East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 31, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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We make specialty ot unu
sual perfumes the rare and
imported tuat are not found In
most drug stores. Our line of
perfumes will appeal especial
ly to those fastidious folks who
wish to affect a distinctive odor
unlike those In everydar use.
The popular and latest crea
tions of river, Roger & Gallet,
rinaud, Hudnut, etc
i J. L. Stockman Tells of Digging a j
Well 95 Feet Deep in Juniper and !
Found the Same Soil Every Foot of
the Distance From the Surface to
the .Bottom Five Feet of River
Rnurl Rrlnu.' That Rut Nn Wilrr
' "I hardly think the Umatilla conn
t : ty wheat land will wear out during
, ( the present generation, at lenst," said
, J. L. Stockman of Yoiisycle. this af
J ternoon, in discussing the wheat crop
' and soil conditions.
The St George.
Ralph Johnson. Helix.
H. Thicker. San Frnnclsco.
Frank Johnson. oBise.
S. E. Starr. Boise.
J. H. Flltt. Boise.
G. P. Ropers. Portland.
Frank Hall. Portland.
George B. Baker. Dayton.
C. A. Winter. Tncoma.
H. F. Eqgert. Chicago.
James C. Brown, Portland.
Miss Myrtle Squires. La Grande.
W F Lewis. New lork.
W. S Philips. Portland.
George MeGUvery. Spokane.
G. X. Smith. Spokane.
Bert Wright, Denver.
F. K Davis. Jr., Spokane.
George Knobson. Reno.
K A. Kraston. Portland.
J. C. French. Chicago.
D. L. White, St. Louis.
C. B. Bushnell. Tacomn.
C. C. Wright. Tacoma.
This week and next will wind up our clearanc
Ul OUtliiiii wwmj. a aic 1UI LVJ CvlrOCk Ti t
luc uuuiivc iw i&capci uian ever before
PostofBce Block.
'Phone Main S5i.
"A few years ago I assisted my
bruther. W. J. Stockman to dig a well
on his farm In the Vansyele district.
about 23 miles northwest of Pendle- dale.
ton. and for 95 feet we dug the same ' m. Pedro. Vinson
Identical quality ot soil all that dis
tance, that Is producing from 3i to
45 bushels of wheat per acre every
"At the dopth of 95 feet we en
countered a strata of river grave!
five feet thick, identical with that In
the bed of the Umatilla river, with
round, smooth stones in it. and under
that the bedrock, but no water."
This Is one of the most remarkable
facts connected with the soil of Uma
The Hotel Bickers.
W. C. Deeve. Castle Rock.
Richmond. Helix.
Don Morgan and son, Onkes-
September G Opeulng St. Joseph's The Washington & Columbia River
academy, Pendleton.
' September 12-17 Oregon Stato fair.
' Salem.
For the World's Fair at St. Louis
Denver lawyers have formed a Par
ker club for campaign work.
The Central Federated Trades of ; tllla county and accounts for the In-1
Now York City has ordered back to creasing productiveness noticed In It J
work all the strikers belonging to the from year to year. j
federation. ! "Formor years." said Mr. Stockman. ;
According to' Receiver Malone. the "our land In the Juniper country
Fidelity Savings Bank, recently ' yielded but 15 to 20 bushels to the j
wrecked in Denver, will be able to ' acre, and now it is producing from 30
pay between S5 and 90 cents on the to 45 bushels, right along. As the ,
dollar . i farmers plow down deeper and stir up
SebaBtlan McBride. a negro, was ' more antl more ' ,he rlcn so" ou this (
whipped and then shot near Portal. 95-foot layer It will continue to Im-j
Ga., Tuesday. He was accused of Dro1ve ' richness."
complicity in recent outrages near Mr Stockman moved from Juniper
iu x-euuieiuu auutu year aim a nail
ago. for the benefit of the public I
schools, but woirid not part with hie
farming land in the Juniper hills at
Is his '
Frank Sallng, city.
Earl Strahorn. Portland.
S. S. Gill. Spokane.
R. M. Gruz. Portlnnd.
J. A. Xelson, Athena.
E. H. Vinson. Echo.
Charles -Martin. La Grande.
Miss Ellen Owens. Athena.
John Taylor. Huntington.
Miss Taylor. Huntington.
Mrs. Cora Adams. Bingham.
M. A. Wagner, city.
Mrs. M. A. Wacner. city.
Charles M. Whltelaw. city.
George W. Cleveland, Tennessee.
September 19 Opening of Pendle-' following rates are announced:
ton public schools.
September 19, 20,21 Oregon Irriga
tion Association at Ontario. Mainour
Septcmuer 20 Opening Pendleton
To SL Louis, going via St Paul
or Billings, returning any di-
rlct route $60.00
To Chicago, going rit St Paul
or Billings, returning any di
rect route 65.00
October 3-9 Spokane Interstate To St Louis, returning from
fair. 1 Chicago, or
Inland Empire Teachers' Associa-lTo Chicago, returning from St
Hon Pendleton, October 19, 20 and
Xational Irrigation Association, El
Paso, Texas, Xovember 15-1S.
ur ir."
States boro
E. C. Stshlman. news editor of the
Evening Banner, of Nashville, Tenn.,
rlJ"!!a -rceiy p'rleeo greaT
faith in Umatilla county
ins; to fix the steerine gear of his
launch, in the Cumberland river.
Boer treasure amounting to $1,250.
000. has been found by English search
ing parties near Spelonken. One-half
of it will go to the British govern
ment and one-half ;o the finders.
The first balloon race at the St
Shortage of Hay Threatens Loss to
An alarm I in scarcity of hay in the ,
Tonilinson sheeP districts is reported, and unless !
me ikuiiwh is reneven wnoiesaie
Louis fair has ended.
7 ' n il tA at U'mmlnv 111 ti i mlluc
east of St. Louis, and has won the j"1 and ,sheP in Momana ,
first of the series. The races will , re 'a,rei tore wJuter In. says ,
continue until ..ovember 1. for a ,h? "elana Independent
$3000 cash prie. !t mialed that there Is not
,. , . enough forage in sight to last two
Consignor Gaey. one of the Bish- raonthg. Tn,g condition prevails:
m,, .., throughout a wide territory bounded
and the Catholic church, has depart- by Sweetgrass on the south and the , Mrs. Kiturah
i ior norae. irom r ruuee iucuruuo. , Great Kas Havre and Shelby see
to answer to the pope for his insubor tlons on the north wes, and
dination. In first refusing to heed the , The hay crop has becn a fallure on
nB' J? T S penanc for i account of the lack of moisture and
his alleged crime sheepmen face the problem of allow-
!'nS their herds to die and save the
, 51. NORTHWEST NEWS. ,)etg- or driving them across the
boundary Into Canada, where the feed
The Pendleton.
J A. Owenhouse. city.
F W. Vincent, city.
Ray C. Sargent. Spokane.
I. C. Jones. Xew York.
W. X. Alnsbury. Seattle.
S. B. Calderhead. Walla Walla.
M. U. Hoswell, San Francisco.
James S. Guroee. Portland.
Leon Cohen and wife. city.
William Vanbaur.
George F. Roberts.
Robert S Boyns. Portland.
Mrs. H. E. Bartholomew, city.
Earl Strahon. Portland.
G S Youngman. Portland.
E. B. Coman, Portland.
E Costello. Starbuck.
J. Jessee. S;arbuck.
W. A Mc toberts. Spokane.
F. A. Peters. San Francisco.
M. L Mansfield. Portland.
H. T. Booth. Baker City.
W. B. Honeyman. Portland.
J. W .uorrow. Portland.
G. W. Hunt. Portland.
Arthur S. Lichtenstein. Portland.
on sale May 11. 12 Z,:'? "MM
Louis 62.50
To St Louis, returning via Chi
cago, or
To Chicago, returning via St.
' T mil. ee nn
t m ' u,o ...................... Uw.UU 1 , ,
There Is more Catarrh in thin section of children nf hnlf.fnrn nea hnlf thn ana broke It Into Bpllstm.ia,i
th. mnntrr than all nthur not nilQXOn 01 nBlI-iare ngG, URIt W6 , ... ft ,. "'":Ia.BIH
tocether. nnd until the sat few jcars waa above rates. , V l
supposed to be Incurable. For a great Tickets will be
many yean u actors prououncea ic a -uvui . Tltnn 1f.
disease and prescribed local remedies, and nna J"ne Iu
. . i 1 1 .- .i.v. i onil 5 A tirii of I
treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Bel- i)Ar f. fi nnri ? Ontnhflr Z 4 nnd K. i Ut l ?ade Pd i
ence has nroTen catarrh to be a constltu- . "e 110 "11 KinOB Ot carriin r
tlona! disease and therelore requires con- . , " V w, " ana DiacKsmithmE ID a gWM ,
Cure ' mrnufactured by F. J Cheney & Hie. I hvdrS. r ?
,Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Is the only constitution- 8a'e . fn. B(nn . nnv . .! nj draullc pressure; doe It
!al cure on the market. It (a taken Inter- Good for stop-over at any point aoes it wnne you wait: doeii
i nnllj In doses trom 10 drops to a tea- within the limits. 1 0r deface vnnr wheoii .
spoonful, it acu directly on the blood For fun information regarding the life of the rlc M i,v .
land mucous surfaces of the srstem. Thej ... y I . u l"e "b- lU IMi
' offer one hundred dollars for any case It routes, Blue trips, etc., can un or ou-1 worK. We have Wlnma Ta
i rails to cure, send lor circulars ana es- ureas, valicu AUivnia, aui.,
, Address :
F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Drugctst. price "Sc.
1 Take Hall's Family Pills for constlpa
I thin.
S. B. CALDERHEAD, Pendleton,
General Passenger Agent, Ore.
Walla Walla. WaBh.
I Hacks and Buggies, and Stars 6
line Engines,
The Blacksmith!.
It Will Be to Your Interest
If you contemplate visiting the St
Expert Collectofl!
We have locate; a brand c3a
i Notice to Contractors.
I Sealed bids will be received at the Louis Exposition, to secure reliable
I office of the'nndersltmed. until Frl- Information as to railroad service, the
I . . i- n . . A r . . Inn.nn. n n .1 . Vi n tin., .n,aa Alan 1
..i., j m,.l.lr. of thrno nR to Inrnl r-onriltlnns In St. Trills: 1 enulelon. anQ "
iii. oi.i i,n. .1, foi.nrintinn hntels. etc.. etc . defunct bills a specialty. Ko s
to be built in Pendleton, Oregon. All If you will write the undersigned, : too old for us to handle.
hlila must ho made on blanks furnish- stating what information you desire,
ed by the arcnitect. A certltleu me same win ue prumpuy lurmaueu. cnargegi Su!s instituted, fc:
cnecK ot ouu, maae payauie to jonn 1 " " i " Dt n.irortiooH
Hallej-. Jr., clerk of school board, cure It for you if possible, and with- auverusea.
. . A J .1 . rPl T r.
must accompany each bid, to be for- out uu ieuae 10 juu, Auun
felted to the board in case the sue- B- H- TRUMBULL,
cessful bidder failed to enter Into Commercial Agent. 142 Third street.
bonds within five days after he had Portland, Ore.
been awarded the contract. The
Our plan Is: "No collects 1
The Van Alstlne-Gordon 4 CcX
cantlle Agency, H. T. Lfol
Co., llrjs.
119 E Court St. 'Phone U&tM
Relknan ( iiffd for 56
Years on One Donation Claim. 1 board reserves the right to reject any 1 nenniai oonc.-ve .gni5 1 cmpiar,
John Zumalt, a well known logger. 1 conditions are reported to be better.
tn li-ill.u, in namn nar Hnnitatm t. 1. . 1 1 .n ki 1 1. .. 1. ane
wmo nuiu , . n ...... il l9 lixjv jij auiiiauit. But, Ill li a uer- Jjjjg with
A carnival of crime. conlstins of mere is some nay in Kastern
of a slight bulk, delicate featured
old lady who transferred from Xo. 1 1
to ihe Spokane train, on her way to
Ritzville. Mrs. Belknap's activity,
bright eyes and cheery ways belle her
age. which she stated to be S4 years.
1 She waB on her way to make her
her grandson. Walter
and all bids. Plans and specifica
tions can be seen at the office of the
architect, roon
1 Pendleton, Or.
I , Architect.
San Francisco, Sept 6-9th, 1904
Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., ,
San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 19-25th,
Blankets Washed.
Tuesday. , cause of an import tax of J4 per ton iLit ' ,;,,. 'I,! 1 Commencing September first. Man
There is some hay in Eastern Mon- . ,.... kets w
OS burglaries in the month of August. Man. available for Immediate use. but .111 Tta. clata
till be washed art the Pendleton
has visited Seattle.
William E. Hill, a prominent Colfax
cittten. died suddenly Tuesday from
a stroke of paralysis.
William Pollard, of Prairie City,
accused nf stealing 2n sheep, has ac
knowledged his guilt.
with the exception of a little In the .... .... I.;. .....' .. ,c.c i I hlte blankets. $1.00 per pair
F,adHCrry' PT'CaUy IT6 I" r, wha7 w s ca, ed ar'thal 1 h"er P,r
to be had between Havre and west- ,,m .,,, ,, .... , , Indian robes. oOc each.
..T-i nQib.V JLr,;, 1 Blankets and robes must be deliv-
"Tlie Belknap settlement , . . .n . ... . . .nf)rs nni,
Mrs. Belknap was born In Hamilton 1 ... , .,..'
Account of above occasion the O. XL 1 . L . . ,.u
r. v m round tri., te of S31.85 1 A fine line just received, teh
dates of sale, via steamer from Port-! d e ,ato
lnn.l AiiciiBt 2.2Rth. nnri Rentemher 1 1 We llOVP PC h Marine, tilt
and 2. Via rail. Sentember 1. 2. 3. 15. lnS drink
1C and 17. Continuous passage on go
ing trips, with final return limit Octo
ber 23, 1&04. Stopovers will be allow
ed In California only, and only on re
Mirn trip. For particulars call on or
address E. C. Smith, agent O. R. & X.
Candles. Soda, Ice Cms, I
and Fruit In season,
I 209 Court St., H. J.
r.j n, nhln (n 1 BOA r, (1 .'n, mnr.1 1 1 J '
ried there to George Belknap while In
her teens. In 1S39. very soon after i
era pouts of the state.
Some sheepmen, no; caring to risk
feeding their herds through the win
ter, have disposed of large flocks at
a stanrHinA tn T?fnh nnd Ari?nnn tttnnk.
. ijh,., i cut,,- on.-a.- r-aniHin A T.i i , her teens, in isa. very soon alter i
A clouaburat In bliver Bow canyon, men. Cattleman are maklns: nrenora-. , , . .
on the Xorthern Pacif.c in Montana. ttanB to market everything but stock- Zr'tacoS Imi
ftat ZTraSS Tuesday6 " " "e 1-5 !
for that cimpan. Tuesday. to Canada. Wrstern Oregon. With them came ;
The moat conspicuous part of the , Hay last year stood at J23 per ton. otner tnmUUm of leiUnai,8 and j J
equipment oi me uonneciieui iviusbi ura u pibuicibu iuu uin r up .6tVral othor families of neighbors
Templar was the immense nutmeg; price will go higher than ever before and of ,( who jo",ned the ,UUe J
t-.tAS. J.
Attention Sheepmen.
Range to lense and can locate
some good range and water. Address
box 44. La Grande. Or
badges worn by the delegation.
, in the history of the atate. In some
caravan en route. AH settled on do-
The Portland General Electric , ,n" '" " nation claims and from that time un- I
UBht Company has been sued by " fr - Per ton. , tl t0 pruntBfi years the neigh-,
Georae Stinson. of Portland, for lo.-, The railroads are doing everything j nas ,jeon known as ..The
0u for beimr. burned by a live wire ' "'n their power to relieve the situ- ( Rw,knap ,ettlement." Of all the , I
An electric car at Hoaqulm. .truck imwnJS l or,t:'na, sottlors' ,M,th BuIknaPB nnU ' I
a ateer and jumped the track. Tues- lock on lmt'or"nl Iooa 1 others. .Mrs. Kiturah Belknap Is the i
daj. turning over down the embank- Athon m, Nntr only "'lvor. and at the age of 84
Xo one was seriously hurt. , vla,tIn i stle 18 traveling over &in miles to
Athena News Notes.
liirui. .iu uiitf waa au.njuni) u,. t n. u, i ,.1,1.1 i
Great crowds of land hunters are Athena this week from Pendleton ' ?fend. ho.r Ia?' ?aP wUh. a s"on
mtthcrln at Vnrt Hnll Irinhn rnr thf ...i i i ... .v. ...i.u
t....w..Ht m. ..... . . - miutt? nut- hub ni'Qiii iiiu Diiitiiiici niui
oenlng of a portion of the Indian ner parents. Mrs. Hales' home is in i
reservation to settlement on beptem- Salem.
ber 6. ' Fred Lieuallen was In town Sunday
died on the old farm
eight years ago.
The trip from Iowa to Oregon In
1 1S4S took sis months, and the immi
grants came over the Barlow route.
William Dougherty, serving two He has been connected with the Pen-! ,ramedIate,y a(ter reachnB Oregon
years for burglary, in the Boise pen- dleton hospital staff and will soon (. neole , ,.Tne Belknan settle
itentlary. escaped from the guards on r leave for Portland to continue hh menr orKanlzcd a Methodist church
the rock Pile, luesday. and has not . studies in medicine. , . . ' and bpllt what was and stll is called
yet been captured. A L Swagart has sold a hundred he ..Slm80n chapel." though It has
J. R. Sovereign, former grand mas- head of stock hogs at C cents per j u.Bn remlt and enlarged and Mr8.
tcr of the Knights of Labor, now edl- Pound, to Alex Johnson Mr. Swag-; has nad a conllnuous raem.
tor of a paper at Wallace. Idaho, will , sart has SO head of fat hogs that are . henhip , tnat church ever 8,ncc.
ko to Indiana to stump the state for ready for the market and he v. Ill , one of Mrs. Belknap's daughters,
the democratic ticket. : Pr''aol' d,!f"81e. rt them "ext we- Mrs. S. H. Christian, once lived on a
Bert Oakman. the murderer ot,nR"-"8'dt "Wii" farm near Pendleton, but now lives
Frank Bennett, at Hlllsboro. has not r8e 8 .nB a 1 '''i ' near Spokane Her other living child-
lwen captured, but was seen Tuesday &c ,.U .th 0,(1 household Bible ren nre G near UU2V,ne. M.
Mrmnrl rv..llnt. eastwaril thronch ' " ,lu'" " " uol 10 cu,umtlcu lard .near Coiville: Loron
.... nAnatilr,nli nf hn A mfir,l,l ' ' '
.V. ;::r.' "J . I SiKikane. and Mrs
741 MAIN ST.
armed, traveling eastward
flip Cascade mountains
Lorenzo, near
Luclna Tozler,
I family as far back as 1750. Among tt.h ' , rnr iXav. alr ,, ,,'
I the parwrs In the leaves Is a clipping ' (ii,, Ho ,,. ,
from the St. Louis Reveille, which , ,.. hni ,K ,i.,ii,ir. n,i
of travel ' ,,,, n,ihii,i,n
Cigar store for sale.
Hoarding and lodging house, furni
ture and fixtures doing good business,
low rent good location, for sale.
We have anyinlng you want in
real estate and It will cost you noth
ing to Investigate.
Office E. O. Building.
states that the whole "line
along the Platte river over which the
emigrants are paslng. Is literally
strewed with graves." Athena Press.
Dissolution Notice.
Enjor Vmlag llrrplelde on Account at
Urn DUIlurtlvcnru.
Xotlce Is hereby given, that the co-,
napfnnrflhln hupntnfnrn nvlaf im rn. '
tween W. 8 Llndsey and J. M. Kra-' 'd,e w',0nfhav .TtfVtXZ'.'i
mer. In the l.ry business in Pend.o- 'for IU" STdSStt
ton. Oregon, has this day been dls-1 th gca)p of dandrufr nni nIro (or .
solved by mutual consent. J. M. i tollencc as a general halr-drenalns. It
Kramer will continue the business at makes the scalp feel fresh and It allays
the old stand, pay all bills against , that Itching which dandruff will cause.
the old firm, and collect all accounts Newbro's Herplclde effectively cures i
due the same. dandruff, as It destroys the gnrm that
J M KRAMER ' It- The same germ causes hair to ,
v" K I vimpv 'fall out. nnd later baldness; In killing It. !
.Herplclde stops falling hair nnd prevents j
, 1 baldness. It Is also an Ideal hair dress- t
The body of Arlon Blxby, a young lng for t endl! an ariatocratlc charm to ,
man 19 years of age. was found badly ine hair that is quite distinctive. Sold
mutilated, lying on the Michigan Cen by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps
tral tracks, near Orion, Mich Tues- for sample to The Herplclde Co., De
day, where It had evidently been trolt Mich.
placed by murderers. I F. W. Schmidt & Co., special agent
We are moving our stock Into our new room, where we will
be In better position to display our splendid line of new goods.
Our rule has always been to sell lower than competitors, and wo
will conttnuo the policy. In moving we find we have some odds and
ends of various different lines which we will sell at cost and below
in order to clean up our stock.
In our now store will be found a largo, bright, fresh assort
ment of furniture, mattresses, springs, couches and rockers, chairs,
WE WANT YOUR STOVE TRADE, and can furnish you with a
better and more satisfactory heating or cook stovo than any store
in Pendleton. Come in and bo the Judge.
A carload of new goods just in.
2J0 Court Street
AStandard for Quality. Cleanliness and Workmanship
Hand MadeXIcar Havana.' FLVNN&CQ..Makersr
. . r- VALUE
A WUHLU wr - toJ
In our sing!-
rings for hv'i'S
beauty, too. nAedjotJ
A great uca: oi u. w -
expended to secure sometumg t
and good. ne f
We buy our rings rem c"01 I
largest factories in e M A
Let us show them to yea
you are not ready to dbj.
rn. eh
J4.00; stiver muus,
We are ttoronsUr
with all modern meUi
appliances, ana xhwt ik
work to bo of the5,
dard, ana our lgM ma.
consistent with flrst-c
White Bros.
Association Block.
'Phone Main 1661.
Walters' Flouring
n.ur. 160 barrels
Klour. MIU Fwd,
etc., always u
1st cc