East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 17, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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Superintendent Public Works
Of Islington, K) Nifts
"Pc-ru-na Is an Cxr.cllrnt Medicine.'
jj J. il iiipplegate.
. J. II. Hlpplrgatn, Sujit. of Public
Works, Ct West nth St., Islington, Ky.,
"1 find that Porunn Is an excellent
medicine especially for 'atnrrhal affec
tion and all dlca.fs leading to con
sumption, bronchial trouble? or stomach
troubles. It also acts as a preventative
and keeps the system In a healthy con
dition so that it easily throw oft dis
ease. It 1 an excellent tonic and a
great appetizer and as a lare numlier
of those who have liecn lining it s-poak
Tery highly of it curative powers. J am
satisfied that my opinion of it N correct,
and that it i deserving of high praise."
J. JI. llipplcgate.
Peruna is the remedy for catarrh. Al
most everybody knows that by hearsay
and thousands know it bj experience.
Catarrh in its various forms is rapidly
becoming a national curse. An un
doubted remedy has been discovered by
Dr. Ilartmau. This remedy has been
thoroughly tested during the past forty
years. J'eruna cures catarrh in all
pha.-es and stages. There is no remedy
that can be sutsliuiled.
If you do not deiive prompt and ati
factory results from the use of Portinu,
Trritestonce to Ir. Hartinan, giving a
full statement of oiir rno iml he will
l plwrt to giV'.- iu In:- -r.luabte ad
vi ' ' .
"" . '' .-.. IV i.Icnl of
' '111. us. tl
W U " t w
cfc I
Per set. So.tlO: gold cmiviit.
Sl.nn; silver filling, ."Oc; ex
tnicting. rl)c.
tVe are thoroughly equipped
with all modern methods and
appliances, and guunintee our
work to be of the highest stand
ard, and our prices the lowest
consistent with flrst-clas work.'
White Bros.
Association Block.
Telephone Muln 1001.
All size Jars, crocks. Jugs, churns,
We will make the price satisfactory-
See us.
Made to Order Building To
iler, Lime, Cement, Brick and
Sand, Wood Gutters for Hams
mill Duellings a Specialty.
Lumber Yard
Altu Street, Opp. Court House.
All water used Is sterelized and is
absolutely pure.
The best carbonated drinks It Is
possible to make.
Telephone Main 9S1,
New York. Sept. 17. Society folk
; are returning to town from mountain
and seashore mid the present week
' has neen the first display of fall
J gowns and millinery on Fifth live
' nue. From all indications, yellow
I and orange, and certain tints of
brown, especially the two former in'
every possible shade, are destined to
tie the most popular colors this sea
son. Orange and burnt orange and
burnt tomato and all the other vari
ations, lire exquisite in themselves,
and most effective when used In rib-
bon. flower or feather trimming for I
' w hite hats, but they are rather try
1 ing to most women used any other
wa The popularity of yellow will
probably be confined to millinery, i
dress trimmings and evening clothes. I
although It Is probable It will be con
spicuous In the plaids and shot ef- 1
tecls whlcli we are promised for the ,
coming winter.
Dlrectolre styles are very promi
nent this fall and these may be I
studied In libraries, picture galleries 1
, and old prints. The long skirt, with
, Its little short train in the buck, still
reiiulres the Use of both hands to
hold It up and keep It from twining
around our feet. So far from de
creasing In width, the smart skirt
has now become 12 yards around, a
severe strain upon most women's
purges. These very full skirts are
often made quite plain with Just a
hem at the bottom. To be quite cor
rect, skirt hems must vary In width
from six to 10 Inches. Thin hems
; are often interlined with flannel to
weight them and sometimes little
lead weights ure put at the top oi
the hem. Where one bus to put so
much money Into the material for a
skirt it Is a relief not to be obliged to
trim It. There Is. however, the con
solation afforded by French folds ap
plied box pleat, ruchlngs and shir
rings of the dress material.
lllue Is Popular,
lllue is the popular fall color, and
a very pretty dress for early cool
days Is built of a heavy quality of
blue linen. The hem is headed by
three rows of narrow blue and white
braid, and the same braid Is used in
u close scroll work over the wide
belt, the cuffs and around the nee
The full skirt is kitted to the waist
band, and the bodlee Is made with
a Jacket effect In an almost square
runel In the back and front. From
shoulder to belt the edges of these
lanels are crossed by braid loops
paaved around small ball buttons on ,
the panels and sides of the waist, i
The neck has a square cut collar
sloping into revers In front, border
ed by three rows of braid mid open
ing over a white shirt front which
ma be worn with or without stock.
The fall clothes run toward the
smooth effects, though when the first
snow files the rough goods will comtt
out and one will wo;ider where so
many handsome suits come from. The
attractive qualities of the new coats
are Just being realized by the great
army of women who want to be hand
some. Quite pretty are the military
touches which are lent to the new
long coats. They ure made with but
ton holeo and military strapping ex
tending all the way down the front
and there are stiff little military col
lars that stand straight up around
(be neck, while others, belli coilar-
less, have the military finish. ;
New Hat Kt let. i
With the fall gowns the fall hats
ji.ive llkewis- come to town. It is ,
n the crown that the greatest chunge
hi the autumn hats is to be seen The
frown Is asserting Itself. It is get
ting higher and higher. The crown -i-sti
hat, so conspicuous a year ago.
is now strikingly out of date. The ,
high crown shows Itself not only In
the dashing velvet-covered dlrectolre
hats, but also In the simpler styles i
for knock-about wear.
The every-day hats. In addition to 1
their pronounced crowns, have lost
.ill their stiffness. They are made ,
1, the softest of felts and trimmed '
ti a way to indicate that they were '
I' slgued to please the essentially ;
feminine woman. The band which i
entircles the crown is often of soft '
silk laid In folds, while in front the i
silk is draped either in a careless
hou or arranged In loose folds. Many ,
of the brims are edged with a fancy j
silk braid which has the effect of em- '
Kid Trimming for Huts.
Another fashionable trimming for I
the hat for everyday wear Is kid. The
kid Is extremely soft, and is used not .
only in bands, but formed Into buck- i
les. Now, the new feature is that
the kid is embroidered in the pret
I tlest of soft colors, delicate shades of
I red. blue, green and yellow being j
i The embroidery Idea, by the way i
I enters largely Into the new hats. A
I very new fad Is to have the embroid
ery In the self-color only worked with I
' the coarsest of silk threads, so that It
has the effect of raised work.
t A fashionable toque for the au
tumn girl Is a gracefully draped
model of brown velvet embroidered
In a. striking design with heavy brown
silk floss. Trimming the front of the
toque are Jtwo pieces of the embroid
ered 'velvet piped with champagne
colored velvet. Caught under one
loop of the velvet Is a fancy wing with
a long stem, the feathers of which
blend from deep brown to cafe au
lalt. This stylo of turban Is made to
order, to match the particular tailor
ed gown with which It Is to be worn,
and very often the same velvet which
is used to form the collar and cuffs
of the tailored Jacket will be employ-
ed In fashioning the smart looking
The separate waist Is spoken of ns
a possibility for the coming winter,
and many indications point to such
a decree of fashion. Some charming
models recently Imported from Paris
suggest that a general movement In
favor of the convenient little gar
ment is already on foot. A special
Uvorlte would seem to bo white taf
feta. Not the stiff, unplastlc taffeta
if a few seasons ago, but the soft,
flexible goods which now goes by
that name Estelle Clnromont.
There is only One
Genuine-SyrUp Of FigS,
The Genuine is Manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co.
The full name of the company, California Pig Syrup Co.,
Is printed on the front of every package of the genuine.
The Genuine- Syrup of Figs- is for Sale, in Original
Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere
Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita
tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable
dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should
therefore be declined.
Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its beneficial effects.
It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches
when bilious or constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on the
kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed
by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial
effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the
laxative remedy of the well-informed.
Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs
LoMisYiHe , Ky
S my rr&rvcisco,
price nrry cents per bottle
. . "HI
OP IT." 11
, and broke It Into splinters, may hi.
been the fate of your carriage wtJ
.It was run Into by something- m
"there Is balm In Qllcad." or thirtu
pleasure in knowing that In our th
you can have it made ns good as ner
, We do all kinds of carriage repalrh,
, and blacksmlthlng In a skillful tj
superior manner. We sot tires wtk
hydraulic pressure; does it betttr
docs It while you wait! does not bar.
or deface your wheels and aiitZ
the life of the rig. Can mi , "
work. We have Winona wagoa?
hacks and buggies, and Stover fa.
The Blacksmiths.
The Columbia
Lodging House
Well ventilated, neat and com
fortable rooms, good beds. Bar
In connection, where the btt
goods are served.
Main street, center of block, b.
twecn Alta and Webb streeti
Pendleton Academy opens Tuesday, Sept. 20
Pupils of nil grades from prim to fourth year academic admitted.
Scholastic work fully recognlz-il und ncepted by all leading Institutions.
Grade work under the supervision of Prof. Albert Gibbons, who will be assisted by JIlss Alice Van Xuys
of the Cook County Normal, the most distinguished training school In the United .States, and Miss Flora
Walker, of Pendleton Academy.
The academy offers thorough iiiKtructlon In Higher Muthomatics and Physical Science. French and
German, Greek and Latin, History and Literature. All that effects a liberal culture and prepares young men
and women for college or professional life.
Expert Instruction In drawing music and penmanship, We aim to develop Christian character, good
citizenship and a vigorous intellect In a strong body.
Tuition Primary through seco.nl grade, $5.00; third and sixth, inclusive. $6.00; preparatory, JS; acad
emy, $10 per quarter.
For further Information nddrcss: PKNIlLCTOX ACADEMY,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Po-dlhely the llcst llecr
Any tiimiiflty jou desire. (
Delivered to jour homo
:hnjs cull for Ol.YMl'IA.
Telephone Muln HKI
The Standard of Endurance
E. J. MURPHY 1 2 1 Court Street
The Leading
Saiiitary Plumber
807 Cottonwood Street
Of the city, 8IEBERT 4
r i-. . 1 . mMwl Ia OOO
OCIIUIU, IIHVB I6II""VM iu ... f '
Court atreet, opposite the Hotel J . . L
Bickers. When you want a . ,,, ., . ,
r": t reasonab,e : LEGAL BLANKS Zltr:;
)JI IbBSf WMM Wll tMbIM f
That got Into jour watch during
niiiiimtji , lining nn; .-
.....,.li l,n... X'..... la l... ttltIP tO
11 cicaiicti, oiicii ami iin " ""
... . in. a In
iiinnner jcur. wo uomu uc
the uorU for you It will I6
Po-tofflce Block.
. . I- oil
If you nro lntcreHteu
Painting, bco us.. Our U
inff pictures. INoncsi
c. c. shakp
Opera llouso Block-
goaian for a free cat-
,2 alogtfe of them. A full supply always kept la stock.
Dally East Orenonlan vj
only 15 cents s week.