East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 06, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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1 H&tv
you have nn nbsoluto
Von a lino of business,
I succeed unless you nd-
Tonight and Wednesday fair.
NO. 5145.
nm di jipcc
a a rt il rt
ry ivicuoweii ne-
tie for Final Settle-
the Fight,
.Third Battle of Bull Run Being Fought
In Virginia Today.
I Onlnesvllle, Vn., Sept. G. The. third
bnttle of Bull Run bogan Rt midnight
with th.e placing of outposts by Gen
eral Doll's nrmy of browns at Thor
oughfnro and the throwing out of nn
i advance guard by General Grant's
'army of blues stationed at Mannsso.
The hours between midnight and
dawn woro occupied by Grant In plac
ing artillery in advantageous positions
for an attack on the browns. Firing
from tho big guns was begun at long
range Bbortly after daylight, follow
ed by Infantry skirmishes, then gen
eral fighting nil along the Hue.
fills Votes 1750 to 511 to
Work One Thousand In
lush Back to Their Old
rore a u'uiock i nis morn-
Calling for Sympathetic
led Off Also Unfair Or-
Wreck In Chicago Tunnel.
Chicago, Sept. C. Ono was proba
bly fatally and a half dozen slightly
Injured this morning In the Washing
ton street tunnel, when a trailer cable
train Jumped the track and crashed
Into the walls of the tunnel. Mrs.
Kerston had a log crushed off and
will probably die.
Worn-Out Russian Soldiers Are Shot Down by Their Officers
While Trying to Desert.
Combined Japanese Armies Are Within Fourteen Miles of Mukden, Still
Pursuing the Straggling Forces of Kuropatkln Heavy Cannonading
of the Rear Guard Skirmishes Can Be Heard In Mukden Alexleff
Changes Headquarters From Vladivostok to Harbin Both Armies Are
Worn Out With Hard Marches and Fighting.
Eloping Royalty in Jersey Isle.
Vienna, Sept. 0. A telegram re
st Packing House Meat i eclved today reports that Princess
Louise ot uoiiurg anu uount ivegie
vltch Mnttusitch, with whom she
eloped, have arrived at the Island of
Jersey by way of Franco.
fcdrawn Donnelly
3opt. C. That a vote of
i butchers and workmen I
Governor Davis Re-elected.
Little Hock, Arl;.. Sept. C Cover-
I ...... T" . I I.. ntn...l 1... P....... r.A AAfl
be taken today will end 1 ""Vs " '7 , VnT """"'"""""
f , , , 00,000 plurality. Tho other officers
lis strugglo and that the tne Htnte tMi(,t are unopposed.
to worlc tomorrow, is i
cd at tho strikers' head-'
the meantime tho gen
otic strike ordered for
lorning is hold In nbey
Iso u apply to tho order
f ri.m. itnfnlr nft.ii- in.
Mukden, Sept. C. Kuropatkin's re-1 railway. Several skirmishes occur
treat Is being carried out in good or-' red within 20 miles southeast of Muk
der. despite the iicnvy rains which 1 1en. the Russians holding Knrokt In
1 1 , , ,, u check with n rear guard action, while
fell yesterday and today, retarding tho , tll0 nsaans of the Llao Yang nrmy
heavy guns, transports and trains.
Long lines of commissariat wagons,
followed by trains of artillery and
finally by the nrmy ore dragging their
way northward. The Japanese arc
continually engaging tho Russians'
The heads of the commissariat
are proceeding northward.
f Bf rlkers rcfuso to talk,
ari't'pted that a confer
the strlko leaders and
les of tho packers result-
fecmont with the latter to i
In back at tho old terms
.1.... n.M... 1... nlKwl
nun mi: nilinu uu luiiuu i i
sentiment among the State Convention Being Held Today i marching and fighting of tho
News From Port Arthur Suppressed.
London, Sept. C. A dispatch from
St. Petersourg states that a newspa
per there published a report of tho
fall of Port Arthur. The edition was
, ,,, .,,! . ,!. ! recalled before It obtained a sale.
Mukden, proceeding northward. Tho The report of he all of Port Arthur
main Japanese army Is marching up ; 's rf 1 "l f, T" mf
along the roads eastward of the Rus-! ' f 1,e vaeue. U Is Given little
slans" lino of retreat, which converge i crcuenct-
at Mukden. '
Another Japanese force Is heading' Russians Yield Positions,
for Mukden from the westward from Toklo, Sept. C Tho Russians are
tho direction of the Llao river. Oya-1 retiring beyond Yeng Aal, which Ku
ma Is evidently making a race for ropatkln occupied.
Mukden with superiority In numbers I
and especially In nrtlllery. 1 Japanese Near Mukden.
i St. Petersburg, Sept. C. According
"Mountain Gem" Now Ready for Snake
River Traffic.
Lewlston, Sept. C Tho United
Stales Inspectors of hulls and boilers ,
have accepted the Mountain Gem '
btenmboat, Just completed for the run
liiilivmin 1 .nw-tiit nn nml Tritvil.'a n. lm I
upper Snake river.
The sturdy little flyer falls heir to
the dangerous duties of the Ill-fated
tmnnha, which went on tho rocks of
Wild Goose rapids Inst winter while
trying to alleviate the needs of tho
Imnaha copper district.
A company was organized to build
tho Mountain Gem, the mining men of
Imnaha and business Interests of
Lewlston contributing to this end.
Sixty miles lays between the Inland
metropolis and tbo new copper sec
tion. A portion of the route down the
river is through a gorge of excessive only One Sate Blown Because of the
i uv-uuess, uiuui; which runway or
Six Masked Men Blow Safe
of Lehigh Valley Traction
Company Offices.
wagon roads could be constructed
only at great expense.
The -Mountain Gem boat has been
built especially for this run, drawing
little more than 20 Inches, nml her
tmrden being but Ili9 tons. To pro
pel this light craft, a steam plant far
stronger thou the average hns been I
put nboard. Tho boiler Is 22 fc feet
long by 01 Inches In diameter, and j
there are two engines of 11-inch di-1
nmeter and six-foot stroke. Navl-1
gators of the tipper river believe that
this equipment will drive tho Moun
tain gem against tho strongest Snake
liver current, when bearing a good
Quick Alarm Turned In Left Old
Note Book, Vest and Handkerchief
as Clues Fled to Mountains In a
Stolen Wagon Citizens Pursue
Them in nn Automobile, But Give
Up the Chase Owing to Rough
Country Crime Resembles Car
Barn Robberies.
Kurokl's Troops Exhausted.' , to a telegram from Mukden, tho Jap
Toklo, Sept. C Tho latest news of , nnese forces are now but U miles
Kurokl's movements is that his troons from Mukden. The booming of their
cannon can be distinctly heard at the
past strongnoiu.
chers and allied trades
Di's tho acceptance of the
Ind a return to work.
Bly for Old Places.
11000 strikers hud applied
places In the yards at
rades In Conference.
heeling of tho Allied
In nco hoard resulted In
pstructlons to all unions
diect this afternoon and
Icr to call the strike off.
Louis Votes to Return.
Dtlis, Sept, fi. By a vote
511 tho strikers decided
Pwonc on tho packers
Belly has been notified of
an Settled Strike.
Mnry McDowoll, head
m settlement, Is given the
eopening negotiations be
Jackers and strikers.
Pe has been sympathizing
x and aiding their fami
ne! offices wero accopted
ifrs who made known thou
gh her.
Sfctlnow proposition a refer-
V, I 1 1 1 , . 1 . .1 MM.
KftTt 111 UU lUUUIl UJUtl , 1 ilU
vote win prouaiuy tie
ior 7 o clock tonight.
Democrats Have But 1000 Repub
lican Votes to Overcome and Feel
Confident That Good Democratic
Organization Can Overcome This
Small Majority Full State Ticket
to Be Named.
Seek Old Places.
Nib., Sept. 0. Anticipating
itfae strike about 200 strlk-
Mhtor their old places this
pt4jjG0 were taken back. Of
ISwtlon men who wont out,
rned to work In the last
'All are skilled.
Dover, Del., Sept. C Former United
States Senator R. It. Kenney and
other democratic leaders of Delaware
in attendance on the state convention
of their party In session here, today
express confidence that they will be
able to swing tho state Into the demo
cratic column next November.
In discussing tho outlook Senator
Kenney said: "We feel confident of
cnrrylng the state for Parker and
! Davis. Our people who strayed away
. I in 189(5 and 1H00 are coming hack to
Ot no W nnlniilfitn HmiI fl, . li.i
l.O. ,,U bUllrlllLllV kt.ttb 1I1WV ,. Ill '.V
not more than 1000 votes to overcome
this year, and with the present demo
cratic machinery und perfect harmony
that pervades the party we are very
hopeful of victory."
Today's convention will namo a
full state ticket to oppose the tickets
put up by the two factions of the re
publican party. Caleb S. Pennewell
of Kent, Joseph E. Holland of Sussex,
nnd Mayor Bird of Nowcastle, aro
among those whose names aro men'
tloued In connection with the giiber
nntorlnl nomination.
Alexleff at Harbin.
Russian Officers Shoot Their Men. Loudon, Sept. C Tho Harbin cor
Toklo, Sept. 0. An official dispatch respondent of the Central News wires
this evening announces that tho bulk i that Viceroy Alexleff and staff have
of the Russian forces are assembled ' arrived at Harbin, having transferred
at Yentai. a he new.spapor, .71 jl. re-' headquarters from Vladivostok.
ports thnt tho retreating Russians i
have become dispirited on account of1 The Diana Disarms,
the constant harassing of the Japan-j Toklo, Sept. C The Japanese gov
ese and a number of Russian soldiers eminent was today informed by the
have been shot down by their offlc-, French minister at Toklo that the
era for trying to run away. 1 Russian cruiser Diana, which took
I refuge at Saigon, on August 20, will
May Evacuate Harbin. I disarm In that port.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 0. The Har- j
bin correspondent of tile Russian Chicago Wheat Market,
prsss wires that the Japanese now Chicago. Sept. fi. Old September
within 25 miles of that city. It re-1 opened at $1.05 and closed at
peated the report thnt the Russians '$1.0394. New September, $1.0394.
are preparing to abandon tho city, I corn, 52 and oats 31.
evacuation having already begun. The j "
Local Market Depressed.
The local wheat market Is suffering
a slight depression. No sales have
been reported for several days. Club
is quoted at G7 cents and bluest.cm at
72 cents.
Committee Appointed to Consider the
Establishment of an Academy at
Some Point In the Conference Dis
trict Beautiful Tribute to Retiring
Presiding Elder Brown More
Help for Aged Ministers and Families.
censorship is being transferred from
Mukden for the present, to Harbin,
as the Interruption of telegraph lines
Is believed to be possible at Mukden.
Japs Press In Hot Pursuit.
Yen Tai, Sept. C Heavy fighting
Is proceeding northeast of here to
day, the Japanese pressing northward
along tho ridges to the east of the
The British ship Dumbarton Is
ashore 13 miles from Snu Frunclsco
and will be n total loss.
Soud.erton, Pa., Sept. C. Six mask
ed robbers blew open tbu safo at tho
Lehigh Valley Traction Company's
barn early this morning and escnped
with nearly $S00, the receipts of yes
terday. Tho robbers assaulted several em
ployes who resisted, bound and gag
ged them, and had only time to blow
one safo when the alarm was sound
ed. They fled with a stVilen wngou.
Townsmen pursued them In an auto
mobile, but failed to catch them.
Two good clues wore left by tho
robbers. In gagging one of tho t ruc
tion barn employes, a cheap vest and
piece of a silk handkerchief wero
used. These articles, It Is thought,
may lead to a clue.
In stooping over to bind the em
ployes, one of the robbers dropped nn
old note book, unnoticed, which cuu
talus valuable Intormallou and which
Is now In tbo hands of tho police.
The robbers wen- not adopts In tho
use of dynamite and two ot thorn
narrowly escaped serious Injury or
death by remaining too closo to tho
safe at the lime of the uxploslon.
Fragments of the lock door flw nil
about them.
Tho country to which the bamllta
Tied Is one of the roughest districts
In Pennsylvania mid (he pursuit by
the officers is liauiiicupped.
None of th.o employes were serious
ly Injured. The crime resembled
those of the Chicago car barn bandits
In ninny respects.
The Dalles Sept. 0. Tho confer
ence of tho M. 10. church was brought
to n close at 12:30 yesterday. Tho
sessions wero crowded with Interest.
On Saturday morning a remarkable
tribute was offered to Dr. Henry
Brown, the retiring presiding elder
of tho Spokane district. In a presen
tation speech of rare felicity, Dr. II.
D. Kimball, after emphasizing the
fearlessness nnd unselfishness of Dr.
Brown, placed In bis hands a beauti
ful gold watch. I .
Bishop Spollmcyor addressed the j calls to Tell the President That New
class for adinlBslon, laying siiecial fi,,,h pin,,iitu win n. ?s nno
Butchers Stay Out.
Sept. C The cattle
pd this morning by 71
.out, eight other unions
question. The packers
tainlon men applying for
Knight Morris Smlnoff Thrown From
His Horse In the Parade.
San Francisco, Sopt. C. Knight
Morris Smlnoff, of this city, was
thrown from his horse In the parade
today and his skull fractured. He Is
fatally Injured. Smlnoff Is a large
cloak manufacturer.
Malta Drill Corps, of Ulnghampton,
N. Y., was the first to receive an ova
tion, followed by ovations to Do Mo
lays, of Louisville, Ivanhoe ot Mil
waukee, and St. Bernard's.
Jnlted States and Mex-
fcke Outing Together.
fexrs, Sopt. 6. Presl-
some tlrao ago, prom-
ecll Lyons, chairman of
Hibllcan executive corn-
would come here for
ng trip in the Indian
az, of Mexico, will visit
tend tho National Irri-
at tho same time.
vlted to participate in
loosovolt. It Is under-
Knight Leath Dies From Exhaustion.
Joseph Leath, a member of the
Knoxvllle, Tenn., commandery, drop
ped from exhaustion a few minutes
herore tbo parade was over, and died
an hour later.
At 4 o'clock John Franklin lies in a
dying condition in a house lu Cotton
wood street, from the effects of some
poison, supposed to be morphine,
The man was taken out of Baker
& Garrison's saloon at 1:30 o'clock
and Into a box In the Red Front sa
loon, but tho bartender refused to al
low him to remain there and his al
most lifeless body was taken to the
Cottonwood resort.
Drs, Riugo and Cole, who were
called, both gave out the Information
that the man's chances of recovery
aro very slight.
It Is presumed the man was drug
ged. His son, Frank Franklin, declares
that this is the second time he has
taken his father from Baker & Gar
rison's suffering from morphine
Negro Shoots.
Mo., .Sept. C
of paying atton-
wife, Dr. William
flay shot Dr J. n.
n local politic-
nlnlster to Liberia.
red. Crosslnnd's
sorloiis. Mrs.
hnndsomo octo-
Jr. Grassland is
Thirty Thousand Gentiles Form an
Anti-Mormon Party In Utah.
Salt Lake, Sopt, C Promlnet Gon
tiles, principally bolters from tho re
publican state ticket, today decided
to organize an anti-Mormon party,
along tho lines of tho old liberal
party. Thirty thousand subscribed to
tho movement, headed by tho Kearns
Vermont Contest Was Warm'.
Burlington, Vt., Sopt. 6. A tre
mendous vote wos cast this moriilng,
according to ndvlces from all parts of
tho state. The strlfo between the
parties is the bittorost ovor known In
the state. Ono of tho largest votes
evor known will bo pollod.
Democrats Confident.
Tho domocrats aro confident this
morning thoy will reduce the republi
can majority to IC.000 or 17,000.
Five union carpenters three on the, wages to $2.75 to bring his remuner
Matlock building and two on the Mon- aon below the union scale,
terastell. and O'Gara buildings- th
walked out this morning at 7 o clock, and when Mr, ,Iale put Mn Marsb t0
called out by the walking delegate work on the O'Gara and Monteraa
immediately after going to work. TheUelll buildings Immediately upon Mr.
walkout is tho result of a disagree- ''j' letting him off tho Matlock
, , . , ,, . building, the union at once retaliated
ment of which the following seems i,y or(ierIng tho walkout,
to embody the essential features: The walkout affects oniy f!v,e men
One Fred Marsh has long been em- immediately, because the force on the
ployed by Boothby & Halo, tho con- three structures has been reduced of
tractors, who hold the carpentering lato on account of the plasterers not
stress upon the word "minister.
"Whether It is to console, to teach,
to preach, to live, he Is to minister;
all phases of a preacher's career aro
embraced in tho term 'minister.' A
preacher should go to school every
day of his life."
A commission of five was appoint
ed to tnke under advisement tho v
titbllshment of a school of academic
grade within tho bounds of tho con
ference. No particular location is yet
in mind,
Sunday was filled with services
from early morning until late at
night, Following tho conference lovo
feast Bishop Spellmeyer preached at
11 o'clock iroin tho words, "In Christ' i
Three men wero ordained deacons
and three were ordained elders. An
other young woman was consecrated
to the deaconess work.
Some of tho Umatilla appointments
are: Pendleton, Robert Warner;
Athena, Ed Baker; Milton, J. J. Mc
Allister; Echo, Rev. Bobbell. Dr. G,
M. Booth will continue to be presiding
elder at Pendleton,
Strong efforts were mado to adopt
plans for an increased support of the
worn out preachers, their widows and
orphans, but nothing definite was
Bishop Spellmeyer leaves today for
Montesuno, where the Pugot HoudO.
Conference is to bo held.
Superintendent Welles Calls Attention
to the Requirements.
"Many persons aro of tho opinion,"
remarkivl School Superintendent F,
K. Welles, this morning, "that a per
mit to teach is secured by tho nsking
and the payment of a fee. This Is
Ormiirif IIIU fni- l,l nvnnttlHltlnn nn ..
. r .1 .1.- ...... ... , .. . . .. "" -Auiuinauuil
cuiurucis xur uu uuuu oi wiu uuuu- ueing muiy, anu mo intention was to permit Is Just as difficult as a regu
lugs named. Marsh is not a thorough I run light-handed until tho plasterers Jar teacher's examination. I hopo the
carpenter, but is a vory efficient help-1 were finished, and then crowd the people will understond tills."
er, anu ior a long time nas urawn , carpentering oy increasing the force,. This morning two applications fo;
f.cu I'ur uuf, iHMjiuuy u nuie ure rustling ror
He has never belonged to tho union non-union help, and claim they will
and the union mon claim that he has have a full forco of men at work on
steadily refused to Join, and when re- all threo buildings tomorrow morning
contly the firm of Boothby & Halo enough to be able to Droceed almost
raised his wages to $3 per day, his without tho least dolay on all three
retention on th,e Job (ho was working , buildings.
on tho Matlock building) beenmo an Tho firm claims that tho union is the ones that havo started owing .to
uiimuuiuiu uuu iirupoiiie mouo. uvung uuiiur uuu wun great partial- the neglect of the boards and teach-
The union demanded his discharge ity, ns other firms have been and are ers to file their contracts as required
or that ho immediately join the union, employing non-union men without hav-1 by law.
As stated, he refused to Join, but Mr. Ing any strike or walkout ordered, or I .
Boothby let him off tne Matlock, any terms dictated to them, and Chinese Masons at Siokace will
schools wero received by the county
superintendent. Tho applicants are
J. O. Jorslad nnd O. Beaty, late of
A number of schools In the rural
districts arc opening this week, but
Mr. Welles Is In tho dark regarding
Oyster Bay, Sopt. C Chairman
Cortelyou, of tho republican national
committee, left quietly this morning.
Attorney General Moody called at
Sagamore III11 today.
Ho camo to give tho president his
ImprosHloiis of (he outlook In New
Ho thinks the republican plurality
will go above the 25,0110 margin.
An Italian tramp arrested at Saga
more Hill, yesterday was released
by Squire Franklin, a local Justice.
The tramp seemed harmless.
Umatilla Man and Wife Travel
White Man's Divorce Route.
Tho course of true lovo and matri
monial bliss docs not run smooth
oven In tho semi-savage breast, for
tho Ponds, Annie and James, itllotcs
on the Umatilla reservation, are In
tho divorce court. Annie I'ond this
morning through her attorneys, Hal
ley & 1-owell, filed action for divorce
against her husband.
Cruel and Inhuman treatment Is
charged against tho husband, the
plaintiff alleging that he upon sev
eral occasions came home Intoxicat
ed, dragged her from bed by the hair
and finally, about IX mouths ago,
drove her from the house and has
snlco refused to allow her to llvo
with him.
Tho wife asks for a share of Pond's
property, which Is said to consist of
80 acres of allotment land, 110 head
of horses valued at $5000, and other
property worth about $250, She de
sires the custody of two minor daugh
ters and alimony of $10 u month for
their support,
Tho PondB woro married in this
county in Mny, 1SHS. Mrs. Pond is
unable to write her namo and swears
to the complaint by tho customary
- -w - , '. I S IlltllPW miHVIIO 14V Ol
building after offering to reduce his even without being declared unfair 'erect a temple this year
Child Dies With Hydrophobia.
Chicago, Sept, C On a train
speeding from Columbus to
Chicago in hopo of relief by tho
Pasteur treatment for hydro
phobia, Robert Strykhuul, a
fair-haired boy of five, died on
the tram last night In the
midst of terrible convulsions
incident to the disease