aTiiTTiirafiftniiiriiiriia r PAGES. DAILY EAST OltEQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. PAGE THREE. Mansion sale j BARGAIN WEEK rum and Furnishing Goods Department Clu .... .. .... linn nf tho newest mill I . Tour service win " -"m ..Vrl At lu" - .1.1.. .nnanll l tl Y-O 111 lin & I" i fnll suits you've seen - 10(,II me ' ii i)(cr of qimlv, f stylo, fit una workman- 2 , herc.. I" of (, losc CXCeic.ices which a satlsfac- to powsM, these ajicnk most eloquently for $ "stlrC9, . ,1in suits, now full nnd winter styles, I'tal'IlMO, $11.00, f ir..0, sale Price, $10.05. ,JfW" s . ...n mills, rccular vnlno SI COO. IM "r'oo"!"".' y " '" "ml KUlcct rrHI" onr c,otl'- I ,.M and ' . BllIW sl2. ,5. . (onntow ny Alexander Dept. Store j THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES t I S THE BEST SMOKE ON THE MARKET I I Manufactured by A. ROHDE I Monarch ! Ranges j BKf Malleable Iron and the kind J tfTthr v"r ,)" cl,"n(,t "realc. I liave a Hit A T fl111 """ "f ll,,"KCS' Mentors, BAr-Vi fJ L 1 1,0(11 vttiod eoal, and in- 2 KJ rtfep .-J jy vile you to cull and examine J FpIT. C. TAYLOR j X- The Hardware Man 2 The Minneapolis Seed j iTreater and Separator I A new, UKeful nn,i ni.c.i i ...... X I I I A new, iiKeful nnii ni.i i ...... - ...... ,i ... iicvcBunry muoiune ior every prac- ftrmer Whci, i,n i, .... .... . I..,.,. , "- uy me inventor auer years 01 "S" nvestlgatlon una study along this line. " tinniest, tl... . . ... '" This i eurcmo, tno most duralilo maelilno over ' mut h,i7 rcmoveH " B""t from the crnln, also takes out "ui uaus anil n)unt..ini.. ..... .... . 61 kng heads i y "ls n" 11,0 Bmut Borms. It also sepa- "er seeds, that are light enough to hi "ywiushouperhour. Easily operated. A. KUNKEL & CO. Pendleton, Oregon MlAAAA.. .... XQUISITE MILLINFRV t S f.on,pl?' and UD.lo.a Yer shown in Pon,ui . ' luaiuunaDio millinery at brMt tock this .eaLn t 18 now on dlsPlay at my Btore. I 18 Beason I havo ever carried. Ms. Rose Campbell I ( tt RASTELLI BROS. KUaoilU,IiU2 aimo,,um6"t or headstone for relative or toeotion to Boloct rrom. Lowest BROS. ' next t0 Domestic Laundry. V IN- NEWS OF MILTON SON WAS uonx to nn. E. E. DOTSOX AND AVII'IC. Ttetiirued I'rom Protrnetcd Visit to California Calnnililn Ci11ckc Open liiK Colehratcd liy An Interesting Pulillo Progrnni Several Ior elinnts Aro Ituylng GcmmIs In Port land Suceexsrully Treated for Erysipelas. Milton. Sept. 20. Mrs. Matt Mos grove returned Saturday night from Los Angeles, Cal., where she spent the summer visiting. The hearts of Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Dotson were gladdened by the nr rlval of a seven pound baby boy ui day. Dr. II. L. McQunry arrived Sunday from Tncoma and is visiting at the hfur.i.. of Mr. and Mrs. J. E, McQuarv. J E. Nichols left Saturday for Portland to purchase goods. Dr. S. A. Fulton spent Sunday and Monday at AValla AValla. Tonight Columbia college will hold Its opening exercises at 8 o'clock at the opera house and the following program will bo given: Instrumental music, (piano) Miss Myrtle Plant. A'ocnl solo Miss Inez Phelps. Opening address President Louis C. Perry. Vocal solo Miss Sldnor Davenport. A rs. A lolln solo Miss Myrtle Plant. Heading Miss E. Temperance iay. Heading Miss Sldnor Davenport. Instrumental solo, (piano) Miss Myrtle Plant. Hev. M. V. Howard of Pendleton, chairman of the board of trustees, will be master of ceremonies. Miss Itose Becklus spent Sunday In Walla Walla visiting Miss Dora Stew aiv Mrs. V. II. Chastaln went to Weston yesterday to attend the funeral of Miss Mamie Wilson. She returned home last night. .1. P.. Frazler left yesterday for Portland, where he will join his wlf- v ho been there for several weeks. Theli little daughter, Marguerite, has been undergoing treatment for her eyes at Portland. J. N. Stone Is lu Portland buying a stock of furniture for his fall trade. Mrs. J. S. Hlcliey went to AValla Walia today for a few days' visit with friends. MiJWn Mathlas, who has been here vcelvlni treatment for erysipelas, has so far recovered as to return to his home at The Tanks today. 1'carful Odds Against Him. Iiedrlddon, alone nnd destitute,. Such, In brief, was the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Hav ens, Versailles, O. For years he was troubled with kidney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. At length he tried Elec tro Bitters. It put him on his feet In short order and now he testifies: "I'm on the road to complete recov ery." Best on earth for liver and kidney troubles and all forms of stomach and bowel complaints. Only 50c. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co.. druggists. NEW KING OF SEKVIA. De.sivudaut of a Peasant and From Fighting Stock. Bulgrade, Sept. 21. Peter I., who was crowned king of Servla today, was born In Belgrade In 184 G, the son of Alexander Karageorgevlc, Prince of Servla from 1842 to 1SGS. Peter was proclaimed king In the night of June 10-11, 1803, by the of ficers of the Servian army after they had murdered King Alexander and Queen Draga. For many years Peter had lived quietly at Geneva. He was THE POWER OF STEAM. Mnny MT See lint It Take Genius to llenllxe. When James Watt saw the steam causing the kettle lid to jump up and down he said "There muBt be power In that steam that It can lift such a weight." There was. Millions prior to him 1iad seen the same phenomenon and regarded it as an unexplalnod mystery. Recent scientific research lias put Its finger on the "cause" of Dandruff, Fall ing Hair, and consequent Baldness, and has unearthed a tiny germ which cats the life from the roots of human hair, Ncwbro's Herplclde destroys this germ and consequently restores the hair to Its natural state. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich. F. XV. Sehvtidt & Co., spoclul agents. married In 1883 to Princess Korka of Montenegro, Who died In 1890, He has two sons and.n daughter, George, aged 17; Alexander, aged 16, and Helen, aged lit. King Peter Is descended from Kn rageorge, a peasant, who was the leader of the Insurrection against Turkey In 1804. He resigned ns Prince of Servln from 1S04 to 1813. when he was supplanted by the Ob- renovlc during n second lnsurrec tlon. New Ill-hop f Groat Falls. Dubuque, Iowa, Sept, 21. The consecration of the Itev. Father Mat thias C. Llnehan to the new Boman Catholic bishopric -of Great Falls, Mont., took place In the cathedral of St; Raphael today. The services be gan at 10:30 o'clock. The church edifice was crowded, and the greatest Interest was manifested In the pro ceedings, which were the most elab orate of the kind ever seen here. The consecration ceremony wns performed by Archbishop Keane, who was as sisted by several bishops and n lnrge number bf priests. Buy Shoes Now THE GUEAT IMSSOMTIOX SALE AT DINDINGEIt, WILSON i CO.'S, .MEANS GUEAT CITT1NG DOWN OF YOUH SHOE HILLS. MAGNIFICENT $20,000 STOCK OF HIGH GUADE VOOTWKAK T BEING SLAUGHTEHED. $5 Ladies' Shoes for $4.35 f All our $5.00 ladles' shoes In kid and patent colt Welt and turn soles, French nnd Cuban heels, now going nt $1.3." These are all new and of this season's purchase. To Succeed- Bishop Dudley. Louisville, Ky Sept. 21. The Episcopal diocesan council of Ken- j tucky met today to agree upon a sue- , cessor of the late Bishop T. U. Dud- ley. Those most prominently men tioned for the honor nre Hev. Na thaniel S. Thomas, rector of the Church of the Holy Apostles of Phil adelphia, and the Hev. John Poyntz Tyler, archdeacon of the diocese of Virginia. Fairbanks at Heading. Beading, Pa., Sept. 21. The annual convention of the Pennsylvania Stnte League of Bepubtlcan Clubs began In the Academy of Music here today and will continue through tomoirow. Sev eral hundred delegates, representing more than one hundred clubs, were In attendance. The day's proceedings were largely of a routine nature. In terest centers chiefly In the mass meeting tonight, which will mark the formal opening of the national enm pnlgu In this state. Senator Fair banks, Senator Penrose and Governor Pennypacker are among the schedul ed speakers. Wanted, Stilcli Counters. New York, Sept. .21. The United Slates civil service commission held an examination In this city today for the position of "stitch counter," which is the most dlflcult place to fill lu the whole civil service. A stitch counter Is expected to count the stitches per square Inch in Im ported lace and embroidery with a view to fixing the ad valorem duty. The position pays $900 a year and the work Is done with a magnifying glass. . Scottish ltltc Masons Meet. Boston, Muss., Sept. 20. The 92d uuuual meeting of the Supremo Coun cil, Ancient Accepted Scottish Bite, began In Boston today. Tonight the 33d, or honorary, degree will be con ferred. The 27th annual meeting Provincial Grand Lodge, Order of Scotland, of the United States, will open here tomorrow. Both gatherings will be attended by the Earl of Eus ton nnd the other members of the Masonic delegation which came over from England to attend the Knights Tt'inplar conclave at San Francisco. Old-Tlinc Tclcgraphcr.s. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 20. Men who sat nt the key when telegraphy was In Its Infancy are gathered In Atlanta In attendance on the 24th annual re union of the Old-Time Telegraphers and Hlstdrlcal Association. New York, Chicugo, Philadelphia, Boston, Pitts burg and other cities are represented nt the reunion, which will last through the remainder of the week. The meeting Is purely in the nature of a reunion and hns little .business to transact. Kansas Photographers. TopeTa, Kas., Sept. 20. The tenth annual convention of the Knnsas Pho tographers' Association began In To peka today with an attendance of rep resentative members of the profession from all over the state. A banquet at the National hotel ushers In the for fnnl program this evening and the business sessions will be held tomor row nnd Thursday. Papers and dem onstrations by expeits will occupy a large part of the sessions. Army of tho Cumberland. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 20. The annual reunion of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland began in In dianapolis today and will continue through tomorrow. About 200 veter ans, Including General Wilder, Gen eral Boynton and others of note, are in attendance. ifiis'Si If you uro interested lu Oil Painting, sco us.. Our lino Is complete. ACADEMY HOAHDS STHETCHEHS 1JHUSHES AHTISTS' SABLES HLENDEHS SKY BRUSHES 1 PLAQUES TUBE COLOKS Wo nmko a specialty of from- 2 Ins pictures. Newest stock of 2 frames. 1 C. C. SHARP : 2 Opera House Block. $100 Howard $00. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Its stages, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cuie Is the only positive oure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a' constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upoa the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of tho disease, and giving the patient strength by bulldlDg up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. Tho proprietors have so much fnlth In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any caso that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: V. J. CHUNKV & CO., Toledo, O, Hold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. Watch Your Piano. Your piano will last longer If kept In tune and repair. We have an ex pert tuner who will put your Instru ment In a good condition as new., Now Is the time to have your instru ment tuned. . EILElt PIANO HOUSE. Chance for Investment. A party willing to erect a mo,dern six or seven-room house In central or northern part of city, can find a reli able renter, who will take a lease for term of years, by addreslng "Henter," j this office. ' $4 Ladies' Shoes for $3.60 All our $4.00 ladles' hand-turned and welt sole shoes, In kid, now go for The season's newest fashions In this line. $3.50 Ladies' Shoes for $3.10 All our $3.50 ladles' shoes, kid stock. In turns and welts for $.1.10 I ndior Ckrtoc frf R5 1 All $3.00 shoes In the house, (Queen Quality, contract shoes, excepted) for $2.0.1 $2.50 ladles' shoes for v $2.20 $2.00 ladles' shoes for $1.80 t Misses' and Children's Shoes We have a large and very select stock of missus' and children's) shoes, nil sizes, latest lasts nnd leathers, ten to twenty per cent off on entire line. J EDWIN CLAPP SHOES HEDUOED. Edwin Clnpp shoes In patent colt, blucher cut, $7.00, now for ..$(1.2.1 Ideal kid, the swell dress shoe for evening wear, $6.00, now. . ,$.1.-IO Vlcl kids In four styles, $5.50, for $.-i.OO STETSON SHOES. . Box calf, wnter proof, the great rough weather shoes, $tf,00, now $.1,10 Vlcl kid and nateut colt $5.00 shoes for $1.50 THE CELEBUATE1) ,IOE TILT LINE. t We have them In box calf, velour calf, wax calf, vlcl. All havo . rock oak soles. $5.00 shoes now 8I..10; $4.00 shoes for $3.00; $3.50 shoes for $.1.1.1 X AH our $3.00 shoes In various makes and leathers, now $2.70 x All $2.50 shoes for s $2.20 All $2.25 shoes for $1.11.1 $ All $2.00 vlcl shoes for $1.0,1 J Hoys', Youth's and Little Gents' shoes. Largest stock In Pciulle- ton. In this line uc have -elected slock ami makes that glc service, a These shoe- wear like Iron. Special low prices on entire line. T Dindinger, Wilson (l Co. I GOOD SHOES AT LOWEST PHICES. DISSOLl'TION NOW ON. NO GOODS CIIAKGED I) THING SALE. SALE THE DUST That gut Into jour watch during the summer Is doing the little machine much harm. Now Is tlio time to have It cleaned, oiled and put In shape for another jcar. Wo uoul.l like to do the uork for jou It vtlll bo done right. GLENN WINSLOW JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. Postoffico Block. Fortunes Made in Real Estate There is no Investment that offers as good security and In creases In value as rapidly as real etate. If you would be rich, put your money In proper ty In this growing city and sec tion. We have choice real estate of all descriptions In all desirable localities, both city and farm property, and ranches. Consult us if you have prop erty to sell; list It with us. If you wish to buy property, see us. Unexcelled faclltles for hand ling real estate. W. E. Davidson & Co. (Successor to E. D. Bojd.) Insurance, Heal Estate, nml Mortgage Loans. 110 Court St. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this In mind when you need poultry and stock supplies and ask for the International Poultry and Stock Food. Use Kow Kure for your cow trou bles. C.F.CoIeswoftEy 127-120 East Alttt St. Agent for Lee's Lie Killer. Good j I Dry Wood j ALL KINDS I have good, sound wood which 2 Is delivered at reasonable prices 2 ron cash. j W. C. MINNIS 2 Leave Orders nt Neunmn'H Cigar Store. Building Material OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to Order Building Pa llor, Lime, Cement, Brick and f Sand, Wood Gutters for Barns and Duellings u Specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alia Street, Opp. Court House. a. CHILDREN'S SILVER SETS. Knife, fork nnd eiwm (war- 2 rallied 25 jcars). 72c, $1.30 and $1.08. 2 Frederick Nolf & Co. 5 I THE BIO SCHOOL SUPPLY STORE. 4 .-