fejPSWrt DAILY EAST OltECONIAX, PENDLETON', OKEGOy, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1001. J" PERSONAL MENTION , MOTHKKIIOOD n the reward nature bestows upon liml thy womanhood. Women whose vital it)' has lieen sapped J by disease cannot safely givo birth to chil dren. In pregnancy ami in childbirth weak ness of the mother is revealed in the pain and acony she suffers. This preat medicine drives out every ves ture of inflammation and weakness, and uives tone and strength to the delicate or- r. i : .1 .. it:.. ..l.il.l MM ..t faus which maun l- mu tiinu. inn juiun ui pregnane)' are banished by Wine of Cardui, and mis carriages, which blast so many fond mother's hopes, are tirevented. I'loodiiic. which so often occurs after Ichildbirth, is corrected when Wine of Curilui is used during prepnancy. ; Wine of Cardui babies arc healthy babies, because, during the months of pregnancy, the mother is able to iive them necessary utility uu stroii jit n . With these facts presented to American women no expectant olhnr should lie aatisfii'd without the re-iiiforcement that Wine of Cardui rwill give her Every mother should be able to treat herself in her home witu tuis valuable medicine. Wine of Cardui can be secured from any druggist at fcl.OOabottle. Polycarp, M. C. .Ian. 11. 19Ui!. I am the mother of seven children and while in pregnancy with the (first six suffered untold misery until they were born. One month before the Boventh was born I bemui to take a bottle of Wine of Cardui, which gave me fcrelief after taking three doses. I used the remainder of the bottle until the tnrth ol thechild.aud was stouter in tliree imys utter mo uirtu man i was in i month uftcr the birth of either ot tlie lirst six. I am ) years old. JIHS. V. ElilZAHKTH STAKr'UKU. WINE CARDUI ITY BREVITIES tailor. Get Sunny. .Knox lints, noosovelt's. j fruit daily nt Martin's. iSiBOliadles' Gloria shoes at Rooso t'sj, )ouglas and Ilnnun shoes nt Roos- tt's; cocroam and soda every day at jDelti- s"ewhats, all the latest styles, see at'Toutseh's. fEiiBllHli Ilond" and "Victoria tablets. Nolf's. ery latest In brown and blue st arrived. Toutsoh's. out sale of all summer mil- Mrs, Rose Campbell's. ts get satisfaction at How- Inieily Rees' cigar stove. e cook wants a Job. Wages south Address P. O. box 31. But Suite of rooms In East building Inquire at of Oeorgo restaurant, open knight Jlrs. Cooper, proprl- crge bats, the luteal. Just at Teutsch's depiii'tuiuiit four clothes cleaned and it Joerger's. 120 West Court lent- Good room with bath. ks from Main street. Inquire I' office. ill Competent woman to do housework. Good wages. Ap- Jackson street. our dlnnerwure not full sets. price with cash purchase of and glassware and lump. Bit lamp free. See window jC. Ilohrman. le A modern 7-rooin house h and improvements; two .lawn and trees, in good res- rtloii, very desirable home. HI . i.i.,.., r 1 , nut- I'.iint I'Kl'lllull. rant, a Helix wheat raiser, fyn today, He and his son rbjaJhls year raised U40 ueres of "atjpjftlch yielded between 3C anil fauawt ',er are ani1 a" f exco1" Get Sunny. U C Itader. Cash registers at WIthee's. I'lano for rent; Inquire at this of fice. For Kent Houses with or without barns. Rlhorn & Nowlln. Lee Iloyd was sentenced to three duys In jail for drunkenness today. For Kent New "room house; bath, toilet, dumb waiter; strictly modern. Apply C01 Gnrfleld street. A telephone Hue CO miles In length Is now under construction from Vale, vlu Alulheur city, to Dell, all In Mal heur county. For Sale Furniture of eight-room house. House for rout. Apply at ill, Thompson street between C und 7 In the evening. X :: I To Fo Wo I j XKW GOODS. J. II. Tomllnson, ot Umatilla, Is In the city on business todny. Miss Henrietta La Paul has been signed to tench school nt Saxe sta tion. Clark 12. Xelson, manager of the Weston brick yard, was In Pendleton last night on business. J. H. Tomllnson, ot Umatilla, left this evening for a two weeks', busi ness trip to Chicago. Dr. Snblna Leach left this morning for Athena to call on her patients at that plnce and in that vicinity. M. M. Owen, of Portland, is In the city on a brief visit to his son, A, J. Owen, of South Thompson street. Louis Sutherland, of Walla Walla, was In Pendleton last night on his way home from a trip to Hot Lake. Mrs. Lynn K. Blakesleo and son Harold returned this morning from, a visit to Dr. Blakeslee's parents nt Union. Ed Fear, who has been visiting In Pendleton for the past five months, departs tonight for Denver, his old home. George Hartman, Jr., and -wife, lenve this evening for an extended visit to the East, Including the St. Louis fair. F. A. Anderson, of Iron Springs, Idaho, Is lu town. He has been pros pecting at various points In the county nnd may return. L. O. Hllss, ot lone Falls, La., and F. E. Bliss, of Jennings, La., are In Pendleton visiting Miss Llna Dlbell, their cousin and niece. Ernie WInans, of Walla Wnlla, who has been employed nt the Hot Lake sanitarium, wus hi Pendleton last night on Ills way home. Martin Anderson, the conductor, bus recovered sufficiently to be able to go on his runs regularly, and Is rapidly regaining his strength. The following persons are taking examinations for permits to teach in this county: Miss Adelle Mulkey. E. G. Murguson, Orren Henty and Jonas I). Jorstnd. Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Holt left this mornhlg for Elgin, where Rev. Holt preaches tomorrow before going to Wallowa to attend the Eastern Ore gon presbytery. OX THE liAUEIj IS "A SMALL THIXG TO LOOK FOR; A RIG THINK TO FIND." EVERY GAKMHNT THAT WE SELL TO A MAX, WO.MAX OR CHILD IS "RIGHT," AXD REMIND EVERY ONI3 OUR GUARANTEE THAT THEY FIT RIGHT LOOK RIGHT WEAR RIGHT PRICED RIGHT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE WHERE IT PAXS TO TRADE The CHURCHES ltd 1 I Hay. who has been the guest of the h'llwml to Our New Store Misses Hawks, went to Echo this Wulcli lor Our Opening. I morning, where she will visit for a The now goods nit; now being de- j few days before returning home, llvered from the depot to.our new i Mr. and Mrs. George Casey, of I-,,,... il, himI Church Services Miss Florence Atkinson, of l"'"os j sundny as follows- Sunday school 1 quarters. Drnyload after drayload of bright, fresh, new goods Is being delivered to us, and the shelves nnd tables are being loaded down with the most se lect goods to be had. We have exer cised great care in making our se lections and nothing but the very lat est, newest and most fashionable gents' suits, overcoats and furnishing goods have been purchused. It Is not necessary for you to send away for your suit or overcoat In or der to get the correct Ideas. come to us. Walla Walla, returned home this morning. They have been visiting at Hot Lake. ' Mr. Casey Is n member of the Walla Walla police force. D. May went to Athena this morn ing. He states that the first story of the new fraternities building will be completed by next Monday evening, work upon which began last Tuesday. In the Furnish Vurcliiiie. There are now stored In the Furn- JllNt I Ish warehouse between 10,000 and i 1 1,000 sacks ot wheat, the capacity We want you to wear your fall suit of the building being 30.000 and 36. or overcoat from our store. We UU0 sacks. Fred Taylor, the local want your service In advertising our niaiiager, states that the greatest goods. Every suit or overcoat wo i number of sacks handled by this sell will advertise for us as the wear- house ill one yeur was about ISS'7. ers will be so well pleased that they when SO.OOii sacks went through It tell where they got them. j from the beginning to the end ot the All we usk is the privilege of show- season, lug you. Our goods will do the rest. ! - SULLIVA.V & UOXD. 1 A few mote days of the removal sale. City Employs Direct. The repairs now being made on the lower part of the levee will cost the city approximately $200, and are being made under the direct super vision of Street Commissioner Brown, who hires the labor done nnd the city pays for It direct. It Is not a contract Job. Quality, not (Jauntily. ich. Repairing .your watch or clock fipulrlng? Is time an lm 'factor to you? run the risk of having Imeplece' ruined. Bring reasonable Itarantcod. and all fNZIKER : Iprotrrosslvo Jowoler. L72G Main Street. t n 10 o'clock; morning worship nnd preaching at 11. subject of service. "The Responsibility ot Christian Stewardship." Young people's serv ice in the evening at 7 o'clock, follow ed by an address on "Heaven." A cordial welcome to nil. Jonathan Edwards, pastor. WiM Kml Cliapi'l Corner West Webb and Maple streets. Sunday school at 3 p. in. All Invited. Jona than Edwards, superintendent. o I'l-osbycerlnn Church Morning worship' at 11. Sermon: "The Value of a Christian Life us an Example, as an Experience." Bible school at 10 a. in. Young People's meeting nt 7 p. in. Evening worship at 8. This will be a special praise service. The familiar gospel song. "The Ninety and Xlne," furnishes the theme of the service. Other familiar gospel songs and responsive exercises are grouped about this so as to form, with a short sermon, a progressive and uni fied service In which nil may Join. W. L. Vim Xuys, pastor. o I'liuU Hn-lncs In IJinutllla. Method!-! EpNii.pal Church II. T. Booth, general agent of the Regular services will be resumed In Pacific Mutual Life Insurance com- tl,M church as follows: Sunday puny, returned Wednesday evening HChool, 10 u. in., A. J. Owen superln I'ro ma several days' business trip teiulent. Sermon, 11 a. m. Class through the fanning communities of i meeting. 12:15 p. in.. Rev. G. W. Fmatllla futility. The wheat raisers, Kjyi leader. Junior League. 9 p. he reports are on a high wave of t m Epworth League. (1:30 p. in. piosperlty this year. Hitker l-ZveuliiK sierition 7:30 p. m. Midweek j prayer meeting Thursday. 7:30 p. in. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all services. Robert Warner, pastor this o !,. M, E. Cliiiirli, South The regular sence In the Nome mining district. He service of tlie new couiereiice eai went north with Wesley Matlock and "in De opened tomorrow iiiouhmk imiiv. Tin. 1111111111.' season In Nome anil eeiung. me li.i Iw.mii letaided bv div wenther. 1 friends are Invited to be present Herald. Retiii'iutl From Xome. Will Sturgls returned home morning after a tliree months' members l,,,i i. wni-M it will be' ii tioor vear In The pastor Is returned for another the north.' -vt'al' und hopes und prays for a liar- J ' moiilous and prosperous year. Will (ill. a "Shower." pli rlll.,sc,lllw.,1Hulll,u. A miscellaneous shower will be . phol .J:4ri IU ,.. preaching, 11 a. given In honor ot Miss Edith Isaacs. m (flfth MeI.t.M "Revelation.") on Friday evening, September 10, at ' , .hl.sllm Kdeavor, C:3D p. in.; eve the residence ot Mr. nnd Mrs. F. S. uhl(, Ht,rvlce, 7;3o: sermon, subject, i ouuger. "A Glimpse Into the Future." Spe- ' clal music. 'Prayer meeting and ilillilreii'H Wi-lulil. choir practice, Wednesduy evening. Some curious experiments have been Everybody Invited to attend. X. II. I innde at one of the royal philanthropic Brooks, pastor, j Institution In Copenhagen. For some " years buck the seventy boys und girls ItuptM Church The usual serv In the place have been carefully weighed ! Ices will begin tomorrow at this ! m-nrv rim- lii uroims of fifteen and tin- ! church. The vacation time Is gone; der. Thereby It Is proved Unit the dill- !''' "l)e" ove'- let us now r,ic" dreu gain weight mostly In !, the opportunities which the Lord has I 0 tni fi ltd nn-t'rt' tIAi itriutfir will begin a series of sermons on chool Books School Supplies of All Descriptions Xo matter what school jour children ntteml ui: hai; tho cor rect hooks ami tablets. Wo carry oicrytlilng In school hooks anil supplies. Our stock Is (lie best und prices tho lowest. Parents need have no hesitancy In -ending their children to our -lore for books, as they will rucclxo as ciii-cfiil attention anil ho Klwii the same fair treatment us If jou ciillcil In person. Old school books received In exchange or for cash. FRAZIER'S Book and Stationery Store OREGON STATE FAIR Fine. Blxley There's a town In called "Heaven." Dlxley That's nothing. There's a i town In China where the people don't have to pay taxes. and lu the early part of December. From that time till the end of April , I !..,.....,... I.. .....I.. 1. 1 mere is numi-ei; uu; luunw ............ , mmii,1B. ,., Ih ILmiw. More reiinii-kable still, there Is u illinl- Asla i nutlon til! the end of summer. "The Christian Hand," speaking lu The LOG CABIN ICE CREAM PIKMi's famous Ico Crcnni can ngnlii bo obtained at tho old .'Log Cabin soda fouiituhi. kT7PP"PTVrC The Popular Price rJLrri3 nWTT QTnDR A. O. 1COEPPEX & BROTHERS. lluluii C'liulee, Tom I've heeu bklUeu to he"" 'eil ding, but I'm not going. Dick Hut your absence will surely bo noticed. Do you think you can af ford that? Tom Well, when you can't afford to have your preseuts noticed your ab sence Is Imperative. Philadelphia Press. Closed Hand." Miss Mityleue Fraker has been selected as chorister In charge of the church music. Sunday evening the service will begin ut 7:30 p. m. Let till Baptists bo loyal as all Baptists should. Strangers ure cor dially Invited. Q. L .Hall. Where It Should llrtrlu. "But why do you have your hero ' marry lu the first chapter?" they asked "Because,',' replied the author, "it ha' nlways seemed absurd to me to end i novel Just whero u niun's troubles real ly begin. That's where you should be gin the story." Chicago Post, When n man tells you that all wom en are delusions nnd snares, it's dough nuts to fudge he has been snared by a delusion. -Cooking Club, O I teitlfy "Absence does make tb' heart grow T fonder, us th' summer widower o'n Real Estuto Transfers. Daniel J. Kirk and wife have trans ferred to Hey Winn 310 acres of laud near Weston, the consideration being $10,000. J. L. VAUGHN EIjECTHICIAX. Prompt attention given and nil uork executeil projiorly. Electrical .Supplies of alt kinds. OFFICE 121 West Court St. (Tribune Building.) MERRILL TYPEWRITER CO.. So. 7 Poit St., Spokane, Gen.Agt.OENS MORE TYPEWRITER I I Supplies ... Iteming ... tiperi nepainng i 44th Annual Exhibit Salem, Oregon September 12 to 17, 1904 GOOD ATTRACTIONS, 8PLENDID RACING, BEST OF BAND MU8IC, $10,000 IN PREMIUM-, MAGNIFICENT STOCK SHOW, A FINE CAMP GROUND WITH ROOM FOR ALL, FRE8H WATER PIPED INTO THE GROUND, PLENTY OF SHADE, GOOD 8TREET CAR 8ERVICE AND LOT8 OF EN. TERTAINMENT AND EDUCATION FOR EVERYBODY. NO EFFORT8 HAVE BEEN SPARED TO MAKE THI8 YEAR'8 l-'AIR 8URPA88 ALL PREVIOUS EXHIBIT8. TAKE A WEEK OFF AND ENJOY THE EVENT OF THE YEAR. B. F. BECK Sanitary Plumber 807 Cottonwood Street Tho East Orcgoulaii Is Eastern Oregon's representative paper. It leads and tho people appreciate It anil show It by their liberal patronage. It Is the advertising medium ot this section. v ! i