mmimmsmmmmmmmmMmmmmmm imp - AGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. PAGE THREE. PANSION SALE ROAIN WEEK 2 ltng and Furnishing Goods Department ' X ''ut jour service with n complete Hue of the nevu-it and tho fnll suits you've seen this season, or are to lie seen .. In the matter of tpiullty, of .style, fit and uoikinnu- SWord, In point or all those exeellciiees vihleli a sntisfnc- fought to possess, thcM! speak most cloiiiicntly for all-wool, tollor-ininle suits, new fall and whiter styles, nine $12.50, $1-1.00, $15.00, sale price, StO.ll.".. un'rt all-wool, tailor-made salts, regular value S10.00, $1H.()0, you may come In and select from our cloth- 2 rs any of the suits nt $12.75. xander Dept. Store I THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES j !S?3THEi BEST SMOKE ON THE MARKET Manufactured by A. ROHDE LIMBING id SEWER WORK A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING GOODS AND ITRST- tK.MEN; ALSO MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS. ESTI INISHED ON ALL WORK. WORK GUARANTEED. C. TAYLOR JWAHE MAN. 741 MAIN STREET. EAGLES ON PARADE CHEAT PARADE WAS A SPECTACULAR AFFA1 H. Thousands of Marching Member and Fifty Hands, Costumes, Floats and Tableaux l.lvc Eagles as SjinlKils of the Order, While llorltla Car ried Alligator. Baltimore, Mil., Sept. 14. The spectacular feature of the Eagles' convention In session here was the great parade today. Thousands of members of the order were In line and GO hands provided no end of music. The pageant embodied many new and novel features, Including grotesque costumes, floats and tab leaux emblematic of the various states and far distant territory of the country. The states with the largest numerical representation were Vir ginia, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and AVest Virginia. Tho Florida Eagles had a choice collection of alligators on a float, and the delegations from Dakota, Minne sota and Colorado also displayed birds and beasts of various kinds. A Kentucky nerle apepared In line as, pioneers, with rifles and axes, and the Texas aerie, as a symbol of the Lone Star state, wore silver stars on the side of their wide felt hats. The members of the Cheyenne, Wyo., aerie, of which President Roosevelt Is a. member, were atlred as cowboys. The Denver aerie also appeared In tvplcal Wild West costume and car ried with them several bald eagles. The line formed at 10 o'clock and traversed the principal thoroughfares of the city. Thousands of spectators lined the route and cheered the marcheis. .Mayor Tlmanus and a large party of guests reviewed the procession from a stand in front of the city hall. This afternoon the vis itors were entertained at a big crab feast and outing at Hlvervlew park. o'clock this afternoon. The United Sons of Confederate Veterans begin their annual reunion this evening. Doth bodies will continue In session through tomorrow and Friday. Twin Clly HorM Show. Minneapolis, Minn.. Sept. 14. An admirable display of horseflesh and a great outpouring of society Is ex pected to be the feature of the horse show opening nt the state- fair grounds this evening. The exhibition will be the first affair of the kind In which St. Paul and .Minneapolis have co-operated and It promises to be the most notable ever seen in the North west. It will mark the opening of the horse show circuit of the year and will be followed by the exhibitions at Omaha, Louisville, St. Louis. Kansas City, Chicago and New York. New Jersey to Retaliate. Trenton, X. J.. Sept. 14. At the annual convention of the New Jersey Undertakers' Association, which be gan here today, a committee will be appointed to draft a bill for presen tation to tho legislature making It a misdemeanor for undertakers doing business In New York or any other state to conduct funerals In the state of New Jersey. Tills action will bo taken because undertakers In New Jersey have been debarred from con ducting funerals In New York. Indiana M. E. Conference. New Albany, Ind.. Sept. 14. Tho annual session of the Indiana M. U conference began at Centennry Meth odist church in this clt today with Ulshop Warren presiding. Tho busi ness of the conference will occupy a week or 10 days. The annual appoint ments will be announced the first of the coming week. Many prominent divines are among the delegates and there will be a series of notable lec tures and sermons during the week. CONFEDERATE REUNION. Seventeenth Annual Gathering of Vir ginians. Lynchburg. A'a.. Sept. 14. The grand camp of Confederate Veterans of Virginia began its seventeenth an nual reunion here today. The con vention was called to order in Con federate hall this morning by Judge George L. Christian of Richmond grand commander. Chaplain John P. Hyde of Winchester, delivered the invocation. Hon. N. C. Manson. Jr., welcomed the veterans to Lynchburg, and General Thomas T. Munford ex tended greeting In behalf of Garland Khodes camp. The response was by Col. William II. Stewart of Ports mouth. At the conclusion of these formali ties adjournment was taken until 4 Watson nt Yankton. Yankton, S. D.. Sept. 14. The pop ulist state convention is In session here today for the purpose of naming candidates for the state offices to be filled at the November election. There appears to be little disposition on th part of the convention to In dorse the nominees of the democratic state convention. Thomas Watson, candidate for piesldent on the popu list ticket, delivers an address here this afternoon. No Dessert More Attractive Why tiM gi-latino nnd spend, hours sorJuag, "weeteaiag, nivonng mid coloring when Jell-O nrodiui-s better retnilts in two mlnutef fcvirytliiiig in the jmck'ige. Simply wM hot uteratidsi'tuicil. It'sjierfection. Asm. pir-i- to the housewife. No trouble, less e. (m-iiw. Try it to-day. In Pour Fruit Yk vors: Lemon, Or.m);e, BtruwU-rry, Hasp, w, At wooers. 10c A Hoy's Wild Ride Tor Lire. With faintly anvi-d expecting him to die, and a son rldl.ii? tri life, IS miles, to ge- Dr. King's Kew Discov ery for Consumption, 'coughs and colds, W. H. Drown of Leesvllle, Ind., endurtd death's agonies from asth ma but this wonderful medicine gave Instant relief and soon cured him. H. .vr est "I now sleep soundly every nl-ht." Like marvelous cures of con sumption, pneumonia, bronchitis, coughs, colds and grip prove Its matchless merit for nl lthroat and lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c '. $1.00 Trial bottles free at Tall inn I) & Co.'s drug store. R. F. Hennett, a sawyer, commit ted suicide Tuesday at Tacoma, be cause of his Inability to secure work. 120 PAGE TAHLET 3c Frederick Nolf & Co. THE DIG SCHOOL SUPPLY . STORE. I WATER TANKS We make a specialty of building round or square WATER TANKS Also header beds, all sixes nnd kinds. We make them right and they always give satisfaction. Our work Is never slighted or botched. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard ROBERT rORSTER, Proprietor. Corner Webb nnd College. Expert Collectors We have located n branch office In Pendleton, and will make collecting dofunct bills a specialty. No no count too old for us to handle. Our plan Is. "No collections, no charges. Suits Instituted, Judgments ntlvertlsed. The Van Alstlnc-Gortlon .V Co., Mer cantile Agency, 11. V. I.lpo & Co., Mgrs. til) E. Court St. Telephone Main lilt. B. F. BECK Sanitary Plumber 807 Cottonwood Street HOUSEHOLD GOODS WE CAN FURNISH YOUR HOME FROM GARRET TO OEL 1.AR. HEATING STOVES, FURNITURE, CARPETS, CIIINAWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, TINWARE, POR CELAIN WARE. C1LYPEST PLACE IN PENDLETON. GOODS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. V. STROBLE 20 Court Street "NOT GOOD, NOT HERE" Hard Sense Talk ptemher trgdns September Bargains I WE. DON'T APPEAL FOR TRADE SUPPORT ON A PLEA OI' PAST ACQUAINTANCE. BUSINESS FRIENDSHIP OR ANY OTHER SUCH UNREASONABLE LINES. WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE BECAUSE WE (JIVE YOU THE QUALITY THE SERVICE THE I'lllt'K. OUR ANNIVERSARY AND INVENTORY SALIC IS NOW IN FULL BLAST, AND OUR ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS MONTH WILL HE OF GREAT ITEREST TO HOUSEKEEPERS AND ALL WHO HAVK THE RESPONSIBILITY OF PROVIDING FOOD. SI'ECIAL LOW PRICES ON ALL GROCERIES. Breakfast, Food Specials Other Specials We secured a special rebate from the factory by buying a quantity of these breakfast foods which enables us to name you S.ick flour, best grade t5c the very low price of two packages for 25c, while they last. liarrel flour, best grade $3.75 20cases Malta Vita, 2 packages for 25o pound beans, pink or small white $1.00 20 cases Force, 2 packages for 25e ,,oun(iH Al-buckll. or Lloll co(ft,e 10 cases Shredded Wheat Biscuit, 2 packages for -5c Can stundard corn or tomatoes , 10c O'l Case Standard corn or tomatoes ; , , $2.25 O If gar OpeClalS CO pounds dairy salt BOo Sugai has advanced, but we had Just received a carload of Iti-gular 25c package Postum Cereal 20c sugar beforo the advance took place, and. we are going to still 6 bars Silk, Golden Star or Diamond laundry soap 25c offer you, while It lasts, the best grade of cane sugar at low ;;n oftr i,(,x above soaps, ' , 800 prices Regular 2Sc Gold Dust 20o 15 pounds for $1.00 , r ... , , Regular 20c Pyramid wash ng powder 10 2-Uo 100 pounds sack $6,110 " Remember Cut Prices prevail on everything in the store. Anticipate your wants and save money . S. YOUNGER (& SON grocers Telephone Main 28 1