EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1904. PAGE THREE. OPENING i .adies' Ready-to-Wear Dept. Fall and Winter I904 ! NOW ON DISPLAY NEW TAILOR-MADE SUITS. TOUR IST COATS, JACKETS, WALKING AND DRESS SKIRTS, AT EXCEPTIONALLY MODERATE PRICES. ' NEW NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS, NEW NOVELTIES l,N WAISTINGS, NEW NOVELTIES IN TOURIST CAPS, THE i LATEST EASTERN FAD. Alexander Dept. Store f THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES f IT'S THE BEST SMOKE ON THE MARKET ciser IS READY MILWAUKEE TO BE LAUNCH- ED AT SAN FRANCISCO. ALBA NEWS NOTES., Miss Janet Mitchell of Wisconsin Will Christen New Vessel In Presence of the Knights Templar Visitors Splendid Cruiser Has Displacement of 9700 Tons, and Will Cost $2,825, 000 Speed to Be 22 Knots, Crew of 631 Men and 40 Officers. San Francisco, Sept. T. The launch ing of the new crutser MilwauKee, definitely set for September 10 at 11:50 n. m., promises to attract more attention than any similar event since the battleship Ohio took her maiden trip In the presence of the lau President McKlnley. The launching will bo the final day feature of the Kn.ghts Templar con clave and an effort will he made to have all knights from the Badger state attend and participate In the ceremonies. Miss Janet Mitchell, the 19-ycar-old daughter of the late Senator Mitchell of "Wisconsin, will christen the vessel and Miss Lily Jeffrey, daughter of the vice-president of tho Union Iron "Works, where tho new fighting ship was built, will cut the -cord that will Nate Ranes Buys 52 Head of Fat Cat tle at $2.75 Per 100. Alba, Sept. 6. Born to the wife of A. S. Quant, on Sunday, September 4, a daughter. Nate Ranes, the Pendleton cattlo buyer, bought 52 head of steers from Rust Bros., of Ridge, Saturday, at $2.75 per 100. James Jones and Hob Adams are j on their way home from John Day j with 300 head of beef cattle, purchas l ed in that district. Cnmptenders report the range very short owing to the great number of I sheep now crowded into tho small range area. Harvest will bo finished on Camas Prairie' this week. The next job will. bo to gather up the cattlo for tho pas tures. Tho old cottage built by Cox and Miner In the palmy days on tho Dixie ranch, Is being treated to a new roof. It required 30,000 shingles to cover It. The old house Is built on the southern style, with wide porches and porti coes and is. nn attractive structure, In this country district. What Is Life? In tho last analysis nobody knows, but we do know that It Is under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, pain results. Irregular living means derangement of the organs, resulting in Constipation, Headache or Liver trouble. Dr. King's New Life Tills quickly readjusts this. It's gentle, yet thorough. Only 5c at Tnllman & Co.'s drug store. BBB ..,r lute' jBB Manufactured by A. ROHDE Tho Portland Trust Company, of Jregon, which was established in 18S7, has ample capital and resources . ind numbers among Its stockholders mo of tho wealthiest citizens of Portland, and also a great many EaBt- rn capitalists. This company has bvisou a vo.j convenient form or nploylng funds that may be tem- brarily idle, so that tho depositor y get Interest upon them, and still vo them available upon a reason- ble notice. Money Savers )f whom there are many in Eastern Oregon and Washington, Bliouid remember that "THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON," Issues interest-bearing certificates of deposit that pay a good Irate of interest, and can he drawn at any time by giving a cer tain number of days' notice. I' nil particulars are contained in our book of Illustrations to Iwhich we shall he glnd to send you, and at tho snrao tlmo Sivc you any lurther information that you may require. Portland Trust Company of Oregon 109 THIRD STREET. ElLW'J. I. COHEN, President, H. L. PITTOCK, Vice-President, B. LEE PAGET, Secretary, J. O. GOLTKA, Assistant Secretary. , permit It to slip down the ways nnd i into the water. , .. . .. , ' The Milwaukee Is one of the three ! rnFjsRn cks nrc "aW to e!lt cnm"M for sister ships, which are the largest i protected cruisers In the United States navy, the other two being the St. Louis and Charleston. They are what Is known ns protected cruisers and carry no armor, "their protection consisting solely of a protective, de flective deck and shields for some of her guns. The contract for the con struction of the Milwaukee was sign cd April 17, 1901, at a price of $2, 825,000 for hull and machinery, and her keel was laid July 30, 1902. The principal features of the Mil waukee are her great size and high speed. She will have a displacement of 9700 tons with her normal coal supply, but with a full load her dis placement will exceed 11,000 tons, She will be really larger than any battle ships, such as the Oregon She is 424 feet long, with Of. feet beam and 22 feet C inches mean draft. Her speed is to he 22 knots. For n battery Jho Milwaukee will carry 14 G-inch, IS 3-inch and eight 1-pounder rapid-fire guns; 12 3-pound-or seml-autoinatic, four 1-pounder au tomatic and 10 machine guns and four field pieces. Her crew will consist of G31 men and about 40 officers. iwamm ie R slier : The letter of Miss Merkley, whose picture is printed above, proves beyond question that thousands of cases of inflamma tion of the ovaries and womb ! are annually cured by the use of 1 1 Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound. Notice to Contracters. Sealed proposals will be secured at the office of the undersigned until Thursday, September 15, 4 p. m. 1904 fn- tlin Tn1,n RphmlrH lm llrl In rr ing to tho plans r.nd specification!: ' . "Dkab Mrs. PrmrnAu: Gradual n-nv on file in the architect's office, ' J JiWhd room 12, Jmld building All bld-iSnCT .mist bo made on blanks furnished by Ulrough tho peivic organs .cramps and tho architect. A certified check of extremo irritation compelled mo to $200 to accompany each bid, made seek medical advice. Tho doctor said The Skiddaist Prophet, and Healer The Diviner and Buddaist Priest, will give free of charge tho doctrine, a small book which explains the pinioxophy of coming under tho laws of protection, which gives man freedom from poverty, sickness nnd accident. It nlso explains the philosophy of how to become n prophet and healer. Understand yoursoir and ho mnstor of yourself. These assertions and affirmations are Infnllhlo and ho will ho pleased to explain this philosophy to all callers. Fifteen years of devotion to this philosophy and u graduato In the science of palmistry, physiognomy and phrenology. His years of developing tho psychic power enables lilni to toll you anything you want to know, describes nnyone you nro interest ed in, and tells exactly where your aches and pains nro without asking n question. His wonderful healing power can bo felt the In stant lie lays his hand on you. He will give one free treatment. Those Interested should call early as lip will positively leave Pendleton Thursdny. Parlors at Penland Bros. Main Street Over Tallman's Drug Store nnyablo to John Schmidt and to bo forfeited to him in case successful bidder falls to enter Into conlract with good and approved Uond within five days after being awarded the pontraet. The right is reserved to re ject any and all bids. C E. TROUTMAN. Architect. MONTERASTELLI BROS. La?ble and Granite Works fono intending to secure a monument or headstone for relative rlond will do well to seo us. Largest collection to telect from. Rest prices. MONTERASTELLI BROS. Stone Building, Court Street, next to Domestic Laundry. a Carpets Cleaned by Steam 7a have arranged to open a steam carpet cleaning shop in oton, where we will be prepared to clean carnnts of nil a. Ions in tho most Improved manner. All work guaranteed. By focess all dirt Is removed and carpets are restored to their al brilliancy. We want a trial order from you. All work call- and delivered. Prices reasonable. Wilkinson & Edminsten ne Main 741. 311 Court Str.t. rttMttttttttttttittttflHMMM MOVING I are moving our stock Into our new room, where we will " etter position to display our splendid line of new goods. rule has always been to sell lower than rnmnotttnra mill itinuo the policy. In moving we find we hare some odds and various different lln.es which we will sell at cost and below to clean up our stock. ! bur new store will be found a large, bright, fresh assort- lurniture, mattreBs.es, springs, couches nnd rockers, chairs, WANT YOUR 8TOVE TRADE, and con furnish you with a Cd more Satisfactory hnntlnp or rnnW ntnvn ttian onv nlnra leton. Come in and be the Judge. arload of new goods just in. i, s V. STRQBLE 210 Cwttt Stmt that I had ovarian trouble and ulccra tlon, and advised an operation. I Btronclv objected to this and decided to try Iiydia E. Pinlcham's Vcrc tablo Compound. I soon found that my judgment was correct, and that all the good things said about this medi cine were true, and day by day I felt less pain and increased appetite. The ulceration soon healed, and thu other 1 I , t . .T. , 1 I Triennial Conclave Knights Templar, elcvn weeka t was once more strong ana vigorous and perfectly well. San Francisco, Sept. 5-9th. 1904 Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., San Francisco, Cal., Sept, 19-25th, 19C4. Account of above occasion the O. It. & N. makes a round trlj, rate of $31.85 dates of sale, via steamer from Port land August 2-28th, and September 1 and 2. Via rail, September 1, 2, 3, IB, IG and 17. Continuous passage on go ing trips, with final return limit Octo ber 23, 1904. Stopovers will be allow ed in California only, and only on re turn trip. For particulars call on or address E. C. Smith, agent O. It. & N, ' My heartiest thanks are sent to you for the great good you havo done me." Sincerely yours, Mies M Alto abet Meiuu.ey, 275 Third St, Milwaukee, Wis. 5000 forell If original of abof Itttu proving genulninist cannot Of ptoauctd. 1 One Himdred Dollars Reward. Dissolution Notice. Notice Is hereby given, that the co partnership heretofore existing be tw.een W. S. hlndsey and J. M. Kra mer, In tho livery business in PendlO' ton, Oregon, has this day been dls solved by mutual consent. J. M. Kramer will continue tho business at the old stand, pay all bills against the old firm, and collect all accounts due the same. J. M. KRAMER. W. S. L.NUSEY. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned until Saturday at 4 p. m., September 10, iU4, for the erection and completion of a two-story frame residence for Dr. D. J. McFnul. Plans and speclfica tions at the architects office, room 12 Judd building, Pendleton Ore. The right is reserved to reiect any and all bids. C. E. THOUTMAN, Architect. There ! more Catarrh In thla tlnn nr the country than all other dUeaiea pot together, and until the ait few icars waa uppoaed to be Incurable. For a treat many year doctor! pronounced H a local dlaeaie and preacrlbed local remedies, and by constantly falllne to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Sci ence haa proven catarrh to be a constitu tional disease and therefore reonlrea con stitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh cure, manufactured by F. J, Cheney Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Is the onlr constitution. al cure on the market, It Is taken Inter nally In doses from 10 drops to a tea spoonful. It acta directly on the Mood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case ft falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: Y. 3. CilENEr ft CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist Prlce 7Ce- Take Hall's Hamtlr Pills for constloa- tlon. Where a bigamist makes a mistake is in not incorporating under the laws of Now Jersey. The corporation laws of that state allow the holding of most any kind of property. 1 Fc?tttnes Made in Real Estate There Is no investment that offers as good security and in creases In value as rapidly as real estate. If you would bo rich put your money in proper ty in tills growing city and sec tion. Wo have choice real estate of all descriptions in all desirable localities, both city and farm property, and ranches. Consult us If you have prop erly to sell; list it with us. If you wish to buy property, see us. Uuexcelled facilities for hand ling real estate. W. E. Davidson & Co. (Successor to E. D. Boyd.) Insurance, real estate and mortgage loans. 119 Court St, Issssbsbbsssl 7 mm s7 sf jfafsjsssssl O SWCES. o COPTCE,TCA, AKimflOTDER, Ono hundred dollars Is a protty good roward for flvo mluutoH work, yet that Is what J. E Strodo, of Wuitsburg, Wush., got from tho Enst Oregonlnn In our last subscription contest. Ho recclv.ed with tho compli ments of tho East Orcgonlau, without a cent of oxpeuso to hlmBolf, a $100 rubber-tired buggy. Wo propose to conduct another subscription contest on tho following basis: From now until November 1th wo will tnko now subscriptions sent In by our subscribers and to tho ono who guesses nearest to tho vote rocolvod by the winning presidential candldat.o In this stnle, wo will glvo one-halt of all the money received from tills contest. For example, if you mink President Hoosovelt will recolvo tho major ity of votes In the coming election, III! out tho coupon, "Hoosovolt'H total vote In Oregon will be ( ),"aml put In your ostlmato. If our subscribers co-operato with us as thoy have In provloiiH contests and as wo oxpect they will In this, wo will tnko In sovoral hundred dollars and possibly much more, uno-hnlf of which will go to tho person who guesses nearest to the vote In Oregon for tho winning presidential condl date. Thcro Is only ono requirement and this Is Important. ALL NAMES SENT IN MUST BE THOSE OF NLW SUBSCRIBERS. Renewals of sub scription will not bo counted in this contest. Subscribers can participate In this way: Got some neighbor to tako tho Weekly East Orogonlan for four months for CO cents, Sond in a monoy order for tho 50 cents; or In lc and 2c stamps or silver, accompanied by your guess on tho presidential vote. If you do not want to ask soma neighbor to subscribe, sond in 50 cents and tho namo of somo friend In tho East who Is Interested in the western country. JM him read tho Weekly East Oregonlan and It will glvo him more news about the resources of tho Inland Empire than you could if you wrote him a CO-page lottor a week. For every 50 cents you will be entitled to ono guess. It you got four of your friends to tako It four months each, you will bo entitled to four guesses, or If you get one new subscription for a year for the Weekly for $1.50 ou are entitled to three guessed. Somo ono of our subscribers will get ono half of all money taken In on this contest. It may bo only $60, or It may be several hundred dollars, but whatever the sum tho ono who guesses nearest to the presidential vote In Oregon for the winning candidate, will get one-half of the money. Remember the guess Is on the voto cast in Oregon for the successful presidential candidate. Only new subscriptions count A subscription for 60 cents gives you one guess. You can send in as many subscribers as you wish and for each CO cents you get one gu .is. This contest closes November fourth, so be sure to aend In your guess before that time. The total vote in June. 1904, was 92,608: for republican candidate for supreme Judge, 52.94C; for democratic, 28,729; socialist, 6419, and prohi bition, 6C14. My estimate on , vota In Oregon for President Is Nam Poateffice addres Fill in the flrst blank apace the name of the candidate you think will win. Fill in the second blank space with your estimate of the number of votes h will get la Oregon, Enclose with CO cent and mall to the East Oregoaian Publishing Co., Pendleton, Oregon. Send paper to Address ELATERITE IS MINERAL RUBBER We properly temper it for each particular climate. Then, upon jute canvass we build up m Are, water and acid proof roofing material, wltk a ground mica surface and a wool fel t paper dry sheet or backing. WK1 lay the goods, or you can. if you bare to ue roof, we e&a tell you some mighty latere ting things. They will prevent yoht nocks book from shriveling up. Write tut The Elaterite Roofing Co., 10 Worcester Block, Portland, OregM