East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 22, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Wo make specialty of unu
T Riial perfumes the rare and
imported tuat are not found In f Two Porcupines Killed In Town
moat drug stores. Our line of
perfumes will appeal especial
ly to those fastidious folks who
wish to affect a distinctive odor
unlike those in everyday use.
The popular and latest crea
tions of Plver, Roger & Oallot,
Pinaud, Hudnut, etc.
Threshing Machine Records Called
to Spokane by Illness Returned to
Tennessee Sixteen Carloads of
Fruit Shipped in One Week Pe
culiar Results of a Resurvey Sale
of Fruit Land.
Poatofflce Block.
Phone Main 851.
Milton. Aug. 22 Born to Mr. and
Mrs. C. V. Howard. August 14. a son:
I to Mr. and Mrs. Dunnie Sweeny, Aug-
' list 16, a daughter: to Mr and .Mrs. A.
J M. Blxel, August 19, a son.
I I Several weeks ago .Mrs. B. F. Wll-
Hams killed a large porcupine in the
t street near her home In the central
, part of town. Ou Friday evening of
J i last week Joe West killed another.
back of the college.
Claud Steen, In a 20-dnys run with t
, a 2S-lnch machine, threshed 1G.200
sacks of wheat. The Frazier outfit, '
I tl-l.l, n OCfnnt, mnnhlxo I.. HO .1...... t
, ; n,u U ..U-tUl.ll UiUbllUIC, 1 L, , HUfO
j threshed 14.336 sacks of wheat and
J j barley.
J W. E. Putnam and family are at
J (Long Beach on a three weeks' outing.
Emmett Vinson Is working in the
i yaru wnue .r. rumam is ausout.
Mrs. D. E. George was summoned
to the bedside of her daughter. Mrs.
Clare Walters of Siokane. last Thurs
day. She left. Immediately. Word
from Mrs. George Saturday says that
The Japanese army now besieging
Port Arthur amounts to 60.nrt0 men.
The government force of 6000 men sne Is some easier hut not yet out
at Asuncion. Paraguay, is deserting Df danger.
to the rebel forces. The temperance rally held in the
The total damage from the St. ' Freewnter park last Sunday, was
Louis cyclone of Friday amounts to largely attended. The best of order
S150.000 on property. prevailed.
Five people were killed bv the ex-. Walter McGhee and family, who
plosion of a carload of dynamite at have n up 'n Franklin county.
Nevada Mo.. Saturdav night. I Wash., harvesting for the past 30
Three English sports swam the have returned. Mr. McGhee
Straits of Dover Sunday, makini: the'ff5 ,h.e c,ro" Herehls
distance leisurely in 24 hours. ! ir an.d r an ollen quality. He
,..,. t, . ' nis a homestead and will return In a
Seattle Knights of Pythias won the . few weehs , ge, ready to seed
prize for having traveled farthest to Mr and Jlrs F B Pennocl5i who
reach ihe Louisville convention. , wea- to the mountnns a (ew W)Jcks
Two thousand people gathered in ,' ago for their baby's nealth, came
Cripple Creek Sunday, and deported down today and went over to Walla
four union miners from the district. ! Walla to see a doctor. The child's
The Girard. Kan., lodge of Knights I condition Is not satisfactory, as It
of Pythias won the first prize of S1000 1 does not seem to Improve.
In the drill at the Louisville conven-, Robert Mllhora and family, who
'ion. came here about two years ago. left
Heavy rains dama.ed fine Parisian Saturday Jor their old home In Ten
gowns belonging to "the French o.v Mr- Mllhorns health has not,
hlblt at the St. Louis fair, to the ben of the ueat for tne Vaat 'ear.
amount of SSOO.OtiO , and he thm'Sht perhaps home would t
. - . . ... ,. . I restore it again. .Mrs. rienry. Mra.
Maggie Dougherty, of New ork ' Mnhorn 8 moth returned them.
City, was recently scalped by an auto. , Rev AIkin of h M E cnurch
Her doctor took the detached scalp , delivered hls (areweI, sermon for the
and replaced It on her head, and It U conference year, here last Sunday.
no growing nicely. I Mr Alk,n ,ms proven WmgoK tQ
.The Filipino class of 23 in number. a sincere, devout, earnest man. of
who have been reciting in public in deep convictions, and it will be seri-1
the mode! Filipino school at St. Louis , ousjy regretted by not only his own I
have declined to take further part In members, but by the average citizens '
the school because they were called of the community. If he is not re
"llttle savages" In a government re- j turned. He goes to the annual con-'
i terence next Thursday, which eon-
venes at The Dalles.
PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. Frank Worthlngion and family
i went to Walla Walla yesterday to be
The cornerstone of a new tlSrt.OOO , ready to begin work on a $5Ui0 resl-1
court house has been laid at Astoria, j dunce In that city Monday.
The town of Ilo, near Lewlston. was Nelson Manela, Byron Hawks, F. i
destroved by fire Saturdav; loss of H- Cooliv.-e jit Wait and family and j
$30 niwi J A. .M. Elani and family have all re-
Baker City gambling games are still I ,urned lrom lheir summer outln '
running despite the sheriff's Inten- j Large Fruit Shipments. j
tions of closing them. 1 Sixteen carloads of melons, apples, !
Ex-Superintendent Potter, of ten Plums and peaches were shipped from !
Chemawa Indian School, has just ; tn'8 Pnt last week and probably j
been married to one of the pupils of I twice that amount will go out this
-.he. school. Miss Mary J. Smith, at ' Prunes will be coming In at ;
Redding. Cal. ' a "vly rate for the next two weeks.
A sunar freight rate war has been, Results of a Resurvey.
precipitated by the Milwaukee line. 1 In a recent survey of North Milton
by which the rates on sugar from ! quite a number of the citizens found
Chi a to Spokane have been reduc-1 their fences and buildings on some
d about Au per cent ;one else's proporty, which will cause
The Malheur Water ITaers' AbmooI- "n'8 real uHtnte transactions. or
atlon has raised 5o.0i shares of the . art house moving. A. M. Elam. ,
!ii.ihh shares in 'be association, and b' tno survey, has fallen heir to a i
work on the government Irrigation peculiar shaped piece of land, which
projei t is to begin this fall, it Is wUl known in Milton from now on
thought a "devil's alley." It lies between
Alice Newell, age S, saved the life Pj"' ,B; ??n'L J101 )V"lta I
at u llltlc Mimnanlnn o.oH - U'al. ' -"u ,U,B UI,U " - wiue aim
The St. George.
E. E. Trousdale and wife, city.
Iiuls Sedgwick, city.
D. R. Atkinson. Portland.
F. C. Urltscb. Sprague.
Charles Bosley. Sprague.
George E. Mosser. SiKiUane.
William Hamilton Chicago.
Kmll Uerbrugghe. Shoshono.
F. F. Waffle and wife. La Grande
Henry Harbach. Helix.
R. L. Abuy. Helix.
S. M. Steele. Portland.
A. F. Kees. Walla Walla.
James J. Wlmnms. San Francisco.
O. M. Neunielster. Tncoma.
T. J. Gardner. Portland.
J. A. Allison. Portland.
J. J. Burns. Pnrtland.
Amelia Young. Spokune.
Wealthy Dibble Saginaw.
James K Stone Denver.
The Hotel Bickers.
Charles Jeunnlg Portland.
S. A. Frans. Spoknne.
May Cnrmichael. Weston.
G. D. Melhaffay. Wnltsburg.
Mrs. C. W. Orton, Spokane.
Miss Flo Kellean. Spokane.
Miss Prudte Kellean, Spokane.
Mrs. C. M. Powell, Seattle.
M. H. Davis. Scattxe.
Airs. M. H. Davis. Seattle.
John E. Day and Vlfc. Senttle.
R. Erving. Portland.
E. H. Burke, Portland.
1.. Stubblefleld. Seattle.
George Jackson, Seattle.
John McLas. Walla Walla.
F. U Mock, city
A. B. Cooley, city.
Mr. Van Horn and wife, Mcacham.
Mrs. N. Berkeley and children, city.
Mrs. H. Taylor, Baker City.
Mrs. F. Kilkenny. Baker City.
Charles RIemaner. city.
L. L. Lleuallen, Adams.
Albert Harala, Havana.
W M. Redford, city.
J. G. Callesou. city.
W. A Redford. Portland.
J. H Buell. Elgin.
Mrs. Julia Roble. Athenn.
W. M. Fraker. McKay.
U L Morey. Spokane.
5 S. Gill. Spokane.
.Mrs. K. Davis. Ridge.
Wi!;ani J. Mooro. Spokane.
Byron Hunter. Pullman.
Miss Roberta Rippey. Uklah.
L. G. Huston, city.
Benton Davis, city.
J. S Cunningham. Portland.
N. E Tucker.
H. H. Trausdale.
Fred Murrav.
G. H. Ijival.
August Lance.
C M. Hevenfest.
Tom Martin.
C. R. Rem and wife.
R. D. Burk.
J M. Edwards, Portland.
O. T Cams. Pilot Rock.
W. P. Andrus. Portland.
Furnish Sinter. a Grande.
W. M. Hoerston, Mason City.
C. M. Umborger. McKay.
The Pendleton.
W. P. Allen, city.
A V. Beesley. Portland.
F W. Waile. Sun Fram-aco.
Geriiiide Morrison. North Ynklma.
A. C. 'Levy. San Francisco.
F. J. Tweedy, city.
Walter McPierce, city.
F S. McMalian. Walla Walla.
O. B. Prael, i onland.
B. P. Billings and wife. Omaha.
C. S. Foster, San Francisco.
H E. Lewis. San Francisco.
P. K. Parkhurst. Portland.
N. A. Milter and wife. Athena.
A. Sinshelmor. Portland.
C. -H. Reynolds. Freewater.
F. Wleden. Boise.
C. M. Smith. Boise.
Mrs. A. M. Charles. Boise.
S. J .Hayes. Starbuck.
S. G. Dunn. Portland.
G. J. McEvoy, Portland.
J. M. Spence. Portland.
Charles Berkeley, Portland.
Mrs. W. S. Berdan. Jr.. San Fran
cIbco. W. M. Rice. Portland.
(i T. Forties and wlte. Neater.
Mrs.-W. W. Ward. Dayton.
Mrs. Mattie Hedglugton, .Moscow.
P. Healey. Ogden.
Prices are greatly re.
We are fnst closing out nil our summer goods
Summer corsets now for
Snllor hats, new style
Corset covrs, three for
(.nines Knit iiruvis, mte uunuui
$1.00 worth of ribbon, lnce or cmproldery of nny style, tor one week
tor , 75.
Men's summer underwear, 30c kind for '
Men's work shirts i "39. u
Men's good heavy overalls, worth 76c, our price 60
Striped overalls, 60c kind now j S0c
Sun lwnnets, worth 25c, now . 15e
Shirt waists, all kindB, 20 per cent off.
A EOc toilet article free with every J5.00 purchase.
Suicide Prevented.
The startling announcement that a
lace Idaho SiS feat Iong' wUb no rlhl angles, j preventive of suicide had been dlscov-
lace. mano. annua. UJ plunging HO, , . h,,,,, nin ,Unj, ,.,. Urert u-llt Intnrost mnnv A mn.rfnu.-n
a creek and dragging the little girl
out. when she was sinking for the
second time.
Forest fires in the Cascades in
Mr. Frulda. through the Oregon
Land Co. of Milton, sold a 10-acre
tract of fruit land Saturdav to a man
Washington have burned the Great named Countryman, from Nebraska.
Northern snow sheds and by burning '
several small bridges on the Northern MORE LAND RECLAIMED.
Pacific have blocked traffic on that
road temporarily. .Twenty Thousand Acre Tract to Be
Jesse Reeder. or St. John's. Wash.. entered Under Carey Act.
was drawn Into a self-feeding appa- Crook county Is to have another
ratus of a threshing machine. Satur-' Portion of Its thirsty arid lands re
day, and his legs horribly mangled by ' claimed, says the Prlneville Journal,
the band of knives, from which he j Twenty thousand acres lying be
died In a few hours. tween Squaw creek and the Deschutes
, . , I river have been appropriated under
H. C Clark, a miner, shot A. J.Tay-,,h0 proVi8ions of the Carey act thls
!?r C.U.Tr f, th. Nor"'ern, Pacl- week, and as soon as the selection re-
one side being nine inches loncer ered will interest many, A run-down
than the other. system and despondency Invariably
precede suicide and something has
been found that will prevent that con
dition which makes suicide likely.
At the first thought of sclf-deatruc-
, tlon take Electric Bitters. It being a
great tonic and nervlno will strength
en the nerves and build up the sys
tem. It's also a great stomach, liver
and kidney regulator. Only EOc.
Satisfaction guaranteed by Tallman &
Co., druggists.
flc, while the conductor and brakeman
celves the approval of the state land
were trying to put nlm off a moving I hn.ni n(.u- n,,..,i ..,.i. ,m
freight train at Oaksdale. Saturday. uegn on the canal lines
juyiur win pruuauiy live
C-room house and one lot, $800, or
will take in exchange, horses, wag
ons, poultry or anything of value.
Two business propositions on Main
We have anytulng you want In
real estate and It will cost you noth
ing to Investigate.
Office E. O. Building.
The water to be used on the seg
regation will be taken from the main
canal of the Squaw Creek Irrigation
Company, and will be carried through
two main lateral ditches aggregating
25 miles in length. This main canal
already carries an abundance of wa
Realistic Melodrama at the Frazer
Promises to Be an Entertaining
The "Joshua Simpklns" company,
which will play at the Frazer tonight,
Is in the city, and the members are
well pleased with the appearance of
They are surprised at the business
activity here, compared to other cities
of this size they have recently visit-ed.
The company carries a large
ter taken from Squaw creek, and cov-; amount of scenery In order to produce
ers a portion of the new company's
selection. The laterals will reclaim
the balance.
The land to be reclaimed is a level,
open tract, similar to that of tho Co
lumbia Southern's segregation, and is
covered with sagebrush and some jun-IJor.
Bids Wanted.
Sealed proposals will be received
at the office of the undersigned until
Thursday, at 4 p. m., August 25, for
excavating approximately 2450 yards
of earth for tho Crawford & Smith
building. Specifications and blanks
for bids can be had at tho office of
tho architect, room 12 Judd building,
the realistic sawmill scene, which Is
said to be tho most thrilling stage
feature over presented In America.
As this Is the opening performance
for tho season. Manager Taylor feels
pleased to bo able to present this
company, which has played with such
signal bucccss all over the Northwest.
Puts an End to It All.
A grievous wall oftlmes comes as
a result of unbcarablo pain form over
taxed organs. Dizziness, backache,
liver complaint and constipation.
But thanks to Dr, King's New Life
Pills they put an ond to it all. They
are gentle but thorough. Try thorn.
Only 2Sc. Guaranteed by Tallman Sc.
Co.'s drug store.
Convention of Those From the Larger
Niagara Falls, N. Y., Aug. 22. The
National Association of Postmasters,
the membership of which Is composed
of the postmasters of all the large
cities of tho 1'nlt.ed States, opened Its
annual convention at the Internation
al hotel here today. The attendance
is the largest In the history of the
association's conventions.
A brief business session was held
this afternoon at which addresses of
welcome were dellvored and respond
ed to, committees appointed and
other routine business transacted.
Sessions for the discussion of mat
, tors relating to the duties of the post
, master and the general Improvement
of tho postal service will bo held dur
ing tho three days beginning tomor
! row. Third Assistant Postmaster
Genernl Madden, Civil Service Com
j missinner Cooley and others will ad
dress the convention.
The Columbia
Lodging HotJ
Ten thousand pounds of new hops
were sold nt Salem Friday for 27
CU LoofTh tskf NOW, I WONDER )
6vTTEj j- (vvhm- ,T WAS A
7 cirfi friARY T0LD ME ?"
( ; VrAH that's it!! siS:
1 ;
Well ventilated, neat uj ,
fortable rooms, good lj.
In connection, whr
goods are served.
Main street, center of Wo
. . .
ueiween Alia mi View
rer set, jo.uu; gow crort
$4.00; silver filling, 50c; A
trading, 50c.
We are thoroughly equips
with all modern methods 1
appliances, and guarantee 1
work to be of the highest sa
dard, and our prices the lots
consistent with first-class wi
White Bros.
Association Block.
Phone Main 1661.
f , accdi? tuit nn N'OT
are much worse than none at
to an
glasses will be absolutely corrtaj
No charge is maue nere y-j
the sight and very little for m
"Inpnuim po np EYEGLASS
for reading or general pnmo.54;.
We carry a full 'Ine oj pwa w
cle sand eyeglasses Prices are
lewder and Optical
Poatoffiee Block.
and broke It Into Prtl
been the fate of A
it wns run Into by ft.ff I
"there Is balm InOUeM.
nlnnolirA In knowing .efl
you can have Ht'H
We do an Klaus ikiufoJ i
and blacksmith
hydraulic pressure; does fcsj
does it while you wftl'. ao 4, 1
or deface your s ni e 1
.h life of the rig. .PA" waM
work. We have 7s"0Ter W
u.,i. find Buggies, ano o-
line EBg.u. B0THERS,
The East Oregonian - XM
.J. reoresentatlve PP'r' tt J
.how n vj "-". medlum '1
It thO OVO"'"' a