East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 22, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published flTcrr afternoon (except Sunday.
nt Pendleton, Oregon, by tho
Dally, one year, by mall iD.OO
Dally, six months, by mull 'Jt.RO
Dal y, three months, by mall 1.23
Dally, one month, by mall riO
Dally per mouth, by carrier ..-
Week y, one year, by mall l.no
lx , Dy mall 75
Weekly, four months, by mall, HO
Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall i.oo
Bern. Weekly, six months, by mall... 1.00
Beml-W eekly, three months, by mall.. ,60
Member Scrlpps-Mcltae News Association.
r..TJie Orcironlan is on sale nt U. 1J.
tV . , ..ew? Htnnils nt Hotel 1'ortland and
imei i-erKins, i-ortiami, Oregon.
San Francisco llurcati. 408 Fourth St.
Cbtcairo llurp.ni. nnn Sonritr. ii,,n.ti..,.
Washington, D. C, Bureau, C01 Hth St..
.. w.
Telephone Jlaln 11.
Entered at Pendleton postofflce as second'
class matter.
1 know n land where the
streets are paved
With the things we meant
to achieve;
It Is walled with the money
we meant to have sav-
And the pleasures for which
we Brieve.
The kind words unspoken, the
promises broken,
And many a coveted boon
Are stored away there In that
land somewhere
The land of "Pretty Soon."
And. oh. this place, while It
seems so near.
Is farther away thart the
Though our purpose la fair.
yet we never get
The land of "Pretty Soon."
the wild region any nearer to civiliza
tion by sending exploring parties or
building roads across the Impassable
mountains. Yesterday, Hoston cul
tured, st)lf-adulatlng, haughty, edu
cated, refined, resourceful, proud old
Hoston ordered 10 carloads of flour
from this forbidding haunt of snvn-
Kes and wild animals, this Oregon
country which her statesmen shud
dered toithlnk or half u century' ago.
Thus Is the recompense of time made
perfect and the pride of the haughty
made humble In the presence of civi
lization's leveling Influences. The lit
tle snvages crowded In the narrow
cities In New England can now find
free homes, fresh air, broader citi
zenship and wider spheres of useful
ness In this haunt of wild animals
this Inhospitable wilderness of the old
New Englander's dream.
Senntor Fairbanks has not resigned
his senatorial toga and evidently Is
uncertain of his election In Novem
ber. If he 'were certain of election to
the vice-presidency his grip on the
.'senatorshlp would undoubtedly relax.
Oregon must now stop talking
-about "soulless corporations" until
the few private citizens now block
ing the progress of the portage road,
Imitate the example of the O. It. & N.
Company and sell a right of way to
the people at a reasonable price.
School has started and young men
nnd young women from every part
of the country are making a tempor
ary home here. In order to afford
them the greatest possible safety and
the best possible moral atmosphere,
drive out the white shirt hobo. Bus
iness don't depend, on this class of
parasites. They produce nothing, ndd
nothing to the community, except a
.contamination and their presence Is
not needed. It Is not wanted any
where and Pendleton should not be
forced to support the cast-off refuse
of other parts of the world. Drive
out the white shirt hobo. He. Is the
really dangerous specie.
The state Irrigation convention Is
over and now for the national con
gress at El Paso. In November. The
states that show a disposition to aid
the government In making straight
their crooked Irrigation laws, will
stand more chajice of receiving a por
tion of the 2". 000,000 reclamation
fund than the states that remain in
the lethargic condition. Oregon can
get a larger share of this fund by
showing an actual Interest In Irriga
tion. She should liuve one of the
very largest state delegations at El
Paso. It will prove to the govern
ment that the Interest In Irigatlon
here Is not superficial nor selfish.
After pondering over the figures
of the department of commerce and
labor for about a month, the Chicago
-Chronicle has discovered Mr. Wright's
-"average man does not exist," but
that "the standard of living Is better"
than It was a few years ngo. Since
k the beef trust, the coal trust, and the
' hundreds of other trusts have ad
vanced prices to the top notch, the
average man und woman have discov
ered that It costs a great deal more to
keep up the standard of living, and
that present wages and trust prices
are an obstacle that everyone feels.
AH tile sophistry of the partisan sta-
tistlclans cannot gloss over the fact
that .the limited income cannot be
stretched to meet tho demands that
nre mido upon it. High trust prices,
fostered by the unjust tariff, may give
a glamour of prosperity to tho pro
tected Industries, but tho many have
to pay to the prosperous few.
It was n Now Kuglander who
thanked God not more than SO years
ago, that tho barren Pacific Coast was
.as'far removed from the cultured cir
cles of New England as It Is, Ho
said this forbidding region was only
fitted as a haunt for wild animals
nnd savage und that he, for one, In
congress, would never vote to bring
The Dalles Chronicle takes the
East Oregonlan to task for saying
that there Is need of investigation in
now lines of thought In Western
Cities. The Chronicle savs that alone-
the paths of such Investigation lies
the sure road to the Insane asylum
and declares that Western people can
more safely raise wheat nnd alfalfa.
than pursue Investigations In mental
science. Had the world accepted the
advice of the Chronicle, the abori
gines of Europe would now be wear
ing oxhide coats, drinking blood for
breakfast and enslaving each other
as the tide of war changed. And as
for the new world, it would have re
mained hidden from human sight, a
few thousand miles from the barbarl-
un shores. It Is not necessary to
slacken the pace In Industrial mir.
suits to become thinkers nnd Investi
gators. The American masses are not
so weak in mentality that they can
only entertain one thought nt a time.
There is no danger of the wheat raiser
leaving his plow to rust In order to
think and study In the fields of sci
ence. It was the son of a rn 11,11...
maker who sailed westward to reach
the East. It Is the thinker who has
given us the phonograph, telephone,
and other vital necessities of civiliza
tion. The man who Is contented with
the present. Is on dangerous ground.
The American aborigines are content
10 flih and make moccasins. New
thought I UlS lilt JLttmrtlr.il fnf (Itam
Hut is the nroirr nt ,ha ... 1. ' 1 freshing sleep,
left in the keeping of such self-satisfied
slothfulness? The nlarm of the
Chronicle is unfounded. Nobody in
Eastern Oregon has yet traded a
wheat farm for a dreamer's dunce-cap.
A little elbow leans upon your knee,
Your tired knee that has so much'
to bear;
A child's dear eyes are looking lov
ingly From underneath a thatch of tan
gled hair.
You feel the loving, trustful, tender
Of warm, moist fingers, holding
your so tight.
You do jiot prize this blessing over
You are almost too tired to, pray to
, night.
I wonder now that mothers over fret
At little children clinging to thulr
Or that the footprints, when the days
are wet,
Are over black enough to make
them frown.
If I could find a little muddy boot.
Or cap, or Jacket on my chamber
If I could kiss a rosy, restless foot,
And hear It patter in my home once
If I could mend u broken cart today,
lommorrow make a kite to reach
the sXy,
1 here's" 110 woman in Clod's world
could say
sne was more bllssfu J content
than I.
Hut, oh! the dainty pillow next ray
Is never rumpled by a shining
.My singing blrdllng from Its nest has
My little boy I used to kiss Is dead.
Toledo Tlmes-Hee.
Light breaks on the Celllo canal
right of way. The case between the
state anil .the O. It. & N. company
bus been sensibly compromised, on 1
terms satisfactory to both. For a I
fair consideration, agreed to be paid,
the company will not oppose the ca- '
nal. Only one other private owner I
besides I. II. Taffe is to be settled
with, and It Is hoped terms can be
made with him. The Taffe case will
soon be ready to go to the supreme
court, which It may be expected will !
not delay very long in rendering a de-
clslnn. If it should affirm the circuit1
court, and Mr. Seufert can In the
meantime be dealt with, the way will
be clear; the state will have present
ed the government the right of way;
and It can go ahead with the work 011
the canal.
All this is well, yet this fair pros
pect does not obviate the necessity of
building the portage road. Judging
by past performances It will take
eight or 10 years, at least, to dig tho
canal and build the locks; but if it
only takes five or six years, the people
of the Inland Empire cannot afford
to wait even that long for relief.
Oet the right of way for the canal
as (illicitly as possible, but also build
the portage road as soon as possible.
Oregon Dally Journal.
piu:mh;.h o.v choice IjAmiis.
Choice lambs have sold as high as
JO. 35 this week, while on the bulk of
good killers the range has beerr J5
to J5.G0. Wit hfancy stock fetching
a premium of 50 to 75 cents, making
inferior stuff, appears to be poorer
Whenever n load of choice Iambs
shows up, buyers scramble for It. They
attract competition while others are
In the rut.
The untrlmmed lamb Is not good
property on the market. He may
have some extra weight, but the
huyer makes full allowance for It,
Choice, well bred lambs pay; the
other kind frequently lose money.
Livestock World.
A special from St. Joseph, where
the great council of Itedmen. is being
held, says:
"There was animated discussion of
the proposed revision of the laws by
which saloon keepers, bartenders and
liquor dealers nre to be debarred from
membership In the Iledmen. This
amendment was presented by Past
Great Incahono Robert T, Daniel,
chairman of the committee on tho re
vision of tho laws, nnd was adopted
by a safe majority of those present.
"The nmendment also provides that
any member who shnll engage in tho
retail liquor business nfter having
been admitted to the order shall be
liable to suspension."
n.irim. 1903 the United States con
sumed 37,758 short tonB of graphite,
valued at J1.C98,580. About one
seventh of the amount wus mined In
the United States.
A Quart Baby.,
Now and again there is an item in the
newspapers concerning the birth or a
Euny baby so small that a quart cup
olds it comfortably. If the article told
all the Tacts it would probably tell also
of a mother who in weakness and misery
had looked forward to the baby's advent
with shrinking and fear.
To have fine, healthy children the
mother must be healthy, and it is the
common testimony
of mothers that the
use of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescrip
tion not only pro
motes the mother's
health but also
. gives her strength
i to give her child.
" Favorite Pre
scription " accom-
1 plishes these results
by tranquilizing
the nerves, promot
ing a healthy appe
tite, and liivitiir re-
It increases physical
vigor and gives great muscular elasticity,
so that the baby's advent is practically
painless. It is the best of tonics for
nursing mothers.
"I gladly recommend I)r, Pierce's Favorite
lYcsctiptiou," writes Mrs. J. W O. Stephens, ot
Mlla, Northumberland Co.. Va. "Before my
third little bov was born I took six tiottlcs. lie
is the finest child ami has been from birth, ami
I suffered very much lens than I ever lid lwiorc.
I unhcfcitatltiKly advise excctant mothers U
use the Favorite Prescription.
Dr. Pierce now feels fully warranted
in offering to pay 500 in legal money
of the United States, for any case ol
Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolap
sus, or Falling of Womb which he can
not cure. All he asks is a fair an'f
reasonable trial of his means of cure.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad
viser, containing 1008 pages, is sent fn .
on receipt of stamps to pay expense ot
mailing only. Send 3: one-cent stamps
for the cloth-bound volume, or only 21
i, tamps for the book in paper covers.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y
la all Its Btgv&
Ely's Cream Balm
tltans, soothes ami buaU
the Usrft"vft membrane.
It currncaUrrti and drmn
away a cold In the head
Crfiini Halm Is placod into tho nostrils, spreads
over the membrane and Is abaortxj. Ilcllet is Im
mediate oad a cure follows. Itlsliot drying docs
not !roduou sut ezhig. Lar Size, CO ceota at Drug
gists or by mall; Trill Size, 11) cents.
ELY IlUOTHEItS, M Warren Street, New York
Established in 1866. Open all the year. Private or
class instruction. Thousands of graduates in posi
tions; opportunities constantly occurring. Itayjto
attend onr school. Catalogue, specimens, etc., free.
The Minneapolis Seed
Treater and Separator
No. 4
A new, useful and absolutely necessary machine for every prac
tical farmer which has been perfected by the Inventor after years of
thorough Investigation and study alone this line,
Thi' .-itiiple-t, the most effcctle, tho most durable machine ever
built. This machine removes all smut from the grain, also takes out
the smut balls and absolutely kills all the smut germs. It also sepa
rates king heads, wild oats and other seeds that are light enough to
Capacity '." InistirN per hour. Kaslly operated.
Pendleton, Oregon I
Ir 5 want ,
" want ,
most coMitEJ
mid the
over shown In uJ
Brock & Mrj
D ! V
Dimension lumbtl
scrlptlons, Sash, M
Moulding, BulldlnJ
imiNG youit un
Grays HJ
Opiwslto W. ACi
The most complete and up-to-date line ot fashionable millinery at
popular prices ever shown In Pendleton, Is now on display nt my store. I
have the largest stock this season I have ever carried.
Wits. Rose Campbell
Is made from (lie choicest wheat that grows. Good bread Is
assured when livers' Host Flour Is used., II11111, shorts, steam rolled
barloy aliwiys 011 hand.
V. S. 11YKHS, Proprietor.
Fire, I.I To and Accident.
Itoom 8, Over Tnylor's Hard
ware Storo.
The finest that grow fresh and
Hon Hons nnd Sweets ot all kinds.
Always fresh.
Candles, Soda, Ice Cream, Cigars
and Fruit in seuson.
SOU Court St., II. Wilkinson, Prop.
Expert Collectors
We have .located a branch office In
Pendleton, and will make collecting
defunct bills a specialty. No ac
count too old for us to handle.
Our plan is: "No collections, no
charges. Suits instituted, judgment
Tho Van Alsjlno-Oonlon & Co., Mer
cantile Agency, II. V. Lllto &
Co., "Mgrs.
110 K. Court St. Telephone Main 311,
Supplies ... Renting ... EiptrtRtriiring
clear Havana.
When you call for a TRIUMPH. CI YNN &C0,
GETIT.Dont accept a substitute. I i i
Hotel Cruise
First-class In every particular. Modorn In all appointments.
Splendidly furnished throughout. Service the very host.
The Hotel Crulso is located at tho corner of Webb and Cot
tonwood streets in a new building built especially for hotel pur
poses. Each room is largo and comfortable, bains woll lighted
and woll ventilated. In furnishing this hotel, tho best of every
thing was purchased, and attention has been Given to tho artis
tio effect aj wall as comfort.
Tho Hotel Crulso is a model placo for lodgers, travollng men
and citizens who sook a first-class place whero rates are not high.
Cafo in connection. Short orders served at all times.
Per set, $3.00;
$1.00; silver fllUi
traullng, 50c,
We are thorouill
with all modern a
appliances, and gnJ
ork to be of the bla
nrd, and our prices
consistent with flnt-l
Association 1
Telephone Milnl
St. Helen1!
EST CLASS corps ol t
tlon, building, equlpme
Send for catalogue.
Opens September IS.
We mnke a specialty I
round or Ml
Alan header lei'
kinds. We make thee"
nlwnva fHvfi SatlSfeCtW
Is never slighted or Ml
Pendleton PIa
and Lumber
Corncr WeWM
! The Ff
I Restam
: nest 23 Cent 3I1J
033 J"-