East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 27, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Wo mako spcclnlty of unu
sual perfumes the raro nnd
imported tiint are not omul in
most drug stores. Our lino of
perfumes will appeal especial
ly to thoso fastidious folks who
wish to affect a distinctive, odor
unltko thoso in everyday use.
The popular and latest crea
tions of Plver, Iloger & Gallet,
I'Inaud, Hudnut, etc.
Postofflco Block.
Phone Main 851.
Rev. Henry .Bass, an English minis
ter, gathering statistics for a hook
on tho St. Louis fair, died suddenly
at tho Inside Inn, Friday.
The rebel forces ae now in control
of the most important positions In
Paraguay, and ultimate success ot
the revolution s.eems certain.
The Novoe Vremya, a Russian pa
per, says the czar remitted $6S,000,000
taxes due from peasants In celebra
tion of the christening of his heir.
Although the report has been cir
culated that tho St. Louis fair will
open on Sunday, the commlssoiners
announce that such Is not the case.
Seventeen bodies have been recov
ered from the oil fire at Antwerp. It
has been burning for three days. Tho
city Is shrouded In dense smoke,
which almost suffocates.
Tho Victorian, the first big liner
to be equipped with turbine engines,
was launched at Belfast, Ireland, Fri
day. She will be luxuriously fitted
and will carry 1500 passengers.
The total cost of tho labor troubles
In Colorado, so far. has been $021,
239. When tho bill was passed on by
tho grand Jury, the extravagance of
tho military was severely criticised.
Dynamite caps were thrown on tho
floor of the bookmakers room at
Hawthorn Park. Chicago, Friday, and
the explosion that followed caused a
panic in which three were seriously
injured. It is thought to have been
the work of robbers who hoped to rob
the cash boxes during the panic.
n.intiet chureft Peonlo who attend
ii, iMntlur ilmrr1i tomorrow morning
will listen to a Baptist sermon by tho
pastor. In the evening me uov. jihui
than Edwards will speak, and Miss
111 sine. This moetlnc Is at
S o'clock. The union meeting of tho
young peoples societies win no neiu
in this church at 7 o'clock. Let there
up a large attendance. You are liv
vlted. why not com,e7 i. l nan
M. E. Church Services tomorrow
as follows: Sunday school, 10 a. m.,
A. J. Owen, superintendent; preach
Ing service, 11 a. m.: class meeting
12 m. All are cordially Invited to at
tend these services. Owing to tho
union service at tho Baptist church
thern will bo no services in this
church In the evening. B. F. Brown
local preach.er.
cirf christian Church Sunday
school. 9:45 a. m.; preaching, 11 a.
m., third ot series on "Revelation."
Preaching. S p. m subject, "Prepara
tion for Life." Prayer meeting and
choir practice Wednesday evening.
Everybody cordially invited to attend.
Respectfully, N. H. UrooKs, pastor,
M. E. .Church, South Sunday
school nt 10 a. m., I. E. Earl, superin
tendent. Preaching at 11 by the pas
tor. All the friends of the church are
requested to be present, this being
the final service of the conference
year, as the union service Is to bo
held at the Baptist church In the evening,
Joslah Nelson Speaks of the Country
Tributary to Sumpter Valley Rail-
Tipton, Ore., Aug. 24. (Editor
East Or.egonlan.) Since leaving Pen
dleton for the mining country, I find
that )i slness is very dill! Tho town
of WUtney is .mo3t depopulated,
lioufiCE lorn dc.v.n and moved to T p
on. :. terminus of the Sampler
Valley road.
While In Whitney I witnessed the
burning of the residence of Mr. Oil
lesple, a veteran freighter, formerly
a citizen of Ppndleton.
The town of Greenhorn Is very dull,
practically but two mines are operat
ing. I find the farmers in the John
Day are in the midst of haying. A
bountiful crop of hay was put up in
fine weather, wtlhout a drop of rain.
The limbs of the fruit trees aro bond
ing low with fruit. It Is Inde.ed a fine
The Sumpter Valley railroad is
meandering through the hills appro
priating Uncle Sam's valuable timber.
All the business firms have left
Whitney. Miller & Draper have lo
cated In Tipton and have put up a
large store. -
The Canyon City stage leaves dally
from Tipton, loaded down with pas
sengers for the John Day and Hums.
The dust Is one foot deep in tho
streets of Tipton. Tipton Is 5200 feet
above sea lovel, cool nights and hot
days. Respectfully,
The St. George.
P. S. Mitchell, Fort Dodge.
Mrs. Oeorgo Esperley. Portland.
'iss Nellie Gregg, Fayettovlllo.
A. L. Ulchardsou, La Grando.
Mla Myrtlo Squires, La Grande
1. C. Orahan,, Portland.
J. K. Holt, San Francisco.
Charier. It. Scott. Joplln.
L. F. Heard, Joplln.
J. C. Mltcli.cU. Now York.
William H. Wilson, Denver.
J, B. Wilson, Denver,
Mrs, E. Welstor, Freeman.
Miss Rose Hatfield, Portland.
Mrs. Frank Ilanlen, Mcaehaiu.
Miss Stella Butler, Meachum.
A. R. Benson, Portland.
Joseph T. Br.ennan, Now York.
W. T. Hlslop and wife, city.
A, S. Marlow, Walla Walla.
J. T. Jackson, San Francisco,
William Connally, La Grande,
A. E. Marsh, San Francisco.
L. P. Sheridan, San Francisco.
James C. Burton, Chicago.
L. F. Sheridan, Now York.
The Hotel Bickers.
Mrs. Rosenkranz, Colfax.
Mrs. Richmond, Helix.
J. C. Hlnkloy, Tacoma,
Miss G. Gallalen. Athena.
II. B. Hill, Portland.
Mrs, II. B. Hill, Portland.
Airs. Mary Canthorn, Portland.
Dick Spong, Eugene.
J. H. Poulstone, Adams.
Harry L. Moroy, Spokane,
W. H. Williams, Portland.
Charles Stanley, Portland.
H. J. Morton, Elgin,
George Wilson, Pilot Rock.
J. A. Hubbard, McKay.
C. M. Umborger, McKay.
Airs. J. AI. Swan, D.es Moines.
E. Teter, city.
R. C. linger, Bingham.
James Cox, Pendleton.
Airs. Gertrude Bridges, Dayton.
Airs. Al. V. Beard, Dayton.
W. E. Putnam and family, AHlton,
J. L. Cunningham, Portland,
Airs. AI. E. McLaughlin, an Oregon
pioneer of 1852, died at her home at
Roseburg, Friday, aged 71.
Tho O. It. & N. steamers In the
Pacific coast trade will ho operated
Independent of the rail lines, after
October. 1., , .,
No arrests" for violation of the Sun
day closing law have been made at
Sumpter, despite the fact that 25 war
rants aro out.
Portland cfly prisoners aro to bo
employe! on tho strets In cutting the
rank growth) 'of, Canadian thistle that
adorns tnaijy of.Jhe residence streets.
Miss.jjerUia ,Cox, of Nowberg, has
volunteered .tp, teach among the Esqul
mo;j near tJio ArcUc circle In Alaska
and will, leave IprJiej .post on August
30- . '
resumption ,of tlt .old prohibiten cla,B of wWcl iliauloI1 lav.e ueon
ilfclll lit yQllllllM,
Salem Woolen Mills Install Complete
Oil Burning Apparatus.
Salem. Aug. 27. The first experi
ment to have been raudc In the burn
ing of crudo oil 'for the purpose of
generating steam or propelling power
In this city is now In full swing at
tho plant of tho Thomas Kay Woolen
Alills. The fluid has been In use as
a fuel under two huge hollers of 100
horse power each, since last Monday,
and so far everything has worked like
a charm.
If the use of crude pelrolouni
proves a success, as a money saver
over other fuols, especially wood, it
is quite probable that other power
The Pendleton.
S. Harris. Portland.
R. A. Smith, Zanesvlllo.
G. T. Galley, Portland.
W. R. Glendennliig, Portland.
Thomas Keoghn, San Francisco.
H. W. Pet.erson, Lyons.
Airs. Peterson, Lyons.
W. AI. Slushor, city.
Airs. Slusher. city.
Aliss Edith Slusher, city.
N. 11. Alackliu, Portland.
D. C. Anderson, St. Louis.
George T. Williams, Portland.
F. E. Palmer, Ponieroy.
Airs. Palmer, I'omemy.
W. E. Hampton, Los Angeles.
Airs. Hampton, Los Angeles.
W. Wolf, San Francisco.
G. S. Youngman, Portland.
E. H. Coman, Portland.
E. R. Carr.
C. C. Simpson.
S, J. Hayes, Starbuck.
G. J. AlcEvoy, Starbuck.
J. Diepon, city.
F. G. Mitchell, city.
Suicide Prevented.
Tho startling announcement that a
proventlvo of suicide had been discov
ered will Interest many. A run-down
system and despondency Invariably
precedo suicide and something has
been found that will prevent that con
dition which makes sulcldo likely.
At tho first thought of self-destruction
tako Electric Bitt.ers. It being a
great tonic and nervine will strength
en tho nerves and. build up the sys
tem. It's also n great stomach, liver
and kldnoy regulator. Only 50c.
Satisfaction guaranteed by Tallman &
I Co., druggists.
Thic wppk and nevt will wiirtri
oi summer rrices are cm 10 bedrock Da
miss tne cnance 10 ouy cheaper man ever before
E. J. MURPHY 1 2 1 Court Street
Pure Water from Pure Ice
",0lnnft!1P1StA3hnr,U,'''l manufacturing plants, am per
lined $ 00, triduy. tor so ling , f h , itmulons.
George 'H. LOggctt, 'assistant -chief
of tho Taeouia fire, department, Wow,
off his head 'Friday 'by ' firing. -hoth
bat-rein of a combination rifle and
shotgun Into his mouth.
Tho will of W. C. Noon, the wealthy
Portland manufal-furer, who fel-AiAly
died In that city, was -filed Friday.
queathed to the 'Wife mid .childtqn.
Tho. celebration of a 'wedding1 at the
Salvation Army1, barracUy In Portland.
Thurs'iay night fs said to ' have re-
serabJ.eci a t;nineso New Year, 'on. ac
count of thO bpatlng of drums and
cymbd!s and tho shouts of gladneis
that formed, part of. the Cerepiony:
A contracting, pemuany composed
of Daniel Kern, Robert .Wakefield and,
j in. Teai, wiiu a capital stocit oi fw
000, filed ar.tipes ot jicqrporatlon,
with tho secretary .or state Friday,
and it is currently reported that this
Is tho company which will buljd tho
lortago road under contract.
S-room houso and ono lot, $800, or
will tako in exchange horses, wag
ons, poultry or anything of value.
Two business propositions on Main
Wo havo anytnlng you want in
real estato and it will cost you noth
ing to investigate
Office E. O. Building.
figuring upon the installation of an
oil burning plant, will adopt the sys
tem before onother year.
Everything for tho burning of oil at
tho woolen' mills Is most convenient
ly and snrely arranged.
A huge supply tank, 12x42xfi feet
in dimensions, and with n capacity of
18,000 gallons of oil, has been con
structed of Iron, cement and other
strong and durable materials, a dis
tance of about 100 feet from the build
jnga, four fcot underground, thus re
dicing the datigor from an oxploslon
'frqm flr.o or other combustible ele
ments to a minimum.
This plant has been consuming on
Jho average about 2000 cord, of fir
woou eacn, year, ni an average cosi oi
$3J2i per .cord. A barrel of crude oil,
,Whlch costii bu't $1.10 delivered at tho
,iniw, is saui io oo quai to ono unci a
JthlrU cords of wood for steam gener
ating purposes'. '
URiist 30-31 Oregon State
cai Association, Portland.
September 4 Conclave Knights
Templar, San Francisco.
September fl Openlug St. Joseph's
academy, Pendleton;
September 12-17 Oregon State fair,
September 18 Opening public
schools, Pendleton.
September 19, 20,21 Oregon Irriga
tion Association at Ontario, Malheur
September 20 Opening Pundleton
October 3-9 Spokane Interstate
Inland Empire Teachers' Associa
tion Pendleton, October 19, 20 and
National Irrigation Association, El
Paso, Toxas, November 15-18.
Tho beautiful crystal Ice is made from distilled water. When
melted again tho wator Is pure as the Ice. You cannot afford to
drink the impurities and contagion thnt makes a part of tho river
wnter. Tako our product and YOTj HAVE BOTH
Ice and Cold Storage Co.
Tolephone Main 1781.
Attention Sheepmen.
Range to lease and can locate
eome good range and water. Address
box 44. La Grando. Or
Valuable Alfalfa Land.
In somo places on Butter creok this
year.inlno tons of hay to tho acre are
being harvested. If you will flguro
this hay at $7 a ton you will find that
DutUr creek land is tho most valua
ble In the ctato. While there Is other
land yloldlng n larger gross revenue
the not results are less, for tho cost
of hay is .estimated nt $1 per ton in
tho stack. Echo News.
Record Run With Header,
McCnuloy Brothers havo Just com
pleted a record run with a header on
tho A. L. McCauloy ranch. In 27i
days they cut an nvorago ot 31V
acres a day with a 14-foot McCormick
hoader. mid did not have to stop a
mlnuto from tho tlmo thoy entered tho
field to the tlmo they completed tli.o
Job. 'Dayton Press.
Burglars blow open tho postofflco
safe at Chelan, Wash , Friday night,
securing but 70 cents from it, but they
carried away a small safe containing
SKOft from n Inwclrv Hlnro In tlin nnin
I thi Only PoMlble War of Having
Au Effective Cure.
If you ee a woman or a man with lux
uriant glosiy hair, you may bo sure nei
ther has dandruff to amount to anything-.
In nearly every case where women and
men havo thin brittle hair, they owe it
to dandruff. There aro hundreds of prep
aration that "claim" to euro dandruff,
but not one but Nowbro'a Ilerplcldo tells
you that dandruff Is the result of a germ
burrowing: Into' tho scalp, and that per
manent cure of dandruff and Ita conse
quent falling and baldness, can only ba
had by killing the germ; and there la no
other preparation that will destroy that
Berm but Newbro's llorplolilo. "Destroy
the cnuse, and you remove the effect."
Bold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In
stamps for sample to Tho Ilerplcldo Co,,
Detroit. Mich.
F. W. Schmidt & Co., special agent.
Are Yoti Satisfied
With your Incomo? If not, I can show
you how to odd $25 a week to your
Incomo. Does not Int.oroford with
present occupation. How $5 invested
In an advertisement flvo different
times, earned a not profit df $130.
Wrlt.o mo and I will show you how
you can do tho sumo thing, and give
ou poslttvo proof. H. M. A., Box
Wjo aro agents for the- cele
brated Ilacyclo bicycle. It has
many features ot merit not pos
sessed by other wheels. Wo
also handle tho Columbia nnd
Crawford bicycles. Let us
show you one of our wheels and
explain its merits if you aro
thinking ot buying a wheol.
The fact that wo do the bulk
of tho wheol ropalrlng is n good
testimonial for our work. Wo
also repair sowing machln.es,
Mako keys and mako all kinds
of light ropairs.
311 East Coort Street
Popular music that is all tho
Sweot Clover, Sunbeams and
Shadows, Chocolate Creams,
Bags, Bustling Silks, Meet Mo
in St. Louis, Louis, Whoro tho
Sllv'ry Colorado Winds Its
Way, Closo Dat Eyo, Undor
Southern Sklea, Heaven's Ar
tillery March, Mrs. Slppl, Mid
summ.er Waltzes, Queen ot
Hearts (waltzes), Coon Smiles
(two-step), A Dream of Heaven
Pioneer nag Time folio ...75c
Waltz and Two-S,top folio . .76c
Majestic Song folio .75c
Scott & Gordon Piano House
315 Court Street.
Modem School of Commerce
School reopens and Special Offor closes September 6. First floor
and broke It Into splinters, asj I
boon tho fnto of your anhgt
It was run Into by wiaetli;J
"there Is balm In QileaJ," or UierJ
pleasure In knowing tut u 1
vnu pnn linvo It made tood U l
Wo iln nil V I ml a nf rarrltti tttJl
nnd blacksmlthlng In a rtfflM
ontinrlni- mnnnor. Wfl set UrM 1
hydraulic pressure; does It M
does It whllo you wait; does not j
or deface your wneeis auu .
tho life ot tho rig. can ana
work. Wn have WlnOM Wli
Hacks and Buggies, and Stow 0
line Engines.
The Blackmlth.
In our single anu J"-'--.orli
And a
ill urn
rings for ladles.
beauty, too. d bj
A great deal oi vl
expended to secure soaiethlns P
anu guuu. one 0t
We buy our ring fro"" one
largest factories In Kew Vj.
Let us show tliem to you
you are not rem.,
GLENN Wittv,
Jeweler and F
. nn. eold
per sei. - .... i
$4.00; sliver Hums,
twnMirur. 60C.
Wo are thoroughly "
" n.m0:;rOuar7nt.!i
appliances, n" ::ehea, tb
work to be oi w -,7. lof
dard. and our pn. wi
consistent with flrat-ci i
White Bros,
Association Block
'Phone Main
Walters' Flouring
ty. 160 oarr -
Mill W, -
. -J