-' r ' IAITA' EAST OltEOONIAN, rnjfDLETON, OUECON, TUESDAY, SKITEM EK 20. ' EMlrr PAGES. IAOE FOUK. AX INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER, Publlihfd every afternoon (except Sunday) at l'endleton, Oregon, by the EAST OIIEOONIAX PUniilSHINO COMPANY. the Kcnulnc circus spirit In lilm, he would say the word "bo" and furnish us some real sport. A magic lamp, unlovely for the lack Of legendry In (rem and carven scroll, Burned in a dusky chamber of the world, "With untrlmmed wick a- smoulder in the bowl. Then timid Chance the chain- berlaln of God A-stumble In the dark, with Kroplnsr hand Scattered the crust of ashes from the wick And lighted every corner of the land! Aloyslus Coll In Everybody's Magazine. FKEE GOVERNMENT HOMES. The' rush of homeseekers to secure tracts of land under the various Irri gation projects announced by the gov ernment shows that the home build ing instinct is as strong as ever in the breasts of the American people. As the government land, suitable for homes, becomes further limited in area, it Is more and more of an outrage that public land should be ac quired for speculation. Yet large acreages are passing Into the hands of the land grabbers, every day In the year, under both the desert land law and tlie commutation clause of the homestead law, while under the tim ber and stone law, not only the land but the most valuable timber in the world today Is being speculated In with absolutely no regard for the set tier or for the country at large. These laws are active Instruments in the stealing of the land which be long to the people of the United States. And there Is no citizen who may not desire to avail himself of ills right to. acquire some of tills land, lie or his son. All the great land Interests are a unit in their opposition to the repeal of these laws. They present a solid front. They are organized; they are aggressive and It is a sinister fact that they have thus far prevented any land reform legislation In congress. Hut the country is becoming arous ed to the fnct that it is being literally robbed by a small band of selfish men who would amass fortunes, and who. by tha evasion of the spirit if not the letter of the law, are absorbing the choleest remaining tracts of land whlah should be reserved for the real home-maker. And the men In congress who are in reality bitterly hostile to any change in tlieae land stealing laws, are the same statesmen who most loudly proclaim that they Are the great friends of the settler, the home builder and the small farmer. They are found on the wrong side of every land reform measure, yet urging with might and main that the welfare or the settler Is their sole object. The fact reported In this morning's telegrams that France is agitated over the opposition of a complete separation of church and state will lend interest to the statement that the government now levies tuxes and pays over JS, 000,000 a year to the re ligious orders, says the Xewlston Tri bune. In an Important respect France differs from Kngtaml, which supports only the established Angli can church and through parliament retains Jurisdiction over the appoint ments and disposal of material ques tions. In France, on the contrary, there is no state church mid all de nominations share numerically in the public appropriation, though the Catholics are much more numerous there than the Anglicans are In Eng land. Owing to the great numerical preponderance In France, by which the Vatican gets nearly all the relig ious revenues and the Protestants and Jews very little, Home has had no special reason to object to the state appointments to bishoprics and other places. The rupture that followed the mandates from the Vatican to two French bishops under penalty of ex communication, and the contrary or ders of the government under penalty of suspending the prelates' income, can now scarcely stop short of a fur ther dissolution which neither side desires. P. T. liarnum once said: "If you have J19 to put In use, pay $10 for an article and tS for advertising. I can out talk any man but a printer, but the man who can stick type and the next morning talk to a thousand men wlille I am talklngto one, Is the man I am afraid of, and I want to be his friend." It is a bright promise for Eastern ' Oregon to know that the same forces that are working for Irrigation are also working for the portage road. ' High Class Drug gists AND OTHERS. Tito better olass of druggists, ovcrywhore, nrc men of scientific attainments and high in'ty who dbvoto their lives to the wolfure of their fellow men in supplying, the best of remedies arm purest medicinal agents of known value, in accordance with physicians prescriptions ami scientific formula. Druggists of the better class manufacture many excellent remedies, out always under original or officinal names and they never sell false brands, or imitation mu "f 8 They are the men to deal with when in need of anything in their lino, which usually ,cluuc all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a first-class pharmacy and the finest anu beat of toilet articles and preparations and many useful accessories and remedial applianceB. The earning of a fair living, with tho satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of the ucnenis conforred upon their patrons and assistance to the medical profession, is usually their greaiesi roward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil. They all know that syrup oi Figs is an oxcollont laxativo lomedy and that it gives universal satisfaction, and "rel0e - aro selling many millions of bottles annually to the well informed purchasers of tho choicest, remedies, and thoy always tako pleasure in handing out the genuine article bearing tm i nm namo of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on tho front of every Pu0K"B Thoy know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousnees and constipation unu of weakness or torpidity of tho livor and bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion, or ovor-eating, that thoro is no other romedy so pleasant, prompt and beneficial in its euecis as Syrup of Figs, and thoy are glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction. Owing to tho oxcellenco of Syrup of Figs, the universal satisfaction which it giveB anu uie imraonso demand for it, imitations have been made, tried and condemned, but tliere are individual druggists to be found, here and there, who do not maintain the dignity and principles of tho profession and whose greed gets the better of their judgment, and who do not liesiiaio to recommend and try to sell tho imitations in order to make a larger profit. Such preparations sometimes havo the name" Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup" and of some Pi"1 concern, or fictitious fig Byrup company, printed on the package, but they never have tlio lull name or the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package. The imitations should bo rojected because they aro injurious to the system. In order to sell tho imitations they find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception, and whenever a dealer passes off on a customer a preparation under the name of "Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup, wlncli does not bear tho full namo of the California Fig Svrup Co. printed on the front of the package, ho is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter ins establishment, whether it be large or small, for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation anu and deception in one caso he will do so with other medicinal agentB, nnd in the lining oi physicians' prescriptions, and should be avoided by every one who valueB health and Happiness. Knowing that the great majority of druggists are reliable, we supply the immense demand for our excellent remedy entirely through the druggists, of whom it may be purchased every where, in original packages only, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle, but as exceptions exist it is necessary to inform the public of the facts, in order that all may decline or return any imitation which may be sold to them. If it does not bear the full mime of the Company u- o n" i f . f vinnL-nfTP llr lint, llPRltntO tO relUrll lUe article and to demand the return of your money, and in future go to one of the bettor class ot , . . , i, . , i it. - i..,4 ....i,!ir in inn Imp nt rpARonaulennces. ciTUggistswno win sen you wnaiyou wish uhu uil- ueai ui Stationer If you want something J nun nijusil c nnvo It, If you wu.t I IMOST COMPLETE STOCK and tho FINEST ASSORTMENT ever shown In tills ldnltj. Brock & McComa Company IjET US SUPPLY YOU ATI Building Materif Dimension lumber of till scrlptions, Sash, Doori, EM Moulding, Building and Tirl per. ItltlNG YOUH HILL T01 axd get otm ncn Grays Haft Commercial Opposite W. & C. id HIIST PltOMISE OF SPOUT. EJECTING A PUESIHENT. Willie it cost only $200,000 to elect Abraham Lincoln to the presidency In llfit. four times that sum was spent hi the Hayes-Tllden campaign of lSTtf., while in 1SSS. with tariff as the issue, J2,000,000 was said to have been used by both sides, and the fig ures have mounted up since In some of the later campaigns. These facts form the substance of a part of air interesting article on "How a National Campaign Is Uun.' which Edward LIssner contributes to the current Harper's "Weekly. He also tells of some of the articles which go to make up these expenditures. The cost of maintaining national head quarters, with Its army of employes ranging from 40 to 100 women, has been estimated to be about $3000 a day. There are stump speakers who rriv, lion ii week and exneiwes. The distribution of a printed speech in printed form nun cost as mucn as t50i)0. and tliere have been campaigns when -0 of such speeches have been delivered and circulated. ! some big liner Is not exchanging a series of "moves" with a slstei ship The U ice for Chess Championship, Everybody's Magazine for October Correct Clothes for Men IIP them open you II never tind greater care bestowed upon ready-for-service apparel than upon that bear- copjrtjtt m.a.b.&c jni this label f riiiiMiiwS it . pd)enjainin&(y MAKERS v.f NEWyoRK I.OXG DISTANCE CHESS. i This mark on your coat-hanger chess nr inside coat-pochei protects in out. go The Sun Francisco Call. In speaking of the release of the P.usslan cruiser Lena, says: The question of the Russian war ship has been settled by the president without ruffling the dignity of Japan or Kusala. He gives her two months which to make repairs anu tui and aB an alternative she must now or disarm and lie here till the close of the war. Of course sue will disarm nnd rock liiglorlously on the bay until peace comes. On wms grounds It will he regret ted that her government does not ac on the two months' time for re pairs. She could be patched up and nnnied in that time, and then Japan would have a cruiser waiting for her .i,i the three-mile limit, and when they met there would be a sea fight ntr our western water iruui. There would be standing room only on the hills from Mount Tamalpals to the Twin Peaks. The Cliff House iok like a bee hive about to swarm and there would be lively bet ting on the grounds. It would be a .i, V,,.th seeing, and If the Lena s wArn set long enough ahead San Francisco would have a hitfror crowd thun came for the Knights Templar. It is many a long year since hostile powder has been liiimod near our coasts, except in the Civil War. uml such a fight as might b hero would have tho zest of novol- ty, with tho additional pleanuro that wu could eo the show without coat lilt; u ft cnt In men or htpa or pow Thousands of devotees play h- eiirresiiondence. and tliere Is a .. e imii.iilnnc game now going on between a man in , J " " ' T...t 4Unk nefnr Canton. O., and another In Warsaw, ! LOOK for it; yOU 11 WanK US IOr Russia, that it will take several years to complete, eacli move being sent by postal card from one player to the other. Cable matches are of frequent occurrence and many persons will re member the international game that took plMoe some years ago between a team made up of members of congress and one composed of members of the house of commons. During that con test, oak move was cabled across the Atlantic and a reply received In 10 seconds. And now that wireless teleg raphy lias become a feature of ocean crossing there nre few days when finding it Equal to fine aiilom-nude In ill but price- The nuktr" guarantee, nd oura. with every garment We art Exclusive DUiributori in thb city. The Peoples Warehouse The Leading Clothiers FCSDLCTON, OREGON '! music .to 'ear. I Ac B. C. Bohemian X j: MJmBJ (Tbe only beer boU,eJ cIajiTe,y al ibe Brewery) M j HHtr" Beer is churactcrued by a pronounced and J delightful hop nroma not to be found in ony -H other brand. This is due to the uie of the 'P rtfifSf? finest Rrade of imported Bohemian X I . r " TEETI Per M!t, S.V00; Roll ' $1.00; silver flltins tractliig, fide. We are thoroughly e with all modern ruetho appliances, nmi purM' work to be of the hljhef nrd, and our prices thf consistent with flrst-ciui White Br Denlhu. A-ocliitlon Wo Telephone Main IH Oregon St. Helen's A OIKLS SCHOOL OF j EST CLASS corps ol i"l tion. building, equlpmefj Send for catalogue Opens September 15. "I had scrofula and; erysipelas for eight een years, until I heard Of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery," writes Jlr. lltlery Koons.oi 5juccu, W. Va. " When I commenced to take this medicine I weighed one huudred aud thirty pounds. 1 have taken ex bottles ot ur. riercc a uuiutu """ . ....l .. of hi 'Pleas ant Pellets.'aud am glad to say I feel like a new man. i now wciku u. dred and eerentyifive pounds. When I had used one bottle of the medicine I could feel it was helping me. I jeahze Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the best medicine on earth." Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery purifies the blood and en tirely eradicates the poisons tliat breed and feed disease. It cures scrofuta, eczema, erysipelas, boils, pimples and other eruptions tliat f tim ultin. Pure blood is essential to good health, lue weak, rttn-dovra, debilitated con dition which so many people ex perience is commonly the effect of Impure blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery not only cleanses the blood of impwntiw, but t in creases the activity of the Wood making tfwte, a"d il enriches the tody with an abundant supply of pure, rich blood. FuiiG, Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense nf mnilinir oulv. Send 21 one-cein INSUltANCE. Fire, life mid Accident. JOE ELL Ilooni 8, Over Tujlor'8 Hard ware Store. CRUSHED FRUITS A fine line Just received to be serv- i.w ,r.im nt our fountain. eu We have Peach Marine, that refresh ing drink. THE CABINET nnndles. Soda. Ice ceam, Clears and Fruit in eaon. 200 Court St.. JI. J. Wilkinson. Prop. Expett Collectors Wo have located a branch office In r.,.iiBtnn. and will make collecting ..., t hiiin n sneclaltv. No ac- onunt too old for us to nanuio. Our plan Is: "No collections, ii" charges. Suits Instituted, judgment advertised. Tho Vnn Alstlno-Gordon & Co,, Mcr-1 amtllo Agency, Jl. Vi Jjipo v Co., Mgrs. 110 E. Court St. Tolopliono Main !U1 RAINING 6 Union made, HAND MADE.. CLEAR HAVANA. A STANDARD FOR QUALITY. CAP AN I INFiSS AND WORKMANSHIP. Wherryou call fer a TRIUMPH." plYNN 6ETIT. Don't accent a substimtc.il i FANE MAKERS. The 1 i The Hotel Cruise First-class In ovary particular. Modorn In all appolntmonts. Splendidly furnished throughout. Sorvlco tli.o very host. Tho Hotel Griiiao Is located nt tho corner of Webb anil Cot tonwood streets. In a now building built especially for hotel pur poses. Each room is largo nnd comfortable, belns well lighted and woll ventilated. In furnishing this hotel, tho best of every thing was purchased, and attention has been glvon to tho artis tic effect au well as comfort. Tho Hotol Crulso Is a modol place for lodgers, travollng men and cltlzons who seek a first-class placo whoro rates aro not high. . it r l. 1 i. -.11 A I in connection, quuix uiuura bui vuu m uu uuiua. ! WAT! TAN! round or WATER AISO lie""-- 1 kinds. Wenktb .... vtiitiwm always give is never siie"- Pendleton W and Lumbej I The Ffl ! Resta) - !!5 Cent 1 rrirate v 5 Elcpu'l 0