East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 23, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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We mako specialty of unu
sual perfumes the rare anil
Imported tiiat are not found In
most dnis; stores. Our line of
pertumes will appeal especial
ly to those fastidious folks who
wis-h to affect a distinctive onior
unlike thos In everyday use.
The popular and latest crea
tions of Piver, Roger & Gallet,
Ptnattd. Hudnut, etc
J. E.
Before Railroads Came and Brought
Settlers to Plow Up the Ranges,
Sheep Could Be Produced Much
Cheaper Than Now Loss is Sus
tained in Shipping and First Cost
is More Owing to Narrowing Range
Area Oregon Sheep Are In De
mand in All Markets.
J When asked about the cost of pro-
during sheep. J. E. Smith, of the
4 Smith Livestock Co.. said to the East
J Oregonlan today:
I "Figures are relative at best, aud
wha; one man says another will dis- i
J pute. perhaps from self-interest, per- j
haps iiecause iho conditions of his .
J business nrv different: hut at any
rate, there is room for disagreement '
and argument.
"In the old days of free range It cost
"5 cent for per year for each breed-
Ing ewe after the age of one year had
been reached. In those days it cost
about Rn cents per year for the
growth of "drys" after they had reach-
Full reports from the storm at St. el the age of one year These figures
Paul and vicinity say that 15 people are for average sheep under the aver
Postofflce Block.
"Phone Main S51.
lost their lives Saturday night.
The total trade between the United
age conditions of free range. With
purchased range supposedly paying a j
States and the Philippines during the ner on the Investment, the cost is
last fiscal year amounted to J16.SPS.
ltah socialists nominated a full
Ftate ticket Monday, headed by Jo
seph Kaufman, of Salt Lake, for gov
ernor Lightning started several fires In
Chicago Monday, some of them re
quirine the fire department to extln
puish. The miner deported from Cripple
Creek. Monday, were cruelly beaten ,
ly the mob. while en route to the line
of the county.
Thr striking packing house em
ployes have -made an appeal to the
public- for funds with which to carry '
on th strike.
approximately 55 cents per head more
for each class animal. j
The St George. J
E. E. Trousdale nnd wife. Portlnntl. ;
Miss Sedgwick. Portland. ,
Mrs. F. nalley. Seattle.
A. T. Johnson. Portland.
C. A. Coty. Stokane. J
R. Burns. j
C. A. Carlisle. Portland. ,
J. Davis. Walla Wlla.
T. N. Wilson. Spoknne.
Mrs. R. B. Stanfield. Echo. i
H. E. Flannngan and wife, Portland
George Harris. Portland.
Albert Hnrbeau and wife. Portland.
W. P. Milburu. Portland. '
Charles Lewis. Portland. ,'
J. C. Barker. Portland. .
R. L. Fisher . ew York. !
J. I). Stevenson. Spokane. j 4
I R. Russell. San Francisco. j
L, J. French, Boise. 4
Charles E. Stone. Portlnnd.
J. J. Morrison. Portlnnd.
George F. Scott. Portland.
The Hotel Bickers.
Charles Jennlng. Portland.
J. K. Churchill. Knnsas City.
H. C. Tilley. New York.
Mrs. A. B. htevens. Umatilla.
Miss C. Connell. Umatilla.
J. W. Latinos. Umatilla.
E. G. Warren. Chicago.
C. A. Sheeley. Chicago.
Laura E. Coldwell. Tuschet.
Elizabeth Scott. Tuschet.
W. A. Russell. Spokane.
C. D. Rlnker. Spoknne.
R. E. Gleuz. Salem.
P. G. Johnston. Salem.
E. J. Sewell. city.
Mrs. E. J Sewell. city.
J. H. Tomlinson. Umatilla.
E. Teter. city.
Mrs. Mary Klncald. Ritzville.
Charles Rlnearson. city.
E. A. Edger. city.
Thic wppk and next will wind
. t w wcaranpo r-ii
of summer goods. Prices are cut to bedrock J
miss tne encmee to ouy cneaper man ever before
Pioneers Were Fortunate.
in tne old nays of tree and on
. v. , ... . ,, . ' 1
rant;- tnv nwt wuuiu pu uu expuuses 1
leaving the mutton and increase for '
profit. Needless to say this cannot be
done under present conditions. That
it. the mutton and increase were the
profit on breeding ewes. Dry sheep
coat less to run after the first year,
because the incidental expenses were
iess; but. of course, the Increase in
their value was because of the Id
crease In slie and the growth of tlib
wool, which Increase in value averag
ed from 25 to So cents between the
lamb and the yearling, and between
the yearling and the next year older.
Since the opening of the St Utuis and so on to maturity
fair the total attendance ha been
P6H.ST.S. the total for the past week
amounting to G41.2S3.
Tht- Japanese captured one of the
Inner fortifications at Port Arthur.
Monday morning. thus advancing
them a mile nearer the main fort.
Judge Parker has discouraged Sun
day visits to his home at Rosemont.
and accordingly one solitary politi
cian from a remote district paid him
ft visit last Sunday.
The Mormon colony in Canada has
offered sjieclal inducements to re
cruits from Utah and other crowded
Mormon centers and they are now
flocking to Alberta by the hundreds.
A movement is on foot to furnish
Jews while In Russia, with American
passports for protection, the Russian
rule now being to exclude all Russian
Jews who have been naturalized elsewhere
"There are other factors than the
ranee questions which legitimately
enter into the discussion, when it
come to comparing the actual profits
of the early days with the posslhle
profit... of the pretem time.
Settlers Have Plowed Up Ranges.
"It is popularly supposed that the ,
railroads have been an unmitigated j
blessing to the sheepman: that Is.
from the standpoint of the very larg
est profits in the business being the
primary desideratum. Exactly the re
verse is true, for reasons that are
very plain when once the attention is ,
called to them. Immigration, the
principal cause of the restriction of .
the range, has damaged the big flock
man to a far greater extent than the
be:ier facilities for transportation
have benefited him. Besides, the flat
footed truth Is that the "benefits" of
better transportation facilities are
largely a myth, anyhow.
"In the early days incredible num-,
hers of sheep were bought in Umatll- j
la county and all over Eastern Ore-
The Pendleton.
J. G. Bass. Portland.
G. W Hunt. Portland.
T. Snipes. St. Paul.
C. W. Hunt. St. Paul.
G. S. Yomigmau. Portland.
E. B. Coman. Portland.
Max Baer. city.
M. r Hoswell. San Francisco.
I. K. Levy. San Francisco.
H. W Cameron, Spokane.
P. C. Boughmau. Portland.
E. L. Jones. Walla Walla.
A. Nylander. Portland.
J Jesse. Starbuck.
E. Cos.ello. Starbuck.
Frank L Wilcox. St. Louis.
J. S. Arkmun. Denver.
J H Shaw. Kansas City.
H. E. Heacock. Fraaler.
A Crofton. wife and child
W. L. Gallagher. Pittsburg.
Charles M Beeler. city.
W. P. Allen, city.
C. M. Smith. Portland.
F. Wleden. Portlanu.
! WHY?
E. J. MURPHY 1 2 1 Court Street
&f, How to Judge
'JE&mk Beer
A Sweat Breath.
Is a, never falling sign of a healthy
stomach. When the breath Is bad,
the stomach Is out of order. There is
no remedy In the world equal to Ko
dol Dyspepsia Cure for curing indiges
tion, dyspepsia and all stomach disor
ders. Mrs. Mary S. Crick, of White
Plains. Ky., writes: "I have been a '
dyspeptic for years: tried all kinds of
remedies hut continued to grow
worse. By the use of Kodol I began
to improve at once and after taking a
few bottles am fully restored In '
weight, health and strength and can I
eat whatever I like." Kodol digests )
what you eat and makes the stomach
sweet. Sold by Tollman & Co. 1
The Columbia
Lodging House
'UiC.il I
Impossible to And it in most
bottled beers, because their
ucservation is gained through
chemical adulteration.
Bottle! beer:., an well as food products, are often adul
terated wi:: chemical presvrvatives. etc.. which for awhile
keep them from souring but are injurious to the stomach.
A. B. C. BEER is guaranteed to be absolutory purs and
free from anv adulterant whatever. It is never crposed to
the air (which is certn-lnden) but ia brewed, fermented and
ageo. for eight months in air-tight compartments, then piped in
tin-lined pipes direct to the air-tight bottliiiRnicchiues, where
it i3 bottled, sealed, pasteurized and pecked foe shipment.
Well ventilated, neat and ctl
f ortable rooms, good beds. Erl
in connection, where la I
poods are served,
Main street, center ot Modi
between Alts and
A stood quality of oil has been dls- if on and driven through half the way
tovered near the state deaf mut to Chicago, at an average cost per
school, at Salem. head of 25 cents, while the Increase
McCoy's planlnc and chop mill at m :he fleece and In the weight of the
Waitsburg. Wash., bprned Monday, animal generally offset that 25 cents.
aaA r-i . . 1 1 i . J and Uimulimua nuupuonho If u-
JOSS aooui W.w. psniuny lu.ureu. Tpmnlnr Ran Francison
it coi i to snip a sneep to cntcago - " i"-n"n "l
by rati, and the animal's weight Is
The only beer battled exclusively at the Drewery,
therefore the only bottled bee: that can beabsolutelyguarauteed.
The American Brewing Co., St. Lonis, D,
I'MIH 3t-31-
c.-, Association.
Oregon State
Conclave Knights
The British Columbia oarmn have
September 0 Opening St. Joseph's
for th regatta, which opens Aupu.it . , , ,h September 12-17 (
The bodies of William MrKenzle
and Miss Kale Bas who disappeared
from Bellingham two weeks at;o,
were found Monday, floating in Lake
William Pollard, of Prtnevllle. Is
wanted In Harney county for stealing erase price jiaid was U5 to M cents
200 sheep from an Idaho firm, and
also for robbtDK a camp and taking
the outfit wyh the aheep
Tht Oriole, a small yacht going
from Portland to the regatta at As
toria, was captixed at Suavie Island.
In a squall Monday. The occupants
clung to the boat and were rescued.
Oregon haB selected under the
Carey act, which expired on August
IS. 424.C1G acres of arid land for ir
r;gs;ioL. the government having ap
ptov I about 100 (MK 'f thcbc selec
tions. Xo mor.e land can now be set
aside under this act. although the ir
rigation projects begun under It will
be completed.
P Bouly and N Lindsay, claim
jumpers, were found dead on a trail
In the mountains near St. Mary's,
Idaho. Monday with 13 bullet holes In
their bodies. A third Jumper named
Tyler, is missing. The citizens are
Infuriated over the actions ot the
claim-jumpers who have infested that
country this season.
and condition every rod of the ills- i " re aiie nor.
tance Salem.
"I." It not plain' to be seen that in, Somber IS-Openlng public
the early days the buyer could afford , ""ot-
to pay. without chewln ,he rag. a Se,,!ef,.9, n.rfg'x,,lga'
m.u.h hMir riM tr h-.. .hnn , Association at Ontario. Malheur
now. and at the same time those sheep ! co,'n,y'
- os- the raiser less? In fact, the av-. raUW
r.- . .1
more per head than now, and that did r
20 Openim; Pendleton
3-6 Spokane Interstate
T.,,t rwlirMwnl nil Ihb lapr-iu i.mrlta
of thow rtvb. because the ahei cohi ! , InIa"d EniPire Teachers' Assocla
lew to produce. i tlon Pendleton. October 19, 20 and
Ill UUR, trCIWHT LIIC kiilllO
Spokane Interstate Fair
x Spokane, October 3 to 9
were cut up by fences and farms, and
before the ranKe along the trails was
eaten off by settlers' stock, the buyers
could afford to pay as much more for
tlie same grade of stock as they paid
in Montana having Increase In flesh.
! National Irrigation Association,
;Paso, Texas, November 15-18.
Suicide Prevented.
The startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been discov-'
growth and wool before them on the!cred w,n Interest many. A run down
tra'l before reaching the railroads ! ajaiem anu uesponuency invariant
eitht to ten hundred miles farther ! precede suicide and something has
ea(jl j been found that will prevent that con-
union wnicn moKes suicide likely.
C-room house and one lot, $800, or
will take in exchange, horses, wag
ons, poultry or anything of value.
Two business propositions on Main
We have anytaing you want In
real estate and It will cost you noth
ing to Investigate.
Office E. O. Building.
Oregon Sheep Are Better.
"This reminds me of the fact that
If ruyers could not now buy better
sheep here than in Montana for the
rame money, we would not now have
any buyers here at all. Why are our
sheop better? Plain proposition:
"In the first place, we shear sever
al weeks earlier; hence the same
kind and grade of sheep, other things
being equal, have a good start of wool
r n their backs which the later Bheared
Montana ehtcp do not have. Remem-be,-,
the purchases are made In both
states at the tame time, the demands
ot the Eastern market malting no al
lowances for the differences in the
season being against the Montana
'Second, cur sheop Invariably and
always rome out of the wintor In bet
tor conc'liion, simply because we have
a milder climate.
' Ihl-il, our lambs come two months
catlier nlcn and discount the Mon
tana Inn. lis for feeders because thoy
ha ' n big start on them in size, and
'.be bu; en. cftD afford to pay more
f-ir Ifccp ui feeders.
"To offset these unquestioned ad
vni.iapes tn-r Is only the difference
In frt'ighl to our disadvantage."
At the first thought of self-destruction
take Electric Bitters. It being a
great tonic and nervine will strength
en the nerves and build up the sys
tem. It's also a great stomach, liver
and kidney regulator. Only 50c.
Satisfaction guaranteed by Tallman &
Co., druggists.
With Large Displays in all Departments.
$2,000 Offered for Fruit and Fruit Exhibits.
More than $30,000 In Premiums and Prizes.
Five or More Exciting Races Each Day. $12,000 In Purses.
Downtown Carnival Each Night.
Fifth Regiment British Artillery Band.
Free High Class Vaudeville Attractions. Daily.
Fine Mineral Display, Dog Show, Art Exhibit, Etc., Etc.
Remember Low Rates and Special Excurslona on all Rllroads.
Concession privileges for sale. Write for premium list and race
ROBERT H COSGnoVE, Secretary and Manager.
Bids Wanted.
Sealed proposals will be received
at the office of the undersigned until
Thursday, nt 4 p. m., August 25, for
excavating approximately 2450 yards
of earth for the Crawford & Smith
building. Specifications and blanks
for bids can be had at the office of
the architect, room 12 Judd building.
Puts an End to it All. ,
A grievous wall oftlmes comes as 1
a result of unbearable pain form over-1
taxed organs. Dizziness, backache,
liver complaint and constipation.
But thanks to Dr. King's New Life
Pills they put an end to It all. They
are gentle but thorough. Try them.
Only 25c. Guaranteed by Tallman & '
Co."8 drug store.
Has moved to Cottonwood street, between. Water and Court. He U
better prepared than ever before to do high-class plumbing at reasona
ble rates. Estimates cheerfully given. If you have work to do In his
line see him before you go elsewhere.
BECK, the Reliable Pltimfee
A Standard For Quality. Cleanliness and Workmanship.,
Hand MadeXlear Havana.' FLVNN&CCMakersr
Attention Sheepmen.
Range to lease and can locate
some good range and water. Address
Football and many other outdoor
games are played by the blind, cer
tain changes being mado so that In j box 44, La Grande. Or
eacn gumo iiiu bbuou ui h-uhub lonuo
the place of sight. New fall clothing at Roosevelt's,
p-onlan lot a. iree cai
aIogtc of them. A foil supply always kept in stock.
,,.( hmi-s it into snlin'ert majM
hopn tho fn-c of y -s -a-rfas VI
It wns run into by s-imethtoj!
M,ort Ik iaim in G.ad" or tat
pleasure in knowing that lnoj
you can have it maae k j-
onrt lilni-lfsmlthlnz in a 8X1B3J i
i , v set tire '
hydraulic pressure; does IM
or deface your wheels ana
the life of the rig. Call aw
work. We have Winona
Hacks and Buggies, and Storer i
lino Engines. TUCn,
The Blaekamlthf.
are mucu wuiojj
to an
OPTIC Tbenti,
when tne eyt correct,
glasses will be abMrfnteW w
No charge is tittle for aPI"'
the sight and very little tor
Ing , ,, nn
SPEUTAVto v"7 nurpo8efl.
for reading or wwf-fJSS .P
Wo carry a full H"6".?. P mo
cle sand eyeglass.es. w
orate. nW
Jeweler and Opc
OLD NBWBl'Ai ij.j- or ior --
it th BA8T OBBOO"'
ton, Oreo-