i gave even the slightest mention of i . . on Saturday. Papers receiving the Tom "Watson onened his eamuini afternoon Associated Press repo-ts in Texas by knocking down a negro omchman at Houston. Uncle Sam says it's all right Uncle Sam, in the person of ten of his government officials, is always in charge of every am'nt our distillery. During the entire process of distillation, after the whiskey is stored la barrels in our warehouses, during the seven years it remains mere, iruui i t, whiskey you get. Uncle Sam is constantly on the watch. We dare not take a gallon of our own whiskey from our own warehouse unless he says it's all right. And when he does say so. that whiskey goes direct to you. with all its nSf ,f .JTEE flavor, carrying a UNITED STATES REGISTERED DISTILLER'S GUARANTEE of PURITY and AGE. and saving the dealers' enormous profits. That s why Hitn WHISKEY is the best for medicinal purposes. That's why it Is preferred for other uses. That's why we have over half a million satisfied customers. That s why OU should try it. Your money back If you're not satisfied. Direct from our distillery to YOU Sivts dealers' prtfits. Prevents adultcraiian. HAYNER WHISKEY 4.FULL QUARTS 'A EXPRESS CHARGES MID PY US. flllD ftCCCD We will send von FOUR FULL QUART BOTTLES ol HAYNER (11)11 UrrCil SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE for $4.00, and we will pay the express charges. Try It and if you don't find it all right and as good as you ever drank -or can buy from anybody else at any price, then send it back nt our expense and your 54.00 will be returned to you by next mail. Just think that offer over. How could it be fairer? If you are not perfectly satisfied, you are not out a cent. Better let us send you a trial order. We ship in a plain sealed case, no marks to show what's inside. A Hayner quart is an honet quart of 33 ounce. to the ellon. All other high-grade wbiskiM are put up In bottles that take 5 to make a gallon. V,e give one-fourth more In every bottle, really reducing our price Just that much. LET US SUPPLY YOC Wjj Building Material Dimension lumbor ... I scrlptlons, Sash. Dnn- 1 Moulding. Building and Tm I IlItlXG YOUIt KILL To xw.aj MCA ulu nGcntx. Grays Ha?feor Commercial Co, Opposite W. & C. It. Depot. tons ' (rave two lines on the wreck Serlppji-McRae gave 12 lines. THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY 453 ST. PAUL. MINN. ST. LOUIS, HO. DAYTON, O. ATLANTA, UA ESTABLISHED 1886 DISTILLERY TROY. 0. Stationery neat If you want something and stylish we lune It. It you want a scratch pad, I wc liave it; In fact wc have the J MOST COMPLETE. STOCK T nnd the ""'H FINEST ASSORTMENT , ever sho'vn In U1I3 vicinity. Brock & McComas Company Washington's grain Inspection tew! Judging from the succes or fn somewhat resembles Oregon's Sunday '. woolarowere' recent meeting a- Shu' -ehMinfr hw. It is simply an "orna-! ,ko- ,vr "" Orepon wool will l ment' on the statute. Pendleton would much rather wait oa ears for the shipment of products than to have empty cars waiting on Pendleton with lesa products to ship. fold outside of the pool next season It has taken a long time for the splrr of unionism to reach the trade of wool pro wing. usness I TPFTH 1 hire nied your TaobI CaicirH and find thca p-erfe t Cca.Jn I dc wliho-ii tnn 1 ! laid fr icd tin for in4ixIlon and toll tout Dei sod o now comp.iir ard Hoia isBd ittm to Tryone Uoe lrid joa will nTr tr- wna-ut tnna in tb I mUj Edward A Marx Albany N.T. Some people think the principal use , ne of tne more sentionaI feat ...... , . ures of the musical department .i- of the telephone is .to give them anjte fiu faJr ,s lmmmse opportunity to say thlncs at a distance . extraordinary organ ih Festival h;.i. that they wouldn't say at close range, j the largest of it kind In existence The instrument Is said to be raiubl of producing more than T7.nfn.n0" distinct tonal effects, and ar. Int--esting computation results in the astounding cocnlu.sion that if one of these combinations were produced every' minute, the listener might hear ja continuous organ performance that Judge Ellis' court is turning out J would last 32.600 years, divorces constantly, while Cupid and j Tne Instrument is 63 feet long. r. -i. -r . , , . . . feet high, and 33 feet deep. Its larg- he Pendleton ministers are doing but , ... est pipe is 3: feet long, and there arc little in the match-making line to i40 stops. Other Interesting details offset it. The equilibrium must be ! are given concerning the organ's ljn analntalned somehow. t miles of electric wire. Its 1100 mag- j nets, and Its four motors aggregating Pendleton can't afford to lose an i 23 '2 hors Power. .Numerous organists of distinction Best For The 5owels Good iiluiuliliig I- ninny the cheapest. It hns th lnstlng quali ties. It ave-i jou repair lillli. Alunys entrust your work to thorough, rvll.ilik' and competent plumbers. Our force Is made up of the best sporlcncetl workmen. Strict attention paid to Sanitary features of work. jour w ork. LET CS GIVE YOC riGlltES V We quote right prices nnd do only the best work. The tired ears of the mayor and council are to get no rest. The saloon piano Is silent, but the sweet revelry of the vaudeville voice and trumpet haunt the midnight hour. CJJi err CATHARTIC PlMitnt Piliublt potent TaiUOood.DoOood. KTrSicn Wkn or Gripe IH e Uc Ntt old to lis k Th genain Ibl41 lUniptd CCC 0akTftnM4 lo ear or your maner back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or K. Y. tea ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES I Goodman-Thompson Co IIAItDWAItE AM) I'MTiUICVG. Telepln.ii6 611. CIS Slain Street. TIIC i i:nsivc. M) III VUVO rcitE ron Catarrh CATARRH Industry. The Rlgby-CIove harvester -factory must be kept here. Just now, have given recitalr on this remarka ble instrument, among them th when ample electric power Is at the Frenchman, Alexandre Gullmant Elv's Cr-am Balm Ijr and piquant EXQUISITE MILLINERY The most complete and up-to-date line of fashionable millinery at popular prices ever shown In Pendleton, Is now on display at my store. I have the largest stock this season I have ever carried. Wits, Rose Campbell is at the beginning of Its best busi ness period.' The same Intrepid business men ii. a? lontaln no threshold of the city, there Is greater ! the most eminent of living organists: , ,r t, qnlfkiT ab. reason for keeping it. because the city I P'Tr ",rat' "';.P"rer' of Je lbtt!.. "'r" T. ! dy. Gerrlt Smith. F. L. Realy. of Xew fl?J2? pT COLD 'N HEAD i York and others. EverA bodv'fl Mac- Aliam Indjimrnaiion. ' mina HfflU and nrotwrts th? mmbrao. Uff me ui iuir nun niuit, lmih, hIi. ro rmta at ilr opitIji t or br raalL who are now Investigating the plans) Mt. Vesuvius Is ntlll In violent I Trial ill 10 cents, by mat! of the Rlgby-CIove factory brought I eruption and tourists are still fleeing BLVHUOTIIBIW, S6 w.rret. Street. New ... . , irurn me vicinity, the factory here In the first place. The same -men brought the wool scouring mills, the woolen mills and other valuable institutions here. The same men can now keep them here, if they have he co-operation of the ausiness men In the community. 1 : a E Louis Fletechmann. the New York "baker who "established the practice - of giving away every night, the unsold bread of the ,'day's business. Is dead He established the "bread line" in New York, and deserves more praise than the man -who Invented the dum dum bullet, the 13-Inch gun, or th submarine. However, he will not be .honored with a government monu- iment. There need 'be no fear of offend ing any moderate class of people In the community by completing the antl-prohlbltipn organization tonight Even the extreme prohibitionist whose money Is Invested in Pendleton and whose whole Interest Is centered here, does not ilsh to see sudden pro hibition precipitated on the county. There Is need of better conditions, but they can be brought about slowly, and the business interests protected. The Sunday Oregonlan says the jreat Injustice vof the coming election s thdt democrats are allowed to vote n the .North 'while republicans are lenled that privilege In the Soutlu "l may also be .remarked along this ine that the party that bestowed the ranchlse on the negro has been una 1. with all ltsrwiadom, .and almost nmterrupted sway since the war, to take the negro any more fit to vote day than he was 40 years ago. There are a great many hungry hearted women who would attend a baby sale .if babies were ever offered for sale, became there are a creat many wives who love children ana have been told by physi cians that they can never hope to nurse a child of their own. Some of these women who have ued Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for the cure of womanly ills have been made happy mothers as a result of the cure of womanly disease and the building up of the general health. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well. It establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflamma tion and ulceration and cures female weakness. I wrote to too Kmc time ago to get informa tion about mrcae.iay Mr. lary le FUn ry, of Drjrdea. Va. M wa troubled with female weakoeaa and ,piru. Recti red anawcr from rod. adiUinr me to take Doctor Merort PaTorkc Preacriptioa and Golden Medical OU coKir,' J took two bottles of 'favorite Pre aerlptbra' and found it did me good. I laJ been married four year and badno children: now I can tar that our bouae U bleated with a little baby boy. born July kXh. by toe htlp.of Cod and your medicine. I praUeyour mtdiane bi?You can publUh thU letter If yon wUb," Free. Dr, Pierce's Common Sense Medical AdvUcr is sent free oa receipt of stamps to pay cxpenae of inallingimy. Send ai one-cent sumps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth bound volume. Addresa Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, K. Y. O SPICES, o COFFEE.TEA, BAKIttf POWDER, FUVORNiG EXTRACTS' AtoltifeHrfy. fmeshflavor. .Oreaitfri.t5owilc Prices CLQ5SETDtvHR5 PORTLAND, ORECOM. All the latest books of the day. : Frederick Nolf & Co. : "In the Blshop'sCarrlage," "When Wilderness Was king." "The Corner In Coffee." "The Woman Wins:" "Order No. 11." "The Grafters." "The Gordon Elopement-" . vqid George Graham"."'"' " " "Four Itoads to Paradise." And SO others. MONTERASTELLI BROS. Marble and Granite Works Anyone Intending to secure a monument tor headstone for relative or friend will do well to see us. Largest collection to select from. Lowest prices. MONTERASTELLI BROS. . . New Stone Building, Court Street, .next to Domestic Laundry. Per M!t, S5.00; gold croum, 51.00; (.liver filling, .10c; ci tructlng. oPc. We are thoroughly e ,ulpp4 with all modern methods and appliances, and guarantee our work to be of the highest stand ard, and our prices the Ijwert consistent with first-clas work. White Bros. DcutNts. Association Block Telephone Main IflGl. Oregon Portland St. Helen's Hall A GIRLS SCHOOL OF THE HIGH EST CLASS corps of teachers. loca tion, building, equipment the best Send for catalogue. Opens September 15, 1904 - " - Sr- 1 The f Hotel Cruise First-class la every particular. Modern In all appointments. ' Splendidly furnished throuebout Service the very best. The Hotel Cruise Is located at the corner of Webb and, Cot tonwood atreots In a new building built especially for hotel ' pur poses. Each room is large and comfortable, belns well llffaUd and well ventilated. In furnishing this hotel, the best of every thing was purchased, and attention has been given to the artis tic effect tu .wpll-aa comfort. The .Hotel Cruise is .a model place .for lodgers, traveling men and citizens who seek a flrat-claec plaee where rates are not high, "Cafe, in connection. Short orders served at alt times. j ELATERITE IS MINERAL RUBBER We properly temper UXor, each particular climate. Then, upon a 'Jute canvass we build up a fire, water and acid proof roofing material, with a ground mica surface and a wool felt paper dry sheet or backing. We'll lay the goods, or you can. It you have to use a roof, we can tell you some mighty Interesting things. They will prevent your pocket book from shriveling up. "Write us. The Eiaterit(Roofiag Co., r Worcester Block, Portlaml, Orego WATER TANKS We, make-ia specialty of bulldlnl round or square WATER TANKS Also .header beds, all sizes M kinds. We make them right and they always give satisfaction. Our vott la never slighted or botched. .Pcidteton FlaiiflgMHl aid Lumber Yard ROBERT FORSTXZJ, Proprietor. Comer Webb and College. The French j Restaurant j Prlrate Dining Parlors. " """""" , Best 25 Coat Meal la the City. J a XSeaaat Furatjslied Rooms la v Connection. GUS UFONTAINE, Prop- j MS Mala Street- Wc Ii totted nt jo pewi"- Ibnopi det. A roi E ct in" 1 let u IsiuUtrial ider. ( ttiitsrs . da cotton