PAGE FOUR. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1904. lor Oregon ns far ns being a dividing line of sentiment or effort lit the . state is concerned. The Oregon Development League has flung out this noble and Inspiring ... . , . c,j.i sentiment. The people of Eastern Published PTcrj- afternoon (except Sunday) nt Pendleton, Oregon, bj the , Oregon have caught it up and wl EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING make it the slogan for a reunited Or- i egon. More visiting, AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. A DEED AND A WORD. COMPANY. smscisnmON" ISATKS. i -"ore visiting, more intermingling. Dally, one year, by mall J5.00 more open handed, broad, sympathetic Sail, ii? and mutual business relations will SSI!?: "f ZSS: $ :::::: :ilS;ce,ue,,t tu,s ,e ln the Weekly, one year, by mall 1.30 state, and the time is near at hand iSStwSK: rau::: r8S Ww,t0. rson w,th a cai,,tnl "E" Semi Weekly, three months, by mail.. .30 and ,- It will be plain Oregon. i Member Scrlpps-MeRac News Association. The East Oregonlan Is on tale at 1!. It. rich's News Stands at Uotel Portland and Hotel Perkins, Portland. Oregon. -tOS Fourth. St, Chicago Ilureau, 000 Security llnlldfng. San Francisco Ilureau. ltureah. SOI nth St., Washington. D. C. N. W. Telephone Main 11. Entered at Pendleton postof'lce as second class matter. The Inland Empire will not quibble about who shall build the portage road. It makes no difference to them who secures the contract or who su perintends the work, so it Is done ln a skillful, able manner. The complet ed road is the goal sought. The open river Is the final aim of the efforts and progress of the Inland Empire. A little stream has lost Its way Atuld the grass ami fern A passing stranger scooped a well. Where weary men might turn; He walled it In, and hung with- care A ladle nt the brink i He thought not of the deed lie did. I But Judged that all might drink. He passed again, aud Io! the well,- By summer never dried. Had cooled ten thousand parching tongues. And saved a life beside. A nameless man, amid a crowd ' That through the dally mart, 1 Lot fall a word of hope and love, i Unstudied from the heart; j A whisper on the tumult thrown, A transitory breath It raised a brothe'r from the dust. It saved a soul from death, O germ! O fount! O word of love! O thought nt random cast! Ye were but little at the first. But mighty at the last. EIGHT SACAJAWEA. his own life, surely the state can not ' take that life from him under the J guise of law. I will do ns my con- !DVIWUl.U Jll Ullll'ta .lie ... ..... ..... - j am opposed to capital punishment, i While a judge of the district court j I shall nover Impose such a penalty ! upon n defendant. If a person is found guilty of mur der ln the first degree and the Jury fixes the penalty nt dvath I shall dis regard that verdict If "need bo. The state does nut give life; It can not take life. It is contrary to reason nnd contrary to morals." W Sand for Bock about " Mn,i, . Arc you to become a mother 7f . 'J108' rT, .. ."""""' Mllteiins that ' " B X obliged to underc... th- , .7??. .n,ost "omwuT LLT cou,(1 Ao aIVthinK to Vw w,.(,beat? H 9 J'.. " ? 'en,.;;6 P'"rTo JAPANESE GENTLENESS. Though the martial spirit Is Indus-, triously Instilled into Japanese chll-1 dren by their mothers from earliest ' Infancy, they nro taught to be kind 1 to animals. At home and in the schools they nre not even allowed to 1 ent cakes or confectionery made In the shnjie of rabbits, sheep or other : dumb beasts, for fear they may ac-, ...I I., r . . 1 . t. .u '""rui. t the pedagogue commits an Injustice. 8 lf M . I liniment so potent that it fli IT V rrv drram. without it. a m;h,lhu 17) I f TV 11-- X ho .tfciuiiy every notd. "-"ar UiK,liomorene1HlU... v "a "We iriF-. . . - n. I'liT nt. . . motherhood bomttyV For Hrtr,. ... J I amlttlB- &t wiinderfui iiT V,.i.'. . ,l S " .Mother's Fiiend All II - ue .ccperoottle. $ JttfiSU u you ask for it. a. SnKGULATCR CO., 1 - ua m Q That was a beautiful and well de-1 tlon is made. Rnrvpil trtlmto whlnh Rnvprnnr Pnnl. ' jThe open river commission can build or California, paid to the "Bird Wo it. This organization represents the ' man," who piloted Lewis aud Clark ' backbone of the Northwest. There Is from the fastnesses of the Bocky brains, honesty, dotermlna- ,nun ",a,"s 10 a sale ' 1 on lne I the scholars stay away until repara- money, ii Profesor Octima told the foreign colony in tu recent lecture here on thn.; T national system of education thnt a j 5 German teacher once scandalized a i T school by his hrusqtieness. The boys : j tlon. public spirit, and best of all. The probabilities are that without and girls talked it over among them-1 This string upon my harp was best beloved; I thought I knew its secrets, through and through: Till an old man whose young eyes lightened blue 'Neath his white hair, bent over me and moved His fingers up and down and broke the wire To such a laddered music. rung on rung. As from the patriarch's pillow skyward sprung Crowned with wide flung wings and feet of fire. O vibrant heart! So metely tuned and strung That any untaught hand can draw from ihee One clear gold note that makes the tired years young What of the time when Love had whistered me Where slept thy nodes, and my hand pausefully Gave to the dim harmonics voice and tongue? William V. Moody. ' unanimous public sentiment behind It. , her aid In guiding the explorers 1 selves and then asked the principal to . If the state commission cannot build I through that difficult region, Lewis dismiss him, saying: ! It. if the quicksands of legal or other ! aluI CIark JwouW, elter uae. Perished ; "He is a learned man, but a pig." ' . , . or returned to the East without hav- Being informed that the teacher obstacles bind the feet of the com- accoml,nsnej the object of the c- 1"1 been engaged for a stated time, mission, the people will build It. If , pedltlon. As Governor Pardee points they want straight to him and said. . the commission will stand still and , out: If you have a sen's (half cent s) j keep still, and not make objection, the people will do the rest. The introduction of sewing classes in our public schools is a step in the m direction of making young women a j more useful ns a result of schooling. i There is nothing more pitiful than ' the girl who goes through college and ! is neither charming, lovable, woman- ' ly nor practically useful as a house- twlfe. The domestic arts, like sewing. cooking, gardening, growing flowers worth of honor, break your contrart "Death-or defeat to Lewis and Clark a"d. E0 Germany." would have lost the Oregon country He went. Chicago Chronicle, comprising 30S.0O0 square miles, to the United States, for Captain Gray"s ' THE AMERICAN SPIRIT. discovery of the Columbia river would i not within itself have been sufficient A Buddhist paper iu Tokio, with upon which to base the American an unpronouncable name that is claim to the title In this region. Sac-, translated the Thundering Down, ' ajawea alone, of all the expedition, : strats on Us career with a statement , had been over the Rockv mountain ' at- """Uia be a model to American DEATH TO UNIONISM. trails. She alone knew where frleudly , circulation boomers. "This paper has Shoshones might be found to smoke:come from eternity. It starts Its cir the pipe of peace. She nlone of all culatlon with millions and millions of the savages that roamed the buffalo ' numbers. The rays of the sun, the ..ininc Ln, nnn i,i i,.beams of the stars, the lenrps nf tlie and rearing children, are almost lost trave,.tlreu hungrv ,mthfinders to ' trees, ttie blades of grass, the grains the lodge of Chief Cameawait. her "l BUUU lne "earis oi tigers, cie brother, where thev might outfit Tor Phants, lions, ants, men and women the last stage of their Journey to fr Its subscribers. This Journal will Pacific ocean, to raise the American t henceforth flow in the universe as flag over the countrv that Captain the r,vers fIow and tlle oceans surge ' Gray had discovered. She had borne ) Public Opinion. the white man's burden in the Indian 1 country, she was the Pocahontas of, I WANT" TO BE A DOCTOR. the Pacific." t The Hotel Cruise First-class Jn every particular. Modern ln all appointmeisU. Splendidly furnished throughout. Service the very best. The Hotel Cruise Is located at the corner of Webb ani Cot tonwood streets in a new building built especially for hotel par. poses. Each room is large and comfortable, being well lighted and well ventilated. In furnishing this hotel, the best of eierj thing wns purchased, and attention has been given to the arUa tic effect oj w.ell as comfort. The Hotel Cruise is a model place for lodgers, traveling men and citizens who seek a first-class place where rates are not high. Cafe ln connection. Short orders served at all times. ,slght of in education. Our colleges are top-heavy with specializing and shaky on producing the common hu man qualities that make good fathers and mothers and heads of families. , They ignore the spiritual life of man. and produce material automatons. Modem School of Commerce School reopens and Special Offer closes Pendleton Academy, Pendleton, Oregon. September 6. First floor The butchers' strike has resolved Itself into a death struggle between unionism and its haters, the Employ ers' Association, headed by Parry, the arch-enemy of the union. The caricature of the Pendleton representatives In Portland, as made ' by the Oregonian cartoonist and pub , llshed in that paper Tuesday, is not intended to cemept the outside com munities to rortiana. The Idea pre- Wen I gro up I want two be a doctur. While Sacajawea was but an ordl-1 1 want to Ue a doctur; nary Indian woman, there was a gen- j 1 wam lo Ioo,i l?rfowud and orful eroiis spirit In her bosom which was i smart. of inestimable value to Lewis and . ""3U ' .vu,t' uurl' Clark, and. Indirectly and ultimately. "'ways rusn urownu io see tne tg rnlltlrme f if f u tiiKititn u'hn .ni 1 oICS, .11. ....' r, . j. ainro ramp m nppunv nnd dpt-elnn the I AntJ hav a watch that tics; At this time, 50.0W union employe i . -m,!! Brand country she played so proml- ? An whn f a kId ls of the packing houses are idle, and ! ' a in securin to tIle Unl,ed i JflA, . ..j. u..u.-u uiamiuasi' states government as .a part or us "" "" this tendency. permanent territory. ' Luke, the Loon. In Seattle Star. Refreshing and Healthful FRUIT TREES ON CITY LOTS. cannot get their old places back. On September 1 30,000 union employes of the Pullman car company will be thrown out of employment by the clos ing of the factories, and the Interna tional Implement company, employing about 20.000 people, all organlied. threatens to close down about Sep tember 1. notice has been given that em ployes securing positions (n any of -these Institutions, at the resumption of work, will be select d from thoae recommended by and applying through the Employers' Association, the enemy and opponent of the unions. ! ... This mean, further trotible. Not ' "" ' ! were all successful. . , . ,. -and now Mr. Vaughn has numerous one union man will apply lor bis old , varieties of fruit that ripen at nil position through the medium of his, times of year and furnish an abund most hated enemy. The employer , anc 'ur table use. On one navel or--wlll hire no one ept he cornel0 Vaughn budded a tan , ... . , . (Kerine, a grape fruit, a lemon and a through this association. So the lros- bw(i orange making wl,h the Ilavel peet darkens. orane Itself, five kinds or fruit on Chicago is the head and front of, one tree. They all bear profusely, unionism in the United States. There, i nd hf fruit Is of extraordinarily The City Brewery Bottled Beer. It ls to be hoped that those having Many people who live on city lots long for fruit trees of their own from which they can gather fresh fruit ln- stead of being dependent on the mar kets, says Country Life in America. ' Mr. Vaughn, of Pasadena, was con fronted py just such a problem, but he has cleverly found a way out of the difficulty. On the back of bis town lot he hnd room for six fruit trees. He planted navel oranges and ' peaches and plums, and when they had become strong and sturdy he ,sratted and budded other varieties in- ' to them. In charge the project of erecting a , statue to her memory upon the Lewis j and Clark fair grounds will meet with that success which it certainly de-! serves. Salem Statesman. WHAT CAN YOU DO? A WONDERFUL NEW INDUSTRY. all the great labor organisations con- ; lrjt- siie. The peach trees were bud ded with numerous varieties of early The development of the trolley sys tems of Ohio is the wonder of the century. It has grown to be a new in dustry, with Its variety of uses. With in five years over 300 miles of trolley lines have been built east, west and , north from Cincinnati and in the state there are now 2S00 miles of trol j ley lines. Within the past year more j than 10,000.000 passengers have been ' carried. ( There are chair cars wl-h buffet attachments, funeral cars ex press cars and sleeping cars. Ohio is the Trolley State now. bu other states are making progress in i the same direction. More than $2 -' 500.000.000 Is invested ln trolley lines in this country and last year over 5. iHiO.noo.GOO persons were carried on them. The cash disbursements in sal aries alone amounted to over ninety The appropriations of the last ses sion of congress. In times of profound peace, were over $700,000,000; the Philippines, in addition to the $20. 000.000 paid to Spain, have cost $000. 000,000 more land the appropriations for rivers and harbors must be added s ill to the first mentioned I. And the question Is. with new emphasis. ' What are you going to do about if" SCROFULA "When a child I had a very severe- at tack of Diphtheria which cam: near firm ing fatal ."poll recover- the glands of the neck were very much enlarged, and aftet the fret use oi iodine, the right one was reduced to its normal size, but the left I The greatest summer drink. It goes right to the spot. Always have this superior beer ln your home. It gives youth and vigor , to your tired system. Physicians recommend beer that la pure. City Brewery Bottled Beer It always good and always the same. It ls made ln Pendleton and not subject to changes of temperature ln being shipped. Put up in quarts, pints and half pints, and delivered in any quantity desired. Uottling works telephone 1771. Residence telephone ,1831. HI lfl t IIHlll I (! II n. J! i iDuiiuiny i Material Hill Military Academy PORTLAND, OREGON A private boardhi and day school. Mu ual training, milium discipline, college j paratlon. Boyi of it age admitted at u time. Fall term opesi September 14, 1501. CUT THIS OUT. And mall to Dr. J. W Hill, Hill M tary Academy, Portland, Or. I have .... boys, whom I wist U send to a military school. Their apt are Please ksI me prices and terms; also illustrated descriptive catalogue of yrur chooL (Name (Address) Oregon PirtUed one continued to grow very slowly at first, until it was about the size of a i:oos ter and have their chief source, and and late peaches, as well as apricots million dollars. ($&0..,C 173). and se- egg, which began to press on the wind- came very painful. An incision was made i and a large quantity of pus discliarged. The gland was removed, or as much ai ,, , . j Jf . could with safety be taken out. For ten This earning power and distributing years I wore a little piece of cloth about an medium Is In close touch with the w.el- nch iomr ; mv neck to keen the tlac George S. Boutweli, one of the fare of a very large percentage, direct-1 open. During this time I had to have il her. the efforts of the Manufacturers' As- and nectarines. These trees bear from sociation and the Employers' Associa- thtf t,r8t Jul" " the first of Novem tion will be directed with fury against the Chicago stronghold The public will suffer more than either of the combatants. The rich curity holders were paid for Interest and dividends nearly 75 million dol lars (J7-1.81C.032). ! St. Helen's Hall A GIRLS SCHOOL OF THE HIGH EST CLASS corps of teachers, loca tion, building, equipment the beat Send for catalogue. Opens September IE, 190i. OF ALL DESCRIPTION I BOUTWELL FOR PARKER. I fnimHan "f ,1. mmi,llnn .-.- Una t lv nriit i n rl 1 rvpt 1 v. nf the nnmilntlnn r.wn V... tU ,1 . . . : T r 1. ,emploere can wen anoru to ue mie decIared that he w, vote for Jmjge,as there Is possibly none of our great coldortheopeningclogged. IntheSprinp ' for they have sufficient wealth to Parker. Mr. Boutw.ell was secretary ' lndustrltm more closely allied with the or early Summer of 1884 1 was persuaded' satisfy any reasonable man. The la-1 of the treasury under President 1 people and certainly none of the pub-' by my wife to use S. S. S., which I did, 1 boring neoDle will be thrown on the I Grant, governor of Massachusetts, He utilities more generally used. Be-! strictly in accordance with directions. 1 uiiueu stales buuatur, unu a memuer otu wuic mnu iuu,uuv -vpiu mi- - , s - " , .. of th.- lower house of ponerMs in ' dally employed In the operation of 1 "re,Jr.;urea ,or not suiterea since giving his reasons for preferring this industry. Judge Parker to President Roosevelt.! The electric railways are being ex-Rm-rnnr nv- I tended on lines of continual sclentiflp "I am with the democratic party i advancement and their equipment is1 Only a consdtrrtional reined v can reach because I have made a distinct decls- 'helng constantly improved. ' anuereaiury aiseasc itke&croiuia. wnen - ion In regard to the Philippine policy, ' : , ?1btl??Vr!d,toA?,onnal coniiJ!i,02 ! bu uuiuriuuuie an mis iruuaiurmauuu juuge jonn 1. aluiiins, 01 tne state irora a republic lo an empire. district court In Denver, Col., recent charity of the public and will sap the strength from other cities In contribu tions to support the siege. How to avoid this Impending strug gle, which promises such dire re sults, no matter which way It Is set tled, Is one of the problems now be fore the peacemakers and .the states men of the United States. It Is the most ominous shadow the present political campaign. that time. B. S.Ragland. Royal Bap Mfg. Co., Charleston. S. C. SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to order. Building pa per, lime, cement, brick and sand, wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta Street, Opp. Court House. eiM44Hltllllll in NO DIVIDING LINE. "Therefore I do not concern myself I about what the democratic party may uu out 1 am buuhujuu luut tney win The few brief sentiments expressed by Mayor Matlock In the East Ore gonian today should be echoed to every comer of Oregon. He Bays Eastern regon and West ern Oregon should mingle and become acquainted more and more. They should learn of each other's needs, study each other's surroundings and learn by this broadening of views that there Is no dividing lino in Ore gon. Judge Lowell expressed the same sentiment when he said before the Oregon Development League that there should be no 'cow counties' in this atate. The Cascade moun , Awhward doodg aro tuan olo tains should be wiped from the map , qUenl dreams. ly made from the b.cnch the following ' statement: "In private life I never was a party to tne Kilting ot a man not sacrifice the honor of the nation or a human being. I shall never be by leaving a great opportunity. The republicans had a great opportunity, but they neglected U. a Judicial party to such a killing. Tho state has no right to take a life. Cap-. Ital punishment in Colorado has not' tt5 ueterred the commission of crime. ' A MATTER OF GEOGRAPHY. Murders have increased. , Influential persons escape the gal-1 Representative Heatwole of Mlnnc , lows. A man having no right to take ! sota was asked by a frl.end about a 1 mutual acquaintance who lives In the congressman's district ' "Is he rich?" was ono query. "Well, that depends on geography," , said Mr. Heatwole. "Out at homo we consider him very rich. Ho ls worth ' about a million dollars. If he lived I In New Jersey I suppose ho would uc thought fairly well-to-do, while If he 1 llvod in New York folks would be dropping dollars in his hat "Collier's Weekly. , tonic. It is the I J only guaranteed, strictly vegetable remedy sold. Ifyou 1 a have any signs oi bcrolula, write us and our physicians will advise you free The Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ca tt DE Drink CRESCENT REAM It Is Fine The Leading TaxIos IN 1 and 2 LB. SEALED TINS ONLY Of the city, SIEBERT & I Schultz, have removed to 222, J Court street, opposite the Hotel Bickers. When you want a well made suit at reasonable ! prices, call on them. J If you are Interested ln Oil Painting, see us. Our line la complete. ACADEMY BOARDS STRETCHERS BRUSHES 4 ARTISTS' SABLES BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLORS We make a specialty of framing PICTURES. Newest stock of frames. C. C. SHARP Opera House Block. Columbia University Collegiate, Preparatory, Comiawt lal and Grammar Grade Courses, jv ply for catalogue. Boarding school 101 young men and boys. Box 344, University Park Station. Portland, O 50"- . j-Buy Your j .Wood Now Lay In your supply 'or thi winter. ', have the best wood and will save you money. DUTCH HENRY i Wholesale Wood Dealer. : Office at Pendleton Cold Stor- j age Plant. J 'Phone Main 1781. J College Place Health Food Wafers, fruit crackers, creaffl sticks, nut butter and peanuts. Despain