DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1904 EIGHT Pto PAGE TWO. Exclusive Perfumes Wo make specialty of unu sual perfumes the rare and Imported tnat are not found In moat drug stores. Our lino of perfumes will appeal especial ly to those fastidious folks who wish to affect a distinctive odor unlike those In everyday use. The popular and latest crea tions of IMver, Iloger & Gullet, IUnaud. Hudnut, etc. LK TKEFLE. VELDT BLU MEN, YADMA. CYPUESIA, CHYI'KE, Al.MEK. MOXAL ISA. F. W. SCHMIDT 1 DRUGGIST. Postoflice Block Phone Main Sol. GENERAL NEWS. Governor Doekery. of Missouri, has I 1nf A en! tli n t ni) lmll flchtinc shall take place In Missouri, either in St. T-nuis or elsewhere, miring me iair. Daon 1 deelSSd "a" ! U g anjX Othe..nlms SSSfnJMeS just '? SSSe.. In celved from Alaska: loss about 7o. Z&L. V . , , ,u h.ii and the Judges' stand will occupy a A caravan loaded with merchandise 1Uon ou Ule west sllie 0f the course was robbed within a few miles of the Ug n, locatlon. city of Tangier. Tuesday, the bandits r(jguU of th(f races wlll ,,e . carrying off over 36om worth of val-, nouneed at ouce from the new an liable goods from the interior. nouncer's booth. In front of the grand- The annual lt'-nilte bicycle race stam This wlll be much more satis over the Llbertyvllle-Wheeling course (RC,orv than the old arrangement, was won by Fred Schlewltt. Tuesday. wnen a, times, the wtUts for winners In five hours and 17 minutes. H anf, tlme were verv tedious and an lowered the record six inlnutes. 1 noying It Is announced that neither Con- The running entries will number gressman Williamson nor Hermann nearly 100. and some fast events can wlll be given a place on the commit-; be looked for. Almost every horse tee on ways and means at the orgaut-' on the Irvington track Is entered, and zatton of congress In December. , is proposed to open the races in or- The Interior department has over-' der to accommodate the runners, ruled the protest of rhe city of Nome W. D. Mr Arthur of Berkeley. Cat.. against the granting ot a mining pat- inspector of dairy exports for the l ent to valuable placer land covering 8. department of agriculture, will be a portion of the citv. The Nome and judge of the dairy products, and he Simook Mining Company were the will certainly give satisfaction. Prof contestants E. V Major of the University of Cal- It has developed that the --Before ' "ornia s agricultural department, will Jmssee have been spotted for death, '"j etectives N W Eups. a prominent planter, was A number of I Inkerton ecl,y mimUred Saturday nlcht and his have been engaged for the week, m d dTt h h a s amused5 the" enUre . will keep a sharp lookout for pick X ii he was inoffensive and . pockets and thieves. The wi 1 he as frtand" to the negroes. Ht by a number of special Mice- men. NORTHWEST NEWS. An effort is being marie to modify , Sealed proposals wlll le secured at the order prohibiting women from tne office of the undersigned until glnglng in Catholic choirs. , Thursday, September 13. 4 p. m. 19'U. Astoria now claims H.ooo poptila-' for the John Schmidt building, accord Hon. Salem will take In another vll-. ing to the plans and specifications SZZtlf Tir,der -nini2n,audnd ..ffi ffi JT w'rfataCburnld . -. or i blanks fiirn.shed by ruction of her residence by Jmfi Tuesday . payable to John Schmidt and to lw Mrr. J. n. Kervey. oi urui t ..... attamntad auictde Tuesday by shoot- inr herself in the bead. She will not rscover. vwwa. Wheu the Coweeman rtmi opened Mnw KC iilsit fWilt fot nf SAW .aw month (10 IMHI frill feet Of SaW logs will be sent to the sawmills of Portland. Many peaches are reported to be rotting in the orchards at Merlin. Or., for waut of help to harvest them at the proper time A Klnnish colony for dairying pur- noses will be founded at Cook's Inlet, Ala-ks. by the Finland Navigation Company of Seattle . , Charles A. Johns, the we,, Known attorney of Baker county, is mention- 8d as a poMlbte republican candidate for jtovrnor at the next election. The nunilwr of visitors registering at th rooms of the Orutfon Historical Plv.PfKlS lLlT-e m&' .L v v V-o C"Unlrl9 ! represented by 5.0. P. V. Clark, of Spokane, was shot . br mistake and Instantly killed by A. U. immni. " - - ' Iwmar. wnue nunune iumuuj Bomar fired at a cnipmunK juai Clark came from behind a tree. Death was instantaneous. " " The milk condensing plant at Cho- hall wash., was tntrneo. luusuay. . ucin; h uiraui Low 'about J75.IWO. Its capacity was i organization of English origin, am', 11.00fJ itounds of raw milk per day has sections In many countries. The and 20 men were employed. It paid present meeting Is attended by mem out J3000 por month to farmers for I hers from England. Germany. Hoi milk, j land. Austria, India and the Straits ( -rrL Settlement, besides the Canadian and j American members. ' Cigar store for sale. uoaruiriK aim lunging uuuaw, ture and fixtures doing good business, low rent good location, for sale. We have anytulng you want in real estate and It will coat you noth ing to investigate. E. T. WADE & SON, Office E. O. Building. Tr0REG0N STATE FAIR NEW SYSTEM OF STARTING RACES IS ADOPTED. Appointments of Fair Employes Have Been Made H. E. Woods of Nor borne. Mo., Will Be Official Starter Inspector of Agricultural Products Will Judne Dairy Exhibit. Salem. Sept. 7. Sec. V. A. Muores, of the state fair board, has returned from a two days' trip to Portland, whore he went to arrange a number of minor details of the fair The board has adopted a new system In getting horses started, and ns the same sys tem Is In vogue at the Portland Irv tngton track. Mr. Moores had a good opportunity to see It tested The horses are In charge of J C. Dilute, and he is styled paddock jmlge. official timer and announcer. The Judges ring the race, and the pad- dock Judge at once gets the horses on- t, th truck Mr. .Moores says that it ts. interesting io t-e mm w hurry-up act. and the Jockeys soon find out that they cannot use dilatory tactics with htm. H E. Woods of Norborne. Mo., will be the official starter, and all races will be in charge of Robert Layton. of Vancouver. B. C. The latter Is sec retary of the North Pacific Kalr Asso 1.1... .In ttitt ciation, and both gentlemen thorough- ly understand their ulfss c i ii-r.lhlmn of California, win be entry clerk, clerk of the scales and official program compiler, and H. Notice to Contracters. forft?it., to hlra In case successful ! bidder fails to enter into contract . with good and approved bond within jive aays hiit ucius -aiu-A contract. The risht is reserved to re- It. ..1 ll htAu nil u . C. E. TUOUTMAX. Architect. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the underaiftned until St,lr(,ay at . 4 p. m. t'4. for the erection and c oni pletlon of a tw(,.try ,rame J th tX o te S r ToTto rf t , refierved t0 reject any and f c E. TROUTMAN. ' Architect. , chemists ' Nr f-rC' annual. meeting of the Society of Chemical i"try th- first -ver Held In Amer-! ,ca (1eng wlth a recoptlon at the I Cnunliw. club tonleht. and will con-1 lUnilHlS V.IU" Uilllhl'i. " ."-) i. .u i .i,.. t. HUUO III.'U IHf ""U "1 ."- ... ; wnun tnu foreign members will be ! .,. i,.,i ,ini ,n,in thr. . (i r w w it . u . j . .. . ....... - .u. v-... i--i. ..., i, . t..r lienlH 111 lilt nvw niirv .t--i.i4 .... ( a trip through the South and Middle Foreign Diplomats on Tour. , Ni-w York, Sept. 7 Three hundred i represemutlves of the Interparlia nientary I'uion. Ineluillug distinguish 1 '.. ' "T. members of parllamen' ; i and uili. r .i-.iblic- men of nearly all the Icountrio, of Bumue. left New York today on routo to St. Louis whor - they wl I attend the sessions of lie Inturnfitlonril F'imto Conuress Oil tile way to St. I.ouls brief stops will be made at Philadelphia and Pittsburg After thp conclusion of the congress at St. Louis the foreign visitors will 1 make an extensive tour of the conn- j try. golr.g a, far west ns Denver. i John J. MKJraw, manager of the New York National League baseball ram was seriously Injured by being 'rampk'd upon by a mob of rooters who were maklmr a demons'ratlon over winning a game at New York, .Tuesday HOTEL ARRIVALS. The St. George. Tbeo GeutHi'h. Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. D. Urusha. Enterprise .lames I.nngly. .Portland. Elam Miller. San Francisco. A. Bunch, Spokane. M. Hatton. Pennsylvania. C. A. Blackburn and wife: Helena. F. I llarre. Glciiollen. J E. Cox. Glenollen. Capt. James Graham. Spokane. Mrs. James Graham, Spokane. James Monaghan. Spokane. 1.. Wolverton. Spokane . M. E. Erradock. Raker City. K. C. Culverton. Chicago. Jack D. Burton, Chicago. James J. Johnson. Chlcnco. R. M. Uupe. San Francisco. J. Hannrd. St. Paul. E. Waldmnn. Portland. H. E. Grlttmnn and wife. Bitavllie. H. V Cook. Portland. Glen Hltc. Walla Walla. F M Uobson, Sinikano. A J. McCormlck. San Francisco William H. Scott. Athena. O. H. Ueeder. Athonn. G F. Jackson. Dayton. V T. Dlcklson, Dayton. ,1 M. Liblng. Dayton. P. H. Pearson, Albany. The Hotel Bickers. Mrs Luna Ulnehart. Bockford. M. I,. Bowen. San Francisco, j. B. Johnston, city. Henrv Hill and wife. Helix F D. Watts. Weston. E E. Hench. Waltsburg. J. H. Hlmes. Siwiknno. H. A. F Watrous and wile Dayton. Miller. Blckleton. ir timid. Warren. Elmer Bond. Baker City. C. E Codv. linker City. D. ninker. Spokane. N- Urines, city. C. M. Mrs. Allen. Baker City. Fred McCoy. Seattle Chnrle.4 Martin. La Grande. D. W Mumford. city. C J. T. Cockliurn. .Milton. D. McCoy. Milton. W H. Cllne. Sunnysule. lT Pltger. Enterprise. T. Miss Letltln Greeno. Mrs. E. E. Hench. Waltsburg. William Biggs and family, Julian. M. E. C. F. Hnnville. Portland. Teter. city. 3 smith. Uldge. V 5twIp. cltv. O P:r NVswler. Cold Springs Whiter Buck. Cold Springs. Thomas Shungle. Charles Wackelscliwaiut. New ork Charles Knpers. Pasco. Frank B. Borne. Portland. Gus Freeman. Portland. The Pendleton. J. M Healty. Chicago A. Grant. Baker City. F. W. Kelly. Baker City. Capt. James Graham ami " Coeur d'Alane. Chas. J. Monoshan. Spokane J .Monaghan. Spokane. W. P. Allen, city. Frank Albee. Portland. Mrs. D. E Fields. Cefttase Grove J H. Kloockner. SiKiKane. W H. W. White and wife. Enterprise V. Cameron. Spokane. S. Pace. Simkaue. G. Dunn. Portland. K. Edwin Lino. Portland. W. R. Glendenlng. Portland. G D. Galley. Portland. J. A. Owenhouse. city. John S. W. Bancroft. San Frniu isro Ravhorn. Walla Walla. K. E. Allen. Walla Walla. David Nation. Medicine Lodge J Swift. SiKikane , A. Granger. Dayton. V. P. Reborn U. E. Paddock. Ivan n'hIII and wife. Snokane s. II. Caldorhead. walla waim A Larabort. New York. P Flaherty. San FranciBco S. Youngman. Portland. B. Coman. Portland. C. Wade. Starbuck. S. Butler. Starbuck. H A. O. E M S. It. w. A. Seeds. SiMikane. J. Clarke, city. Blankets Washed. . CommenchiR September first, blnn- n-m ho wfiahml nt hf Pondlaton . woolen Mills, at the following prices- ! ,ankBt, tln0 per pair. Coored bnnkot 7-c ,r. ; Indian robes, 50c each. 'TfTnaoTZ and I ere. o and ca led for b owners, and . paid for "P?00"""- Lessee. ' What Is Life? In the last analysis nobody knows but we do know that It is undor strict , law. Abuse that law oven slightly, i I pain results. Irregular living means ! derangement of the organs, resulting i . ""n- ---- -- w in rnnatlnatlnn. Headache or Liver . -- ---- -- " trouDie. ur. rungs iiow uui i-iua nulcklv readjusts this. It's gontle, yet - - - , , 0 thnrnneh Onlv 2!ic at Tallman & - Co.'s drug store, Drink DESCENT REAM It 16 Fine IN 1 AND 2 LB. SEALED TINS ONLr The Leading Tailors Of the city, SIEBERT & Schultz, have removed to 222 Court street, opposite the Hotel Bickers. When you want a well made suit at reasonable prices, call on them. I New WE HAVE NOW RECEIVED A LARGE PART OF OUR NEW FALL GOODS AND WE INVITE ALL WHO ENJOY LOOKING AT NEW, S??L,SH GARMENTS, TO CALL AND SEE OUR FINE FALL LINES. NEW STYLE COATS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. LADIES' NEW SHIRT WAISTS, THE VERY LATEST. NEW DRESS TRIMMINGS AND BRAIDS. NEW FALL STYLES IN SHOES. NEW BELTS, BAGS AND PURSES. SUMMER LINES AT CUT PRICES. XXX have par.ilyz.Mt organism rtronB ' ;,, aC(.llr The use oi Wine of Tarda, will bri.u: rwiinrinc s(viul In raes Bvnnilmni. '-Hie .uuuw - (jhattanooBii Medicim Co.. . treatment, "'b'- ' ----- u a',l'r,x'm" BEECHAM'S PILLS cure disease by removing the cause of it. In the treatment of those , disorders which inv .ve any failure of the nervous force. BEECHAM'S PILLS have, during nearly sixty years, built up ; AN UNASSAILABLE REPUTATION. j j Nothing renews the power of the digestive organs like J BEECHAM'S PILLS. i They cleanse the Blood of long-standing impurities, brace up the . J Nervous System to a high point of vigor, and effectually chase away . -i i c: iirrruswc i " every symptom ot weariness aim aepressiuii. auim " : PILLS have cured tens of thousands in this and every country of the I globe, just ask yourself why they should not equally prove a boon to you. , Renew the power of digestion by using ( BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold Everywhere In Boxes, 10c. and 25c. Not Hade by a Trust IF YOU ARE REALLY LOOKING FOR A F NE 5c CIGAR, TRY THE "PEGGY O'NEAL." GUARANTEED BY THE LARG EST INDEPENDENT MANUFACTURER IN THE U. S. TO BE ABSOLUTELY FULL HAVANA FILLER AND HAND-MADE. "PEGGY O'NEAL 5c CIGAR A. G. HOWARD TELEPHONE MAIN 2841. PtNDLETON, Modem School School reopens and Special Offor closes Pendleton Acadomy, Pendleton, Orogon. ELATERITE IS MINERAL RUBBER We properly tompor It for each particular climate. Then, upon a Jute canvass wo build up a fire, water and acid proof roofing material, wltk a ground mica surface and a wool felt paper dry sheot or backing. WE'LL lay the goods, or you can. If you have to usfc a roof, we a toll you somo mighty interesting things. They wlll provont your pocket l.nntr --.m a t v nl I rt t tin Wrlta tia The Elaterite Roofing Co., 10 Worcester Block, Portland, Oregon For salo at the East Orcgonlan containing ovar 100 big papers, can Goods Noi TZZTX I HD AGENTS FOR McCALL'S PATTERNS. 111 Mnnv homes are me onel) nbodu Kvau.0 no children are there. llarre m ess i,ts in almost every case because female diseases tl.e orcan - " -". n ilM bottle of Wine of Cnnlui. happiness to your home ilirrctiom. u uddress. civinir lartment. It"' "J , Cbattanooea. Tennessi-e. -. ii.i. u A.MP7TIIYST, nil.w.. i . Hiitast. Ta.. Feb. IS. 1902 Mils l.l-KA GIU. ..,,. f r-iritir 1 115 COURT 8TREET. OREGON. of Commerce September fi. First floor office Large bundle ot be had for 26c a bundle. i.owspaper 1 Fortunes Ma : in Real There is no iaTestJ I offers as gooil seenritr - ut a3 r real estate if Vnn . s rich put your money t ty lu this Brovdnr tin I tlon. We have choice ml ! an descriptions in Ci i locnuiicR, uotn cftj d I 2 property, and rancia J Consult us If yojj orty to sen list in you wish to buy ; Vnoxcelled facLeJ ling real estate. W. E. David (Successor to 2 Insurance, rejlj mortgage loans. TPF JS JLJ E-I Per set $5.00; $4.00 silver tn tractlng, 50c. We are thoro:pJ with all modem nnnliances. and ; work to he of lis d dard. nnd our tra consistent with is! White! Desi Associatlsl I'houe Main IK A WORLD tf In our rlnsle aa rings for ladles. l.nnntv tnO. A iM-'rn' (leal Ot l expended to sbMli and goou . e We buy our ntfi largest far-tori" j Let us show HI von are not row. GLENN "KNOCKED and broke ;l ar been the ii It was run I pott ru "thore Is wJ pleasure In P atlni vai you can u wo do all i to pur i and blacks fui superior ....Lnillll? does It wbUl Qd-1 etor. or deface i the life work. Irion lino EngWJ www w.. - "t