DAILY EAST OREOOXIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMHER 22, 1004. PAGE THREE. OF school, on "The Elective System In Law Schools," nnd Harry S. Richards, dean of the Wisconsin University law school, on "Entrance Requirements for Lnw Schools." The meeting of the bar association will be followed by , mTrrirvivT CUD PAlwlun a three days' meeting of the Universal Congress of Jurists nnd Lawyers. LAND IRELAND mu u w w w . i k k. m .. 4 HXrnisnmsi uuw" -r our service wlUi a complete lino of tlio newest niitl ' ,.n'.n fiOCIl lino w-'"i ; , ' IIincr of onnliiy, of stylo, fit and workman- nrd' In "nLcss, these spenk most eloquently .for . i biiIim. now full nnd winter styles, r j?5o, . m sn, ,,ric' 10,95- .iLnool, inllor-mmlo suits, regular voi..o io.uu, ff".!.n von nmy como In and select from our cloth- & an," of faffi BEST SMOKE ON THE MARKET Manufactured by A. ROHDE Monarch Ranges ."Malleable Iron mid the kind j on cannot break. I hnve n full lino of Ranges, Heaters, hoth wood and coal, and in-iti-, you to call and examine the Mime before buying. T. C. TAYLOR The Hardware Man lexander Dept. Store i r i i i irr THE GIVERS Or BfcM values OVER 70,(1(10 TENANTS HAVE PURCHASED HOMES. Action or New Irish i,nnd Law Is Highly Satisfactory Only 22 Per sons Out of 70,000 Purchasing Ten ants Defaulted Last Year In Tholr Payments Xew Ijiw Promises Great Results for the Industrious People of Erin. London. Rpnt. 99 Tt.n .. ... "" nuuL-essiui worklntr of the lnnrl Tim.nl, n " naieill 111 Irelnnd Is once more the chief feat ure of the nnniinl rnnnvi nt i. i.. .1 commlslHon, which hns Just been Issued. Oil Nov. 1 lanl. Iliora cn , . ... u.,iiu tenant-purchnsers, who owned $2, 365,880 In respect of the half-yearly Instalment! nmipv iha tnmi acts of 1885 nnd 1891. On July 21 only 3B3 persons were still In art-ears, ojvlng $12,195. During the year the land commis sion found It necessary to advertise J for sale the holdings of 85 defaulters, but G3 nf thenn rin Id nn nil nrrnt,- I Thus, only 22 persons out of nearly 70,000 purchasing tenants failed ulti mately to fulfill their obligations to the state, nnd lost their holdings. The result speaks well for the security which the Irish tenant affords for government loans to facilitate n sys tem of land purchase. Canadian Women's Council. Winnipeg, Man,, Sept. 22. Several score of delegates representing near ly nil parts of the Dominion are here for the meeting of the National coun cil of Women of Canada, which began Its sessions today. The council, which hns the Countess of Mlnto for Its honorary president, alms to unite the various branches of women's work charitable, patriotic, educational and nrtlstlc Into one body for counsel and advancement. The subjects scheduled for consideration during the several days the council will be In session, Include most Important questions In connection with the so clal, educational nnd nntlonnl life of Canada. LAWYEItS AT ST. LOUIS. American Uar Association Now In Session at Full- City. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 22. All ar rangements nre nbout completed for the annual meeting of the American liar Association here next week. Dur ing the three days beginning next Monday sessions will be held morning and nfternoon nt Festival Hall, on the grounds of the World's fair. The most lmportnnt matters to be read, aside from the reports of various of ficers and committees, are by J. M. Dickinson of Illinois, on "The Alaska Boundary Case"; Amos M. Thayer, United States circuit Judge for the Eighth circuit, on "The Louisiana Purchase, Its Influence and Develop ment Under American Rule"; Benja min F. Abbott of Georgia, on "To What Extent Will a Nation Protect Its Citizens In Foreign Countries?" The section of legal education of the International congress of scholars will meet during the same period; ad dresses will be delivered by James Ban- Ames of the Harvard law school, and George W. Klrchwey, dean of the Columbia law school, on "The Educa tion of the American Lawyer." The Association of American Law schools will listen to addresses by Ernest W. Huffcut, dean of the Cornell Law Fearful Odds Against Him. Bedridden, alone and dcctltute. Such, In brief, was the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Hav ens, Versailles, O. For years he was troubled with kidney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. At length he tried Elec tro Bitters. It put him on his feet In short order and now he testifies: "I'm on the road to complete recov ery." Best on earth Xor liver and kidney troubles nnd nil forms of stomnch nnd bowel complaints. Only 50c. Guaranteed by Tollman & Co., druggists. Olympic Having Championships. St. Louis, Sept. 22. Amateur fight ers from Xew York, San Francisco, Chicago and other cities are gathered In St. Louis to take part In the Olympic world's championships. The tournament, which Is conducted un der the auspices of the Amateur Ath letic Union, opens this evening and will contnlue through tomorrow and Saturday. The following classes are open to amnteurs of the world: 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 158 pounds, and heavyweight. Gold medals will be given to the winner, silver medals to the second nnd bronze medals to the third. SI 00 Rcvrnrd $00. The renders of this naner will ho nlpnsni to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages, nnd that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical .fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood a-H mucous Bur fnces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting' nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much fnlth In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list nf testimonials. Address : P. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Buy Shoes Now THE GREAT DISSOLUTION' SALE AT RINRINGER, WILSON At CO.'S, MEAN'S GREAT CUTTING DOWX OF YOUR SHOE BILLS. MAGNIFICENT $20,000 STOCK OF HIGH GRADE FOOTWEAR REING SLAUGHTERED. $5 Ladies' Shoes for $4.35 All our $6.00 ladles' shoes In kid nnd patent colt welt nnd turn soles, French nnd Cuban heels, now going nt 91.3.1 These nre all new nnd of this season's purchase. $4 Ladies' Shoes for $3.60 All our 4.00 ladles' hand-turned and welt sole shoes, In kid, now go for $3.00 T The season's newest fashions in this Hue. $3.50 Ladies' Shoes for $3.10 All our $3.50 ladles' shoes, kid stock, In turns and welts for $3.10 4 $3 Ladies' Shoes for $2.65 All $3.00 shoes In the house, (Queen Quality, contract shoes, excepted) for $2.0.1 $2.50 ladles' shoes for $2.20 $2.00 ladles' shoes for $1.80 Misses' and Children's Shoes We have a large and very select stock of misses' and children's shoes, all sizes, latest lasts nnd leathers, ten to twenty per cent off on entire line. EDWIN CLAI'P SHOES REDUCED. Edwin Clapp shoes In patent colt, blucher cut, $7.00, now for ..$0.2.1 Ideal kid, the swell dress shoo for evening wear, $6.00, now. . .$.1.-10 Vic! kids In four styles, $5.50, for $.1.00 STETSON" SHOES. Box calf, water proof, the great rough weather shoes, $6.00, now $5.10 Vict kid and pntent colt $5.00 shoes for . . . ; $1.50 THE CELEHHATED JOE TILT LINE. e nave mem in uox can, veiour can, wnx can, vici. All nave rock oak soles. $5.00 shoes now SI. Ml; $4.00 shoes for $3.00: $3.50 shoes for $3.15 'All our $3.00 shoes In various makes nnd leathers, now $2.70 All $2.50 shoes for $2.20 All $2.25 shoes for $1,0,1 All $2.00 vlcl shoes for $1.0.1 Boys', Youth's and Little Gents' shoe. Lin-got stock In Pendle ton. In tills line we lme selected stock nnd makes that give service. These shoes wear like Iron. Special low prices on cutlrclluc. Dindinger, Wilson (b Co. GOOD SHOES AT LOWEST PltlCES. DISSOLUTION' XOW OX. NO GOODS CHARGED DURING SALE. SALE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Tmm ednesdav. Thursdav. Fridav and Saturday SPECIAL VALUES Tile people nf l'cinlletoii and the Hiiri'iiiiiidlni- eniiiifrv Imvn fullv mini., mi ilieli- inlnils ilmi vtlmi ite snv In this "ad" dallv. Is absolutely true. This lias been iii-otcii i-eneatedlv. Our offcrlm? on Fridav and uri a) last brought IIIIIIIV til mil unit i.iifl ulrl... .......I,.., ..o r.... .!...., .... 1U ..1, 1 n t ...ul lnf.l.',.tw ...wl U wlflwu rrlin biivIik. f mi,. (iist,itii..s i.i.u i. iMM.t sum. V., wm i, .t. nliln In i'filt who called and a.sk those to overlook tills necllsviico on our nart. and lieienl'ter we nroiiilso to be urennred to give you ouick service. Eiery section Is brim full of new full and winter merchandise, and Sftllnp .. e ... ... .... ... . . iuu in iiiiiii ien per cent to twenty nor cent. Wo want to do the volume of business and have found tlio way to get It is to sell good merchandise at small profits. Tlinrs tne reason io Have gained f 8ales 1,1 0110 car. JOIN' THE CROWD WJJDXESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AND PUT DOLIiAHS IN YOUlt POCKETS. Children's Wool Dresses On the above four days we will place on sale 300 children's wool school dresses, ages 2 to 14 yenre, In the new Russian blouse styles. Colors blue, brown, and red; also plaids and mixed goods. Regular price, 90a to $4.50. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday nnd Saturday TEN PISH CENT OFF. Children's School Shoes Specials for Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Saturday. Wo have In stock about 400 pairs chil dren's shoes, mostly In heavy soles with light uppers, Just the kind for school wear. Wo will close them out nt a great discount. All $1.25, $1.50 nnd $1.76 shoes go nt $1.00 All $2.00, $2.25 nnd $2.50 Bhoes go nt $1.50 All sizes; C In child's to 2 In misses'. Ladies' Shoes Odds nnd ends sale for f ur days; a good assortment of ladles' shoes In sizes 2',& to 5, regular $3.50 nnd $5.00 values. Salo price $2.50 Others to be closed out nt . .$1.25 nnd $1.50 Men's Furnishings Men's black nnd tnn box 3 for 25c, worth 15o Fancy neckwear 25c, 50c and 75a High Bindo underwear $t.0() suit Hats -Wo can give you a larger assort ment of lints than ever before. 50o to $5.00. Sue us. Another Sale in the Suit and Skirt. Section For the benefit of those who were not able to secure a suit, skirt, coat or Jacket during our last sale, we will give a dlccount of 10 per cent on every garment in this sec tion. Women's, misses' nnd children's. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sntur day TEN PER CENT OFF. Not an old suit In the house. No extra charges for al terations during sale. Perfect fit guaran teed. Shirtwaists The new fall stocks In this popular section are now complete. Madras and flannel shirt waists, new sleeves, plaited back, broad, full front, made of rows of stitched side plaits; special value nt $1.50 New velvet waists at $3.50, $1.00, $4.50 nnd $5.00.. You should see them. Outing Flannel Gowns For ladles . . For children Outing skirts 75c to $2.50 , . 50a to 05c 50c to $1.00 FALL STYLES IX Silk Petticoats A breadth of variety sufficient to please nil tnstos Is hero shown nt a TEX l'ER CENT DISCOUNT for Wodnosday, Thurs day, Friday nnd Saturday. Hosiery Gordon Dye and Albert hosiery. Two brands thnt ure known the world over ns the best made. 15c, 2 for 25c. Better at 25c, 35c, 50c, and 75o Men's Clothing If $2.50 or $5.00 look good to you, come In; we will save you that much on a suit of clothes or overcoat. The nobbiest up-to-date styles are now being shown. $7.50 buys a good serviceable suit, worth anywhere, $10.00. $10.00 for this sum we can show you sev eral patterns In neat sack suits worth $2.50 more, 915.00 will buy you a good Scotch plaid suit or one of those swell, new overcoats. $3.60 saved at this price. $18.00 to $20.00 Here Is where we shine. We are showing an unusually large line of suits nnd overcoats at this price. Look over our line before buy ing. AVe know we can save you money and would like to prove It. Boys' Clothing To those who huve neglected to buy the boy n school suit should by all means see us. It will pay you. Suits $1.00 to $0.00 Fants 00a to $1.25 Dress Goods A larger and more varied collection, more exclusive weaves and novelties, nnd more popular prices thari in other years t 20c to $2.50 per yd Lee Teutsch's Dept. Store 4k It CORNER MAIN AND ALTA STREETS " "TTTTTTTTTYTVVTTTTTTTyTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. tti tttt t '""""""'