u I ! DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1904. PAGE THREE. r ifclGHT PAGES, I1LIIU OPENING tadies' Ready-to-Wear Dept. Fall and Winter I904 NOW ON DISPLAY NEW TAILOR-MADE SUITS. TOUR- COATS, JACKETS, WALKING AND DRESS SKIRTS, AT (CEPTIONALLY MODERATE PRICES. NEW NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS, NEW NOVELTIES WAISTINGS, NEW NOVELTIES IN TOURIST CAPS, THE IT EST EASTERN FAD. iexaeder Dept. Store i THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES S THE BEST SMOKE ON THE MARKET Manufactured by A. ROHDE OF TEN FELL OUT OF A HEADER BOX AND BROKE AN ARM, Mies Baker Will Teach Mrs. Banis ter Is Quite III Dr. Botkln Will Re move to Portland Visiting In the Valley and at Hood River Will Spend the Winter In Walla Walla Gone to California. Athonn, Sopt. C. Miss Bertha Ba ilor of this place has been employed to teach a five months' school near Pilot Rock Grandma Banister Is reported quite 111 at her -iome east of Athena. Miss Mae Carmlchael, after spend ing the slimmer at Prcscott, Wash., icturned home. Dr. S. E. Sharp and Dr. A. W. Bot kin, who for years have medicine together In dissolved partnership COMING EVENTS. September C Opening St. Joseph's academy Pendleton. September 12-17 Oregon State fair, Salem. September 19 Opening of Pendle ton public schools. September 19, 20,21 Oregon Irriga tion Association at Ontario, Malheur county. September 20 Opening Pendleton academy. October 3-9 Spoltano Interstate fair. Inland Empire Teachers' Associa tion Pendleton, October 19, 20 and 21. National Irrigation Association, El Paso, Texas, November 15-18. i I I i ; It Will Be to Yogr Interest. If you contemplate visiting the St. Louis Exposition, to secure reliable ' Information as to railroad service, the lowest rates and the best routes. Also as to local conditions in St. Louis; hotels, etc., etc. If- you will wrlto the undersigned, practiced stating what information you desire, this elty have j tho same will be promptly furnished, i Dr. Sham will I If wo do not have It on hand, will se- retain his practice here, and Dr. Bot-1 cure it for you if possible, and with-; l'oriiunu iruai company, oi pti, which was csu.uusnci m Elms ample capital and resources humbors among Its stockholders lot the wealthiest citlzcnB of Ind, and also a great many East- apltnllsts, this company has a ve. , convenient form of Blng funds that may be tern- idle, so that the depositor i Bt interest upon them, and still Ihcm avnllablo upon n reason- Dtice, Money Savers liom there nro many in Eastern Oregon and Washington, Id remember that "THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON," Ik liitiTOBt-bearing certificates of deposit that pay a good bit Interest, and can be drawn at any time by giving a cer- number of days' notice. full particulars lire contained hi our book ot wi shall bo glad to send you, ami at the same tlm.o to (in any further Information that you may require. 'ortland Trust Company of Oregon 109 THIRD STREET. COHEN, President, H I,. PITTOC1C. Vice-President, B. LEE PAGET, Secretary, J. O. GOLTKA, Assistant Secretary. LUMBING ad SEWER WORK rE A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING GOOD8 AND FIRST- jfORKMEN; AL80 MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS. E8- FURNISHED ON ALL WORK. WORK GUARANTEED. C. TAYLOR IDWARE MAN." 741 MAIN 8T. kin with his wife and little son, Maur Ice, will move to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Slmonton of Gur- dane, spent a few days here last week attending the funeral of Mrs. Simon ton's uncle, Thomas Ogle. Miss Fay Gorklng, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. .1. N. B. Gcrkiirg, left for a visit with relatives and friends in the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Taltlnccr have returned from Portland. Miss Jucy Jenklfis Is spending a few days at Hood Htver visiting. Marlon Jacks lias Just finished threshing his 900 acres of fine wheat near Havnna. Miss Laura Brown, cash girl In the Athena Mercnntllo Co. store, has gone to Walla Wnlla to spend the winter. Calvin Ogle, nephew of B. P. Ogle, who has had poor health lor some time, went to Denver, Col., for his health nnd finding the climate too high for him is visiting at the Ogle homo. Mrs. Bern Banister fell out of a header box a few days ago breaking her right arm and receiving some se vere bruises. Mrs. W. H. Reeder gave a farewell party Friday afternoon to her Bibb school class. Her loss as a teacher will bo greatly regretted by the girls she has long and faithfully taught out any .expense to you. Address B. H. THUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 142 Third street, Portland, Ore. Wisconsin State Fair. Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 5. The an nual Wisconsin stnte fair opened to day In a blaze of glory and with pros pects bright for the most successful exhibition of the kind .ever held in the stnte. Every department without ex ception Is well filled, but especially noteworthy are the agricultural and manufacturing exhibits, which foy number and class have never been t; cellod in this state. The program of trotting and pacing races was inmm urated today and will be continued through the week. i: HOLDMAN NEWS. Threshing In Full Operation on Every Hand. Mrs. Sanders and .lames Ncwklrk j nave returned from Astoria, where ' Mrs, Sanders was summoned to tho bedside of hor daughtei, Mrs Har-1 grose, William and Prank Holdman have bought the Claypool threshing ma-! chine for the purpose of threshing the wheat on tho reservation. They will go to the reservation next week. Thomas Kerr started threshing the first of the week. E. C. Johnson and Harvey Cutler have finished heading and will com mence threshing as soon as they got tho machinery ready. Holdman Bros, have about complet ed their wheat hauling. They are hauling to tho McComas warehouse at Cold Spring station. Letter Carriers' Convention. Allentown, Pa Sept. 5. The fifth annual convention of the Pennsyl vania State Association of Letter Car riers opened here this morning with about 75 delegates In attendance. At tho opening session reports showing the work and condition of the organ ization were presented by President John J. Ferry, of Wllkesbarre, Sec retary J. S. Reynolds York and the several other officers, The meeting closes with a social session and ban quet this evening. Drink rji jtJLvvJ"-jui.. REAM. It is Fine IN 1 and 2 LB. SEALED TINS ONLY Riker wammie The Buddaisk Prophet and Healer The Diviner and Huddnlst Priest, will give free of charge the doctrine, a small book which explains the pmiosophy of coining under the laws of protection, which gives man freedom from imverty, sickness nnd accident. It also explains tho philosophy of how to become a prophet and healer. Understand yourself and be nmster of yourself. These assertions nnd affirmations are Infnllble nnd lie will ho pleased to explain this philosophy to all callers. Fifteen years of devotion to Ibis philosophy and a graduate In the science of palmistry, physiognomy and phrenology. His years of developing tho psychic power enables him to toll yon anything you want to know, describes anyone you nro Interest ed In, und tells exactly where your aches nnd pains are without asking n question. Ills wonderful healing power enn be felt the In stant he lays his hand on you. He will give one free treatment. Those Interested should call early ns ho will positively leuvo Pendleton Thursday. Parlors at Penland Bros. Main Street. Over Tallman's Drug Store DREDGER IS LAUNCHED. River Boat "Wallowa" the Waters of Snake. irpets Cleaned by Steam (..arranged to open a steam carpet cleaning shop tore wo will be prepared to clean carpets of all kho most improved manner. All work guaranteed. II dirt 1b removed and carpets are restored to their wcy. We want a trial order from you. All work call Ulvered. Prices reasonable. In 'ilkinson & Edminstefl Ml. ' 311 Court Street. .t THE PLUMBER ottonwood street, between Water and Court. He U ever before, to do high-class plumbing at reasoaa clwrfully given. If you have work to do la his rou so elsewhere. the Reliable Pfomfee Government Slips Into The new government dredge, Wnl- lowa, was launched at RIparia Satur day. Tho boat has been under con struction for several weeks and is now completed witli the exception of the Installation of the machinery, says the Lcwiston Tribune, The building of the craft lias been superintended by Capt. Harry Uaugh man, who will have charge of the dredge while in service. The machiy ery Is now at RIparia and workmen have been engaged In Installing tho same for the past several days, It is expected that the boat will be com pleted the latter part of September at d will be placed In commission In Improving the channel of the upper river. i lie commission nas not yet an nouueed the amount of funds avalla ble for the Improvement work this year, but It is understood that a suf- ficlent fund exlats with which to make material Improvements to tho upper river channel. One Hundred Dollars Reward. The Leading Tailors Of the city, SIEBERT & Schultz, have removed to 222 Court street, opposite the Hotel Bickers. When you want a well made suit at reasonable prices, call on them. Modern Woodmen at St. Louis. St. Louis, Sept. 3. One of the big' gest fraternal gatherings of the sum mer is the national encampment of the Modern Woodmen Foresters, the uniformed rank of the Modern Wood' mon of America, which opened at the World's Fair today. Hundreds of members of the order are In attend aucc from Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Mlc.gan, Missouri, Wis consln, iCansas, Indiana and other states. One of the chief features of the encampment will bo the compel Hive drills. Five thousand dollars In prizes will bo distributed among the winning teams. There la more Catarrh In thtm xwtlnn r me country than an other iIIimim nut together, and until the last few yaara waa supposed to be Incurable. For a trait many j ears aociors pronounced It a 'ocal disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling- to cure wltb local treatment, nrononnced It Incurable. Krl enee bas proven catarrh to be a conttltu tlonal dlaeaaa and therefor ruin1ra mh. tttutlonal treatment. ilall'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney v-o., xoieao, unio, tne only constitution al core on the market. It Is taken Inter nally In doses from 10 drops to a tea- DOOnful. Jt acta dlratlv on the hlnnrf and mucous surfaces ot the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it ' cure, ocnu tor circular! ana tes timonials. Address : R J. CHEN BY CO., Toledo, O. Sold by DruKlst, price 76c, .Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. Attention Sheepmen. Range to lease nnd can locate some good range and water. Address Bread That pleases the taste. That Is wholesome. That Is sanitary. That Is full weight. That Is always good. That Is always fresh. That Is the BEST. THE MODEL BAKERY New and Sanitary. New Martin Building, Webb Street. 'Phone 2991 Main. Ask your grocer Bread. for Model Expert Collectors We have locatcC a branch office In Pendleton, and will make collecting defunct bills a specialty. No account too old for us to handle. our pian is: "No collections, no charges. Suits instituted, Judgments advertised. The Van Alstlne-Gordon & Co., Mer cantile Agency, H. V. Lipo Co., Mrga. 119 E Court 8L 'Phone Main 311. J. b. VAUGHN Electrician rrompt attention given and all work executed properly. Isstrlsal Suppllsj of all kinds 0FFIC-1ZI WBST COURT 8T. (Trlbuns Building) Dally Eaat Oregontan One hundred dollars Is a pretty good rownrd for llvo minutes work, yet that Is what J. E Strode, of WiiltBlnirg, Wash., got from tho East Oregoninn in our last subscription contest. Ho received with tho compli ments of the East Oregontan, without a cent of expenso to htmsolf, a $100 rubber-tired buggy. Wo propose to conduct another subscription contest on the following basis: From now until November 4 th wo will tuko now subscript Ions sent In by our subscribers and to the one who guossos nearest to tho vote rocolved by the winning presidential candidate in this state, wo will glvn ouo-hnlf of ull tho money received from this contest. For example, if you mink President Itoosovelt will r.cccivo tho major ity of votes in tho coming eluctlou, till out tho coupon, "Iloosovolt's total vote in Oregon will bo ( ),"niid put in your estimate. If our subscribers co-operate with us as they hav.o in previous contests and as wo expect they will in this, we will tnko In sovcral hundrod dollars and jiosslbly much more, one-half of which will go to tho person who guesses nearest to the vote In Oregon for tho winning presidential condl date. There Is only one requirement and this Is Important. ALL NAME8 SENT IN MUST BE THOSE OF NtW SUBSCRIBERS. Itenewals of sub scription will not be counted in this contest. Subscribers can participate in this way: Rot some neighbor to take tho Weekly East Oregontan for four months for CO cents. Send in a money order for tho 50 cents; or In lc und 2c stamps or silver, nccompanled by your guess on the presidential vote. If you do not want to ask some neighbor to subscribe, send In CO cents and the name of somo friend in the Uast who is Interested In the western country. Let him read the Weokly East Oregonlan and It will give him more news about the resources of tho Inlaud Empire than you could if you wrote him a 50-page letter a week. For every 50 cents you will be entitled to one guess. It you get four of your frlonds to take It four months each, you will be entitled to four guess.es, or If you got one new subscription for a year for tho Weekly for $1.60 on are entitled to threo guessed. Some one of our subscribers will get one half of all money taken in on this contest. It may be only $50, or It may be several hundred dollars, but whatever tho sum the ono who guesses nearest to the presidential vote In Oregon for tho winning candidate, will get one-half of the money. Remember the guess is on the vote cast in Oregon for the successful presidential candidate. Only neW subscriptions count. A subscription for 50 cents gWes you one guess. You can send in as many subscribers as you wish and for each 50 cents you got one gu .ss. This contest closes November fourth, so be sure to fcend in your guess before that time. Tho total vote in June, 1904, was I2,G0E; for republican candidate for supremo Judge, 62.94G; for democratic, 28,729; socialist, 6419, and prohi bition, 6614. My estimate on I vote In Oregon for President Name Poetoffice address Pill In the first blank apace th name of tne candidate you think will win. Fill In the second blank space with your estimate of the number of votes bfi will get in Oregon. Enclose with CO cents and mall to the Eaat Oregonlan Publishing Co., Pendleton, Oregon. Send paper to Address ELATER1TE IS MINERAL RUBBER We properly temper It for each particular climate. Then, upon a jute canvass we build up a Are, water and acid proof roofing material, wit grouna mica sunace ana a wool xeu paper ary snoot or oacuag. WE'LL lay the goods, or you can. If you have to ust- a roof. v tell you eome mighty lntereatlnj: thines. They will nreveat vonr nockai dook irom snnvejing up. write us.