East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 21, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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when a'lvcrtll Is
WKATHF.R forecast.
Tonight mul Thursday cloudy
ami occasionally threatening with
probably showers Thursday.
1)1. HH II 111.1"
(.'MPr. :,pnt advertiser
NO. G1S8.
nnual Session of the
nln Association ai un-
Lvxirif. )"'
irrwxi) is i'iir.siii:.vr.
L sc-loni rnieii With !
(,'oirrnor niiininerinm,
L,.in VIIII" i""1 Mv"-
nrepon Irripillon C'oiiimlx-
Ini YWI in wrcgun mil
jtrhfO MiiKiilflccnt Awl-
l KVhl"1' 1 111""- mil- rn-
IfYom ndillilt to Hf I"
tHtoBcl'Ureil Willi Oregon
1M5 Mrcllug lo lie Held
:rd annual convention of the
rrlgatlon Association, held at
Idowd Its sessions today with
Ipltnlc In the grove at Area-
I drive through the Irrigated
(Malheur county
tinea of the convention wits
IjMterday evening, with
list officers, nnd the suleo-
htal for the 1905 meeting.
manager of the Stu-
ICtw In Portland was
elected president. S.
I tlce president and
I lira, the well known Port
ia?, was elected secretary
rains year and arrange-
I Tirade for an active eam
f belter Irrigation laws for
tribe appointment of a Ieg
mmlttec of seven to lie un
kx the president
focwofiil .Meeting.
Irlmnual session of the ns
I ns rendered peculiarly hi-
Uroelng held In the very
( of the choicest irrlgotod
lit th west. The rlpiile of
Ittai ditch could lie heard
fiindow of the convention
r( perfume of the IrrlRnted
iltalfa fields and the laden
Ins wafted to the speakers
on the platform, dls-
uubject of Irrigation,
Wancc from outside points
as very limited, Portland
Ke Urgeit delegation of unv
fPt Malheur county Among
E"i Portland were Governor
ln. President A, II. Do-
Hrannlck and A King
ent amonB the nulille oumi
ere Oovernor Chnniberinlu,
wi nuilammin, who ills-
public land inn-siiim n,.
jw...ur. in me Oregon
rai lolltge; Thomas Kav.
rom Marfan county, Stephen
''enaieton: J II. Low.
roramlsslniicr of idaim:
. state engineer of Idaho:
' Richard, of Hse City,
'"Hey, c W. M,,ii.. i
ot ,he Oregon Irrigation
' Kla Atllre.
IeltUlUmn weathfc'-
I "le 'eautlful little nl!e f
iTi her 'os' l"nrtld
r I ne profu.no fnii- ....
'r es Irr (he l,lla..H
U , ?.he? "'tamers of
nuiitfririfi' rin.m .
j w V """"""i ueaaed
d found .:,r'",eu lno
ufl e"l'alment -
ln gnat" "' won,,,
Idea of the magnitude and excellence
ot the exhibit In u written description.
The prize squash weighed 8G
pounds and the second monster tip
ped the balnnce at 79. Apples 17
Inches In circumference, weighing one
pound and 11 ounces, poaches half as
large ns these apples, prunes, pears
and pluinH displayed In large quanti
ties, so beautiful, uniform and rich
In coloring that those who have visit
ed the St. Louis fair said there was
nothing In any of the state, exhibits
there to compare to this collection ot
Oregon products at Ontario.
A large selection of the choicest
fruit exhibits was made by Oovernor
('Iminbei'laln and expressed to St.
Louis to bo ndded to the Oregon ex
hibit there.
The honey exhibit at the pavilion I NOMINATION WAS TIM
consisted of Malheur county honey In
2fi different forms, nnd was pronounc
ed by the Judges to be the most com
plete honey exhibit ever displayed In 1
New York Democrats Name
Judge Herrick for Governor.
iircsuir or compkomisk.
.Sulleh Tlii'iiun mid I'nst Train Dlli-li-i'il,
ICIllliiK I'lii'iniiii.
Springfield. III.. Sept. 21. Train
wieckers threw the switch nt llarclay,
III., throwing the Illinois Central
Diamond special for St. Louis into
the top of the works of the Tlarclay
Mining Company's mine, early this
Fireman Con Cannon, of Decatur,
was killed nnd Messenger Walter
Hays, of Clinton, badly Injured.
None of the passengers were badly
hurt. All but the rear sleeper left
the rails. '
Killed by a Fall.
Walla Walla, Sept. lil Louis Purs-
ley, a Canadian, Is dead In this city
from a fall. While at work on the
roof of a livery stable he slipped and
fell, sustaining a fractured skull mid
other Injuries that proved fatal after
a few hours. Parsley had resided In
tills city for three years. He had no
relatives hi the West.
Hill llrlnii'. Two Wiuiliig; Tactions To
gether by I'uhciidliig His llnuglily
Nature I'm- Knoiigli to Xomlmiic
His Ai'i'li-Kiicmy, I). Cody Derrick
Francis 11 Harrison Nominated
for Lieutenant (ioveriioi- Platform
Indorses National Platl'oriu and
Ticket ami Denounces "Odelllsni"
in State Affairs 1'nlou of Pactions
Is Promising; of Success.
Saruloga, X. Y., Sept. -1. The
democratic convention was called to
order at li.3. Duncan E. L. Lee
was made permanent chairman. His
address was liberally cheered.
Senator Hill will place Judge Her
rick in nomination.
After a conference of leaders this
morning It was announced that D.
Oudy Herrick. of Albany, will proba
bly get the nomination for the gover
norship, und Francis IS. Harrison will
be decided on for lieutenant governor.
Stanchfield's name will not be pre
sented to the convention.
Ruben Lesser of Spokane Fed
Brothers and Sister " Rat
Biscuit "
Hill Names Ills Old Kucui.
Saratoga, Sept. 21. Harrison was
nominated for lieutenant governor.
The platform Indorses the national
ticket and platform.
Herrick s selection was the result
State Loses (7,MM Acres.
Washington, Sept. 21. The interl
or department hus denied a motion
for a review of Its decision in the '
Klamath swamp laud case, rejecting I
the c aim of the state of Oregon to , ., , , , .
..- ,,,, . ,, ... ., , ., of a compromise. Murphy declared
lii.aoo ueres in the Klamath Ind an , ., ...
dldate. Hill flnnllv broutrht the fac-! Two of the children who did not I " mvlliB been settled
i tions together by an act of self-abne- ''Ilsh tne Peculiar bitter taste of the
gallon in accepting his ancient and 1 "'"cult and ate but little of it, will
! iii.t'siiiiii I piimv nurl liv iiriimiMhitr ti . live.
Klslit-Year-Ohl Hoy Finds Sweet
Cakes ('ontnlniiiK Deadly Poison
Fats Tliem llluwir nnd Feeds
Them to Younger Children Pa--rents
Absent From Home. Heliirn
to Find Fnllre Family Fcept Hnby.
In Death Agonies Sceral Children
Were Trjlng to Quench lluinlng
PoNon by Drinking Water Hnby
Itchised to Hut the Cakes.
Spokane. Sept. 21. Ruben Lesser,
aged 8, today found box of "rat
biscuit." or poison cakes Intended for
rats and squirrels. He ate of the
stuff and treated his brothers and sis
ter. 1 ,
Annie, aged 4, Rudolph, aged 11,
Fred, aged C and Ruben are dend
from the effects of the deadly poison
and other children of the family are
dangerously 111. The baby refused to
taste the stuff.
The poison biscuit was found in a
box In the pantry. The parents were
absent from home and us the stuff
was sweet and had the appearance of
cookies, the children ate It greedily.
Within 30 minutes two of the child
ren were dend and when the mother
returned she found them Writhing in
horrible agony and trying to quench
the burning poison by drinking water,
such of them as were not uncon
scious from Its fatal effects.
Sparks From a Traction Kiiglno Held
to He the Origin.
Sprngue, Wash.. Sept. 21. B. A.
McKennn had 1300 bushels of blue
stem wheat destroyed by fire at his
farm, 1G miles south of here, yester
day. The engine of the threshing outfit
had Just run to get In place when fire
was discovered In one of the stacks.
It Is presumed that It caught from u
spark thrown out by the engine, as It
was polling In.
The grain was insured. . The net
loss will amount to about J00O.
sti:ami:h .mascot lost.
Strikes liar und Sinks Out of Sight hi
Columbia It her.
St. Helens, Ore., Sept. 21. The
Mascot, one of the best passenger
freight steamers on the Columbia
river sunk on a bar at the mouth of
Lewis river last night, and Is com
pletely submerged. Xo casualties.
Old People's Home.
Spokane. Sept. 20. The Old Peo
ple's home, In Arlington heights, on
the Hlllyard car line, has proven so
successful that It Is necessary to en
large the building.
There are 1 1 old people, ranging
from SC to 99, In care of the Maria
Heard Deaconess home, which
On the Way to Assassinate a
Family Are Waylaid and
Whites lleiuil of Plot to Murder dimes
l'liinlb und Armed Men Walled In
the Road lo luleieeiii the 1 'lends
After Hearing Negroes Discuss De
tails of Their Anticipated Crimes,
the Whiles Shot Into (he .Mob, Kill
lug Four ami Injuring More .loues
l.'niilo.is Large Number of Negroes
mul Treats Them Well.
charge of the work. It Is the onlv
old people's home in the state, and
applications to be received nre com
ing In much faster than the appli
cants can be cared for.
The Deaconess Aid Society, of
which Mrs. G. H. Ilushnell Is presi
dent and Mrs. .1. A. Morrill Is secre
tary, gives much of Its time to work
of the home, and Is planning to raise
about $500 to repair the building, en
large the dining room and add, a
Macon. On.. Soul. 21. Unon helm?
I'as Informed that a mob of 12 negroes
Opera House Changes Hands.
Haker City. Sept. 21. Hd Oel
ser has Just closed the deal by which
he has become the sole owner of the
Haker City opera house. Mr. Oelser
has appointed Art Ilurrls manager of
had planned ' (he murder of the fam
ily of Silas Jones, a prominent plan
ter at Tnlbottom, a posse of whites
armed and hid in the limber along
the roads leading to Jones' home.
At 11 o'clock last night the negroes
were discovered creeping stealthily
through the forest to the unsuspect
ing home. After baring thu murder
discussed by the negro fiends, the
white men opened fire on the would
be murderers from uinbush, killing
four and injuring several more.
Fight of the negroes In the mob
had recently been uciiultted from a
charge of belonging to the "Defore
Day" (Tub of negro murderers.
The attempt of the negroes to mur
der Ibe Jones family Is Inexplicable,
as Jones employs n large number of
negroes and treats them well.' .Nono
the opera house. Tin- public are as
sured of u run of the best entertain- of his employes were among thu ma
inents procurable, the trouble with Hinders killed or Injured,
I the Northwestern Theatrical Assocla-' 1
Until Russian and lapane.su Armies In
Condition to Make a Hard Flglit
0ama Sajs lie Will Press Kuro-
patklu. Until Snow Flies He Will I
Then Co Into Winter QunrtcrH and
Ciiard All the Crouiul Coined Un
til Surhig.
St. Petersburg. Sept. 21. Kuropat
kln, under yesterday's date, reports
that a flanking attempt by thu Jap
anese on the Russian left was unsuc
cessful. The situation at Mukden, he
suys, is unchanged. On Monday the
etiuiny wus observed moving to the
easl of Dallng Pass. Later the Jap
anese twice attacked the Russian out
flanking forces and were checked by
cavalry and machine guns.
Itntlle Promised at Mukden.
Toklo, Sept. SI. ICuropatkln. It is
learned, Is preparing to make a de
termined stand at Mukden. He Is
strongly entrenched and has an Im
mense urmy at his disposal. The bat
tle will bo terrific us both armies are
now In condition to renew lighting.
Oyamu, It Is stated, will continue to
press Kuropatklu until his operations
are stopped by the fall snow. He will
strongly guard his advance position,
I and remain until spring, when he will
take up tho work where he left off.
" east of n( . ne ",lu 11
er(,hni"Ptarl0' The del-
I'1" by p "rU,Sl1 won
tA.jHlsh wr-len Van
Lf . ynnwily, win, . ,
Hos.i,.. reseice Of thn li.
'Mh s """"ok Ml
K aw, ?,! et0.rK area of
Predict Fall of Tort Arthur.
London, Sept. 21. The Toklo cor
respondent of Router's says It Is pre
dicted in Toklo that tho reduction of
I'oit Arthur will bo accomplished
within a fortnight.
Marines Cuuiil the Lena.
Washington. Soot. ei.Tbn now
department, at the request of tho
commandant of Mare Island, has or
dored 150 marines to San Francisco to
Bnard the Lena.
tin mmaie mm mmseu.
For"mnny yeiirs'the"Hllt1hn"d'H'er
rlck factions have been at war In AI
1 bany county.
Derrick's Nomination Fuanlmoiis.
i At the conclusion of Hill's nominat
ing speech, George Raines moved that
' the secretary enst the ballot of the
' convention for Herrick, which was
Further Nominations.
For attorney general, John Gun
nun, of lirle; secretury of state, John
Pallace, Jr., of Monroe! treasurer,
William Munch, of Onondaga.
Outline or Plullorni.
The platform proclaims the devo
tion of the parly to the principles of
government enunciated by Jefferson,
und then proceeds to attack what It
calls "Odellism," and says:
'The issue of Odellism Is the para
mount and overshadowing Issue In
state affairs; Is between oficlul hon
esty and official corruption.
"In palpable violation of his sworn
obligation to bo the Impartial servant
of the whole machine, his present du
al action constitutes a public scandal,
and amounts lo the grossest contempt
of official duty In the history of the
Instead of being opposed to extrav
agance his administration has become
the actual promotor of adroit schemes
to loot the public treasury under the
guise of law."
State Issues are than taken up and
bundled exhaustively.
Sheriff Hell Suys ir Homalne Is Guilty
He Will He Taken to Colorado.
Toneka. Sent. 21. Sheriff Bell, of
Cripple Creek, arrived today and had
a long talk with Robert Romalne, the
elf-confessed dynamiter ot the de
pot at Independence, Col., and later
talked with Mrs. Romalne,
Roll said Romalne Is a desperate
character. If found he had done
what he said, he would take him back
to Colorado for trial. He knew of
no reason for Romalne's confessing.
Peler of Servla Accepts the Har
den of State.
Relgrade, Sept. ... The garrison
augmented by troops from the prov- j
luces, In ull ubout 25,000, lined the
streets through which the royal pro
cession passed, before 7,
At x a salvo of 21 guns announced
the king was about to leave the pal
ace. As the cavalcade emerged from
the gate of the new palace there was
loud cheering, chiefly led hv govern
ment employes aided by the police,
who scattered everywhere.
Rehlnd the king rode he little
crown prince on an undersized Serv
ian horse, whose appearance evoked
the first real enthusiasm of the day.
During the return trip King Peter
wore his crown, which weighs 30
pounds, and with great difficulty kept
Ids head erect. Tonight Helgrude and
all towns In Servla will be Illuminat
Alleged Secret Son Ice Man Caught
Attempting; to Cash Forged Cheeks.
I Karmlngton, Me., Sept. 21. Leroy
A. French, of San Francisco, who
claimed to bo a iqember of the United
Stales secret service, was arrested
hoie charged with stealing a horso
and buggy.
French came here, bringing G. A.
i Harlow, of Plttsfield, whom lie said
1 he had arrested for counterfeiting.
i French was arrested while trying to
HXIIAl'STIVH KXPF.HIMF.NTSjoiish checks aggregating $100, signed
by Harlow. United States police say
I they don't know French as u secret
Mlchltiiro Slndo, of Stanford I'nlver- i service officer,
slly, Now at Ontario Carrjhig mil .
Chemical ICxpcrlmcuts in Life,
Food, Anatomy ami Discuses of Co
lumbia RIwt Salmon If Adapted
to .lapan, .Millions of ICggs Will Ho
Sent There.
inspect for Aiill-Hepublleaii Fu
sion In .Molilalia,
Helena. Mont., Sept. 21. No appar
ent headway on fusion had been made
up to noon by the labor, populist und
ontl-trust conventions. Recess after
recess are following each other, pend
ing a report of the conference com
mittees. Helnze today made the announce
ment that he favors Lindsay, republi
can, for governor.
... . '"to
!P'oc.Unt11 coldweath.
! 'U of I,.,
t e, , B'luon,
cCent1an', ,elBtlo
kiwi.. . 'Won Wnu k
4 ln w"fHiouSe
with XL
Offsnrl '"""UCIS
"v any
J'roniotcd ills Undo.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 21. Tho em
I'oror has appointed Grand Duko Sor
8 us Mlohaoleovltch to the newly cro
nted post of Inspector general of ar
"liory. The grand duke Is the uncle
f tho emperor, and governor of Moscow.
Coif Tournament KoMimed.
J''.lllllla. H"t. 21. The Olympian
huif tournament was reHumud today
IV'V. 'i favor'ul" conditions. Dert Mc
'venule, of St. Louis, boat R. Hunter.
lL,i ?bo' tno ,lrHt round-up.
imbBrt, of st. Louis, and Ralph Mc
"Uriel., of st. Louis, played a tlo.
Comcutlnu Is Now at Sea for a Candi
date for Coernor.
Denver, Sept. 21, Stuto democrat
ic convention met nt 10 o'clock this
morning. Up to noon nothing had
been done except the electing of Sen
ator Toller us chulnuuiii The con
vention Is nt sea, as there Is no can
didate for governor.
Churles Hughes, of Denver, who
was a likely candidate, withdrew this
morning. Former Governor Adams,
second choice, also declined. Former
Congressman Shaffroth Is now look
ing for the place.
I J) slanders Then 1 Veil I One or the
Helena, Mont., Sept. 21. Hert War
thum, essaying the role of peacemaker
between Charles Reed and Frank
More In a fight at Kendall last night,
was fatally shot by Reed, liystanders
thereupon beat Reed so that he too,
is expected to die.
School for Hllnd Opens,
Salem, Sept. 21. The Oregon
school for the Hllnd opens today
with about 25 or 30 students. Mr,
George W. Jones, the superintendent,
was at the depot last for the purpose
i r.'rr n number of tho students
I who wore coining on tho train.
Haker City Flection.
Haker City, Sept. 21. The regular
city election hero will occur Novem
ber 7. the duy before the National
election, and there Is considerable
speculation whether tho primary elec
tion law is applicable to city elections
or not. Some of the city officials
hold 11 Is not applicable to this elec
tion, while several prominent attor
neys Insist that it will be necessary
to Invoke this law to place candidates
In the field for municipal offices.
The first scientific Investigation of
thu life nnd habits of the Columbia
river salmon Is now being made by
the United States government through
the bureau of fisheries.
.Mlchltiiro Slndo, a Japanese stu
dent of Stanford University, Is now
located at Ontario, completing the
salmon Investigations for the United
States government. These Investiga
tions were begun early last spring on
the lower Columbia and were follow
ed up in all the successive stages of
the salmon run from the mouth or
the river to Ontario, where tho last
work Is being done.
Slndo Is a highly educated man 30
years of age, and an expert chemist.
He Is equipped with a full laboratory
of scientific Instruments und para
phernalia and Is conducting the most
Intricate chemical analysis of the sal
mon's anatomy, composition, food and
diseases, and will report to the bu
reau of fisheries, which will place his
report on file us part of the govern
ment records.
Slndo will also report to the Jap
anese government on the possibility
of Introducing the Chinook salmon In
to Japan. The only species of salmon
now found In that country is tho
"dog" salmon, which Is used In great
If he finds from the Investigation
Hint the Chinook would thrive in
Japanese streams, he will make ar
rangements to ship several hundred
million eggs there for propagation.
Chicago Wheat.
Chicago, Sept. 21. September
wheal opened at Jl.OOVj and closed
tho same. December on the opening
was $1.0NTi and closed cent higher.
Corn opened at 5214 and closed at D2.
O.'ltn opened at 30 and closed the
Local Wheal tit 71) Cents.
The local market was a simile
sti onger stronger today. Club Is
quoted nt TO','.- cents nnd bluestem nt
75 cents. Ko HiileH outside of a small
amount of choice milling are reported.
Piv.-lilcnl Hack to Washington.
Oyster Hay, Sept. 21. The presi
dent's visitors were today Frrtn W.
HigglliH, republican candidate for
governor of New York; Jacob Rlls,
who .recently returned from a visit to
Denmark. Tomorrow tho president
ami family will take tho Sylph for
Jersey pity, whence they will take a
special for Washington.
Asks lis to Act in Congo,
London. Sept. 20, H, D. Morel, sec
retary of the Congo Reform Associa
tion of London, sailed for the United
States today to present a memorial to
President Roosevolt asking him to
use his Influence to promote the rad
ical reform of the Congo State. Tho
memorial Is signed by many Influen
tial people In lOugland, Including
members ot parliament.
CoIIoko Is 7f Years Old.
Jacksonville, 111,, Sept. 21.
Friends und ulumnl of Illinois college
ai-1 gathorod hero In large numbora
for the celebration of the 70th anni
versary of the founding of tho Insti
tution. Tho celebration will con
tlnuo through thu remainder of this
week and will be participated In by
many prominent educators and pub
lic men.
.May He Itisly or Outlook's ICdltor.
London, Sept. 21. A body believed
to be that or Charles Ii. Hpahr, or Now
York, was washed ashore nenr Hroad
Stairs, Kent. It Is not fully Identified.
Slv Killed by Lightning.
Houston, Texas, Sept. 21. Lightn
ing struck u tank at the Texas Oil Re
finery on the Texas coast today, kill
ing six workmen und firing thu tank.
Albany, Or,, Is to have
a public
Odd Fcllous Choo.sc Washington.
San Francisco, Sept. 21. Wash
ington wus selected for tho next ses
sion of the grand lodge of Odd Fel
lows, In September, 1900, The vote
stood: Washington, 88; Buffalo, 20,
Philadelphia. 18, Cleveland, 14, nnd
Montreal, 11,
Gabriel and .lens Jensen l'lncl $.M)
Fuel I for Olisiiiicling Road.
Gabriel npd Jons Jensen were found
guilty this afternoon In .IuhIIco of tho
Peace Thomas Fltz Gerald's court of
obstructing- a publlo highwny und
were fined $50 each. The complain
ing witness was S. A. Kdwurds. Tho
Jensens und IWwurds aro neighbors.
It was shown by tho evidence Intro
duced that thu defendants fenced, up
a public road to prevent pur-ous from
driving iilong it. Tho state was rep
resented by Winters & Collier. R. J.
Slater was counsel for tho defense,
A tilt occurred betwen the Justice
and Attorney Slater at one (line dur
ing the argument of a law point.
Judgo Fitz Gerald ordered Slater to
sit down and the latter retorted that
he would go to some other court,
where he could receive fair treat
ment. "Go as soon as you like," replied
the court.