DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 23; 1904. PAGE SIX. t 1 t s n k U II fe ra nc rl j-a i mo hthi -RTI -pn Itlar I bol hffsl Rttru wo Ipoe par shea B lllbr T Bit b Ti I who for nil I Tl aepe From ind are aort Im ;iubsi ate tight lor a (an i Tic v oldie 5reak ad fc Mot hat IIll t ilea lift liagni It r ut fr 10 ra Enttlo Rltuth Kivo g raxon The egotai Irlsor The sent Irs tb rovom lltdrla oso r sreadq fid -ia I : GREAT ADVENTURElNATIONAL COUNCIL RUSSIAN SOLDIER TELLS OF KILLING SEVEN JAPANESE Given Money to Bribe Chinamen. He Entered the Japanese Lines Dis guisedDiscovered, He Put Up a t Remarkable Fight and Escaped - With His Life on a Captured Horse Was Promoted on the Strength of the Story. St. Petersburg. Aug. 23. An Inter esting story of the adventures of a .atusslan spy named Volkoff Is pub Ulshed here. The man gives the fol lowing account of his experiences: "After the battle of Wnfangkow I -was lying near Gcnernl Samsonoffs tent, and heard him say to the com mander of the regiment. "We must send out a scout to the .Japanese who can spy out their posltluns and re jKjrt to us.' 1 offered to go disguised to the Japanese position. I was given nix roubles to bribe Chinamen if nec essary, and also a revolver. I shaved my linlr in from like a Chinaman, 'tied on a pigtail and put on a Chinese dress, with slippers and hat. , "At dawn on July 2i I came to the 'town of Senuchen. There was nobody .there. The Russians had loft it and the Chinese had all run away. Sud denly a cavalry detachment of about :20 men with an officer came toward too. The officer rode out and asked in Chinese where the Russians were and what was there strength. I know a little Chinese and answered him: Tun either I said something wrong or Tie noticed my revolver and money "bulging out. At any rate, he became suspicious and spoke some words to "his men Two of the latter there upon dismounted nnd came toward me. I decided to sell my life dearly lor I knew it would lie forfeited if I were captured. I pulled out my re volver and as the two soldiers ap--proached I fired two shots at them. Both of the men fell. Then I fired nt the officer, bringing him to the ground, and afterward emptied the luvolver at four other men. The soldiers lost their heads and galloped away and as they did so I saw the Jour men I had shot at fall severally from their saddles wounded. "Then I jumped on one of the 1iorses which had remained close by arid galloped away for my life. Gen eral Samsonoff promoted me to the Tank of an under officer, gave me the horse and saddle and sent me on to the commander-in-chief, who thanked me and embraced me." PROPOSED TO BROADEN THE MEMBERSHIP LIST Proposition Is the Origin of a Stiff Contest, With Indications of Much Bitterness Order Has a Member ship of Sixty Thousand, of Which Thirteen Thousand Are Men In dications of a Close Vote. Portland, Me., Aug. .23. The twenty-seventh annual meeting of the Na tional Council, Daughters of Liberty, opened today with indications point ing to o lively scslon. The ali-nbcorblug topic for discus- ! slon Is the proposed nmendment to 1 the laws of the order to enable any American man to gain admission. This matter was before the national j council at Its meeting last year at notrolt, but the proposition was re jected by n close vote. At that meet- Ing the amendment was brought be fore the body as a piece of snap leg islation, and Its introduction was a surprise to many of the members 1 It Is rumored that one faction in the (national council Is favoring the , amendment and that its members will try to force candidates for office to I vote for the change under penalty of defeating them. I The proposed nmendment is regard ed by many of the members ns ex- tremoly radical In character and it Is evident that Its adoption will be ' bitterly contested. At the present , time a man must bolong either to the Order of United American Mechnnlcs or to the junior order to be eligible to membership in the Daughters of Liberty. Those qualifications have been demanded ever since the organi zation hns been in existence. The Daughters of Liberty now have a membership of about GO.nnii, of which nearly 13,000 are mon. Of these the O. V. A. M. contributes 4.000 and the Junior Order over S.000. TEXAS REPUBLICANS. A Perfect Painless Pill. Is the one that will cleanse the sys tem, set the liver to action, remove the bile, clear the complexion, cure -headache and leave a good taste in the mouth. The famous little pills for doing such work pleasantly and effectually are DeWut's Little Early Risers. Bob itaore, of Lafayette, Ind., says: "AH other pills I have used gripe and sicken, while DeWltt's Little Early Risers are simply per fect" Sold by Tallman & Co. Are Expecting to Be Reinforced by Ex-Gov. Hogg. Fort Worth, Texas. Aug 23 With prospects bright for a harmonious gathering, the Republican state con vention to nominate n stnte ticket was called to order here today. With practically no chance of capturing any of the state offices the party leaders are hopeful of winning in one or more congressional districts and to . this end will urge the national com mittee to contribute to the campaign funds. It is said that the convention will adopt a resolution formally in viting ex-Governor James Hogg, who , recently assailed the Democratic na . tional ticket, to join the Republican 1 party. The Republican League of Texas ' met this morning and chose delegates ( to attend the convention of the Na- tional Republican League to be held at Indianapolis In October. You must have a peculiar tea taste if no-one of the five Schilling's Best is right for you; nnd coffee four. Your grocer's; moneyback. REAL ESTATE $250 will buy one of the most con vonlent 9-room hjuses in the city Sewer, bath, etc.; good cellar and barn. 3 lots, corner, a bargain. $4,000 Elegant new 9-room bouse Just completed; sewer, bath, toilet; 2 lots, eastern exposure; corner. $2,500 Nice residence and six lots; eastern exposure. Let me show you three quarter sec tions of the best wheat land. All u lcr cultivation; extensive Improve ments, plenty of water. Can bt bought for a ll.ile less than Its mar ket value. W. E. Davidson & Co. Insurance, Real Estate, Loans 111 Court Street. Pendleton. There Is more Catarrh In till section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the oat fen- years was supposed to be Incurable. For a grsnt ! many years doctors prononnced It a 'oca! j disease and prescribed local remedies, and Dy constantly railing to cure wltn local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Sci ence has proven catarrh to be a constitu tional disease and therefore requires con stitutional treatment Halls Catarrh i Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. Is the only constitution al cure on the market. It Is taken Inter nally In doses from 10 drops to a tea spoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Tbey offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and tes timonials. Address : F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist, price "."c. Take Hairs Family rills for constipation. ; ; ; 1 i i l! Special Excursions to St. Louis. I October 3, 4 and 5 are the remain ing dates upon which tickets will be j sold at the reduced rates to the St. Louis fair. These rates npply over I the Denver and Rio Grande and Mis- sourl Pacific. For the patrons of i these roads social excursion cars will be run through from Portland and St. Louis without change. Seo the many points of Interest about the Mormon capital and take a ride through Nature's picture gallery. During the closing months travel to the fair will bo heavy. If you con template going write W. C. McBride, general agent at Portland for the Den ver & Rio Grande, for particulars of these excursions. I 51 If you are Interested In Oil PalnUng, see us. Our line la complete. ACADEMY HOARDS STRETCHERS BRUSHES ARTI8T8' SABLES BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES S TUBE COLORS 2 We make a specialty of framing PICTURES. Newest I stock of frame. 2 C. C. SHARP Open House Block. DeWItt Is the Name. When you go to buy Witch Hazel Salve look for tho name DeWltt on every box. Tho pure, unadulterated Witch Hazel Is used in making Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, which is the best salve in the world for cuts, burns, bruises, bolls, eczema and Plies. The popularity of DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve, duo to Its many cures, has caused numerous worth less counterfeits to bo placed on the market. The genuine bears the name E. C. DeWltt & Co., Chicago. Sold by Tallman & Co. Triennial Conclave Knights Templar, San Francisco, Sept. &-9th, 1904 Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O, F., San Francisco, Cat., Sept, 19-25th, 18C4. Account of above occasion tho O. R. & N. makes a round trip rate of $31.85 dates of sale, via steamer from Port land August 2-28tb, and September 1 and 2. Via rail, September 1, 2, 3, IE, 16 and 17. Continuous passage on go ing trips, with final return limit Octo ber 23, 1904. Stopovers will be allow ed In California only, and only on re turn trip. For particulars call on or address E. C. Smith, agent O. IL & N. There is a board of guardians in the south of London that allows inmates who have seen better days to don the silk bat when they go out for a holiday. i i Big line Stetson hats at Rooeevrtt". GREAT ANNIVERSAR SALE JUST ONE YEAR AGO THIS MONTH WE ENGAGED IN BUSINESS AND WE PROPOSE TO CELEBRATE OUR iin.ir.i DU TUC porTMT DADr.ilMC CVFD fMIOTED. WHEN AP OPFNFD IM miRIMlrcc TUP - - ' nc uuubTING THOUa THEIR HEADS, LOOKED WISE, AND GAVE US A FEW MONTHS' LIFE. THEY SAID WE WOULD FAIL, BUT WE ARE h GOOD, LARGE ESTABLISHED TRADE AND DUINU A muti I oft 1 lor Al, I Unj BUSINESS, OUR BUSINESS FROM THE I COMMENCED TO GROW UNTIL IT REACHED SUCH PROPORTIONS THAT WE WERE COMPELLED TO SEEK NEwj OUR NEW BUILDING IS NOW GOING UP NICELY ainu in la I IY1UIN I n will fiwu US IN POSITION TO SERVE AIL ERS. wr cTADTpn i m it-ii tut ari irv rrr r.iwiMr. rAru rncTHMCo a I itti it Mnnir r-n .. . wc a i Mn i in i 1 1 insi ri-iwi i-imii uniwn -v Ik., mvnci run mo MONEY THAN DEALER. OUR LIGHT EXPENSES GAVE US. AN ADVANTAGE, AND WE IN TURN GAVE PATRONS THE BENEFIT o VANTAGE WI-1KJM, luuuintK VVIIM Irlfc suctniun unrtut w uuuub mi mnv-itu CLUrLt OUR WAY AND EACH WENT AWAY ADVERTISING US UNTIL THE PEOPLE ALL OVER THIS SECTION BECAME ACQUAINTED WITH THE ( OF OUR STORE. - i i n r is r r i atli imo iituinn r A r PUIDDCn I IC rr CADI J Cro nlln M rr Va nun v u r o i uor j j vuw i nniui vvniwn una onirruw w i unuu i rwn wwn iicvv uuiluiivui o NOW ON DlSF STORE ROOM. IT CONSISTS OF THE NEWEST, BRIGHTEST AND MOST STYLISH GENTLEMEN'S SUITS EVER SHOWf wkk, . . i n -ri n- a r r-pT- , , i. r- nil- t- l.i r n i-t- rrl r r . ,irt rnn,. t-v vn 1 1 r a -iiaai.. n . I UIN. ia nu I inn i.rtnw&o uniu, uj i inc. muiii i , mj rnum ii tvu unuuat aUmtinliNG THATi LY PLEASE YOU IN FASHION, PRICE AND JUALITY. j OUR ANNIVER5ARY SALE IS NOW IN PROGRESS AND EVERYTHING HAS BEEN MARKED DOWN TO FIGUReJ ASTONISH YOU AT THEIR INSIGNIFICENCE IN COMPARISION WITH THE GOODS WE OFFER. WE D0NT WANT T OF THIS CLOTHING TO OUR NEW STORE, AS WE HAVE PURCHASED MORE STOCK TO REPLACE THIS PREVIOUS S $7.50 Suits Cut to $5 Blue and black worsteds, fancy Scotch plaids and black cheviots, coats round nnd square cut. slngio breasted: made substantially and stylish. Wear, comfort and style comblued. $7.50 regular price. Anniver sary sale price $5.00 $10 Suits Cut to $7 Illack clay, fancy worsteds in stripes and checks. These suits are fashionably made, lined with best material and guaranteed to be satisfactory In every detail. Perfect ly fitting garments, every one made to look right and glvo service. Regular price $10.00. Anniversary price $7.00 $12.50 Suits $8.50 Ulue Berges, black clays, fancy I weeds and homespuns, round and square cut, single or double breasted. Very best Farmer satin lining. Very stylish. Each suit bears our label and has our guarantee. We especially recommend these suits for long service and neat appearance. Reg ular price $12.50. Anniversary price . . $8.50 $15 Suits Cut to $10 Here is a bonanza. Their beauty In cut, make and fashion Is unsurpassed even In the high-priced clothing. The stock Is there, in the material, and Is right In every detail. These suits are fancy worsteds, stripes nnd plaids, and blue and black In worsteds and cheviots. Single and dou ble breasted. City styles, broad shoulders, largo hip trousers. You would look well dressed in one of these suits In nny city in the land. Our label on each coat. $lii.l)0; Annivorsay price $10.00 Suits Higher in Price We have a magnificent and extra select stock of clothing which soils for higher prices. The cream of styles are exhibited In this clothing. A look at our clothing is all we ask from you. The vnlties are so apparent that anyone can readily see the grent values. Anniversary cuts In price on all suits in the house. Your Newl ' We warn to nut one of on your head We have thed est line ever displayed In Ptfl ter what shape or color yoat have just your idea. Fancrt Wo know you'll like 'em. Anniycrsary prlcr $3.50 ball H Anniversary price $3.00 hatifJ Anniversary price $2.50 hatitJ Anniversary prire $2.00 hautl A dollar saving on each !1 Neckties Unquestionably and wittoml grandest, most exquisite most I of neckties In Pendleton. Not! our selection in quantity qualij Come and help us celebni sory month. We'll give you oj over tho bargains you secure progress makes us feel gooil to feel the saint way so rone J part Sullivan Bon We are going to move into our new home in the new Matlock building shortly after September 1 Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the undersigned, until Fri day at 9 a. ra September 2, for tho erection and complettlon of three brick school houses above foundation, to be built in Pendleton, Oregon. All bids must be made on blanks furnish ed by the architect. A certified check of $500, mado payable to John Ilolley, Jr., clerk of school board, must accompany each bid, to bo for feited to the board In case tho suc cessful bidder failed to enter into bonds within five days after ho had been awarded tho contract. The board reserves the right to reject nny and all bids. Plans and specifica tions can be se.cn at the office of the architect, room 12, Judd building, Pendleton, Or. JOHN HAILEY, JR., Clerk. C. E. TROUTMAN, Architect. It Will Be to Your InterMt It you contemplate visiting the 8L Louis Exposition, to nocuro reliable information as to railroad service, the lowest rates and the best routes. Also as to local conditions In 8L Louis; hotels, etc., ptc It you will write the undersigned, statins what information you desire, the same will be prosaptiy furnlsneg. It we do not have It on hand, will se cure It for you if possible, ana with out any fucpease to yon. Address . B. II. TRUMBULL, CosHteraUl Ageat, 111 TMrd sireat IMrtHii, Or. EXCURSION RATES TO ST. LOUIS The Washington 4. Columbia River Railway. For tho World's Fair at St. Louis the following rates arc announced: To St. Louis, going via St. Paul or Billings, returning nny dl- rlct routo $60.00 To Chicago, going vit St Paul or Billings, returning any di rect route 65.80 To St. Louis, returning from Chicago, or To Chicago, returning from 8t. iajuis 620 To 8t. Louis, roturnlng via Chi cago, or To Chicago, returning via St. uuuid 65.00 Children Of half.fnrn ntrn tinlf thn above rates. Tickets Will be on sain Mnv 11. 15 and 13: June 16. 17 nnd is. inw 1 2 and 3; August 8, 9 and 10; 8eptem- oer d, ana 7; October 3, 4 and 6. Good going ton days from date of sale, returnlnr. 00 dv from Ant nf sale. Good for stop-over at any point Ithin the limits. For full informatlnn Mrgnllnr routes, side trips, etc., call on or ad dress, WALTER ADAMS, AOT., a. a. UALdUfKHEAD, Pendleton, General Passenger Agent, Or. Walla Walla, Wash. Blhr East Oregenlan by ctrrUm, The Hotel Cru .First-class in every particular. .... .. .i.,..hout. Service tw apienuiaiy iurniuu ""' . The Hotel Cruise Is locate at the n tonwood streoU In a new buuamB poses. Each room Is large and i comfort able. and well ventilated. In wrmsBwa thing was purchased, and attention has been tic effect as well as cobji Jode) The Hotel Cruise l model PUc and cltkons who seek a nww rf , Cafe In connection. Short orders served Modem School of OlTt Free Trial. Attend the Beat BUbt UMts' TttKlon at '