page rotm. DAILY EAST OnEOONIAX, rENTHjETON, OREGON, II IIAV, SKPTKMIUMt 2.1, 1001. AX INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. inibllslifd every afternoon (except Sunday) nt Pendleton, Oregon, by the east okehonian PimusiiiNG COMPANY. HL-llSOItHTIOX 1SATUS. uany, otic year, liy mail 00 Dully, six mouths, by mall ' pally, three months, tiy mall JJally, obu month, by mull no t1 aiumu, ny carrier tin healthful, helpful nnd necessary, long ns nut cnrrletl to extremes, nor miulo a means of dishonest nntl ills graceful contests for money. Th same sports can bo ilebaucheil by so colled profeslonal bullies whose chle tin is to win, no matter by what mewiou. innocent sports of the school ;e.k!y' one 'ix,r' by mall l.flt) J.j'r. lx month, by mall 7.- Uly. four months, by mall fit) gem Weekly, one jwr. by mall 2.00 Sem .wkly. six months, by mall... 1.00 Seml.yteekly. three months, by mall.. .30 Member Scrlppa-Mcllne News Association. The Ivast Oreponlun is ou sale at It. It. Hlehs News stands nt lintel Portland and uotel l'erklns, Portland, Oregon. San Franclco lturcau. -(OS Fourth St. (.hlcapj IlitrMU. 000 Security llullillnc. jj tdiigtou, V. C, llureau, 501 HtU St., Telephone Main 11. Entered at 1'emlleton pmtofflce ns second class matter. How 1 have loveil It all! Dawn, tremulous, white; Strong splendor of noon, the fall s Of evening nnd night. Snow when the year began; Hose-beauty of June: Torrents that shouting ran. Ilroad rivers' low rune. The call of the ancient deep. The strength of the hills; Sweet, hushed valleys sleep, The long street that fills With Infinite noise of life. The work and the rest: Joy, grief, effort and strife ' And love's holy iiuest! Muster, good thanks I give That life was so worth! S. H. Kemper in Everybody's. gymnasium can he reduced to ills graceful slugging matches, and when they are so degraded, should be stop ped, but clean athletics, in modern won, snouid never be discouraged but should be elevated and so nur rounded with clean Influences that n self-respecting man need be ashamed of his connection with them. Parent and teachers nnd patrons of school can keep athletics clean by attending games, and encouraging the partlcl pants In making the gridiron and th tiiamomi fit places for mothers and sisters to visit. Xobody upholds the "profeslonal" slugging match. Hut don't condemn the clean sports. They are part of the young man's training. A PRIZE TOMATO. To supply nine persons possessed o'f neaitny appetites with sufficient sliced tomatoes from one tomato was the feat performed by .Mrs. Joshua J. W, Shockley, the wife of one of the round sergeants of the Western district, last Sunday at her home, 1937 Harlem aenue. And the tomato which as sisted so materially In appeasing the appetites of Sergeant and Mrs. Shock ley, their family and guests was Plucked from a vine in their yard. It weighed Just 22 fe. ounces and measur ed a little over IS inches in circum ference. The slices numbered about JO and filled two good-sized bowls. ine vine from which the remurk- auie vegetable was plucked was set out on June 22 by Mrs. Shockley and was one of a number that had been cultivated earlier in the season by her husband. There are still 16 tomatoes on the vine, most of them unusually large, but none as large as the one used last Sunday, which was the first to be picked from that vine. Baltimore Sun. The Oregonlan says that under a I "erusty exterior" Henry Weiuhord j hid some excellent traits. The world lws only received the Oregonian's word for this. It Judges the man by HAM' I'lMSIIint EDUCATION. j It seems almost incredible, and yet tile Spokesman-Itevlew asserts that nine children out of 100 coninletc the thw crusty exterior always In view. I 12 years' course of free public instruc tion offered them, and two-thirds of The Russians are offering 46 shil ling Pr ton for coal delivered in Port Arthur. This includes the uc csMKful running of the blockade now maintained by the Japanese. If mime the school children do not oven com-' plete the study of the common brunches. We will wager that If the Review looks farther Into the ques tion they will discover that many of the pupils have been hurried off to IiIVESTOCK EXPORT TRADE. A brisk foreign trade In livestock has been done so far this yenr. The bulk of It has been In cattle, largely owing to the cheapness of American beer which has stimulated exporting. August saw cattle, hogs and sheep to the value of $2,937,7fi2 sent out. the heaviest export movement for that month since 1901. For the eight ex pired months of the year, exports of cattle, hogs and sheep are $28,821 -113. the henvlest In recent years, as these figures show; 1899 J20.H2.IO8 1900 20. 941, Slid 1901 21.713 JOS 2 16.752.C12 1903 24,81S.9.r.l 19 28.S21.112 It Is significant, however, that ex ports of provisions show a decrease, the figures for tie expired eight months being but J97.3S3.445. which Is the smallest In six years past. Cattle exports for August were 47 -30S head, valued nt J2.S04.017. against 37.23B head, valued at J2.B70. 261 In August. 1903. For thn lilit months ending August, 362, 4S1 cattle, were exported, having a value of $27, 2S0.0C0, against 302.869. vnluml nt ! J23.S44.C36 World. year ago. Livestock s JMge leer bottled exclusively at the Brewery Purity, Flavor, Solid, Creamy Foam, Clean Taste, and Brilliancy, the points of excellence contained in A. B. C. BEER, mark it as the otif perfect beer brewed. The American Browing Co., St. Louis, U. S. A. CSO. DARVEAU, Wholesale Dealer. EXQUISITE MILLINERY The most complete nnd up-to-date line of fashionable millinery at popular prices ever shown In Pendleton, Is now on display at my store. I have the largest stock this season I have ever carried. Mrs Rose Campbell BYERS' BEST FLOUR Is miulo from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread Is assured when IJjers' Host I'lonr Is used.. Ilrnn, shorts, steam rolled barley always on hand, PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS . S. DYERS, Proprietor. daring veael would only volunteer to academies and other schools In larger run the blockade Into Eastern Ore- , c",es w,m hlul not lmlf completed the course in tneir uome scunois and , gun and deliver coal at this price, the bctaaxuered Inhabitant would great ly rejoice. Hiding nt ease In his tourist ear, with all the luxuries of the home and club nt hand, the traveler can now get the latest telegraphic bulletins on the swiftly speeding Harrlman mil us. No more radical development has ever been made In railroad travel that the departure of the Union Pacific, in furnishing Its patrons the dally news from bulletins delivered on pas senger trains. The wireless telegraph gave the dally newspaper to the grey hounds of the sea the unfolding of facilities has given the hourly news bulletin to the greyhound trains of the Harrlman system. What will be the next startling innovation of civil ization? Where next will the mind of the 20th century man set an out post in the realm of progress? would be much better fitted fur life's duties had they taken full advantage I of the opportunities offered at home ' before going abroad. This course of procedure leads many to conclude that the home schools are not up to the standard, when such is not the case. The Dalles Chronicle. In the fall of l8o?I'Contraetl tlmt ful disease. Blood Poison. It Mined such headway that I was forced to resign my position and seek relief at Hot Springs. After spending all the means I had I went to Memphis. In less than three weeks 1 was in a hospital, and after nine weeks ol suffering I was discharged as cured. In less than a month everv bone in mv bodv ! seemed to be affected and felt as it they would break at the least exertion. Again I was compelled to resign, and I returned to the hospital for a seven weeks stay. When I came out I was advised to trv farming. When I first went ou the farm I prevailed on the onlv firm who handled drugs to get me one dozen bottles of S. S. S. At that time both of my hands were i broken out with blisters and I was covered I with boils and sores. In the meantime mv druggist had gotten two dozen bottles ol S. S. S. for me and I began its use, and after taking the thirteenth bottle not a sore or boil was visible. U. 11. Iowi!r,i, East 9th St., Little Rock, Ark. Of all human diseases. Contagious Blood Poison is the most hideous and hateful. The victim is tortured with eatinir ulcers. cores and abscesses, unsightly blotches. eruptions ami other symptoms ot the mis- erable disease. S. S. S. has leen used """""iiimni successfully for nearly fifty years foi - Contagious lllood Poison. It con. tains no mercury, potash or other mineral. Ourhomi treatment book gives all the symp toms of this dis ease. Medical ad vice free. The Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, G& ouiiQini Mate, Dimension lumber,, I ah, D00r. Moulillntr. nitii.ii imixc. Youn nirr,. AND fJITT OUIt net Gays Hail Commercial I Opposlto W. &C.TLi Station If jou want somctJ mill stjlMi mo have It, I If you Ullllt n we have It; In fct i MOST COMPMjrn STOCK and the FINEST ASSORTMENT ever shown in tliU tldi Brock & McC CompanJ I Mtmwtini 11 'll'ultll ijOSTETTERft ssJT'JnisaV? : CELEBRATED V regulator, this jrt ...111 I... CIIIIillKCN'S SIIiVEU SETS. fW STOMACH g.. firnrERS Universal complaint Is made of the low salaries paid to public suhool toucher. Young men and women who have spent from four to six years and from 12000 to $3000 In complet ing a good education and In fitting themfcils'es for teachers' positions, ore confronted with the problem of meet ing the expenses of living and maln .tulnlug their positions on $."o to $(!0 liar month. Hoard and lodging costs them at luast $30 per month, this and other ne'eusslties consuming almot the vnllre salary. The result Is that many of the best finished teachers of the country aro forsaking the profes sion. Their uducatlon Is a stopping stone to numberless other occupations and they are attracted by better sal aried to wholly unexpected lines of work"; Increased salaries means in creased taxation, but can the commu nity afford to shuke the efficiency of the public school system for the sake of a few mills In taxes? Every other profession Is Increasing In efficiency and the Increased efficiency brings In creased pay. School teaching must, be no exception to this rule. The Salem Journal viciously har poons the BO-culled "Olympian games" now In progress ut the St. Louis fair. It roasts modern athletics of wliatso over form and deplores the tendency of American youth to be "sluggers" and "sports." There Is a sensible, sane middle ground to be occupied on this vital question. All so-called "athletics" Is not wholesome sport and yet somo features of thlB modern school of "athletics" are as necesary as fresh air Itself, In building brain und muscle tissue for the shop-weary, office-cramped slaves. The surround ings and the motive fix the status of all athletic sports. School athletics, including all the field sports, are Hitters will 1m found unequal-' ed. That's why , so many wo men urn it to the exclusion, of nil other remedies. Itj never falls in , cas of Sick lletdjche. Cramps, fUMtiiti, fainlinqSpells, I Bddathe did Indiqestion. Irr a Ucttle Knife, fork and ranted S3 years). spoon (war- -f "aBBBEvWH SI I 111 1 W JNION fIADE, HAND MADE; Clear Havana. A STANDARD FOR QUALITY. CLEANLINESS AND WORKMANSHIP. When you coll foraTRIUMPH.l CI VNN GET IT. Don't accept a substitute, i -1 . mi i - Lin 1 MAKERS. 72c, S1.S0 and $1.05. Frederick Nolf & Co. H n 1Q A V "I H V t U 11? "WW! A f III 1 n "I if t K .1 TAYI.OIt l.eseo and .Malinger. PIONEER BOTTLING WORKS All water used Is sterellzed nnd Is absolutely pure. The best carbonated drinks It Is possible to make. Telephone Main 9S1. ? miit? emmnr. ominr.v ! m in i jiivi tjuiiuwij uui 4. m i 5 STOKE. J ; ...2 3ffin?nTEnTrico!!?S?tS , jj Sptkine. Gen.Agt.DENSMQR TYPEWRITER H X " I TIIKEi; NICSHTS. STAItTINti .MONDAY. SEITK.MIlElt HUTU. Dick Sutton's Big Repertoire Co. 'in People ( Hand and Orchestra. Monday Night "A Kiilued 1,11c." Tik-mIiij "A Pah- or Black nji's." Wtiluvxlit) "Diiuii by the Sen." Specialties, novelties and moving pictures between acts. The great train robbery In moving pictures. Greatest over seen. PKK'lls Klc, 2to and :il)c. Seats oowSiilc nt Tallniiin's .Monday. Sewing Machines Must Go Closing out sale of nil machines on liantl. r0 NEW AND Si:COND-lLND MACHINES. Of all makes and descriptions. Having decided to discontinue hand ling sowing machines, I will close out all machines at less than fac tory price. Drop Head Singer machines, (as good ns new) $25.00 Drop Head Now Home, now 533.00 Other machines warranted lo bow properly nnd giro satisfaction, for $5.(10 and up. JOE BASLER CAUPUrS l'OHNITUKE STOVES. Xow Is the time to order your suits. Just step In nnd examine our line Of fall and winter goods; they're beauts. Kach garment made by our tailor Is fine. Itemember our cutter is an nrtlst nt his blr. Garments we clean, repair and press. Everything finished by us good as new 'tis. Itemember, 120 Court Street, Is the address. N. JOERGER, The Tailor ONI." N I til IT ONI,V TIIPIISDAY, SKITIiMIIKIt 'M. Tlie season's greatest success 44 FOR HER SAKE" A Thrilling Story or l-'ui'-Awiiy Itiit-da. Presented by n company of uniform excellence, mounted with a scenli equipment of rare magnificence anil uenuty. Seats on sale Wednesday, September is at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. The Hotel Cruise First-class In every particular. Modern In all appolntmonta. Splendidly furnished throughout. Service the very best. Tho Hotel Cruise la located nt tho corner of Wobh .and Cot tonwood streets In a now building built especially for hotol pur poses. Each room Is largo and comfortable, bolnj woll Hghtod and woll ventilated. In furnishing this hotel, tho beat ot every thing was purchased, and attention has beon .glvon to tho artis tic offect aj well ns comfort. Tho Hotol Crulso Is a model placo for lodgers, traveling men and citizens who seek a first-class placo whoro ratos aro not high. Cafe In connection. Short orders served at all times. TEE' Per Mil, S3.00; tl. (ill; .-liver filli: tract I ns. 50c. arc thorou?! ' I v.lth all mudcr.i rcetl i. jpllaiiri - anJ gmrJ work to Ik of the hljhl i.rd, and cur rl's '1 ci-iiHlRteir. v.IUi flrsK.l White Br Denim. Association Blu Tclcplnmo Main Oregon St. Helen's A GIRLS SCHOOL I EST CLASS corps of H Hon, building, eaulpm"! Send for catalogue. ' Opens September 15. AT TAN We male, a spcUlffl rouiiu or W WATER T Alsr he - de- beJ ' I kinds. We make ttwM always give MllfUoJ is never slltrlUed or Pendleton Plan and Lumber HoiiGKT i-onsrrP-1 Comer WcW ! The Ftf I Restaul ItCrft -.,t Slel rnvate vW I Elegant Fura Con QUS UF0'Y 033 ....'1