EIGHT PAGES, DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1904. PAGE TWO " , " ...91ltt1tt'"Wrd " " HOTEL ARRIVALS. iM 0 ' ? :.NLUm M- Mil II IN Theirs Ill IWlI U III I L I U II Exclusive Perfumes We make s:ecialty of aaa uai pert wees the rare sad tairorted art w' foand siost injc s:o-es Our Hue of ptrrsmes wf.I appea" eapedal-Ij- to those fastidious folk who irlsh to street ft distinctive odor milk those In everyday The popular and latest crea rioas of Piver. Rxwrer - (WW. Ftnand. Hndnat. etc. LE TKEFLE VELDT BUJ MEN. YADMA. CTPHBSIA. CHTPRE. AIMEE MONAlr ISA. F. W. SCHMIDT I WILL TRAVEL THROUGH ! SOUTH AND OLD MEXICO. ORLGG ST PostoSce SiO t 'pbone Main $31 Twins Som to W. B. Anderson and Vr'We Four Beys Bern Within a Week Death f Infant From Chol era Infanionv-SoifcWng 3ta03 Res dene SoilsJios of a Larse Barn. Milton Sept T Bom. Awcost IX. to Mr and Mrs W. B Aadersoa. a boy ukI rtri Tbe rtrl dM st birth, bat tbe boy and mocker are dotae aicaty. Mr and Mn. Dan Kirk lot (Mr, MnoaUw-old child lam week front cholera iafaatnm j a HajtoB. under the saperrtsioa of Mr Balalord. of Collece Place. If erectlar a flae 11500 residence oa ate place, six miles np the river. above ' town. Charles Damans k barbae a large bars bolh at air bone near tbe forks . of the Valla Walla river. W. A. Baa ' tater is tne contractor and builder. All Soys Again. Bora, to Mr aad Mrs. W. A. Webb. St-r ember S a boy to Mr and Mrs Frank Rice. Aocot IT. a boy: to Mr and Mrs- S. A Tull. Aacost JS. a boy . to Mr and Mrs A. K. Fnllerton. Anc tret 31 a boy. GENERAL NEWS. WOOD PRAISES WOOD. Leader Small Inimitable Editor cf Wetton Preser.il Hirr.sttf With a Bouquet. ! -Colonel" Clark Wood, editor aad proprietor of tbe Veston Leader, is aota to St. Ixxiif to visit the Pike' and possibly the outer great aurac- Wash Bradley, the necro murderer or Mrs. X. Barrow. was lynched at Brasoo. Florida. Wednesday. La arid or bos Jnst been swept by the meet terrific -ale in the history of tbe conn try. dririac fishin? ships asiw everywhere. Tbe aoverament bae jnt secured tioo nf tbe expositota. As a Hearst title to !4S acre of mad near Brem- man Mr. Wood beUeres in tootm: his -esioa oa which a naval awgaila will otra bom and last week' edition of "be boat, cosUag Jll.nw. his paper contains tbe taUowias Postmaster Robert Carley. of Gol- bhutt: daa X M wa fatally wounded by Clark Wood, editor and publisher of a. unknown assassin who shot him the Weston Lender, will d: as be was teBVh home. Wednesday Sunday afternoon for Jf JSnr abere he take the eas: bound train i Mandar morninc- At ieat. he will Louis Kant a bartender in the Tl- 7 . ,K,.irt fotmd dead some time eo aaoer - MWpiciotK cirmmatancea under tfese Owinjr to tbe decreased emrniais the Colorado Sontbern railway, re RtUtinc from tbe bad labor situation 1n tne state, no reaalar dlridead was declared oa the first preferred stock, at a director's meeting, held Wednes day. It required three boars for tbe Knlsats Templar parade to pane a strea paint la San Francisco. Wed nesday. The number takinr part In tbe parade was folly per cent more than la any former parade of tbe order. I'non the evacuation of Lbw Tan; Mr Wrmri we bee his pardon. ut- ami Wood is Jrolnr to 5t. Louis anC tbe World's fair manaaement has been duly notified of bis intended ar rival. Tbe O. K- & X- O. S. L Union Paclfle. D. R G- Colorado Midland and Missouri Pacific will have the pn riles of conveyin? him eatward. At th urgent invitation of hi friend Jim Hill I who selected to enclose a pass, however, i be will return via the Great Northern, stoppmc for a few day in Minnesota to fraternize with other members at the Wood tribe. In fact, the xroncbineas of Harri mac and Hill drops in only ilobule of bitterness into tbe cotoael brim- nin- run nt SBticlDatiVe lOT H The SL Gtsrge. i. n Hay. Seattle. T P Carson aad oa. Rllestfbarj: Leaman Bate. Portlaad. j. B. Bneaaaan, Kaaoas CHy. Oeonce. Artbnr Brown. Portland. W. H. Cliae. Staamyside. Mrs. Jame Cook. Baker City. C H Saenaaa. Atbeva. j A Aihoa. Portland r J Gardner. Porthaad. Tbomaf Le!ch. Spokane. Leo Peterson. Portland C O Satbermad. Taooma. W L Ewlnp. WestBeld. K N Tboeap$a. Walla Walla. Glen HMe. Walk WaDa. Georse A. Pebie. Weson. C. L Dowser. Spokane. A Greaser. Dajion. C. L Bensoa. Srttaae. . p. H Carson. Seat!. H 1. Joan!. Portia ad. Ham- C. Mtoae. CMcaco. J E." Tboraberp. Cbtcapo. The Hotel Bicker. R. 0 WlnkK city. Prank B. Runs. Portland . Gas Freeeaas. Portland. C A. Job a? ton. dry. Mrs. J. H. Satebnry. Vlajoa. Atteo Precbard. PorUaad. B B Mallosy. H1U City. E. E. Tmei Hin City. C W Coocer aad wife. Gardenrllle Mrs. Huches. WaUa Walla. Mrs. Bralty. Weston. Mrs. L Btswtl. La Grande. H L Morey. Siokane. C. S Rodricfc. lrrlta. C. S Swan, Irrlpon. C W. McReyaoWs. VJktaa. Charles Morten. La Grand. C. R. Haiaon. city. John Yohnke. Nolan. Mr Whitney. Nolan. C, a Taylor. "PorUaad. Ada Raymond. Helix. E C Wassnot and wife. Bin wood Mrs. L L Dan. 5 printer . W. F Pool and wife. Waltsbarc. X R Stanley. Clara Stanley Nellie Gilleapie. The Pendleton. ju-Un Wade. SosamerTille. Mtec E M. Wolforth. PorUaad. Miac J Daa. Monmouth. t W. Walte. San Francisco. J Clarke. Pendleton. J. W. Irwin. Taroma. Ada Smith. The Dalles. Mary nacre. Wall Walla. W E Kotcnt. san imm Gillespie. Portland James C. Nelson. Damwr. S Smith. Portland. H Col well. Arlmaton. j Walters and wife M Sharp. Portiaad. C S. McXicbols and wne. ton. R X. Caston. 3pokane. j Hays. Star buck. G. J McEvoy. Starbock C C Simpson. Portland. William Maber. PorUaad. r M Smith. PorUaad. C A. Craft. Portland W n Marks. Spokaae PROTECTION ; , I WHY? PHOENIX PURE PAINT j E. J. MURPHY 1 2 Coart Street j jtM mmmmmmmmmmmH tMtj - . - , ,v nians and specifications stt hih) Scaled proposals will be received at tbe office of tbe undersiiraed tin: I. Saturday at 4 p. ta .. September 10 im, (or tbe erection aad completion of a two-storv frame residence for Ir D J. McFaol. Plans and specifica tions at tbe architects office, room II Judd bnildinp. Pendleton Ore. The rlsht is reserved to reject any and all bMs. j C. E. TROUTMAX. Architect. : Notice to Contracters. ' Sealed proposals will be secured a; , the office of the uuderslajed until Thursday. September 15. i p- m- I"' !for the John Schmidt buildlnp. arcor; Va flnc ft Tin snecifications nr- on file in the arcnueci room II. Judd bulldins. All bids .aust be made on blanks furnished y the architect. A certified check of J200 to accompany each bid. made livable to John Schmidt ana to be forfeited to him in case successfu: b.dder fails to enter inta contract with cood and approved, bond within five davs after belnp awarded the; contractl The ripbt Is reserved to re-1 iect anv and all bids. C E. TROUTMAX. Architect. ; All the officers and stockholders ol a bank in the Creek nation are ne-croes. FOR SALE F. W W. F. H. W. H E i-room modem dwelling, food loca- tloa. lots, fine basement, eve-y- tblng new and np-to-d&te, S3Wi' 6-room bouse, 4 lots, barn, chicken yard, shade trees, $1750. Modern 6-room eottase, 6 fine io:s fine soli $1500. (-Room bouse, nice lmprovetcei:s shade trees $1100. 3 acre fine land; elegant no'js-- ciose to town, Sot. ISO acres finest wheat land; highly Improved. J27.OO0. eio acres grain land. 0,000. 1 $,8 acres grain land, well improved JS500. Office rooms for renL Traber land for sale. Timber locations made. If vou wish to bay or sell anything a'., "or. me in my office in Savlngi Bask building. Fortunes Made in Real Estate! There Is no Investment tii M offers as good secjt.ty aaj ij. fl creases in vaiue as rapldiT u real estate. If ya wmM x. rich put your money la poje. Uon. AVe have choice real estts ( ! tocaiiiit-'s, win vij ana ttsj properij, anu laucucs i Consult tis if yon hire ! ertv to sell: list It with tn r you wish to buy rropenj 1 us. ! Unexcelled fac cs forte !j ling real esiaie. W. E. Davidson & Q-'i (Suscessor to E, D. Bcri,3 Insurance, real ettate A mortgage loan. 119 CeirJJ ,1 J C. C. BERKELEY Pend'-- riKiwiwn w awv . xxjiliz cup at i)iuu)wur . w tiu Hiiin Chinee bandits en- mr faro like ordinary mortabf tared tbe city and plundered erery-. will hereafter oppose soulleas daina; left by tbe Ruesians before tbe railway corporations from principle. j.peaee army could restrain them, perchance the colonel's ruffled com Coasacks raided the wine cellars of posore may be soothed by the cordi- the Ruasian cenerais aaa iook inow Xy af the welcome tant joeepa nadE of casks and parse. of cbam- Hope for Creffield's Conviction. Considerable interest I felt here in the approachiar trail of Creffield which is to take place In a Portland court early this month, says tne tor NORTHWEST NEWS. - , "J. 2. ZL . j, ' rsm Th fear Is that me Folk will unoouoieuiy esieuo w " " , , . . j dSunsulsbed fellow democrat and rocue will play the craty dodae and anti-boodler from Oregon. Perchance, instead of hi just deerts. et adjudg . . . w Lmu and he nt to the asylum. SOSO. a lew nuu mm, ur - - - , .MV uv the fair maaaawnent for a depot re- imw in , . ... . . . . . .i t .v xrminKt him in the adul -Die Kelson, a logcer. was vmwuj ception on tne nui ' , h. held is mim WintwnarisT hv a locrinr car st hi arriraL tery case for which he is now beta is .h ' Mrarry Lorell will have chars, ablutetr stnuaht and convmcin Tbt- Coiumbia river moo pack of the Leader during the month's ab- and in "ch bundnce make ca1" . ttret lon ttistt&srsr jsrzJfrTBrz A new peat in tbe form of a red srBie;ul)T apprwiaied by the manaite- Mbei tfler. a niece of the late Mr, spider is found in tbe Orefon nop meJM Ht a younr veteran of tbe . churies L Fair, who came into the fleJds this year and threatens to be pbUippine var. harins; served with posseion of a fortune by the settk in furious to the crop. r bmn nmii hwwn her zrandmotber. Mrs Hannah Nelson and the Fair OREGON STATE FAIR. , amity was married today to Gear Oeorsse Weaver, a barber of Col fax, committed suicide. Wert nay. by takina; morphine He was 4ft years old, formerly of Seattle. Is fllS'"r a sewer trench at Cot tage Grove, workmen found what is thought to be a cinnabar led? on a back street of that town. ftamhicm win he barrod from 3a u-tui- a man machinist, living in Salem. Oregon, September 12 to 17. -f-:aiBfied. N J Tounsj Whitley be- came acquainted with tbe beires For the above occasion tbe O. R- wnen he was a pitcher of the baseball X makes a rate of H.0 for the team here several years aao a. . Cab. .ZrZ fate' Stkhmd Brothers, of Cove Union a a a a a a s osisjsso ttttrf" '" The Portland Trust Company, of Oregon, which was established m 1SS7, has ample capital and resources and numbers among its stockholders some of the wealthiest citizens of Portland and also a great many East em capitalists This company has devised a ve convenient form of employing funds that may be tem porarily idle, so that the depositor may get interest upon them, and still have them available upon a reason able notice. Money Savers t ; t Of whom there are many :c Eastern Oregoa and Washington, should remember that THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON." Issues interest -bearing rertfirates of deposit that pay a Rood rate of interes'. and can t crawn at any time by giving a cer tain number of days' ao'i - Ful! pamrulars are "n-a:n'-d in oi:r book of TEETHi Per set, 15.0 . r-'-3 u It. 00: silver fS '.nr. 50c; IS tractlng, 50c Wa are thororchlT email with all modern methoiiril appliances, and guarantesl work to be of the higher, al dard, and our prices tie i consistent with flrst-cliu ' White Bros, Dentists. Association Block. Phone Matn 1CC1, Illustrations whi I t f'r.a: j ' gl?e ;o: an- further - i ' . atn! a- 'he sann ime to -. ir yj. may require Portland Trust Company of Oregon 109 THIRD STREET. BENJ I. COHEN. PresiQen- H. L. PITTOCK Vi"--Presiden-. B LEE PAGET. Secretary. J O GOLTRA. As4stant Secretarj i I A WORLD CF VAU'S uamDiers wui ue w fun and lata, cnuuren a ma . . km during tbe state fair, accordtaa Me on half of the above rate. Far " il J! rf thl to the announcement of tbe niculir call on or addreaa. E. C. trom Brcwr W. H. "f t ? .i f.i, .ntnnririMi !rT, mj , Oreaon exhibit at the St. Louis lair wffii wwu .damn r. Ami. . . , . . j . . ,, , tnr, -nit ' for a carload of mixed fruit" prunes A WORLD CF VAL in our single an . r jji ) rings for ladies. vi A . - - . s.sssMi ueauiy, A CITIZEN'S STORY. me nrat wees m iuw mti iiviw . - - for more police baa baan the matn , vented and patented a unique alarm 'iasBfe in the administration of Mayor ; clock. It is simply a new and origiB-' BaUlafar. al application of tbe alarm to the i Because of jealousy, G. W. Lauth. clocks made m the Black foreet. po- Teld by a Pendleton Citizen for the -hot Mrs Leroore B. Jones, four Umea teasing a certain peculiarity which p-.iefit of Pendleton People. T7aS wold?0' 1 Zr Z?S e ertate importance attached to M?L w LwTto whom Lounish pasture, the cowherds of the Ty- ' l-'lowine i tha. I. ranee n, a ijL lZi tora rol and Switaerland desire to commu-. rcnrt.eun cit aon It would ke hr bad been fcftepm company tor re anoU,w OTer , q -arure of its interest .f .t mvolved 7 lances far Ior the voice to car- resident of Kalam.oo. Mi.fc, Filiass beaan Wednesday, oa ta . lhev ma)ife ufrfe 0f a 0j wooden ' or Woonsocket, R. I. Like all the Flv Mil Limit lands on the Fort , drum wWcn gtrUtt, wHn t.ilmony which has appeared here. Hall rfervation. near Pocatalio. over woooin hammer, thus producing a and like all which, will follow about UKI uoaki haintr in line. ThTfe is ) . .i... 1 v ....... the DM Quaker remwiv. Doan's Kid- f 1 - nnooa wuicn ia oiiuncuj umiu www - oaly WOO acres of tillable land to be j Mmi&w. This custom is nJ" PHIs, It come from residents, fel- the JaUMr of the id. low ciusens and neighbors .no otner Juat ahiHt, th dial on the clock will remedy can show such a record of be found a wooden hammer, which. , home cures. Read this case: actuated by the alarm movement. W. C. Uaker, living at TusUn and beats upon a thin board, raised an Aura streets, in Pendleton, says: 'A inch from the faee of the clock, as yar ago this coming April, while liv npon a drum, producing a sound of re- S ' Battle. Wash., I fell from a intM,aitr thriiiin- in. staging to the ground, 12 feet below. aa ik,,, ,k., f nniiturr mta ' and struck on my back. I was laid I fi am woatrit In li Carp by ets Cleaned Steam mM.. and this is vsliwieas without waur. it costs. 12.50 per acre We have arranged to open a steam carpe. cleaning shop In Pendleton, where we will be prepared to clean carpets of all d--Bcriptlons In the most Improved manner. All work guaranteed. By our process all dirt Is removed and carpets are restored to their original brilliancy. We want a trial order from you. AH work call ed for and delivered. Prices reasonable. Wilkinson & Edminsten expended to secu'- soaeu-ii and good. ... ... -ij 'ran eai largest factories 1 Lot us show teem 10 j- nnt renrlr . 1 bCT GLENN WmSLOj Joxrrtc-r afic Postoffice Block. Telephone Main 741. 311 Court Street bel! SHIPWRECKED. Cigar store for sale. sure and fixtures doing good business, a. mas stood on a lonely Isle, il H n rfW,j1 lftJtntlnn for Rale. I 1 .hlnwrnkl ll,up tew rent good location, for sale. W have anytnlng you want In taal eatate and It will eost you notb 4sf to investigate. E. T. WADE & SOX, Office E. 0. BulWlng. 1 hlnwrubMl mmilnr "hM While all about him roared and eraab ed The wvs itealiwl bib. m the Md have uxl wfn boxes ... i ts j rr-i. . .. since then my kidneys have been af fected. Tne secret long were tugniy colored and contained a sediment like brick dust. I had dizsy spells and headaches and dull aching pains through ray loins and kidneys and back. I procured Doan'e Kidney Pills at Brock & McComas Co. drug store. j eon- With daafening, maddeaing glee 1 culty is a thing of the past and I have "Alas:" exclaimed the shipwrecked ! neither headache, dlzzinoss nor pains' man, I in my back." I "t euess it s ud to me " ! For sale by all dealers Price CO ' Margare- Jewell, in Colliers. rents Fos'ar-Milburn Co., Buffalo. X Y sole agents for the United T7 ha's ae supplied to six eider- Sa-es !y. well behaved English paupers in Remember 'i.e name Doan's and "he Bermondsey workhouse, .ake no other HOUSEHOLD GOODS wi; can i'unxisii voi it iiomi. fiiom gauuet to ci:i- lintTivr: k-invis n hmti im rinrrrs. r'niVAWAiti-r CHOCKHItV, GLAKSWAIti; TUll.Iv CITLMHV, TIXWAKIJ, l'OU CHLiMX WAItiC CilAI'lvST l'J.Cl; IX l'LMLinOX. GOOllS UKI.IVi:iti:i TO ANV PAKT OF T11K CITY. V. STROBLE 2J0 Court Street 'KNOCKED THE STUF and broke it Into sp"n, been the fate or yo' i,v H it was run uiw mere is uaiui w - you can uave it "Ja We do all kinds of carr- J , llhln, 1U ! ana uiaguuu""t -z hydraulic pressure; JjJ does It while you t or deface your wbee the life of tne r wnrlr. Wa haVC ' Hacks and Buggies, line Engines. The Blaekfl