f&H PAQE8. DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1604. PAGE FIVE. it OPtNINb Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Dept. Fall and Winter I904 NOW ON DISPLAY NEW TAILOR-MADE SUITS. TOUR IST COATS, JACKETS, WALKING AND DRESS SKIRTS, AT EXCEPTIONALLY MODERATE PRICES. NEW NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS, NEW NOVELTIES IN WAISTINGS, NEW NOVELTIES IN TOURIST CAPS, -THE LATEST EASTERN FAD. i Alexander Dept. Store THP filVPRQ op rpst vai hps IT'S THE BEST SMOKE ON THE MARKET Manufactured by A. ROHDE ! : The I Hotel Cruise ! First-class in ovory particular. Modern In nil appointments. Splendidly furnished throughout. Service the very best. The Hotel Cruise Is located at the corner of Webb and Cot tonwood streets In a now building ullt especially for hotel pur poses. Each room Is largo and comfortable, belns well lighted and well vontllated. In furnishing this hotel, the best of every thing was purchased, and attention has been given to the artis tic effect aj well as comfort. Tho Hotol Crulso Is a model place for lodgers, traveling men and citizens who seek a first-class place wh,ere rates arc not high. Cafe In connection. Short orders served at all times. OREGON STATE FAIR 44th Annual Exhibit Salem, Oregon September 12 to 17, 1904 11 LITERARY BUREAU SENATOR HILL EXPOSES SOME CAMPAIGN SCHEMES. Shows Up Roosevelt's Alliance With 1 Literary Man to Get Himself Square , With the Magazine Readers How the Administration Makes a Grand stand Play With New York Repub llcan Leaders as Supes. Whitney's Point, N. Y Sept. I?. Former Senator David H. IIIII was tho orator of tho day nt tho Broome i county fair this afternoon and ntlrnct-1, ed a groat crowd. Mr. Hill said that the democratic platform wris silent on tho money question bocauso that question was deemed settled. The nlmost unani mous approval by tho convention of Judge Parker's telegram operated vir tually as an amendment to the plat- ; form In accordance with Its terms nnd n tho now platform necessarily super seded and eliminated all previous na tional platforms. Tho present campaign on tho part of the republicans, the ex-senator de clared, "Is ono of humbug nnd false pretenses peculiarly Itooseveltish in all Its essential characteristics, Tho president through himself and his late prlvnte secretary, manage and direct every detail, while experienced politi cal managers of long service in tho party are brushed aside and ignored." Mr. Hill sharply criticised Mr. Itoosevelt's method magazine writers to views and especially Ham Allen White's Roosevelt Uncovered Frauds." He quoted: ' 'When it (the touched the president's friends nnd political sponsor, State Senator Green of Blnghnmpton, N. Y., and when ho was about to bo indicted for crooked ness, the two senators from New York, and every prominent republi can In tho state bogged for mercy and then threatened President Roosevelt for allowing Brlstow to indict Green.' "If true,' Mr. Hill went on, 'this is most serious accusation. It virtu ally accuses our two republican Unit ed States senators and also '.every prominent republican in tho state' with a crime. Hut it uplifts Roose velt and ho apparently delights to be exalted at the expense of others.' 'Who," tho speaker Inquired, "but tho president himself could have tiir- nlshed him this exclusive information which he now discloses to tho public? It is believed that tho charge is utter ly groundless; that Its publication was intended as a spectacular and sensational performance, and that 11 was concocted especially to aid tho president In the present contest re gardless of Its damaging effect upon others. Being false Is one essential particular, the whole article Bhould be discredited." Best for medicinal uses Your physician wilt tell you that, you should always havo some cood whtsltcy In the house For accidents, fainting spoils, exhaustion, nnd other eraereency uses, It relieves nnd revives. But you must have eood whiskey, pure whiskey, for ioor whiskey, adulterated whiskey, may do decided harm. HAYNEK WHISKEY Is lust what you need for It iroes direct from our own distillery to you, with all Its orlelnal strength, richness nnd flavor, carrying a UNITED STATES REGISTERED DISTILLER'S GUARANTEE of PUR ITY and AOE and saving the dealers' enormous profits. We havo over a quarter of a million satisfied customers, exclusively family trade, who know It Is best for medicinal purposes and prefer It for other uses. That's why YOU should try It. Your money back If you are not satisfied. Direct from our distiOBery to YOU Saves Dealers' Profits I Prevents Adulteration ! HAYNER WH SKEY 4 PURE SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE QUARTS EXPRESS f PREPAID We will send you FOUR FULL QUART BOTTLES or HAYNER'S SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE for H.0O, and wo will pay the express chorees. Try It nnd if you don't find It all right and as good as you over used or can buy from anybody else at any price, send It back nt our expense and your $1.00 will bo returned to you by next mail. Just think that offer over. How could It be fairer? If you aro not perfectly satlstled you are not out n rent. Better let us sendyou a trial order. If you don't want four quarts yourself, iret a friend to join you. anipmcnt mauc in a plain scaica case witn no mams 10 snow wnui s a use : nunrtH or can iret some of jour menus to join you. id you JiO uunrtN for sio.ui by i-reicni i-rrpniu, mus M.OO. We have been In business over 8il years and havo n of employing give out his attacked Wll article, "How tho Postal Investigation) inside. If you can use xo lunrtM or can wu win scnu savin? vnu I paid-up capital of $500,000.00 so you run no risk. Write our nearest offlco nnd do it NOW. THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY ST. PAUL, MINN. DAYTON, OHIO ST. LOUIS, MO. 45 DisTiLLT.nv, Trot, O. Estauusukk I860. GREAT FIRE AT GEM. GOOD ATTRACTIONS, SPLENDID RACING, BEST OF BAND MUSIC, $10,000 IN PREMIUMS, MAGNIFICENT STOCK SHOW, A FINE CAMP GROUND WITH ROOM FOR ALL, FRESH WATER PIPED INTO THE GROUND, PLENTY OF SHADE, GOOD STREET CAR SERVICE AND LOT8 OF EN TERTAINMENT AND EDUCATION FOR EVERYBODY. NO EFFORT8 HAVE BEEN SPARED TO MAKE THIS YEAR'S FAIR SURPASS ALL PREVIOUS EXHIBITS. TAKE A WEEK OFF AND ENJOY THE EVENT OF THE YEAR. Popular Sheet Music and Latest Hits All Good Dawn of tho Century, Show tho White of Yo' Eye, Storm King, Uncle Sammy, By tho Sycamoro Treo, Navajo, When Summer Breezes Blow, AtlrUt, Sumo time. Silks and Rags, (waltzes), Katunka, Up in a Coconnut Tree, Tho Gondolier, Sho Was From Missouri, Prairlo Queen, (waltzes), Lazarre, (waltzes), My Money Never Gives Out, Maple Leaf (rag), Midnight Flro Alarm, Mandy Lee, Tho Rosary, Charcoal, Tho Moon, th.o Coon nnd the Little Octoroon, Under a Panama, Zcmlu (waltzes), Satisfied. Full lino Victor Talking Ma chines and Records, Scott & Gordon Piano House 315 Court Street. i For eale at tho East Oreaonlan of flee Larno bundles of i itwimnun pining' ovar 100 big papara, oan ba had for 28o a bundle. Idaho Town Nearly Annihilated La6t Night. Wallace, Idaho, Sept. 3. Fire which started shortly after 9 o'clock to night swept tho entire business por tion of Gem, Idaho, and a largo part of the residence, district, entailing a loss of $150,000, destroying nearly 100 houses and rendering scores of people homeless. Tho houses wero occupied for the most part by mln,ers, many of whom moved to Gem after tho Black Bear conflagaratlon throe months ugo. In almost every case all their be longings, which wero purchased ouly since that fire, wer.e destroyed. The lire started In the Frisco cafe, n an unoccupied building. When discovered it had a good start. Tho alarm was immediately given and a iish was nuulo lor fire apparatus. When hose was coupled onto the hy drant there was found to bo no water, so tho residents were forced to stand by and see tho town swept by the flames. Tho causo of th.o fire is unknown. mt it is supposed to have been start ed by some drunken man In tho va- :unl building. With two exceptions ull the buildings In town were frume. white & Bender's store building, in the lower part of town, was surround ed by burning cottages and stores, but withstood the flames, and the stock of $30,000 or over oscu,ied with little dumage. Telephone, telograph, electric light wires and the power line of tho Wash ington Water Power Company were destroyed. Both tho O. It. & N. and Northern Pacific suffered somo dam ago, having rails and platforms dam aged. The termor lost a bridge over Canyon creek near tho center of town, Gem Is located in a narrow part of the canyon. On ono side ruus the O. R, & N, railway, while the Northern Pacific passes through the only stroot of the town. Tho houses wero built on either sido of tho track uud very close to It. The burned area is nearly 1000 feet long, and the houses, which wero built closoly togothor, wero burned to tho ground. HIGH-GRADE BICYCLE W,o are agents for the cele brated Racyclo bicycle. It has many features of merit not pos sessed by other wheels. Wo also handle the Columbia and Crawford bicycles. Let us show you ono of our wheels and explain its merits If you aro thinking of buying a wheel. Tho fact that wo do the bulk of tho wheel repairing is a good testimonial for our work. Wo also repair sewing machines, Mnko keys and make all kinds of light repairs. GORDON & EDMISTEN 3XJ East Court Street BEATS THEM ALL COMING EVENTS. HOUSER & HAINES COMBINED HARVESTER DOING GOOD WORK. Everyone In the County Pleases the Purchasers Not a Dissatisfied User Large siale Being Built Upon Its Merit. Triennial Conclave Knights Templar, San Francisco, Sept. 5-9th, 1904 Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., San Francisco, Cal., Sept, 19-25th, 19G4. Account of above occasion the O. R. & N. makes a round tri4, rate of $31.85 dates of sale, via stoamer from Port land August 2-28th, and September 1 and 2. Via rail, September 1, 2, 3, 15, 1C and 17. Continuous passage on go ing trips, with final return limit Octo ber 23, 1904. Stopovers will bo allow ed In California only, and only on re turn trip. For particulars call on or address E. C. Smith, agent O. R. & N. As the lmmenso wheat crop of tho county is nearly harvested, consider able talk arises among tho farmers as to the most successfully harv.ested crops. Mr. J. S. Furnish is quoted as saying that 'he has tho best comblnad harvester in tho county and has suc cessfully harvested his crop for tho past two seasons with his Haines llouser Combined Harvester. On the strength of tho success that ho had with his machine last year, soveral others wero placed in tho county this year by tho agent, Mr. Fred Weber, and favorablo reports come In from Charl.es Hamilton, L. L. Mann and II. II. Williams. Those farmers all used this machine and cannot say too much in pralso of tho work they accomplished with this machine. Mr. Fred Weber, local agent for tho ilouser & IIulu.es Manufacturing Co., states that he is well pleased with the machluo and predicts that a large number will be sold iu the county an other season, He says that a mnehlue that will do tho work this machlno does cannot bo overlooked very long by those directly interested in tins class of machinery and a combined harvester that starts in from tho be ginning and works thu entire season through without trouble, is a machlno that will mako Its own headway re gardless of anything that may bo said to tho contrary, facts speak for themselves. Umatilla county farmers havo grown to realize tho great saving by harvesting in tills way and therefore It is hard to trav.el any direction with out seeing these great labor-saving devices doing their wonderful work that a half century ago would havo been lmposslblo to boliovo. September (I Opening St. Joseph's academy Pendleton. Soptcmber 12-17 Oregon Stnto fair, Salem. September 19Opciiini; of Pendle ton public schools. September 19, 20,21 Oregon Irriga tion Association at Ontario, Malheur county. September 20 Opening Pendleton academy. October 3-9 Spokano Interstate fair. Inland Umplro Teachers' Associa tion Pendleton, October 19, 20 and 21. National Irrigation Association, 'El Paso, Texas, November 15-18. There Is more Cutnrrli In thin Hcr-tlon of tlio country tlmu nil utliur diseases put together, and until tlio ust few jeuia wan supposed to be Incurable. Vor a great many years doctors pronounced It a will illsenbo mill prescribed local remedies, uml by constantly fnllliitf to cum with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Sci ence lias proven catarrh to bo n constitu tional disease nnd therefore rctpilrcH con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh I'ure, manufactured by V. .1. Clicnev A Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is tlio only constitution al cure on tbe market. It is taken Inter nally In doses from 10 drops to a leu spoonful. It acts directly on tlio blood nnd mucous surfaces of tlio system, Tliey ofler one hundred dollars for any cose It falls to cure. Heud for circulars and tes timonials. Address : K. J. CHMNnV U CO., Toledo, (). Hold by Drufc'Klst, price 75c. Take Hall's I'unjlly I'll Is for constipation. A factory iu Liverpool has rocontly oroctod a Bto.el smokostack C80 foet high and only threo feet iu diameter. It is protected from tho wind by an chor wires stretching out over nearly u half square mllp of ground. It Will Be to Your Interest. If you contomplate visiting tho St. Louis Exposition, to secure reliable Information as to railroad service, the lowest rates and the best routes. Also as to local conditions in St. Louis: hotels, etc., etc. If you will wrlto tho undersigned, stating what information you desire, mo same will be promptly furnished. If we do not havo it on hand, will se cure it for you if possible, and with out any .expense to you. Address B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 142 Third stroot, ' Portland, Ore. Darobln, tho famous stallion belong ing to J. B. Haggin, of Sacramonto, was put to death Monday on account of old ago. Ho was feoblo and almost helpless, being 27 years old. Ho was iraportod from Australia by Mr. Hag gin and cost $30,000. Fifty Greek Laborers. About 50 Greek laborers arrived la the city this morning to work on tho railroad. Thoy seemed to havo bag gugo enoiiiih to fit out a colony and shotguns nnd rifles sufficient to arm a regiment. They scorn to feel that preparation for a riot or Greek war is a necessity in this land of pick handles. La Grande Observer. It Is .estimated that G per cont or about $85,000,000, of the nnniml in conio from American railroads goes to forolgn lnvostors. J. L. VAUGHN Electrician Prompt attention given and all work executed proporly. Bleetrleal Supplies or all kinds OFFICII-12! WKST COURT ST. (Tribune Building) INSURANCE. Fire, Life and Accident. JOE ELL Room 8, Over Taylor's Hard .ware Store. Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, 150 barrels a day, Flour exclrangod for wheat. Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc., always on hand. LET U3 SUPPLY YOU WITH Building Material Dimension lumber of all de scriptions. Snail, Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper. BRING YOUR BILL TO UB AND GET OUR FIGURES, Grays Harbor Commercial Co. Opposite W. & C. R. Depot. D Positively tho best beer mndo. Any quantity you de slro. Delivered to your homo. Always call for Olym pi a. ' A. NOLTE 'Phone Main 181. I WATER TANKS Wo make a Specialty of Building Hound or Squaro WATER TANKS Also Header Beds all sizes and kinds. Wo mnko them right nnd they alwnys glvo satisfaction. Our work Is never slighted or botched, Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard ROBERT FORSTER, Proprietor. Corner Webb and College. COAL LET US FILL YOUR f"" BIN WITH Rock Spring Coal Uocognl.ed as tho best and most economical fuel. Wo aro prepared to contract with you for your winter's Bupply. Wo deliver coul or wood to any part of tho city. Laatz Bros. MAIN STREET. NEAR DEPOT. The French j Restaurant ! Best 25 Cent Meal In the City Private Dining Parlors. J Elegant Furnished Rooms In Connection. GUS LaFONTAINE, Prop. 633 Main Street. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this In ind when you need poultry and stock supplies i. .1 nul. 9r m t. Tn,n,m.ilnn.l Poultry and Stock Food. Use S itow xvuro ror your cow trou bles, C. F. Colesworthy 127-129 East Alta SL Agent for Lee's Llco Killer.