East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 16, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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rA'6K j?tWl
School Suits
and Shoes
-tht t,
Mothers, you nro robbing ynnrscir
If you don't look over our lino of
Mills nnil liocs for your Imys. We
nro showing cxcciitlonnlly strong
mines nt Troiii $1.50 to $3.50 In suits.
Tlio Duster Brown nncl Norfolk nro
the two lending styles. Up to $0.50 In
price. Let its show yon.
I. Cognn school shoes nro tho best
made for wear ami fit. AVe guaran
tee eteiy pair.
Tor Bills $1.25 to $2.25; for boys,
$1.75 to $2.50.
Lee Teutsch's
Department Store
huder. Get sunny.
tdoi hats, Roosevelt s.
. .... iii- nt Martin's.
tints' Gloria shoes at noose-
las and Hanan shoes at Roos-
ream and soda every day nt
hits, all the latest styles, see
t Teuttch's.
,-ery latest In brown nnd blue
Bust arrived, leuiscn .
get satisfaction at How-,-mriv
Rees' clear store.
F-en' Nire room with board,
...... ... .t.i..
irt-J cords four
, 5i , i s SI. Rlchard-
U Ctf restaurant, open
tleraf Mrs Cooper, proprl-
rrje h-ts, the latest. Just
M j u's h s deiMirtment
par clothes cleaned ana
lis.; Jocgcr g, 110 West Court
Rnt Good room with bath,
locks from Main street. Inquire
0. office
Sitt EIrI' heart of fresh
ss. 1' ,ulre 619 West Wal
low or phme red 201.
bhed rooms In quiet home.
I telephone. One block from
Mt rail at this office.
itd To rer.t a modern house
r' room' centrally located or
Ut river Vlrs T. C. "IV..
txtfe art embroidery taught.
f: mc'hods and designs. Will be
ill jfimi.iR house, 1112 Wll-
r- SfpVmhc 23. Mrs. L. W.
lis Po-iarl
Thon ! .s.)i. ullas John Wll.
' t e de l i guilty In tin. stiitH
3U" 'his afternoon tn the
lie of forg. ry In default of $100
p lie i.es. ',, J.,,,
Itf re-el'.c the finest and largest
Fsmen' lot of stonnwnrf. nw
ft..' to I'evlleton We will sell
I hich grade . s
l-er grades. Every Jar guaran-
Get Sunny. TJ C Itader.
Cash registers at WIthee's.
Big line Stetson hats at Roosevelt's.
Today Is pay liny on the O. R. &
Piano for rent; Inquire at this of
fice. For Rent Houses with or without
barns. Rlhorn & Nowlln.
Another shipment ,"lu the Bishop's
Carriages." nt Noir's book store.
Japanese cook wants a Job. Wages
J30 per month. Address r. O. box 34.
Special salt on street hats tomor
row at Mis. Campbell's mlllnery
Wnnted School girl to assist with
housework. Good home for right
girl. Address "Z" this office.
The British ship Dltton, which
went ashore at the Cliff House, I
Tuesday has been floated, slightly j c HchooIs, arHveu , tllls (,ltJ.
Librarian A. W. Nye, of the Com- !
uicrciai .issociauoii, is in receipt of
James Woods, of Athena, Is In
A. Mcltae went to Athena this
W. P. Rlhorn went to Adams this
Dr. X. W. Weir Is In Pendleton
from Adams.
Fred Gerbcrdlng of Weston, Is In
Pendleton on business. .
Dr. and M. A. Nelms. of Wniin
Walla, are In Pendleton today.
George Roork. of Mend
has sold several thousand head of
John R. Rnulstone. a nromlnent
Adams fnrmer. Is In Pendleton on
Mrs. W. W. Pomorov. of ITmntnin.
was In town yesterday, returning this
J. It. Raker, of Menchnm. Is n iriust
of Hotel Bickers today, while here
on business.
John Grleshaber of Adams, was In
Pendleton yesterday afternoon on
his way to St. I.ouls.
j Charles Dupuls of AVeston, was In
! Pendleton last night on his way to
j Albany to enter school,
Mrs. Lillian Rosenkranz, who has
been the guest of Mrs. P. T. Tweed,
1 returned to Colfax this morning.
I Miss May .Brown, of Sumpter, Is
i tn Pendleton on her way to Portland,
' where she will attend school this fall.
William and Krnest Kvans, of Pilot
Rock, have sold several thousand
head of their stock sheep to Eastern
J. H, Dick, of Camas Prairie, was
in Pendleton yesterdny and disposed
of a few head of fat beef to local
Thomas J. Flynn, of Baker City,
manufacturer of the famous "Tri
umph" clgnr, Is a guest at Hotel St.
George today.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Mitchell, 'who
were mnrrled. In Walla Walla Wed
nesday, returned to Pendleton yes
terday afternoon.
Myrtle M. Hudson this morning
filed her contract to teach In district
No. fS with County School .Superin
tendent Frank K. Welles.
Miss IVfirle Wills and Miss Kva I..
ood. teachers In the Pendleton pub-
Pendleton Academy opens Tuesday, Sept. 20
Pupils of all grades from primary to fourth year academic admitted.
Scholastic work fully recognized and accepted by all leading Institutions,
. Grade work under the supervision of Prof. Albert Gibbons, who will bo assisted by Miss Alice Vnn Nuyr
of the Cook County Normal, the most distinguished training school In the United Stntes, and Miss Flora
Walker, of Pendleton Academy.
The academy offers thorough Instruction In Higher Mathematics and Physical Science. French and
German, Greek and Latin, History and Literature. All that effects a liberal culture and prepares young men
and women for college or professional life.
Expert Instruction In drawing, music mid penmanship, We aim to develop Christian character, good
citizenship nnd a vigorous intellect In a strong body.
Tuition Primary through second grade, Jti.OO; third and sixth. Inclusive, $G,00; preparatory, J8; acad
emy, J10 per quarter.
For further Information address: PUNDLITION ACADKMY,
Pendleton, Oregon.
ness nnd high character from several
towns In the Kast where he hns
Well Known Whitman ltoy to
Vl Course of 4iv.
11. Klmer Brown, known through
out the Northwest as "Hez." was In
Pendleton for a few minutes yester
day afternoon on his way to New
Haven. Conn., to enter Yale college.
Mr. Brown Is a Dayton, Wash., boy
and a graduate of Whitman college.
s an athlete nnd ns a student ho
ranks high among the young men of
let-day afternoon from Weston
Mrs. W. J. Clarke and child, who (Oregon, Washington and Idaho,
1 1 .11... .1... . l.iut -,.n lio WltlttiiniA It,
..,.,u.,.,lfrl .w ,1,1.1 l.iinir llunpll. nsll.. IMF linst few
weeks in 'Portland, returned home
Inst evening.
lure about Umatilla county.
Ciare" Sheen for .Million.
Julius Wagner, of Pilot Rock, has! ,-Mrf' H"an Glasson of Echo,
sold to eastern feeders 1200 head lms bJe(?" th- Buwt at Mr' John
lambs for which he received 1.7G 'v-ster. of Pilot Rock, was in town
per head. These lambs were all I .vteilay. and this morning took the
grade Oxfords, Cotsuolds and Shrop
shire, and uncommonly large and
rangey animals, and were not culled
closely. This sale is said to Justify
the opinion of the value of breeding
"eoar.se" sheep for the mitttou mar
Quality, not Quantity.
Watch Repairing
I Does rnnr
I -- "uivu or ciock
r-ortant factor to you?
Don't nin ... .
01 navine
1 1. "r ."eplece ruined. Urine 1
iu LB. - J
ProeresHlve Jeweler. I
'2C Main Street
KpNeopal Rector Coining.
morning train home.
A. f. Henderson, of Pilot Rock, Is
in town today, coming to meet his
wife and niece, who returned from,
the western part of the state on the
early morning train.
the oratorical contests against the
other schools of the Northwest and
carried off first honors. "I shall
strive for a degree of master of arts, '
said Mr. Brown. "After finishing my
course at Yale I Intend studying law."
Mis. La Fontaine and her two
daughters are expected to arrive
friitfi I.f.tii- lli.iw.ll 1'hI. SllllllnV. Illill-
The Rev. Henry Dixon Jones, who , ... i...,.,,.,,,,. ,lnd oeorce at
Portland. on that date.
has been culled as rector to the
Church of the Redeemer, has written
a letter to the vestry-, formally accept
ing the- call and stating that he will
arrive In Pendleton to take charge of
the work about the middle of Octo
ber. The Illness of his mother has
prevented his coming sooner.
W. D. Chamberlain returned this
morning from Eugene, where he went
with his niece. Miss Velma Wllkin-
Reetor of St. Paul's Will Preach lit
Church of Reedenicr .Sunday.
Rev.- Andreas Kurd, rector of St, 1
i x'aui h iu pi suo pa i unuicii ni u uiia
Walla, will occupy the pulpit at the
Church of the Redeemer, both morn
lug and evening, next Sunday.
The people of Pendleton are Invited
to attend the services. Mr. Hard Is
considered one of the most brilliant
speakers In the pulpits of the North
west and Is well known In this city.
He hns been rector of St. Paul's
Returns l'roni Walla Walla.
Mrs. James A. Fee has returned
from Walla AVnlla, where she placed
her son Alger In Whitman College
for the ensuing year. She also visit
ed her sister, Mrs. J. M. P. Snyder
In the Garden City.
Three Thousand Shccji Sold.
Hunter &. Stephens have bought of
Gulllford Bros, for the Nebraska
feeding grounds iu Buffalo county,
300H head of mixed Blockers lambs,
dry ewes and wethers.
Remodeling Residence.
Andrew Peebler, of Stage Gulch,
will soon build an addition to his
dwelling and remodel the main
structure, putting about ?SUU Into
the Improvements,
1800 Acres Wheat.
M. J. Foster, of Stage Gulch, has
Just finished threshing lSOO acres of
winter wheut which averaged 20
bushels to the acre and was of ex
cellent quality.
Court Business Heavy.
"The docket of the Multnomah
circuit court this term," said J. G.
Wilson, assistant counsel fur the O.
R. & N. Co., who was in Pendleton
yesterday from Portland, "Is larger
than ever before. AH four of the de
partments are crowded with civil and
criminal cases, and It will be utterly
impossible to clear up the work.
Much will have to go over to other
You can't flatter the average man
by telling him he "has the reputation
of being a flirt.
'aiorito i1'1' ,amou8 Ic Cream cuti nguln be obtained ut the old
nte Luc Cabin wltt fountain.
son, who will be a student In the parish for the past four years and It
State University for the ensuing year. , was through his efforts that a new
, . ! stone church has been erected at the
Jl. js, uarinoiomew hhu wne wein fjH,.,M t'ltv
to Heppner this morning. Mrs. Bar- ,
lliolomew will visit la Heppner. t
wh'le Mr. Bartholomew will go on IC.NORA.NCIC Ol- ORI.GO.N.
Into the Interior with the Intention , .
of buying sheep. s.i, p,,,,s Loiters Recclwd at the Of
, , ,. ... 1 l'lcc of the Oregon Inl'ornuitloii
IJ. lirilllli. Ol jieppner, me mnj j
man in Eastern Oregon who Is 7,0 Bureau.
yeais old and doesn't look to be over1 Secretary Blrrell, of the Oregon In
r.0. nor act as though he was 40 formation Bureau, at the Union de
years of age," is In town. Mr. Grif
fith has lived on the coast over CO
years, 4C of which time was spent In
ni:i:is aovkrtisino.
Ignorance In the Kast About
Coining MMsltioii.
Prof. Bleakney reculls that upon
his recent trip In the East he en
countered the densest Ignorance eon
cerniiig the Lewis and Clark exposl
pot building, Portland, has some of
the most wonderful curiosities In the
forms of letters that possibly ever
passed through the United Slates
! An Indlaiilau, willing to the bureau
) for Information concerning Oregon
and Its resources recently, asked If It
weir true, as reported, that It rains
so much iu the vicinity of Portland
that the farmers place wide boards
on the feet of their horses to prevent
them from sinking into the mud.
Alinlhf.r ntixlnos Iriolllrer nskeil to
tlon. In fact, east of the Mississippi . tolt, exJ1P,iy j wlmt portion, of
the person who knows anything at ; c llfomIa. Oregon was situated. Oth
.11 about It is the exception. Scores, (.rs lllnue a)),llJt the k,i of ,oum,
of Intelligent and otherwise well In- , uut , fnrlns dangers
formed people in every wulk of lire rom httVUBeH the interior of the
would reply to Inquiries Intended to kUav Jt u inKllf(.H the fact that
test their Information upon the sub- 0Kt leedH U(iV(;.tHlB.
Ject. "Don't know," "Really never,
heard of It." "When will It take I
placeY and so on.
Naturally, Mr. Bleakney Is Impress,
ed with the Imperative need of ad
vertising the exposition, and la pro
foundly convinced that unless there
Is a liberal appropriation for public
ity wisely expended, that the attend
ance from those very states which
Oregon wishes most to appeal to and
expects most from In the way of Im
migration and Invested capital will be
the most Insignificant.
KOEPPKfurc The Pocolar Price
Will llue Charge or Grade Work In
Pendleton Academy.
Pror. Albert Gibbons arrived last
night rrom the North Powder coun
try, where he has been laboring ror
some weeks In the Interests or Pen
dleton academy, and Is arranging the
last details In preparoilon ror taking
I charge next Tuesday of the grade
( work In that Institution. Mr. Gibbons
was principal of the Sunimervllle
schools last year, his first Introduc
tion to school work In the North
w est.
Mr. Gibbous was graduated In l&ill
from Campbell university at Holton,
Kas. ono of the best conducted and
appointed and Influential among the
private or denominational educational
Institutions In Kansas. In fact. It Is
known as the best In that state out
side of the various slate Institutions.
Mr Gibbons brings unqualified rec-
i oniinc iiJatlona of ability, thorough-
In tea, Schilling's Best is by
no means the costliest tea ; it's
a matter of taste. Of the fine
kinds, the one you like best is
your tea.
Your grocer's ; moneyback.
Knife, rork and hoon (war-
rallied 'JT jours).
72c, $l.:il) and $1.05.
Frederick Nolf & Co. :
School Supplies of
All Descriptions
No matter what school your children nlleinl wo have (ho cor
rect books nnd tablets.
Wo carry everything In school books and .supplies. Our stock
Is the best and prices tho lowest.
Parents need lme no hesitancy iu sending their children to our
store Tor hooks, as they will reecho us carelul attention and be
glcn the same fair treatment its IT joii culled In person.
Old school hooks received In exchange or for cash.
Book and Stationery Store
Port Wine Iron and Oregon Grapo Itoot.
The demand for n gentle and effective tonic to stimulate nnd recup
erate tho debilitated system, has Induced THE OREOON WINE &
LIQUOR CO. lo place on tho market tho Port Wine Tonic, assuring tholr
patroiiB that it will speedily tono up tho system of persons suffering rrom
all forms of. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility or Malarial com
plaints to which people of nil parts of the country are subjected. It con
tains no poisonous Ingredients and can be taken by tho weakest persons
with the best results. As a strengthening tonla nnd appetizer It has no
Prepared with tho greatest care. The principal parts are composed
of Selected Oregon Grape Root. Iron and our Famous Cucamonga (11-year-old)
Port Wine Is acknowledged by physicians today to bo more strength
ening than meat. Oregon Grape Root Is noted for Its blood-giving and
purifying qualities, while the Iron rebuilds and tones up tho cntlro system.
The lesult Is a remedy unequaled for , general medicinal purposes and a
bevcruge pleasing to the taste.
Piepared nnd bot'led under our personal supervision and guaranteed
exactly as represented.
Ask your druggist or grocer for It, nnd take no other.
DIRECTIONS From three to four wine glnsses each day"
In .lugs Only Full quart, 75c; Hair gallon, SI. 25; Gallon, $2.25,
Bowman Building,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Main Street, Near Depot.
Sewing Machines Must Go
Closing out miIo of all machines on hand,
Of all makes and descriptions. Having decided to discontinue hand
ling sewing machines, 1 will close out all machines nt less than fac
tory price.
Drop Head Singer machines, (us good as new)
Drop Head New Homo, new ,
Oilier machines uurrautcd lo sew properly and gho satisfaction,
for $5.00 and up.
Sanitary Plumber
807 Cottonwood Street
alogue of them. A full supply always kept tn stock