EIQHT PAQE8. DAILY EA8T 0REG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1904. PAGE SEVEN. I AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE $54,000 for One Farm. George A. Nichols nnd William v'lcliols this week sold their big liny, (grain nnd stoclc fnrm of 1J8C ncres, bIx miles from union, to tho Amnlga- mated Sugar Company for ?54,0IIU cash. Tho sale Includes tho land, 1000 ons of hay, this year's grain crop In granary, some work stock and minor litems. This Is ono of tho largest sales of anil uvur muuo iu juni.uiu uieguii. It Is understood that much of the!u,i ,i,,. ,,. i ' a land will bo put Into sugar boots as I M lw. .-,MW, -,.,1 icrop. This Bale Is a flno tribute to the de sirability of tho land tributary to rUnlon, for the growth of sugar beets. G. A. Nichols, who has had actlvo charge of tho Nichols ranch, will llenvo for Old Mexico next week, In company with N, A. Davis, caBhier lot' the Milton bank, to look up some Investments down that woy, but ox- Ipects to return and make his homo In Union, where he still lms extensive interests. A snle of this magnitude Is not on- countered every day in this or any (other country. The Amalgamated Sugar Company Els .evidently well satisfied with landB Indjncont to Union. A boot BUgar factory right In Union lis only a matter of time, judging by (tho purchiiBos of tho Amalgamated company over this way. Union lie publlcnn. O. R. & N. Assessment Raised. The board of equalization has been Igotting along very well with the work land so far there have been v.ery few protests In relation to the assess ment roll, however, there Is ono Im portant question that Is occupying some attention and this is the matter of determining the assessment nnd valuo of the O. It, & N. Co.'s property In this county. The company wob formerly assess ed ut $-1000 per mllo on the ninln lino and $11000 p.or mile on tho Hoppner branch in this county, but Howard Dove the present assessor, bus raised tie assessment to $7500 per mile on main line and ?500 on the branch. he assinsor has received notico that I low NOTCH ON CATTLE HAS BEEN REACHED, Hon Prices Are 25c Lower and Mar ket Dull Retail Butchers Well Stocked and But Little Call for ; Hogs Sheep Market Becomes More Active. Portland Union Stockyards, Sept. One of the fentures of the live- uck market during the past week as tho unusual strength lining (own by cnttlo. By livestock men In literal, It Is believed that the low Eire on cattle was reached some time o and that hereafter the market 1111 show nn Improvement in prices well ns in tone on ov.ery occasion. Siis week tho demand wns much enter nnd the quotations nre ad- anced 2fie. Weak In Hog Market. Tlioro wns a very weak fooling in ogs most of tho time and prices are bout 25e lower, with tho domnnd ut Bo close of the week very small, ttie receipts this week were not as Strgo as during the preceding period, tut ns all tho retail butchers are well looked there is hut a small call. gTlio sheep market was unite aclve Bsplto the lnct that tho receipts (lowed n mnteilnl Incr.onso over tho Winer week. VEGETABLES. Grecn corn, 20c dozen. dtimmer squash. Gc to 10c each. Carrots, 3c per lb. Potatoos, new, $1.D02.E0 sack, 2 C to. Cabbage, 2c lb. Jnlons, 3c lb. Sre.en onions, 5c per bunch, 3 for furnlps, 2MsO bunch. Btrlng beanB, 8c lb. romato.es, Cc lb. Popcorn, sholled, 10c lb, 3 for 25c. FRUIT8. kpplos, $1 box. ponchos, $1 box. ananas, 40c dozon. emons, 30c dozen. ranges, 4050c dozon. lherrl,eB, 10c box, 3 for 25c. spoorrlos, 10c box. (ackberrles, 3 boxes for 25c. -IVE8TOCK AND POULTRY. ao following prlcos aro paid by ers to the producer: alckens, hens, 8c: $3.G04 p.or In; roosters, $406. litter, 40c cash, 50c trade. gs, fresh, 20c. 1ETAIL GROCERY PRICE8. ffeo Mocha and Java. best. 40c lb,; next grade, 35c por lb; lowor es coffee, 25o to 15c nor lb.: pge coffee, 20c per lb. snr rjano granulated, best $0.75 uck: uo 13 pounds SI. It Conrso. $1 nor 100: table. J2.G0 loo. lur B. B., $4.25 por barrol; Wal- ?.zo por barrel: J1.10 tier sack. ton 1422c a 1722c. i 70o 5 pounds; $1.50 10 is. Pic salt $1 sack, $14 ton. kCHOICE BEEF CATTLE. K 2.50. MET REV EWED J. W. Morrow, tho O. It. & N. tax commissioner will he hero this weol: to confer with the board In relation to tho assessment. Hoppner Gnzotto Cattle Shot on the Range. Several head of cnttlo belonging to William Stlllwoll, who has a home stead and reside on tho John Day river west of hero, wore shot down on the rango a few days ago and their carcasses loft to rot in tho canyon I wlinrn thev rnllnrl frnrn tl,n ct 1,111, far ltnmv,. ,.. n, ... " Ol there Is no clue to the perpetrators of the dastardly act. It Is sold, however, that the formers out that way hnve boon much harrassed by the depreda tions of a lot of outside, breachy stock In their grain fields nnd this may account In a measure for tho killing. Condon Globe. Prohibition In Union County. The local option question In Union county promises to become a rather puzzling ono before It is over with. Petitions have boon circulated In the various precincts in the county tor sovcral days asking that tho local option law bo BubmlUcd, Including the county ns n whole. They have not y.ot been filed with the county court. A petition Is being circulated In La Grunde precinct No. 2 In the Interests of those opposed to tho law, Blgnod by over 100 names, asking that the pre cinct vote upon tho law by Itself, and this has been filed with the county court La Grande Observer. Idaho Sheep Sell Well. Sunday evening two train londs of sheep 32 double-dock cars In all were brought down by tho P. & I. N. from Council and Goodrich and wore Immediately stnrtod on their long journey to Chicago markets. The en tiro shipment belonged to Mnyor Van Slcklln. Thtyo were 10,000 sheep nnd will nveruge $2.50 per head net. It Is expected they will reach Chicago In about 10 days. Mayor Van Slcklln left Monday afternoon and will proba bly overtake them at Soda Springs where they nre unloaded for feed nnd water. Welser Signal. Cows, $2. Hogs, llv.e, ?5B.C0. Hogs, dressed, $77.E0. Veal, dressed, G7c. Sheep, $1.501.70. HAY AND FEED. Chop barley, $22.50 per ton; VAc per pound, Chopped wheat, $1.40 per 100. Bran, COc per sack. Shorts, $1 p.or sack. Oats, lc per lb. Alfalfa, loose, $15 por ton. Wheat, loose, $15 per ton. Timothy, bnled, $22 por ton. Personally Conducted Excursion to St. Louis. On September 0 tho O. It. & N. will run a through tourist sleeper to St. Louis, undor the personnl super vision or Mr. It. A. Smith, city ticket agent at Walla Walla, who will go through to St. Louis with the car. A side trip will bo mado to Salt Lake City, where arrangements liavo boon made for an organ recital In tho big Tabernacle for the benefit of passen gors In this car. Reservation can bo mado witli tho local agent and should bo mado as early as possible. Detail ed Information can ho had by calling on or addressing E. C. Smith, agent O. It. & N. Co. It. BURNS, aonornl Agent, Walla Walla, Wash. Special Excursions to St. Louis. Octobor 3, 4 and 5 aro tho remain ing dates upon which tickets will be sold at tho reduced rates to the St. Louis fair. These rates npply over tho Denver and Rio Grande and Mis souri Pacific. For tho patrons of these roads special excursion cms will bo run through from Portland and St. Louis without change. Seo the many points of Interest about tho Mormon capital and take a rldo through Nature's picture gallery During the closing months travel to tho fair will bo heavy. If you con template going write W. C. McBrlde, general agent at Portland for tho Don' ver & Rio Grande, for particulars of these excursions. Women Were Very Decollete. "So In London you nttondotl tho King's ball, oh? I supposo you stood uncovered in tho prosonco of tho king." "Yes; but not to tho same extent ns tho women did," BUSINESS CARDS, SOCIETIES PROFESSIONS AND TRADES PHYSICIANS. DR. W. O. COLK, OFFICE IN JDDD building. Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m. ; 1 to 6 p. m. Telephone : Office main 1871 ; residence, main 1381. DIIS. SMITH & IUNGO, OFFICE OVEH the Pendleton Savings Dank. Tele phone 801 ; residence telephone, main 1501. n. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC physician and surgeon. Office In J mid building. Telephones: Office, black 1411; residence, black 24. DR. D. J. M'FAUL, JDDD BLOCK. TELB- phone, main 831 ; residence, black 161 DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Office In Savings Bank building, room 1. Office 'phone, main 1411 ; residence, red 1223. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRONIC nnd nervous diseases and diseases or women. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone, main 721 : residence, red 1 1 53. X-flay Therapeutics. DR. LENA ALLEN BOONE, OSTEOPATH. Residence, Thompson street, between Court and Water streets. 'Phone, black 1024. Nervous diseases a specialty. MRS. M. N. SAWTELL, CODNTV MAN- nccr of the Northwest V avl Co.. 020 Cosble St., Pendleton, Oregon. VETERINARY SURGEONS. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. D. C. McNabb. Office at Tallman's drug store. DENTISTS, DR. M. S. KERN, DENTAL SURCEON. Office, room in. Judd building. E. A. YAUGHAN, V.NTI8T. OFFICE IN Judd building. 'Phone, red 1411. BANKS AND BROKERS. FIRST NATIONAL "ANK OF ATHENA, Oregon. Capital, SoO.COO : surplus and profits, $12,500.00. Interest on time de posits, ueais in roreicn ana aomestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry (J. Adams, president; X. J Kirk, vice-president; F, 8. LeGrow, cash ler; I. M. Kemp, assistant cashier. THE FARMERS' BANK OP WESTON, Weston, Oregon. Does a general bank lug business. Exchange bought and Bold, Collections promptly attended to. R, Jameson, president ; George W. I'roebstel vice-president; 3. R. Kllgore, cashier; C. rectors, G. A. Hartman, 11. M. Jones, T, J, Price, G D. Graw, J. F. Kllgore, Rob ert Jameson, G. W. I'roebstel. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK Pendlctou, Oregon. Organized March 1 1880. Cupltal. $100,000: surplus. J7B.- 000: Interest allowed on nil time deposits. Exchange bought nnd sold on an inn- clpal points. . Special attention crlven to collections, w. j. Furnish, president; J N. Teal, vice-president ; T. J. Morris, cashier ; J. W. Maloucy, assistant cashier. FIltST NATIONAL BANK OF PENDLE ton. Capital, S70.000; surplus nnd un divided nrollts. S125.000. Transacts general hanking business. Exchange bought una sold on uu pans or lue worm, in terest paid ou time deposits. Makes collections ou reasonable terms. Levi An keny, president ; W. F. Matlock, vice-president; G. M. Rice, cashier; George Hart man, Jr., assistant cnsuier. ATTORNEYS. BEAN & PERRY. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office over Taylor's Hardware store, Pendleton, Oregon. JAMES A. building, FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD HA1LEY & LOWELL, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In Despaln block. BALLERAY & M'COURT, LAWYERS, As sociation building. CARTER & RALLY, ATTORNEYS AT law, office In Savings Bank building. WINTER & COLLIER. LAWYERS Ob lice, rooms 7 aud 8 Association building. AARON TURNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 111 Court street. STILLMAN & PIERCE. ATTORNEYS AT law. Mr. Stlllmau has been admitted to practice In United States patent oi flees, aud makes a specialty of patent law, Rooms 10, 11, 12 aud 13, Association block. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. 8TR0BLE. DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything you need in new aud second-band furniture, stoves, granltenare and crockery, call and get his prices, no. .1. court street. HAKDWICK, THE PAWNBROKER - Money loaned on all kinds of valuables second-hand Jewelry and clothing bought and bold ; diamonds a specialty ; Bowman uuuuiug. BOARDING AND LODGING. THE ALTA HOUSE, OR THE WOKKINU Peonlo's Hotel, cornur Altu and Mill street! Klrt-class accommodation!; reasonable rates; clean ceai, neat rooms; ieea yara iu connec tlou, s. C Blttner, prop. ATHENA HOTEL, LEADING HOTEL IN the city, 71.00 to fl.QO per day. U. I' Mlllen, proprietor. HELIX HOTEL UNDER NEW MANAGE ment. Good meals and clean beds. If you come once you will keep a-comlug Only white help employed. Especial at tention given to commercial travelers. Mr and Mrs. J, I. Navln, proprietors. COTTAGE HOTEL WHEN YOU GO TO Umatilla stop at the Cottage Hotel, White help, home cooking, everything neat and clean. Mrs. James O'Conuell, proprietor. THE CITY HOTEL, PILOT ROCK. RE modeled and refurnished. Everything iirst-ciasa. Mrs. u. u. lieitci lias again as sumed charge. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. C. E. TROUTMAN, ARCHITECT AND Superintendent, .room 12 Judd block, Pendleton, Oregon. T. F. HOWARD, ARCHITECT AND SU perlntendent. Makes complete and re liable plana for buildings In the city or country, itoom n, Juaa nuiiaing. F. E. VAN DU8EN & CO.. CONTRACTORS and builders : brick, stono and cement work; address Box -155, Pendleton. MORSE & DUNLAP. CONTRACTORS AND liuiiiiers. estimates given on short no tice. Lcavo orders at office of Gray's Harbor Lumber Co. SHEER & COLE, CONTRACTORS AND builders. Estimates furnished on short notice. Job work a sneclaltr. Promut service. Shop on Bluff street, near Main. D. A, MAY, CONTRACTOR AND BUILD er. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Leave orders at East Oregonlan of fice. T. M. KELLER, PLASTERING AND CE- mentlne. Cement walks a airnHnltr. Estimates furnished free. Work enaran. teed. Leave orders at Hadley & Zebner's cigar (tore, Main street. P. O. box 104. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS IIARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of tltlo to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Burs and sells all kinds of real estate. Docs a general brokerage Dusiness. rays tares and makes Invest ments for non-residents. Reference, any umiK iu i-enuieion. O. A. IIARTMAN, Pres. Q. A. IIARTMAN, JR., Vice Pres. UMATILLA COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. won t ouy a piece or property and after wards find a cloud on tho title. We will make you an accurate abstract of title at a reasonable charge. Consult ns when In need of an abstract. Umatilla Abstract Co., office in Savings Bank Build ing. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE oldest and most reliable Are and acci dent Insurance companies. Office with Hartman Abstract Co. JOnN nAILEY. JR., U. S. LAND COM mlssloner. Specialty made of land fil ings and proof. Insurance and collec tlons. Office In Jndd building, room 10. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. COMMERCIAL STABLES, G. M. FROOME proprietor. Fine horses, good rigs, best care given transient stock. Opp. Hotel Pendleton. 'Phone, main 101. CITY LIVERY STABLE. ALTA STREET, Carney A Kennedy, Props., livery, feed and sales stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connection. 'Phone, main 701. FRATERNAL ORDERS. B. P. O. ELKS, TENDLETON LODGE. No. 288. Regular meetings first and third Thursdays of each month. All brothers visiting In the city most cordi ally Invited to attend. Holl In La Dow block, Court street. G. A. Hartman, Sr., E. R. ; C. E. Bean, secretary. MISCELLANEOUS. PENDLETON STEAM DYE W0RK8 730 Cottonwood street. Cleaning, dying and repairing. Goods called for and de livered. 'Phone, main 1091, HOUSE-CLEANING BY TnH JAPANESE House-Cleaning Co. Work done by the day, honr or Job. Window cleaning a specialty. Prompt service at low prices. 004 Garden street 'Phone Main 1171. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF YOU want to subscribe to magaxines or news papers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check or send to the EAST OREGONIAN the net pub lisher's price of the publication tou de sire, and we will hnve It sent you and assume all the risk of the money being Inst In the malls. It will save yon both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGONIAN In remitting you can deduct 10 per cent from the pub lisher's price. Address EAST ORE GONIAN PUB. CO., Pendleton, Oregon. ; GOOD DRY WOOD ; All Kinds i nave good sound wood which is delivered at reasonable prices For Cash. W. C. MINIMIS Leave orders at Neuman's Cigar Store. Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, 150 barrels a day. Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Food. etc always on hand. The Colombia Lodging House Well ventilated, neat and con fortable rooms, good beds. Bar In connection, whore beBt coods are served. Main street, center of block, between Alta and Webb street!, F. X. SCHEMPP Proprietor sR. G. GEE WO YVONDHRI-UI. HOM12 TRGATMIiNT This wonderful Oil. nfcau doctor U ntllt-it great bt-Ciiuie he curt-s people without opera lion that are Klven on todle. He cures with those wonderful (.bl ue. herbi, rootv, buil. barks and veKeUtjleii tUul are entirely un known to ineilli-ul brl. enceln this country. Through the useonhom hurmleiM remedies this famous doctor Liiom the action of over 600 different remedies, whlrh lieauccessfully uses Iu different dlkeuses. Jle pmraulvea to cuio catarrh, asthma, lumc, throat, rheuiufttUiu, nervousness, stomach, liver, kidneys, etc.! nashUDdreds of testimon ials. Charges moderate. Call and see him. 1'atlents out of the city write for blanks und circulars. Send 4 cents In stamps. CONUIIL TATION J-'RKE. ADDUKb J THE C. GEE WO CHINESE OlCfHE CO. 253 Alder St.. Portland. Oreeon. Mention paper. Ladies' Capsules Gardes Lady Agents Wanted; Safe, reliable. Absolutely miar. anteed to cure leucorrhoea and fe male woaknoss. For particulars ad- dross Mo. Prop. Pharmacy, Lock Box 323, Kansas City, Mo. For sale by A. O. Koeppen & Bros., Pendleton. TRANSPORTATION LINES. and Union Pacific TWO TRAINS TO THE EA8T DAILY. Through Pullman standard and Tourist Sleepers dallj to Omaha and Chicago; tourist steeper dally to Kansas City i through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, (personally conducted) weeklv tn Chi cago: reclining chair cars (seats free) to tne icsst aaur, TIME SCHEDULE FROM PENDLE TON. GA8TBOUND. Arrive. Depart. No. S, Chicago Special S :30 p. m. 6 :40 p. m. No. 0, Mall & Express 4 :3S a. m. 4 -.43 a; ru. WESTBOUND. Arrive. Depart No. 1, Portland Spe cial 8 :80 a. m. 8 :30 a. m. No. 5, Mall and Ex pros 11:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. SPOKANE DIVISION. Arrive. Depart. No. 7, Pendleton Pas senger a :33 p. m. No. 8, Spokane Pas senger v au.a. m. WALLA WALLA BKANCII. Arrive. Depart. No. 41, Mixed train, 1 :40 p. m. No. 42, Mixed train 5 :50 p. m, No. 7 connects with No. 2. No. 42 connects with No. 2. OCEAN AND RIVER 8CHEDULE FItOM POUTLANI). Alt sailing dates subject to change. Por San Francisco every flve days. SNAKE IttVEK. Itlnarla to I.ewlston Leave Itlparla dally, except Saturday, 4 :05 a. m. i,eavo i.ewistou uauy, except inuay, 7:00 a. m. E. C. SMITH, Agent, Pendleton. Washington & Columbia River Railroad TAKE THIS ROUTE FOR j Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Kansas , City, St. Joseph, Omaha and ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Portland and Points on the Sound .... TIME CARD. Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wed nesday and Friday, 1:45 p. in. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 11:45 a. m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m. Leave Wnlln Walla dally, 11 :00 p. m. Arrive Wnlln Walla dally, 10:45 n. m. For Information recording eaatbound, westbound. rates and accommodations, call ou or address W, ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Oregon S. B. CALDEIttlEAD. 0. P. A., Walla Walla, Washington. RUNS i'ULLMAN SLEEPING CARS ELEGANT DINING CARS TOURIST SLEEPING CAR8 ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS UULUTII FAIIGO TO ( GRAND FOltKS CUOOKSTON WINNKPISa HELENA nnd miTTE. THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON . PHILADELPHIA NEW YOltK BOSTON And all points East and South. Through tickets to Japan and China, via Tacoina and Northern Pacllc Hteam ship Co. and American line. TIME 8CHEDULE. Trains leave Pendleton dally except Sunday, at 7 :00 p. m. For further Information, time cards, maps and tickets, call on or write W. Adams, Pendleton, Oregon, or . A. D. CHARLTON, Tblrd and Morrison, Hts., Portland, Or. DELIGHTFUL HOUTH AYLIGHT BIDES IZZY CRAGS EBP CANYONS A Golden Opportunity See ntturo. In al' her glorious beauty, and then the acmo of man's handiwork. Tho first Is found along the line of the DENVER & RIO GRANDE RAILROAD, the Jat latter at the St. Louis World's Fair. Your tilp will be one of pleasure make the most of It. For Informa tion and Illustrated litera ture write W. C. M'BRIDE, Genera! Agsnt, Portland, Oregon. HOTEL8. HOTEL PENDLETON J. J. KELLY, PROPRIETOR. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and ai good as any. Tho Hotel Pondloton has Just beta roflttod and rofurnlshod throughoat. 'Phono nnd II ro alnrm connoctloM with nil rooms. Baths In suttos ut4 single room 8. Headquarters for Traveling M Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2.00 and $2.50 Special rates by wook or month. Excellent Culslno. Prompt Dining Room Sorrle. Bar and Billiard Room In Connection Only Threo Blocks From Depot. Hotel St. George GEO. DARVEAU, PROPRIETOR. European plan. Everything flrsl class. Accommodations tho best. All modern convouloncos. Stonm heil throughout. Rooms on-milto -vitsi bath. Large, now Hiunplo rooms. The Hotel St. Georgo Is pronouncod n of tho most modern nnd modal hotoi of Oregon. 'Phono nnd tiro alarm connections to olTlco In all rooms. Rooms 50c to $1.50. CORNER MAIM AND WEBB STtV. Block and a half from depot THE Hotel Bickers (Formorly Goldon Rule.) COURT 8TREET. Komodoled and rofurnlshod throuik out. Everything noat, clean and uy-to-da , Steam boat and electric lights. Dest culslno. Prompt servlM, H. E. BICKER6, PROPRIETOR. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON. American plan, $3 per day and upward. Headquarters for tourists and commercial travelers. Hneclal rates made to families: and single gentlemen. Tho management will be pleased at an nines iu snow rooms and gives prices. A modern Turk Isb bath establishment In the hotel. II. C. IIOW12HH, Uauager. Insure in Reliable Companies That pay tholr losses promptly. Our componlos stand at the head of the list. Asset. Hartford Fire Insuran Co $12,259,07 Alliance Assurance Co .. 29,039,911 London & Lancashire Firo Insurance Co 2,514,688 North British & Mercantile Co 19,695,974 Royal Insurance Co 22,897,151 FRANK B.CL0PT0N AGENT. 112 EA8T COURT STREET. lZj Vis