EIGHT PAGES, PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1904. THE DANCING SEASON OPENS THURSDAY EVENING And all the ladles should have their feet fitted with a nice new pair of slippers. Our new stock has arrived and we are prepared to fit all the feet. Call early and get the pick of our larfle stock. 3 IJRRIGATDRS MEET DINDINGER, WILSON & CO. GOOD SHOES CHEAP. 'Phone Main 1131. OREGON ASSOCIATION AT ONTARIO THIS MONTH. Prominent Officials and Speakers Promise to Be In Attendance All Those Having Power to Appoint Should Appoint Full QUota From Those Who WIN Promise to Attend Appointment of Delegates. I could cntch some of the trout lie hnd B.con In the pool. After trying In vnln wtlh files, they found nn old pnll nnd tinted out 22 fine trout ranging 1" length from 7 to 11 Inches. Thoy ciuno bnck to camp with the Btrlng of fish nn n trophy of their shotguns. At the camp where Mr. Fronch apoiit his vacation there were 70 peo ple, mostly from Pendleton. There were three preachers In tho number Hov. Van Nuys, Hov. Cornollson nnd Hov. Hlgby, so thoy had preaching each Sunday. The city of tents was three miles from Meacham. HOW KID M'COY BEGAN. Pugilist Entered the Arena as a Scrapping Newsboy. Fighting for his corner among a hundred other newsboys in the streets of Brooklyn was young Kid McCoy's initiation into tho fistic arena. Of tho gang of boys with whom tho Kid, whoso name, by tho way, is not McCoy, but Mclntyro, associated when he sold papers and fought his way. was Terry McGovern and several others who havo since gained renown ns clover pugilists. "I ran away from home." said Mc Intyre, "when I was nine years old nnd was obliged to make my living selling papers. I received a great Umatilla county will be fully repre sented at tho third annual meeting of the Oregon Irrigation Association, which meets at Ontario, Malheur county, on September ID, 20 and 21. Tlin neonlo of .Malheur county have - - 'prepared a treat for the meeting, and halt were from tho surrounding conn-1 it promises to be one of tho most try. The writer recognized possibly profitable meetings yet held. C. C. a score of farmers on this one block Hunt, of Ontario, is assistant secre from near Pilot Hock, Cold Springs. 1 tary of the association and is busy Echo and Wild Horse. Among the 1 now with the details of the program, number were possibly a dozen or more Indians in to do their Saturday trad ing. Possibly a score of this number were transients. Thoro were a few sheephorders and cattle men with schapps among the number. It was a representative and typical scene In tho best city in the Inland Kmplre, and it is this crowd of peo ple in from 20 miles to spend their which will be extensive, Among the prominent people ex pected to be present nro Governor Chamberlain, Senator Fulton, Con gressman Williamson, possibly F. II. Newell, chief of the reclamation bureau, and many Interested irriga JOYS OF A CONDUCTOR. Curious Cases of Ignorance of Geog raphy and Distances Seen Among Passengers. One of the curious cases of Ignor ance of distance nnd geography came to the notice of Conductor Hums, of the I'ortland-Pendleton passenger run. on the O. H. & N. last Saturday night. A passenger got on No. C, the mnln line enst-boiiud at Uinatllln. with n ticket to Grant's, a station 7G miles west of Umatilla, in exactly tho oppo site direction from which the passen ger was traveling on the east-bound train. Conductor Hums found that the man had loft passenger train No. 3 at Umatilla, the very train that would Say You ! HAVE YOU BOUGHT THAT DINNER SET YOU PROMISED YOUR WIFE? IN ABOUT TEN DAYS WE WILL MOVE AND EVERYTHING GOES BACK TO THE OLD PRICE, SO IF YOU INTEND TO REDEEM YOURSELF Do It Now HELP US MOVE. WE HELP YOU WITH THE PRICE. tors 'from all sec ions of Oregon and I j'f v arrlei1 lllfm11, "raut',s' ,a'"' ! I several from Idaho. hls IB""""" of directions had taken , J All those having tho power to ap- money that makes Pendleton such a i point delegates are urgently reuuest good town. Helix's wheat, Echo's j ei to appoint the full number, from beef and alfalfa. Pilot Hock's sheep people who will promise to attend, as and wool. Milton's trult all help Pen-1 u is the desire of tho association to dleton. It Is only a matter of titno until the world at large will know that many hard knocks, for a now kid had to scrap ovory boy in tho nlloy before j Umatilla county is all right he had nny standing in the comnui- j nlty. I managed to make myself WHOLESOME PORCUPINE. right with tho bunch." 1 McCoy weighs less than 130 pounds , Dainty Dish of the Blue Mountains ed city, two delegates and bno for have overy dologafo present. The basis of representation In the annual convention of tho association shall bo as follows: Delegates to be named by tho gov- nnd ho looks small until he takes off his coat and displays the yard and moro of chest circumference. The Kid and Jack Mitchell, who are to fight next Friday night at the Armo ry, are In daily training. WILL BE A HUMMER. Every Indication of an Excellent Year Ahead for Business. "Tills fall Is going to bo a hummer," said one of the business men to a rep resentative of the East Orogonlan. Tho farmers have immense crops of grain at a splendid price, tho cattle feeders look to a profitable year, tho alfalfa farmers have had big crops, wool went at a surprisingly high fig ure. Take it all around there will be lots of money spent this fall." As an evidence that this is so, on Saturday afternoon at half past two o'clock, in one block between I.eo Teutseh's store and Brock & McCom as' store there were 179 persons on the Sidewalk. This does Hot inclndp the persons in wagons at the curb Enjoyed by Assessor Strain. Porcupines tho Uluo mountain va riety at least figure in their fretful way not only in Shakespeare's poetry ! organizations, two delegates and one ami ns nnlll thrmvers hut na nrtlfina ! for each oU members; Irrigation eom- of diet. County Assessor C. P. Strain I l'unles, two delegates; state unlver- j is responsible for the story that Menchaniites feed upon the prickly little animals, ami he says he ate a piece of ono himself. "I spent Sunday," said tho as sessor, "at the home of Georgo l'eeb ler on Meacham mountain. Wo hnd porcupine for dinner and I would have enjoyed the dish immensely If a train that was carrying him nway from his destination about .10 mill's j an hour. The man had bought a ticket from j Colfax to Grant's and had taken No. 3, the Spokane-Portland train, which I would have sot him down at the town of Grant's had he remnined on thai i train. j Instead, liowover, the passenger left tho train nt Umntllln, boarded No. (1 coming to Pendleton, was pin off at Echo to wait for No. 1, at in ' o'clock going west, and arrived at Grant's, It Is supposed, about lfi hours after ho should liav.e been there, after an exciting experience in changing cars and studying direction and gcog ,1 n V .'..1.1.... slty. two delegates; state agricultural' "' college, two delegates; state export- OWL TEA HOUS ernor, 20 ; mayors of each incorporat- each 25,000 people or major fraction thereof; boards of county commis sioners, two delegates; commercial mental college, two delegates; state normal school, two delegates; county irrigation associations, two delegates and ono for every 50 members; all delegates lrom Oregon to National Ir rigation Congress. Tho following shall bo entitled to TO ST. LOUIS FAIR. I hadn't been told what It was. Tho I ats as delegates by virtue of their flesh of the porcupine tnstos some- respective offices: thing like squirrel. It has a gamoy 1 The governor, the secretary and flavor and anyone who eats it knows treasurer of the state of Oregon, that it Is the flesh of some wild an!- .Members of tho legislative nssem nial." 1 bly of the state of Oregon. ( The members of the state board of Miss Agnes Shepard Will Not Teach. 1 horticulture. .n. t.' si,o,-.i .!. i,.i . The state biologist. tuc nunc idii vuiiititiQDiuttd been engaged to teach In the public ; schools here, has accepted a position , i ,i, i,,..t . ci-. siouer. It . I,,, twill. DVI1UVIB l t3(MUUl, ttllU will not come to Pendleton. This will of an- Ing nor does it Include the oeonle in necessitate the employment me stores, or this number at leas' Clark Wood and J. T. Hlnkle and Family Left This Morning. Clark Wood, editor of the Weston Leader, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs J. T. Hlnkle departed this morning for St. Iouis to visit the St. I.011H fair. .Mr. Wood will visit relative-: In Minnesota before returning to W- ton. Mr. Hinkle Is a delegate to tin grand lodge of tho Fraternal Onb-r of Eagles that meets in Hnltlniori' Mayor S. A. Hnrnes of Weston ini- uppointed George C'nnnichnel an.' J Mr. Wood as delegates to the third annual ineetlns of the State Irrlua- The state dairy and food com mis-1 tlon Association that meets nt Onto-! ! rlo Sentuniber 1!) 20 ami -l "It is .1 o The state land board. ! noteworthy fact." remarked Mr. Wm,d ? tne suite veterinarian. ALL KINDS OF Shoes OlotiiiEig u a Bl Goods' NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE SHOWN SO FINE AN ASSORT MENT OF EVERYTHING itf THESE LINES. WHAT IS IT7 WE HAVE IT. TRY US. other teacher in the public schools here. Several applicants are now In the hands of the board ami a teacher will be elected at the earliest possi ble date. , uot overlook lilt an onnortimln m The state game and fish -warden. 1 take a fling at the editor of Atln The mayors of Incorporated cities, 1 na Press, "thnt Colonel Fred Hnu' The United States senators and ! has nut boon so honored." representatives in congress of the : BATHE state of Oregon. County Judges. County Commissioners. j County surveyors, city engineers and survoyors of incorporated cltlos. I All members of tho National Irriga-1 TO VISIT MEXICO. Tallman & Co.'s window says so. It talks this week. Talks about Bath Brushes, Bath Mittens, Bath and Toilet Soaps, Sponges, Sponge Bags, Perfum ed Waters, Toilet Powders, etc. This window Is well posted on Eath and Toilet requisites. Come in and listen. Season right. Assortment complete. Prices correct. Tallman (k Co. LEADINC DRUCCISTS Only Five Deaths in August. Five burial permits were issued by the city recorder during the month for any one month during the past 10 i tlow Association from Oregon years. During the month of July only seven permits were issued, this boing the lowest previous record. During ! August last year there wero nine ! Efficient General Roadmaster of the deaths In Pendleton and the surround- O i ing neighborhood. W. BOLLONS TO PORTLAND. j Notice to Stone Contractor. Sealed proposals will bo received until Thursday nt 4 p. m., September N. A. Davis, of Bank of Milton, Takes an Outing In Southland. After 15 years close application u business, N. A. Davis, cashier ol tin Bank of Milton, leaves in the morning for a four w.eoks' outing in Old .Mi Ico. fie will be accompanied by G n A. Nichols, of Union, who goes in lnok- over tlin rntintrv u-ltli t vlnu. i.. R. & N. Promoted to a Position , investing. .Mr. Nichols has lust .sold on the Southern Pacific. 1 11S0 acres of farming land six mill s W. Bollons, who has been general west or Union to the I.a Grande beet roadmaster of the O. H. & N. with sugar factory people for $51,000, and headquarters In this city for the past niny decide to locate in .Mexico pur nine years, leaves with his family for nmnontly. where Mr. I -r. uavis win go as lar south as i ROOSEVELT'S j Bsteei Stoipe New Hats for the Fall S I J"; .". fo.indrttIon.with j " X" !' i"8 "r,u? Hollo... takes charge of the Southern ' the City of Mexico, 1200 miles soutl IfolnTand s ecifUons cabe Oregon. Ids territory 'HI Paso, T. and goes .or an i;.ti.itiii,ft iiuill 1 it Uilllll IU iiaillilllU. ' -"ft o.ni,i. otiiiiig - Ml Mr. Bollons has had chargo of tho I lively. O. H. & N.- lines as general roadmns-! tor for the past nine years, with offl- i Marshal Carney Returns. ces in this city, whero himself and I G"- .Marshal M. J. Carnoy return- ..u,f,itnlil fnn.ll Ill 1. .1 I f'll S !1 1 1 1 i'l 1 II V lltf-ll, f-,tti ,i . ,-...,!. In nvulorn ! ,u " KlKilU) HUBS- i " "n"i t,"in it .,v, it- to expioro e(J outing in the mountains. He spen. All tho valued track Improvements , a WL'0lc Ilt -Meacham and a week on to tho O. H. & N. system by which A'cI"y creek. "I got plenty of birds." this road has been brought up to a sa'" chief, as ho stroked the muy condition of high oxcellenco, havo tncho that ho has been .sprouting easois Isfr and ' seen at the office of tho architect. I C. E. THOUTMAN. ! Architect. I The Australian government has or ganized and expedition ii.' region between Lake Kyro and the boundary of Queensland. This land is said to bo ono of tho worst deserts in tho world. $ $ $ $ $ since he took to tho woods. "I didn't see any big game, lint I am perfectly satisfied with my vacation." A CHILD QUICKLY GRASPS THE MEANING OF ABOVE CHARACTERS. BUT IT OFTEN TAKES A LIFETIME TO AP. PRECIATE THEIR VALUE. YOU CAN GREATLY ASSIST A CHILD IN LEARNING THE WORTH OF THE DOLLAR. HOW7 BY HAVING HIM OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH THIS BANK, AND BY ENCOURAGING HIM TO ADD TO IT. A SINGLE DOLLAR IS SUFFICIENT COUNT. SMALLER DEPOSITS MAY FOLLOW. TO START AN AC- been made utidor Mr. Bollons' person al direction. He will take general charge of the Southern Pacific lines In Oreeon. this change being one of the nmiiwitlnriK W. L. Shiverick Returns In the general rearrangement of of-! William U. Shiverick, manager of flcinl positions, under the Harrlmnn H,lo lepartmont of tho Peoples' management. Warehouse, returned this morning fiom an extended trip east. Mr. PETE GRANT APPOINTED. Shiverick wont to Now York and Chi- . 1 "mi ivti v-lJIIUIl illlU .Mrs. Former Division Roadmaster of the I CI"r1,i0,,r(l"-' l'"noso of purchasing n d m .u - . , , I Koods for tho tall and winter trndo. O. R. & N. on the' Mountain Divis-1 . Ion, Returns to the Position. Pete Grant, formerly division road master on tho mountain division of tho O. H. & N., extending from Bing ham Springs to Huntington, who re signed about six months ago, to go In to business, has Just been appointed to tho position again. Mr. Grant was division roadmaster of that division for about four years and was an efficient and well liked official and his return will bo appre ciated by a host of friends In Pondlo ton nm! La Grande. Slnco his resig nation no has keen in business at Waslitueiia, Wash., which he will j leave In charge of a partner, for the pre.iiTt. Hia headquarters will be In ' I -a Grande. I NEW SHAPES NEW COLORS AT THE RIGHT PRICES $1.50 TO $5.00. Bitten by a Dog. Floyd Marsh, tho 9-year-old son of D. K. .Marsh, was bitten by a dog quite soveroly last night. Ho wns riding up Main street on his blcyclo nnd when opposito tho Bowman build ing the dog ran out ami grabbed him by tho log. BAER. & DALEY X One-Price Furnishers and Hatters Pendleton Team Defeated. The Pendleton basolmll team was defeated nt La Grande yesterduv by u score of 8 to 3. Tho victors made nil their runs in the first Inning, tho local nine shutting thorn out durlncr the rest of tho gnmo. 9-room modorn dwelling, good loca tion, ltfs lots, flno basement, every thing now nnd up-to-tlato, ?3000. C-room house, 4 lots, barn, chicken yard, shade trees, $17G0. Modorn C-roora cottage, 0 flno lots, flno soil, $2500. C-Hoom house, nice improvements, shade trees $1100. 280 acres flno land; elegant house; closo to town, $C50j. FOR SALE ISO acres finest wheat land; 19 The fall of tho Paraguayan govern ment is daily oxpected ns the robols nro in control. of Pendleton CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000. STOCKHOLDERS LIABILITY, $50,000. I WENT FISHING WITH A SHOTGUN1" Seventy Pendleton People In One Mountain Camp. i Charles French, tho nsslstnnt post master tells n fish story that Is a utile out or the ordinary. While out for birds on a tributary . of tho McKay hp noticed a pool which In winter tlmo is qulto a pool at tho base of a waterfall. Tho stream had dried up and loft sninl) pool of clear, cold wutor. In getting n drink ho no-, tlced Bovoral trout. Tho noxt day he with sovornl friends took tholr' guns to get a fow birds nnd took somn I nsniiig taeklo along to see If thoy llnniviirml 0? flftfl IJ fi-10 ncres Brain land. $10,000. C-10 ncros grain land, well iat"i $8500. Offico rooms for rent. Timber land for sale. Timber locations mado. If you wish to buy or sell Mfj call on mo In my offico in -i Bank building. C. C. BERKELEY tab STOMACH ! Fitters When pro.nl nent physi cians freely pre scribe the Hit ters for I'oor Appetite, .Sour Munidtli, liver tompl.ilnls, Mreplcuej, Inillqrstlon, l.peui,idnil Mdliri.il fever, you can make no mistake in trying a bottle, ltniways cures iiuiKtrcdH testified Good plumbing Is always tho cheapest. It has tho lastwl T qualities. It savos you ronalr bills. Alwnvs entrust vour wnl to thorough, rollablo and compotont Plumbors. Our force mado up of tho best oxporionced workraon. Strict attention P-'l v to sanitary features of work. LET S GIVE YOU FIGURES. 4 On your work. Wo quoto right prices and do only the best Goodman-T&ompson Co ? HARDWARE AND PLUMniNft 1 "Phono 811. C43 Main tu Ik re 'I hi e III. m i ilr il ? ilt e a