jlji ji mBAMrA -r,- .. r EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1904, PAGE THREE. OPENING I Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Dept. I Fall and Winter I904 I NOW ON DISPLAY NEW TAILOR-MADE SUITS. TOUR IST COATS, JACKETS, WALKING AND DRESS SKIRTS, AT EXCEPTIONALLY MODERATE PRICES. NEW NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS, NEW NOVELTIES IN WAISTINGS, NEW NOVELTIES IN TOURIST CAPS, THE LATEST EASTERN FAD. Alexander Dept. Store THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES IT'S THE BEST SMOKE ON THE MARKET NEWS OF MILTON BRIGGSDN ITEMS MARTIN ANDERSON DEAN OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE, 'CLEARING FORTY-ACRE TRACT OF TIMBER. Gone to the World's Fair Moved to Athena fop the Winter Returned to Franklin County Moved to Walla Walla N. A. Davis Will Go to Mexico Recoverlnfj From Ty phoid Fever Gone to Kansas for a Visit. Milton. Sept. 6. Mrs. C. E. Berry and children, who have been In Spo kane on an extended visit, have re turned. Miss Estolle Chapman is here from Walla Walla for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs, George Miller will leave this evening for St. Iritis to at tend the exposition. Mrs. Jonathan Edwards arrived yes terday from Pendleton and is visit ing nor unugiucr. .Mrs. m. n. Stuart, i Stole a Horse and Turned It Loose Heavy Yield of Excellent Wheat Rain Is Needed Moving to Athena To Operate the Pumping Plant Moving to Athena to Send Their Children to School. Manufactured fay A. ROHDE The Portland Trust Company, of Oregon, which was established in 18S7, has ample capital and resources and numbers among Its stockholders some of the wealthiest citizens of Portland, and also a great many East ern capitalists. This company has devised a ve . convenient form of employing funds that may be tem porarily Idle, so that the depositor mn get interest upon them, and still ha them available upon a reason a ic notice, nriggson, Sept. 4. William Wilkin son Is having -10 acres of land cleared of timber and brush preparatory to breaking and seeding this fall. Last week some one took the liber ty of catching and riding one of Ora Zerba's horses back Into the moun tains. It was found returning home covered with dirt and sweat and so stiff and sore that It could hardly move. "Judd" Mitchell has several hun dred acres of grain to thresh In this Mrs. L. A. Cartwright and daughter, I vicinity. Ho reports barley yielding Miss Endora, have gone to Athena to a" antl wneai at. imsneis per acre, nnu reside. Miss Cartwright will teach i of 1 lne lial ty. in the Athena schools. ' A ra, is v-v much needed In Mr. and Mrs. John H. McQuary i tllls vicinity just at present. Water have returned to their homestead In , 's becoming scarce and pastures arc ; Franklin county. Wash. , ' j ,,, , ... ... i ,.,.. ..... ..... .... Al Nnnlirr moved Ills familv to Athe- .i win ui ii. rtnuersun leu ycsieruuy , -- - , , , . for a visit at Heppner. Mr. Andcr-1 na last wec,:. wll?rc 1,0 ,llas so.curci son will have chareo of the- business ' employment tor me coming lau anu department of Columbia college this year. Mrs. 1.. J. Pierce and daughter. Miss Epsa, hav gone to Walla Walla to reside. Miss Epsa will be a student at Whitman college. Mrs. Nora Barnett of Athena, pres ident of the Itebekah state as assem- llv Ic horn vIclHn.. Imr iinrimto Mr and Mrs. D. L. Kemp. ' " ' ' Athena next week In order Mrs. L. L. Berry has returned from I l'nA t'hlMron to school. Elgin and Meacham. where she had been visiting her sisters. N. A. Davis will leave tomorrow for Mexico on a business trip. During his absence G. A. Cowl will occupy J j his position In the bank. I Miss Nora Kelly, who has been J j quite ill with typhoid fever. Is now slowly Improving. I J. D. MeKnlght. who has been em- '. ployed In his brother's blacksmith V" been djsr , uy in Wmm The Halo of lilothcrhood. The halo of motherhood is a divine thing, wc nil revere it. ami we all Appreciate at wh.it a com It has nn ApptelicnMon, tears, worry, anilacni.il MitTering up It com, and yet all tins might bo vastly lessened e simple agency oi MOTHER'S FRIEND, a liniment dedicated to the e.nlng of f . i.uiiii!iuiu ami us Hitonip.injing ""HI '" MlfUllllg, r II H ami leu externa v ?tJiir ""riPV aml ",c tollowing lis use all,, --'irr "ift'STiriSk. ""thing short of m.irxeloiiv "A A2?s ZAw . irr 1 1" nvcA ' fti,,ni1 indeed." jnTval i,fttlu('' ,',at M,,,it'r's 1"rit'"11 ,' r TJIIi'r iflK,(,k' '!Moll'''ta4"uV liyjMtf BRAOFIEID REGULATORGOX ATLANTA, OA. winter. He will run the city pump ing plant. George Craigen last week moved his wife and daughter to Weston, where they will keep house for the winter. Miss Craigen has employ ment as teacher In the Weston public school. George Payne xvlll move his family to COMING EVENTS. Money Savers shop, will go to Pendleton, whore he J I has a 'similar position. Mrs. C. E. Gibson and daughter, J t Mrs. Delia Hughes, xvlll leave this af- ' ternoon for Chanute, Kas., where they 1 will visit. 1 Dr. H. L. McQuary of Tacoma, spent Sunday and Monday here, the i guest of his son, Dr. H. E. McQuary. Mrs. C..P. Collins is expected home in a few days from Colfax, where she is ; lie guest of Mrs. F. W. Beck. ! CLEARS FRANKLIN ELLIS. Illustrations which wt shall U? glad to send you, and at the same time to give you any further Information that you may require. Portland Trust Company of Oregon 109 THIRD STREET. BENJ I COHEN. President, H L. PITTOCK, Vice-President, B. LEE PAGET. Secretary. J. O. GOLTRA, Assistant Secretary. Last Of whom there are many in Eastern Oregoa and Washington, Miould remember that "THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON," Issues interest-bearing certificates of deposit that pay a good rac of interest, and can be drawn ffc any time by giving a cer tain number of days' notice. Full particulars are contained In our book of Father of Murdered Boy Died December at Alba. Alba, Ore., Sept. 7. (Editor East Oregonlnn.) Will you be kind enough to correct a statement put In circula tion by the Tribune. It is going broadcast over tho land In regard to Franklin Ellis being connected xvith the murder of his son, Chris Ellis. I will state that I am a half-sister of Chris Ellis, the murdered boy, and our father died December 3, 1903. at Alba, at the home of his son, J. 13. Ellis. He and his second wife disagreed six years ago and father preferred to live with hig first children. Far her had no enemies and his i paiaeu 10 uiiiiK umi any suspicion or relleetion should be eas, vi his character. : He had applied lor a divorce In '93. , and had paid money on the transac ' 'Ion to Peter West. Please Insert this in the columns of your esteemed paper. Very respectfully yours, MKS. H. T. CONNEU,. September 12-17 Oregon Stnte fair. Salem. September 19 Opening of Pendle ton public schools. September 19, 20,21 Oregon Irriga tion Association at Ontario, Malheur county. September 20 Opening Pendleton academy. October 3-9 Spokane Interstate fair. Inland Empire Teachers' Associa tion Pendleton, October 19, 20 and 21. National Irrigation Association, El Paso, Texas, November 15-18. PLUMBING and SEWER WORK I HAVE A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING GOODS AND FIRST CLASS WORKMEN; ALSO MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS. E8 TIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK. W.ORK GUARANTEED. T. C. TAYLOR "THE HARDWARE MAN." 741 MAIN 8T. Fearful Odds Against Him. Bedridden, alone and .destitute. Such, in brief, xvns the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Hav ens, Versailles, O. For years ho was troubled with kidney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. At length he tried Electric Bitters. It put him on his foot in short order and now ho testifies: "I'm on the road to complete recov ery." Best on earth for Liver and Kidney troubles and all forms of Stomach and Bowel Complaints. Only 50c. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co., druggists. t ! I hp Hotel Cruise MONTERASTELLI BROS. Marble and Granite Works Sulyone Intending to secure a monument or headstone for relative fjr. friend will do well to see us. Largest collection to select from. lowest prices. MONTERASTELLI BROS. lljjjgw Stone Building, Court Street, next to Domestic Laundry. ! ELGIN WOOL TRADE. 3tK Carpets Cleaned by Steam have arranged to open a steam carDen cleaning ahon In oton, where we will be prepared to clean carpets of all d- ions in we most improved manner. All work guaranteed. By cobb all dirt Is removed and carpets are restored to their 1 brilliancy. We want a trial order from you. All work call- and delivered. Prices reasonable. . Wilkinson & Edminsten one Main 741. 311 Court Street. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given, that tho co partnership heretofore existing be tween W. S. Llndsey and J. M. Kra mer, In the livery business In Pendle ton, Oregon, has this day been dis solved by mutual consent. J. M. Kramer will continue the business nt the old stand, pay all bills against the old firm, and collect all accounts due the same. .J. M. KHAMEH. W. S. L.N USE Y. First-class In every particular. Modorn In nil appointments. Splendidly furnished throughout. Servlco tho very best. The Hotel Cruise la located at the corner of Webb and Cot tonwood streets In n new building built especially for hotel pur poses. Each room Is largo and comfortable, bolus well lighted and xvell ventilated. In furnishing this hotel, tho best of every thing xvao purchased, and attention has been given to tho nrtls tic effect aj xvoll as comfort. Tho Hotel Crulso Is a mod;l placo for lodgors, trnvollng men and citizens who seek a first-class placo whero rates are not high. Cafe In connection. Short orders served nt all times. One Hundred Dollars Reward. MOVING are moving our stock Into our new room, where we will better position to display our spl.endld line of new goods. r ruie nas always oeen 10 sell lower than competitors, and we atlnue the policy. In moving we find we have some odds and various different linos which wo will sell at cost and below to clean up our stock. bur new store will be found a large, bright, fresh assort- lurniture, mattresses, springs, couches and rockers, chairs, WANT YOUR STOVE TRADE, and can furnish you with a uu' more saiisiaciory floating or cook stove than any store eton. Come In and be tho Judge. rload of new goods just In. V. STROBLE 2J0 Court Street Over 2,000,000 Pounds Handled in the Year 1904, That Elgin Is one of the Import ant wool shipping points In this part of the state Is proven by the follow- j lug figures, which the Reporter oh-1 tallied through Charles Proehstel, I bookkeeper for the Elgin Forwarding Company. The xvool season began this year on the sixth of June, on which date the first load arrived from Wallowa coun ty, and continued until the 10th of the present mouth. During this period there was baled and shipped 2,275, 164 pounds of wool. Engaged in handling this wool were on an average 14 men, whose wages ranged from $2 per day for truckers, to $4.50 per day for graders and baler foremen, A glancve at these figures Indicates that Elgin Is one of the principal wool shipping centers of the eastern por tion of (he state, and that the work of handling It Is quite an important item in the business industries of the town. There Is more Catarrh In this eectlon of the country than all other dlaeasea pot together, and until the aat few rears waa supposed to be Incurable. For a great manv Tears doctors Dronounced It a 'oca! disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Sci ence baa profen catarrh to be a constitu tional disease and therefore require con- tltuttonal treatment. uaira cacarrn Cure, manufactured br P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitution al cure on the market. It Is taken Inter nally In doses from 10 drops to a tea SDoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. Tbey offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to core. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: K. 3. CHUNKY ft CO., TOleOO, U. sola by Druggist, price 70c. Take Hall's Family I'llls for constlpa tton. College Place Health Food Wafers, fruit crackers, cream sticks, nut butter and salted peanuts. Despain & Clark Expert Collectors We have locate' a branch office In Pendleton, and will make collecting defunct bills a specialty. No account too old for us to handle. Our plan la: "No collections, no charges. Suit Instituted, judgments advertised. The Van AIstlneGordon & Co., Mer cantile Agency, II. V. Lipe & Co., Mrgs. 119 E Court St 'Phone Main 311, Attention Sheepmen. Range to lease and can locate some good range and water. Address box 44, La Grande, Or Wlien a man is disappointed In love he takes to drink; when a woman Is J. L. VAUGHN Electrician Prompt attention given and all work executed properly. Eleetrleal Supplies of all kinds 0FFICK-121 WEST COUBT ST. (Tribune Building) Olio hundred dollars Is a pretty good reward for live mlnutos work, yet that is xvhat J. E Strode, of Waltsburg, Wash,, got from the East Oregonlnn In our last subscription contest. Ho received with tho compli ments of tho East Orcgnnlan, without n cent of expense to himself, a $100 rubbor-tlrcd buggy. Wo proposo to conduct another nuhscrlptloii contest on tho following basis: From now until November 4th wo will tako now subscriptions sent In by our subscribers and to the one who guesses noarest to tho vote rocolvod by the winning presidential candidate In this state, we will glvo ono-half of all tho money recolved from this contest, Kor example, If you inlnk President Roosevelt will r.ccolvo tho major ity of votes In the coming oloctlou, llll out thu coupon, "Roosovolt'a total vote in Oregon will ho ( ),"nnd put In your estimate If our subscribers co-operato with us as they hav.o In provlous contests and ns wo expect t hoy will In this, wo will alio In several hundred dollars and lHisslbly much more, ono-half of which will go to thu person who guesses nearest to tho vote In Oregon for tho winning presidential condl date. There Is only one requirement anil this Is Important. ALL NAMES SENT IN MUST BE THOSE OF NhW SUBSCRIBERS. Renewals of sub scription will not bo counted In this contest. Subscribers can participate In this way: Get some nolghbor to tnko tho Weekly East Orogonlan for four months for CO cents. Send In a money order for the CO cents; or In lc and 2c stamps or silver, accompanied by your guess on tho presidential vote. If you do not want to ask some nolghbor to subscribe send In CU cents and tbe name of some friend In the East who Is Interested In tbe western country. Ixst him read the Weekly Eust Orogonlan and It win glvo him more news about the resources of tho Inland Empire than you could If you wrote him a 50-page lottor a week. For every 60 cents you win be entitled to one gueBS. If you get four of your friends to take It four months each, you will be entitled to four gueBs.cs, or If you get one new subscription for a year for tho Weekly for J1.G0 ou are entitled to three guessed. Some one of our subscribers will get one half of all money taksn In on this contest. It may bo only $50, or It may be several hundred dollars, hut whatever the sum the one who guesses nearest to the presidential vote In Oregon for the winning cnndldato, will get one-half of tbe money. Remember tbe guess Is on the vote cast In Oregon for thu successful presidential candidate. Only new subscriptions count. A subscription for CO cents gives you one guess. You can send In as many subscribers as you wish and for each E0 centH you get one gu ,ss. This contest closes November fourth, so he sure to send In your guess before that time. Tho total vote In June, 1904. was 92.C08: for ropuhllcan candidate for supreme Judge, C2.94C; for democratic, 28,729; socialist, 6419, and prohi bition, C614. ----- (Tribune Building) Walters' Houring Mills Capacity, ICO barrels a day. Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed My estimate oh I vote In Oregon for President Name Poetolflce address Fill In the first blank space tbe name of tho candidate you think will win. Fill In the second blank space with your estimate of the number of votes h,e will got In Oregon. Enclose with CO conts and mall to the East oregonlan Publishing Co., Pendleton, Oregon. Send paper to Address The East Orenonlan le Eastern Oregon's HI Hull ! V representative she takes the other fel